Imágenes de páginas

essences to fish and such like. Further, we often hear it said in the case of an invitation to dinner, "we can give you a plain meal, but no sipper sauces," none of those luxuries found at a "regular spread." Also, in the way of taking physic, the patient here is told to swallow the potion without "sippering" or sipping at it, that is, without tasting it slightly, as people are apt to do while making the effort to bolt it. G.




HERALDIC QUERY (3rd S. v. 478.) — The coats about which MR. W. J. BERNHARD SMITH inquires, are 1. Hill of Hales, Norfolk. This is figured on p. 410 of Guillim, ed. 1724. 2. The lady's coat is Graham, as borne by the Duke of Montrose, the Grahams of Norton Conyers, and Netherby. Should this reply enable MR. SMITH to identify the date of the match and the persons, a note in "N. & Q." from him would much oblige D. P. SEPTUAGINT (3rd S. v. 419, 470.) - MR. BUCKTON will much oblige if he will read An Enquiry into the Present State of the Septuagint Version of the Old Testament, by the Rev. Dr. Henry Owen, F.R.S., Rector of St. Olave, Hart Street, 1769. It is a duodecimo, 180 pp. Its perusal will prove that he was well qualified to pronounce an opinion. The book is a remarkable one; and I desire to know if his charges of wilful corruption by the Jews were ever attempted to be disproved.

Stuarts Lodge, Malvern Wells.


MARROW-BONES AND CLEAVERS (3rd S. v. 356.) The custom mentioned by your correspondent H. S. was of frequent, if not constant occurrence, in the early part of this century. I was married in London in the year 1815; and, on our return from church, a card was sent in, to the best of my recollection, nearly identical with that quoted by H. S., but this postscript was added: "Having our Books of Presidents to Show." There was also an intimation that the marrow-bones and cleavers were in readiness, and would play if required.

Few persons refused the gratuity (about five shillings) in order to escape what would have been an annoyance to themselves and neighbours. My wife remembers the rough music, as it was called, playing occasionally for two days in a street in her neighbourhood, and causing a great disturbance: this must have been between fifty

and sixty years ago.

The marrow bones and cleavers were played, a few years since, in the town where I reside; but I have not heard of another instance, and, as the bridegroom was a butcher, perhaps it was only a professional welcome.

H. E. R.

DOCTOR SLOP (3rd S. v. 414, 415.) Your correspondent JAYDEE will find, in Atkinson's Medical

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MARK OF THOR'S HAMMER (3rd S. v. 458.) — Permit a descendant of Thor or Thorn (Hampson's Medii Evi Kalendarium, vol. ii. p. 375) to say that the fylfot or "Son word" will be found figured as an heraldic emblem in Boutell, p. 40, fig. 143. It will also be found in Sabine Baring Gould's Iceland, p. 299, where he writes, "We were shown the stone in the tu'n of Thorfastathr. The only marks on it were two: the first is certainly (says Mr. Gould) Thor's hammer, the second a magical character." I say it is the Digamma, hence your correspondent calls it the "Gammadion." This Digamma, in the classics, has, as is well known, three forms, and they stand each for the figure six in Greek numeric power. But if we turn to Godfrey Higgins, we find that acute philologue referring the same to its analogous letter in Hebrew, the great conjunc tion or letter vau. I will not occupy your valuable space further, but if A. A. feels any thirst for further information, I shall only be too happy to show him the power of the Digamma, alias Thor's hammer, in more than one way. LE CHEVALIER AU CIGNE.

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343, 447.)- For the information of your corre"THE DUBLIN UNIVERSITY REVIEW" (3rd S. v. spondent, and in reply to his request, I beg to state that the second vol. of this Review is in my possession, and is entitled, "The Dublin University Review, New Series, Vol. I., January to November, 1834. Dublin: R. Milliken & Son, Grafton Street," pp. 514. After the title-page follows "Contents of No. V.," and then "Contents of No. II., New Series." As there are only these two numbers in the volume, and as on the first page of

each, the Review is styled a "Quarterly Magazine," I at first thought they had been respectively published in January and in April, 1834, but on examination I found that this was not the case. No date is attached to these numbers (though the first four were dated in the Table of Contents), but, from dates afforded by the "University and Literary Intelligencer" appended to each, I find that No. V. must have been published on the 1st of May or June, and the last number in November; so that these two numbers really covered the year 1834, as the title-page declared. Mr. Cæsar Otway was the editor of this magazine in its quarterly form, and the Rev. Charles S. Stamford was the first editor of the monthly serial which followed. This periodical is interesting, not only from the valuable matter contained in its earlier numbers, but from its being the only magazine which has ever succeeded in Ireland.


