"There are three quadrangles: the north for Gotamists; the south for those that would be knaves if they had wit enough; the middlemost for such as are bigami. An outward quadrangle also, at both whose entrances is placed a whirligig. "Books. -Books given to the library:-Coryat's Crudities; Dr. Dan. Price's Anniversaries, † with his other works, bound with Navis Stultifera; Justice James' Bellum Papale; Agrippa Encomium Asini; Festivus Vitulus Aureus; Encomium Moria; Raim. Lullus Ars Magna et Parva; Budæus de Asse; Dominicus a Soto; Duns Scotus; Liber an Homo sit Asinus; Bird, of All Souls, his Sermon, and Pueriles (if you will), but not Cato; Car. Proverb.; Grunii [Grunnii] Corocotte Porcelli Testamentum; & primer; Tenterbelly; Howes' Chronic.; Disputationes Pueriles; a children's dictionary; Seneca, manuscript. "When they keep their Act, Dr. James to answer in Divinity. "The Lottery. Dr. Sh. being out of office, and so parted with his custom, drew a pillow. Dr. Dan. Price, anchovies,' and could not draw anything but victual. "Statutes in gre.'-He that dies, if he have not a son worthy to succeed him, must leave one of the Fellows hæredem ex asse. "Benefactors.-Will. Sommers, Charles Chester, Patch, "Buble," &c., Fortuna præcipue. [Margin. Tom Copper of Okingham.¶] "The College never to be overthrown, because the world cannot stand without such a foundation. Therefore these willing to guide, &c. "Exercis. Schol.-Disputations De anima et intelligentiis forbidden. An de sensu et sensato? They must maintain a vacuum. The diversity of moons in divers places, with the cheesy substance of it. "For geography, Sir John Mandeville's Travels; and the South Indies. "Exercises.-They may play at no game at cards but Noddy and Lodam. No Christmas pastime but blindmanbuff, push-pin, and blow-point; no race, but the wild goose race; no walking in the summer, but to look [for] birds' nests-especially the cuckoo. "Apparel.-Wear no gloves but calf's skin, yes, and goose skin; no breeches but motley, and are therefore to have all old cloak-bags given them to help the poorer sort : and these to be kept in their wardrobe till time serve: they are to pluck off their fur from their gown, that they may prove true men. A feather in their cap,-they cannot be too light-headed. "Lands.-They must hold nothing in capite, but as much as they will in socage, and nothing in fee tail but fee simple. "Probationers.-None admitted till past twenty-four, lest he prove wiser, and so be cut off from the hope of the fellowship. "He may be chosen, be he never so old, if he be able to show himself juvenis moribus, et sic inidoneus auditor. Many of the books and authors here mentioned are well known-those I have not thought it necessary to note. Some few I do not know. Wood notices Prince Henry, his First Anniversary, 1613, 4to, as written by Dr. Daniel Price. He also preached Prince Henry's funeral sermon. Josias Bird published Love's Peerless Paragon, & sermon on Cant. ii. 10, in 1613. He was chaplain to Alice, Countess of Derby. See Wood's Fasti, i. 334. $ Perhaps the Commentary of Cartwright, the Puritan, on the Book of Proverbs. Howes's Chronicle. Who were these? "Causa deserendi Collegium. - Experience to be expelled for fear of corrupting the company, and yet in some cases to be admitted, for Experientia stultorum magistra. "Ignoramus' to be played every year, that they may be perfect, and on their election day a mock play. "No pictures but 'We three.' "Si sapientior fiat ipso facto amoveatur, non si doctior, because the greatest clerks are not always the wisest men. "If he be honest and constant expelletur, he is not unsettled enough, &c. "Thos. Muriel chosen, because, being senior proctor of Cambridge, the University refused him to be the father of the Act; a thing not known before, and given him for his worth. 'Morly chosen for a most famous sermon made at St. Mary's in Oxon, upon which both head and fellows took such a liking to him that there was [a] particular statute for him, that he should not be expelled whatever he committed, but still be thought worthy of his place. "Traveller's place.-Coryat's successors: if he have a child eligible, they are bound to elect him. No man may travel but in the Ship of Fools, never coming near the Cape Bone Spei, and their travel must be most toward 'Gotsland'; Fooliana the fat; Morea. "The head to be married and to keepe his wife in the College, that the children may be right-bred. "He must give over his house that accepts of any other benetice but those that are in the College gift; but with any of them he may keep his house as long as he will. "They must roast their own eggs, but their fuel to be borrowed out of the town. "Founders' kinsmen.