Imágenes de páginas

number is devoted to Javier Prado y Ugarteche, that eminent scholar being discussed from various angles by H. Borja G. y Urrutia, Edelberto C. Boza, R. Bustamante Cisneros, P. Morales de la Torre, Juan B. de Lavalle, Pedro Yrigoyen, and Fabio Lozano T. February, 1922: "Antecedentes de la guerra de 1879", by Antonio García Salazar; "Cristóbal Colón", by Manuel I. Vegas; "La Estética en la libertad", by Alejandro O. Deustua; "José Santos Chocano y Walt Whitman", by George W. Umphrey: "El Perú de la primera centuria republicana", by Pedro Dávalos y Lissón; "Tres notas de nuestra alma indígena", by José Santos Chocano.

The section of México Moderno devoted to Reviews of Reviews is conducted by the Honduran scholar, Rafael Heliodoro Valle, who is now in Mexico, but who spent several years in Washington in connection with the Honduran boundary question. While in Washington, Mr. Valle contributed notes of a similar character to this REVIEW. The number of México Moderno for November 1, 1921, is devoted almost entirely to Ramón López Velarde. The following authors have appreciations of López Velarde: Enrique González Martínez, Enrique Fernández Ledesma, José Vasconcelos, Antonio Castro Leal, Pedro de Alba, Génaro Fernández Macgregor, Rafael López, José D. Frías, Alejandro Quijano, and Luis Augusto Kegel. Other items are: "Oración fúnebre pronunciada en representación de la Universidad Nacional", by Alfonso Cravioto; "Retablo a la memoria de Ramón López Velarde", by José Juan Tablada; and poems by Ricardo Arenales, Rafael Heliodoro Valle, Alfonso Camín, José Gorostiza Alcalá, and Juan E. Coto

The Mid-Pacific Magazine, Honolulu, for September, 1921, contains an article entitled "Art and education in Pacific Latin America".

The Pan American Review for December, 1921, publishes articles as follows: "South America and population"; and "The great Brazilian international exposition".

Language and historical students will find the newspaper La Prensa, which is published daily in New York, of use as an aid to their studies. This advertises itself as the only Spanish and Hispanic American daily published in the United States. It contains considerable news from Hispanic America. La Prensa will also be an aid to teachers.

The Proceedings of the Mississippi Valley Historical Association, 1919-1920, which are published as an extra number of The Mississippi Valley Historical Review, for November, 1921, contains an interesting article by William E. Connelley, entitled "Dr. Josiah Gregg, historian of the Old Santa Fe Trail".

Razón y Fe for October, 1921, contains: "Boletín de historia americana", by C. Bayle, S.J.; and "Crónica de la Argentina". December, 1921; Crónica de Méjico. January, 1922: Crónica de Chile, Méjico y Filipinas". February, March, and April: Crónica de Méjico. This paper also contains book reviews of books relating to Hispanic America.

Revista Bimestre Cubana, in its numbers for July-August, SeptemberOctober, November-December, 1921, and January-February, 1922, contains instalments of a continued paper by its editor Fernando Ortiz, entitled "Un Catauro de Cubanismos.-(Mamotreto de 'cubicherias' lexicográficas)," and "Cristóbal Colón y el descubrimiento del nuevo mundo", by Ricardo V. Rousset; and "Datos históricos cubanos". The second number mentioned contains "El Parasitismo social en nuestra América", by Julio C. Salas; the next number, "En pro de la reciprocidad arancelaria con los Estados Unidos", by Miguel Arango; and "Las Responsibilidades coloniales de España y el Ibero americanismo", by J. Conangla Fontanilles. Of bibliographical importance is the "Catálogo de la Biblioteca de la Sociedad Económica de Amigos del Pais de Habana".

The Revista Chilena de Historia y Geografía for the third quarter of 1921, has lately made its appearance from the Imprenta Universitaria of Santiago de Chile. Like its predecessors which have been mentioned in this REVIEW, it is a dignified volume quite worthy of the Sociedad Chilena de Historia y Geografía, whose publication it is. This volume of 500 pages contains the following material: "Discurso pronunciado en representación de la Sociedad Chilena de Historia y Geografía en el Ateneo de Santiago", by Carlos Vicuña Mackenna; "Los Indígenas del Ecuador", by Joaquín Santa Cruz; "La Minería en Chile y Perú" by Santiago Marín Vicuña; "Correspondencia de don Antonio Varas con don Francisco Fuenzalida, sobre elecciones y revolución de 1851 en la provincia de Aconcagua"; "Homenaje a Bolívar", by Carlos Silva Vildósola, Ricardo Montaner Bello, and José Austria, "Historia del reino de Chile situado en la América Meridional (continuation)," by