CARY FAMILY (3rd S. v. 398, 468.)—If MELETES will refer to my query upon this subject he will observe that the particulars given were derived from a single source, viz. the papers supporting the claim of William Ferdinand Cary to the peerage of Hunsdon. What the precise value of this source may be I cannot at present pretend to but the little experience which I have had in genealogical investigations has rendered me very reluctant to accept any statement unsupported by evidence.


Perhaps I ought to have mentioned that the above W. F. Cary succeeded his cousin, Robert Cary (seventh Lord Hunsdon), who, till his elevation to the peerage, had followed the trade of a weaver in Holland. He died unmarried in 1702; and I see that Banks (Baronia Anglica Concentrata, ii. 197), after mentioning this fact, adds: "The heir, who may be now extant, not improbably may be in a situation of life not superior, and equally unaware of the rank to which he has a right."

Your correspondent rightly says, the "question still remains-was Sir Robert the only son of (Sir) Edmund?" If the following extract from Lysons's Cambridgeshire be true, it would appear that he was not :

"In 1632 it was the property of Valentine Cary, Bishop of Exeter, whose nephew, Ernestus Cary, sold it in 1646 to the family of Ventris." - Page 250, "Great Shelford."

This Bishop Cary seems to have puzzled Prince, who claims him as a "worthy of Devon," though he admits that he is said to have been born in Northumberland.


ARISTOTLE'S POLITICS (3rd S. v. 475.)- Mr. Lewes needs no defender: but I suspect MR. BUCKTON is in some confusion. I am not indeed aware from what source Mr. Lewes has derived his statement that Aristotle described 255 constitutions; and I agree that it is inaccurate to

describe the extant Treatise on Politics as a little one.

But on the other hand, I do not suppose Mr. Lewes meant literally that Arnold had “ committed to memory" that treatise, or any part of it, but only that he was quite familiar with it. I wish, however, to refer Mr. BUCKTON and your readers to the end of the preface to the third volume of Arnold's Thucydides (pp. xx. xxi.), which will show what Mr. Lewes seems to refer to. Aristotle certainly does not give 255 "outlines." The words which MR. BUCKTON quotes show that those outlines were in works now lost. What Arnold says is this:

"Even in Europe and America it would not be easy to collect such a treasure of experience as the constitutions of 153' commonwealths along the various coasts of the Mediterranean offered to Aristotle

So rich

was the experience which Aristotle enjoyed, but which to us is only attainable mediately and imperfectly through his other writings: his own record of all these commonwealths .. having unhappily perished." LYTTELTON.

SUCCESSION THROUGH THE MOTHER (3rd S. v. 459.)-FIAT JUSTITIA seems ignorant of the provisions of the statute 18 Victoria, chap. xxiii.; for which improvement in the law of Scotland, and others of a valuable kind, the country is indebted to Mr. Dunlop, M.P. for Greenock. I quote the words of sections 4 and 5:

"4. When an intestate, dying without leaving issue whose father has predeceased him, shall be survived by bis mother, she shall have right to one-third of his moveable (i. e. personal) estate in preference to his brothers and sisters, or their descendants, or other next of kin of such intestate."

5. Where an intestate, dying without leaving issue, whose father and mother have both predeceased him, shall not leave any brother or sister, german or consanguinean, nor any descendants of a brother or sister, german or consanguinean, but shall leave brothers and sisters uterine, or a brother or sister uterine, or any descendants of a brother or sister uterine, such brothers and sisters uterine, and such descendants in place of their

predeceasing parent shall have right to one half of his

moveable estate."



MISQUOTATIONS BY GREAT AUTHORITIES (3rd S. v. 454.)—I am afraid that no efforts of "N. & Q." can prevent occasional misquotations by great authorities-occasional noddings of Homers; but cannot something be said to open the world to the cruel wrong done, in invariably atof the eyes tributing the parentage of one saying to a lady in this respect at least perfectly innocent?

Why in the name of fortune is it, that the sentiment-"Comparisons are odorous"—is always given to Mrs. Malaprop, as it is by newspaper writers (who are the people fondest of this useful and hardworked quotation) of every degree, and without exception? I met with an amusing instance of this the other day in The Guardian —

a paper of which the writers are of very unequal merit certainly, but none of them usually ignorant of common English literature. The contributor of a column of gossip wrote, as it is the habit of such contributors to write : "But comparisons are odorous,' as Mrs. Malaprop says." Some correspondent, chivalrous enough to attempt the hopeless enterprise, wrote to call attention to the misquotation; whereupon the writer, in a next week's erratum, attributes the saying to its true author-the sapient Dogberry; and asserted that, what Mrs. Malaprop does say, is-"No comparisons, Miss; comparisons don't become a young woman." In the course of the following week, he apparently discovered that he had not yet done full justice, and had totally missed the point of what Sheridan wrote; and in a still farther erratum he gets right at last, by quoting Mrs. Malaprop correctly, as saying: "No caparisons, Miss; caparisons don't become a young woman." So that, to set the poor lady completely right, even with an author willing to make handsome reparation, was as difficult as driving a joke into a Scotch head is said to be. And after all my mind misgives me, that the next time I see the quotation made use of in a smart article, in what newspaper soever, it will stand as it always has stood: "Comparisons are odorous,' as Mrs. Malaprop says." C. A. L.