-The Dunces, Half-heads, Calfes, Medcalfes, Woodcocks, Blocks, Goslings, Wildgooses, Harebrains. "Election. Their election to be at Cockoe't time more formally, but at all times else extra ordinem, because of the number of those who continually will be provided for the place. "Pictures to be set up in their quadrangles.—Þıλavrla Assentatio, Oblivio, Miσorevía, Voluptas, Amentia, Delitiæ; Duo di- Kuos, Deus comissationis, NypETÓS UTVоs, Dulcis somnus. Among other rough notes intended for insertion in their proper places in the complete work occur the following: "Whereas there hath been a foolish and sophistical book intituled An Homo sit Asinus, which maketh a doubt of that question, and lastly resolves negatively: that hereupon there may be a college which shall not by such quaint and sophisticate quiddities, but by most gross and sensible realities, prove the whole tract to be false. "No physicians, for physicians are no fools. "No other tongue to be spoken than their mother tongue, lest they should forget that to which they were born, and ne affectare videantur exotica. "No division of texts in sermons, because no division must be in the Church. "St. Needes [Neots?], if it were not for their patroness, Fortune, had all dwelt there. "Asses to be kept against the consumption of their wit. "Young Mr. Linkes to be schoolmaster to and of the seminaria of the College. • Of Pembroke Hall, proctor in 1611. Originally written "at Midsummer moon." "Paul Clapham, another of the seminary schoolmasters. "They have this privilege of nature newly bestowed, that their old men shall not be ever bis pueri, if they make a good choice at first. "Tell the holes of a sieve on both sides. "Excluduntur medici. 1st. Quia, a fool or a physician. 2nd. Less he should cure the rest. 3rd. Lest any man that is sick should borrow a physician hence and be worse. "Dominus Thomas Lectus, collegii con-founder, et ob hoc preclarum opus jam nuperrime honore militis assignatus. "The schoolmen foresaw this worthy foundation should be; otherwise they had never distinguished of Appetitus Intellectualis, Sensitivus, Naturalis, which no where else is to be found. "They must swear by nothing but By this Cookoe,' or By the swine that taught Minerva;' Juro per anserem.' "This title, Octavus Sapientum' annexed to the headship." There are many other similar random jottings which I must leave, at any event for the present, and among them that which some people may esteem the most curious thing of the whole,-the outline of perhaps an intended Latin play upon the same subject. It is divided into what would have been acts or scenes, and the first of them runs thus: 66 Ingrediuntur, Dr. Sampsonus, Dr. Danielus, Albeeus, Equinus, colloquentes de Oxoniâ relinquendâ et Stanfordiæ erigendo collegio suis ingeniis magis digno. Causas hujus secessionis enarrant, præpropere faciendum. Dr. Dan. et Albeeus statuunt statim Stanfordiam iter facere, et ibi situm commodissimum designare. Interea Equinus recipit se apud Vilpolum rhetorem insignem acturum ut literas suasorias ad Dominum Lectum det, quæ istos ad hoc collegium junctis sumptibus ædificandum efficaciter hortantur. Exeunt." I shall feel obliged by your correspondents directing me to any sources of information respecting the subject to which these curious papers relate. On many grounds they seem to me to have an interest. Unless your readers think so too, I fear they will consider that I have trespassed very unreasonably upon your pages. JOHN BRUCE. 5, Upper Gloucester Street, Dorset Square. A STATE-PAPER RECTIFIED. In the Miscellaneous state papers which were edited by the second earl of Hardwicke in 1778, in two quarto volumes, we have various specimens of the correspondence of James I. and the favorite Buckingham. I shall not presume to characterise the letters on either side, unexampled as they are in some particulars, the interpretation of an obscure phrase in one of the letters, assigned to the year 1624, being the main object of this note. The extract which follows, modernised by the noble editor, contains the phrase in question: I have forgotten to write my legable hand in this letter, forgive me." The editor adds this note to the mysterious phrase - "Hardwicke makes this a suit of fine Hollands." But the critic leaves it, with regard to the majority of readers, almost as much a inystery as before! I must act the commentator. The form of the small h was sometimes used as a capital. A fac-simile of the signature of sir Henry Wotton appears thus, henry Wotton—so hue means Hugh. We now advance to 1846. The same letter was edited in that year by Mr. Halliwell. For hue Holland he substitutes Hugh Holland, and adds this note "This is, of course, a petition of a person of the name of Hugh Holland." The accumulation of materials on the life and writings of Shakspere, the splendor of the volumes in which those materials are embodied, and the recent patriotic proceedings at Stratford-uponAvon, have obtained for Mr. Halliwell a very eminent position, but I cannot conceal the surprise which I felt on observing that he had failed to recognise, in a person of the name of Hugh Holland, the pupil of Camden-the friend of Ben. Jonson-the eulogist of Shakspere! The best account of Hugh Holland is given by Fuller in his Worthies of England, 1662. (Wales, p. 16.)