Fray Antonio Sors; "20 de agosto de 1820", by Javier Martín M.; "El Ministerio Varas y la candidatura de don Manuel Montt", by Alberto Edwards; "Un Ejemplo de cómo se iba o se venía de España en el siglo XVI y contratiempos e imprevistos que solían ocurrir", by Tomás Thayer Ojeda; "Reseña histórico-biográfica de los eclesiásticos en el descubrimiento y conquista de Chile (continuation)", by id.; "Los Vestigios de industria humana encontrados en Miramar (República Argentina) y atribuidos a la época terciaría", by Eric Román; "El Conflicto eclesiástico de Tacna", by José Luis Fermandoiz; "El II tomo de la Historia Militar de la Guerra del Pacífico, por el coronel don Guillermo Ekdahl", by M. J. Poblete A.; "Bibliografía Chilena (continuation)", by Luis Montt; "El Servicio sanitario en el ejército de Chile durante la Guerra del Pacífico, 1879-1884", by Rafael Poblete M.; and "Don Manuel Vicente Ballivián".

The Revista de Derecho, Historia y Letras contains the following material in its January issue: "Año nuevo. Síntesis de historia argentina", by Estanislao S. Zeballos; "Belgrano", by Tomás P. Silvestre; "Cazuelas y miriñaques", by R. Monner Sans; "Centenario de la entrevista de Guayaquil (monumento conmemorativo)", reproduced from La Prensa, Buenos Aires, December 5, 1921; "La Cuestión ferrovaría", by Francisco Seguí; "Desgaste de energía psiquica", by Diego T. R. Davison; "Educación moral.-¿Que se ha logrado en un siglo?", by Sebastián L. Marcó; "La Elección de Buenos Aires", by Estanislao S. Zeballos; "En el Día del árbol (discurso pronunciado en Jujuy)", by Emilio Villafañe; "La Entrevista de Guayaquil", by Carlos A. Aldao; "Nuestra vida pública y el carácter individual", by Miguel V. Molina; "Personalidades sociales. Los Escalada", reprodced from La Prensa, Buenos Aires, September 16, 1916; "La Transformación del romance en la Argentina", by María Velasco y Arías. In addition to the above, the editor, Dr. Estanislao S. Zeballos, conducts sections monthly devoted to "Analecta" (in which are given "Bibliografía hispano-argentina americana"; and "Libros recibidos"), and other Bibliography.

In October, 1921, appeared in São Paulo, Brazil, the first number of a new monthly review entitled Revista Nacional, which is published by the Comp. Melhoramentos de S. Paulo (Weiszflog Irmãos, incorporado). This number contains the following items: "As Aranhas", by Mello Leitão; "Bibliothecosophia", by Alfredo G. Dos Santos Diniz; "Educação physica", by Francisco Roca Dordal; "A Egreja Catholica e a

educação nacional", by Mario Pinta Serva; "O Ensino da logica nos gymnasios officiaes Paulistas (to be continued)", by Abilio Alvaro Miller; "Transformação do scenario de 7 de setembro", by Affonso d'E. Taunay.

In Revue Hispanique, for February, 1921, will be found a study by W. E. Retana, entitled: "Diccionario de Filipinismos, con la revisión de lo que al respecto lleva publicado la Real Academia Española". It should also be noted that the number for December, 1920, contains an article entitled "Rubén Darío, y el siglo XV", by Pedro Henríquez Ureña.

The Southwestern Historical Quarterly Review, in its issues for October, 1921, and January and April, 1922, contains instalments of the highly interesting "Bryan-Hayes correspondence", which is edited by E. W. Winkler. The first two issues above mentioned contain instalments of "Journal of Louis Birdsall Harris, 1836-1842", The October issue contains also "Conditions in Texas affecting the colonization problem, 1795-1801", by Mattie Austin Hatcher; "Early irrigation in Texas ", by Edwin P. Arneson. The January issue also contains "Founding of Nuestra señora del Refugio", by William E. Dunn; and the "The last Treaty of the Republic of Texas", by W. P. Webb. The April issue contains also "Edward Hopkins Cushing", by E. B. Cushing; and "The Indian policy of the Republic of Texas, I.", by Anna Muckleroy.

Vol. V

The Hispanic American

Historical Review

AUGUST, 1922

No. 3

Anglo-Spanish Relations in America in the Closing Years of the Colonial Era



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