MARRIAGE BEFORE A Justice of THE PEACE (3rd S. v. 400, 469.)-The following notice of such marriages is extracted from a History of the Parochial Church of Burnley, by T. T. Wilkinson, F.R.A.S., Member of the Literary and Philosophical Society of Manchester, &c., &c., 1856. The Rev. Henry Morris, an "able and orthodox divine," was incumbent of Burnley from A.D. 1640 to A.D. 1653. On September 20, 1653, he was "chosen by the inhabitants and householders of the parish to be their Registrar;" and their selection was approved by Richard Shuttleworth [of Gawthorpe], and John Starkie [of Huntroyde]," two of the resident magistrates for the district. In the capacity of registrar, Mr. Morris —

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appears as witness to several marriages before the 'Justices of the Peace;' and, at the close of the second entry of marriage, it is added in the register that publication of banns was first made in Burnley Church, on the Lord's Day, according to Act of Parliament.' Among the earliest of those who availed themselves of these opportunities, we find the names of Richard Pollard, of Habergham Eaves, Linen Weaver, and Alice Sagar, daughter of Oates Sagar, of Walshaw, Husbandman,' who were married by Richard Shuttleworth, Esq., of Gawthorpe, one of the Justices of the Peace within the County of Lancaster, this sixteenth of December, in the year of our Lord God, 1653.' The next twelve entries supply the names of John Starkie, Esq., of Huntroyde; William Farrar, Esq., of Heywood; Lawrence Rawsthorne, Esq., of New Hall; Randle Sharples, Esq., of Blackburn; as Justices of the Peace officiating at marriages. Nor did the poorer classes alone avail themselves

of the services of the Justices; for about the same time George Halstead, of Bank House, and Elizabeth Belfield, of Extwistle,' also, Peter Ormerode, of Ormerode, YeoGentleman,' were united by the same means; in the man, and Susan Barcroft, daughter of Thomas Barcroft, presence of me, Henry Morris, Minister.' Throughout the whole of these extracts, it is curious to observe the careful distinction which is preserved between the Gentlemen and the Esquires. The latter title is exclusively applied to members of the highest families in the neighbourhood, whilst the former is the common designation of those belonging to the inferior gentry."-Pp. 45-46.


SENTENCES CONTAINING BUT ONE VOWEL (3rd in the good old days, when supper was a social S. v. 419.)-I have heard octogenarians say that, and a jovial meal, it was customary among the young people, in addition to composing charades and rebuses, to try to invent sentences containing only one vowel; and then to puzzle each other to decipher them by writing down the vowel only at certain distances, filling up the required number of consonants by so many dots.

I quote from memory a sentence from a manuscript book of charades and puzzles, dated about 1799; and could I at this moment lay my hand on the book, might perhaps find others of a like "Persevere ye perfect men,


Ever keep these precepts ten."

Doubtless, at the time the thing was in vogue, there were hundreds of sentences known, containing only one vowel in each; and it would not to string a whole paragraph together for himself. now be difficult for any one of ordinary ingenuity For instance, the following impromptu I have just made during the last ten minutes: —

Tamar Ann Magnall was at a gay ball at Almack's last May Day, and had a hand at cards.


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forbear, lest I draw down the withering wite of professional word-twisters. By the way, there is great confusion in the early uses of Wite=blame, Quite to requite, and Quit, in its various meanings and compounds. J. D. CAMPBELL.

HERALDIC QUERY (3rd S. v. 478.)-The names of the arms inquired after by MR. W. J. BERNHARD SMITH of the Temple will be found, upon consultation with Burke's Armoury, to correspond with the respective surnames of Hill and Graham. H. GWYN.

RICHARDSON (3rd S. v. 72, 123, 165.)-I am greatly obliged to SIR THOMAS WINNINGTON and C. J. R. for their information. I stated that

Conon Richardson was Abbot of Pershore on the authority of a MS. in the College of Arms, of the date 1633-4, marked C. 24. 2. It is there stated that "Conon Richardson, sometime Abbot of Parshore in Com. Worcester, and married

QUOTATION WANTED (3rd S. iv. 499; v. 62, after the desolution the daughter of Mr. Pates of 469.)