-but it is devoid of dates. The Cypres garland of Holland, 1625, 4°. also contains many particulars of his career. Besides that poem, and "Then you great lord, that were to me so gracious, It is very probable that our non-poetical poet presented one of the three manuscripts on each of those occasions. Alas! neither the praise of Camden, nor the friendship of Ben. Jonson, nor the patronage of Buckingham, availed. He did not obtain the favor which he solicited; and, as Fuller expresses it, he "grumbled out the rest of his life in visible discontentment." He died at Westminster in 1633, and letters of administration, of which an attested copy is in my possession, were granted to his son, Arbellinus, on the 31 August. BOLTON CORNEY. The Terrace, Barnes, S.W. A LAW PASTORAL. The Transactions of the Northern Circuit are said to be recorded in a book accessible to members of the circuit only, and to them under the understood protection of "private and confidential." So the Northern Circuit keeps to itself a large amount of very good wit till it becomes mouldy a word which may be applied to jokes when the circumstances under which they were made are forgotten. Should some modern Cneius Flavius treat this book as the Roman did that of Appius Claudius, he will serve the public; but I wish it to be understood that I have not seen the sacred volume, or obtained an extract by treachery. The poem which I offer was repeated to me by one remarkable for the accuracy of his memory; and by putting down what I remembered then, and hearing scraps quoted by others, I think I can give a satisfactory copy. About thirty years ago, Joseph Addison joined the Northern Circuit. Sir Gregory Lewin had been on it some years. Addison had been a pleader under the bar he was a first-rate lawyer, a good scholar, and a thorough gentleman. He was : the marginal summary. Take two examples from me. The best part of the wit will be understood by lawyers only, and the Common Law Procedure Act is making much of it obsolete. The next generation will know no more about it than the present does of attornments; but I think you have enough of us among your readers to excuse the insertion of a piece which I know Lord Macaulay thought the best imitation he ever read. Persons are mentioned of whom I know nothing. If anything interesting is known about them, a statement of it will be acceptable. I believe all but one are dead. I leave a blank for his name, though I am sure he would relish the joke even more than the char. "THE CIRCUITEERS. AN ECLOGUE. SCENE: The Banks of Windermere.-TIME: Sunset. ADDISON, LEWIN. Addison. How sweet, fair Windermere, thy waveless coast! 'Tis like a goodly issue well engrossed. Lewin. How sweet the harmony of earth and sky! 'Tis like a well-concocted alibi. A. Pleas of the crown are coarse, and spoil one's tact, Barren of fees, and savouring of fact. L. Your pleas are cobwebs, narrower or wider, L. Agreed: our song shall pierce the azure vault; That precious right, my friend, I freely yield, nor care how late I end. "We have no case; but cross-examine rigidly." 4. Blackhurst is coy, but sometimes has been known Fiendlike, his eye, then chucks the brief to Knowles. neither pedantic nor obtrusive, but he loved to *"No words or singing are equivalent to an assault." L. Tell me the difference first-'tis thought immense, A. Take these, well worthy of the Roxburgh Club, 4. I give this penknife case, since giving thrives, AN INNER TEMPLAR. PARTICULARS REGARDING SIR WALTER RALEIGH. Thirty or more years ago, I began to make collections for a new "Life of Sir Walter Raleigh ;" but the publication of Tytler's biography, and another subsequently by Mr. Whitehead, induced me to forego my scheme. I find, however, among my scattered papers, a few that I think may, some time or other, be of use to those who are looking for, or arranging, additional materials; and, as I do not know of a better depository for them than "N. & Q.," I add two or three of them now: hereafter, if acceptable, I will transmit others for insertion. There are so many memoirs of Sir Walter, that it is possible I may include some particulars already printed; but, to begin, I do not believe that such is the case with the following information, derived from the original accounts of the Lieutenant of the Tower, at the time when Sir Walter Raleigh and his friend and coadjutor Lawrence Keymis, or Kemys, were in custody early in the reign of James I. Of course, this was only about the middle of Raleigh's career; but I do not profess to observe chronological order in my contributions to his history, and those who at any future period may avail themselves of them will be able at once to determine to what dates they belong, and what events they illustrate. The first account is thus headed: "The demaundes of Sir George Harvie, Knight, Lieutt of the Tower of London, for the diett and charges of Prisoners in his custodie for one whole quarter of a yeare, viz. from Michaelmas, 1603, to Christmas following." After a statement of the charge on account of "the late Lord Cobham, and the late Lord Gray," we arrive at this entry: Kirkwood's case, Lewin, Cro. Ca. 143. "Sr Walter Raleigh, Knight. "Lawrence Kemishe, Esquior. Item for the diett and charges of Sr Wal-ter Raleigh, Knight, for himself and two servants, from the 16 Deer, being then sent from Winchester to the Tower againe, for one weeke and a half ended the xxyth of December, att iiijli the weeke - vjli." Item for the diett and charges of Lawrence Kemishe, Esquior, from the 29th Sept. 1603, untill the last of December, on which day he was discharged from the Tower, being 14 weekes and two dayes, at xl the weeke xxviij xjs viijd." Here we see the precise charge made for Raleigh, and that he was attended by two servants; but no servant is mentioned in the entry for Kemys, who we know was often examined and questioned as to his complicity with Sir Walter and his friends, in the plot for which they were tried at Winchester. The next account relates to the Fleet Prison, to which it should seem both Raleigh and Kemys had been removed: it is from Christmas, 1603, to the feast of the Annunciation, 1604. It is in this form : "Sir Walter) Item more for the diett and charges in Raleigh, -the Fleete of Sir Walter Raleigh, Knight, Knight. and two servants, for two weekes and a halfe, at vi the weeke xijli xs." Here we see that no addition of Esquire was made to the name of Kemys while he was confined in the Fleet. It is to be presumed that he was discharged at the end of the week; and we meet with no farther mention of him, on this authority, in either place of confinement. Of Raleigh we next hear after his return to the Tower, in an account by the Lieutenant, from the feast of the Annunciation, 1604, to the feast of St. John the Baptist in the same year. The charge is for thirteen weeks; not at 4l. per week, as in the first instance, but at 57. per week, as in the Fleet; and the total is 65l. The latest account by the Lieutenant of the Tower, that I was able to procure a sight of, was down to June 24, 1605; when the charge of 51. per week for Raleigh and his two servants was continued. I may mention by the way, and as a biographical note of some interest, connected with the fate of Henry Constable, author of the beautiful sonnets published in 1592 under the title of Diana, that he was in the Tower for ten weeks in 1604, between the feasts of the Annunciation and St. John; and that the charge by the Lieutenant, for keeping and maintaining him, was 37. per week. In the next account nothing is said of him; so that we may infer that he was no longer in custody there. Reverting to Kemys, it may be farther stated, that there is extant from him, but never yet printed that I am aware of, a long letter to the Earl of Salisbury, dated August 15 [1604], denying the truth of any allegations against him; and bearing testimony to his long friendship for, and dependence upon, Sir Walter Raleigh. Kemys, as is well known, afterwards destroyed himself on shipboard in a fit of grief and despondency at the unmerited anger of Raleigh, who had been his effectual patron. Among my miscellaneous papers, connected with the long and friendly intercourse between Raleigh and Lord Cobham, tried together at Winchester, I have met with the following letter, which bears the date only of "12th August," but in what precise year I am unable at this moment to determine: perhaps some of the readers of "N. & Q." will be in a condition to supply the year from circumstances mentioned in it. It is addressed"To the right honorable my singular good Lorde, the Lord Cobham, Lo. Warden of the five Ports," &c. "My worthy Lorde,-I am now arived, having stayde so long as I had means. I caused the Antelope to be revitled for 14 dayes, which was as much as that place could afforde; and that being spent, I durst not tarry to cum home towards winter in a fisherman. I presume there is no cause to doubt it: the castells are defensibell enough, the country reasonabell well provided, and the Spaniards will either do some what more prayse worthy, or attend a better opportunitye. I am reddy now to obey your commandments. If you will come to the Bathe, I will not faile yow, or what soever else your L. will use me in in this worlde. "I will now looke for the L. Henry of Northumberlande, who, I think, will be here shortly, knowing my returne; and I doubt not but he will meet us also att the Bathe, if your L. acquaynt hyme with the tyme. It is best, if your L. propose it, to take the end of this moneth att farthest. "I here that the Lord Chamberlayn is dead: if it be so, I hope that your L. may be stayde uppon good cause: if it be not so, I could more willingly cum eastward then ever I did in my life. How so ever [it] be, they be but things of the worlde, by which thos that have injoyed them have byne as littell happy as other poore men; but the good of these thinges wilbe, that while men are of necessity to draw lotts, they shall hereby see their chanses, and dispose them selves accordingly. I beseech your L. that I may here from yow: from hence I can present yow with nothinge but my fast love and trew affection, which shall never part from studying to honor yow till I be in the grave. "Wemouth, the 12 of August. "W. RALEGH. [P.S.] "My L. Vicount hath so exalted Mieres' sutes agaynst me in my absence, as neather Mr Sergent Heale, nor any one else, could be hard for me to stay trialls while I was out of the land in her Majesties service, a right and curtesy afforded to every begger. I never busied mysealf with the Vicount, neather of his extortions or poy sonings of his wife, as it is here avowed and spoken. I have forborne hyme in respect of my L. Thomas, and chiefly because of Mr Secretory who in his love to my L. Thomas hathe wisht mee to it: but I will not indure wrong at so pevishe a foole's hand any longer. I will rather loose my life; and I think that my L. puritan Periam doeth think that the Queen shall have more use of roggs and villayns then of mee, or els he would not att Byndon's instance have yielded to try actions agaynst me, being out of the lande." The whole of the above is in the handwriting of Raleigh, as well as the following document, which may serve to explain what is said in the P.S. regarding Mieres. "Know all men that I Sr Walter Ralegh, Knight, Capitaine of her maties Gard, and Lord Warden of the Stanneries of Devon and Cornwall, doe hereby aucthorise John Meere, my man, to take, cutt, and cary away, or cause to be cutt downe, taken, and caryed awaye, all such manner of Trees, growinge in my manor of Sherborne, or else wher within any other my manors, or lands, in the Dorset, when he shall think convenient, to be employed hundreds of Sherborne, or Yedmyster in the county of to my necessarie use in my castell of Sherborne, as to hym I have gyven dyrection: whom I have appointed as well keper of the same castell, and to demand and keepe the kayes of the same, as also to be overseer of all my woods and tymber within the sayd hundreds, that no spoyle be made therein; or of any Fesaunts, or other game of the free warren whatsoever, within the same. Moreover I doe aucthorise him bereby to receave to my use all knowledge money, dew unto mee by my tenauntes within the sayd hundreds. In witnes where of I, the the sayd Sr Walter Ralegh, have here unto put my hand and seale the xxviijth daye of Auguste in the xxxiiijth yeare of the Raigne of our Soveraigne Lady Elizabeth, by the grace of God Queene of England, Fraunce, and Ireland, defender of the Faythe, &c. W. RALEGH." Out of this deed of 1586, no doubt, grew the lawsuit between Raleigh and Meere, which Justice Periam had heard during the absence of Sir Walter from England. J. PAYNE COLLIER. Maidenhead. FASHIONABLE QUARTERS OF LONDON. [NO. II.] Though York House (late Norwich House), in the Strand, was granted to Archbishop Heath by Queen Mary, for the town residence of the Archbishops of York, in lieu of their former palace seized by Henry VIII., it is doubtful whether he or any of his successors ever inhabited it: for Sir Nicholas Bacon was residing in it, certainly as early as the second year of Elizabeth's reign. He had previously resided in Noble Street, Foster Lane, Cheapside, in a house which he built, called Bacon House. Of the London residence of Queen Elizabeth's next Lord Chancellor, Sir Thomas Bromley, there is no record; but it is not improbable that he also inhabited York House, inasmuch as several of his successors did. Lord Chancellor Sir Christopher Hatton had a grant of the Bishop of Ely's house, in Holborn, long before he had possession of the Great Seal, |