"God and the Doctor we alike adore." The true version of this epigram is to be found in the Works of John Owen of Oxford. My edition is Elzevir, 1647. The book is rather rare. "Intrantis medici facies tres esse videntur

Egrotanti; hominis, Dæmonis, atque Dei.
Cum primum accessit medicus dixitque salutem,
'En Deus,' aut, 'custos angelus,' æger ait.
Cum morbum medicina fugaverit, ecce homo,'

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Cum poscit medicus præmia, Vade Satan!'"

H. H.

QUOTATION FOUND (3rd S. v. 378.) —
"This booke,
When Brasse and Marble faile, shall make thee looke
Fresh to all Ages."

These lines are from the "Commendatory Verses"
to the "Memorie of the deceased Author, Maister
W. Shakespeare," prefixed to the folio of 1623.

WHITTLED DOWN (3rd S. v. 435.) —I question whether this expression was in common use. I rather think Walpole uses it merely metaphorically. Whittle, both in its substantive and verbal forms, has always been used in Scotland and in the North of England. To white is very common in Scotland (I can only speak, however, of the West).

In reading the note, it struck me that whit, "not a whit" might mean literally "not a whittling," "not a chip." The family is a very numerous one in our language, and has many branches. White, Withe, Wither, &c. &c.-the cant word too, witcher = silver, white metal. Is there any possibility of connecting wit, and kin, with the family under notice. Whit a point, that which is whittled to a point; wight=quick, sharp; a wit, is a quick, sharp, person; so needs a witch to be sharp and cunning, kenning. But I

Bredon, co. Vigorn, &c." I find at p. 72 there are three erroneous statements: 1. Henry Richwife was daughter of Anthony Nicholles, not ardson was living, not buried, A.D. 1634; 2. his Nicholls; and 3. the wife of William Richardson was daughter of Robert Kerrison, not Harrison. The above-named Henry Richardson's signature is on the document I have referred to. Probably a further light could be thrown on the pedigree by a search amongst the wills in the Probate Court and in the District Courts of Worcester, Gloucester, and perhaps Bristol, and very probably additional information could be obtained from the invaluable collection of Sir Thomas Phillipps, but for the present I am unable to avail myself of any of those sources of information. Capt., afterwards Major Edward Richardson, died about A.D. 1698. He was the ancestor of the Richardsons of Richhill, co. Armagh.

I find on reference to Foss's Judges and to Richardson, Ch. J. C. P., and afterwards of K. B., Manning's Lives of the Speakers, that Sir Thomas

was son of the Rev. Dr. Thos. Richardson of Mulbarton, Norfolk; was born at Hardwick, July 3, 1559, and died 4 Feb. 1635. His second wife was created Baroness Cramond, with remainder to his children by his first wife. The

title became extinct in 1735.


DUCHAYLA (3rd S. v. 477.)-Charles Dominique Marie Blanquet Du Chayla was an early pupil of the Polytechnic School, which he entered in 1795, three years before Poisson. He was afterwards a naval engineer-officier de génie maritime—and finally became Inspector-General of the University. I doubt if his name would appear in a biographical dictionary: and, unless there be something of his in the Correspondance sur l' E'cole Polytechnique, one of the hardest to get of modern

mathematical works, it is likely that his celebrated proof of the composition of forces is his only memorial. This proof was published, so far as I know for the first time, by Poisson, in the first edition of his work on mechanics. This, and its own ingenuity, has given it European circulation. Poisson has preserved, in the same way, the name of M. Deflers, Professor in the Collège Bourbon, attached to a verification of Fourier's celebrated definite integral. Of M. Deflers I know nothing more. A. DE MORGAN.

TOMBSTONES AND MEMORIALS.-The note (3rd S. v. 408) is another instance of the frightful way in which the memorials of our forefathers are being obliterated by the so-called “restorers” of our old edifices. Some stand should be made against this wholesale destruction. I heard an architect state that he always first swept away the "Pagan" works, before he took any pains abcut the restoration of the building. Could not the architect be indited under some ecclesiastical

law? Or, does the bishop's faculty (when obtained) cover all such abuses?

W. P. FUNERAL AND TOMB OF QUEEN ELIZABETH (3rd S. v. 434.)-Part of this statement has already appeared in Walpole's Anecdotes of Painters, &c., Wornum's edition, 1862, p. 195. Maximilian Powtran, Poutraine, also called Colt, or Colte, was master sculptor to the monarchs James I. and Charles I. No doubt, he was the designer of this work; but Walpole adds that John de Critz, "I suppose, gave the design of the tomb." De Critz was a painter and decorator attached to the household of both the above-named monarchs. There is plenty of painting and gilding about the tomb to cost the 100%. mentioned.


HENRY BUDD (3rd S. v. 417.)-From the Records of the Royal Court of Guernsey, I find that this gentleman was living in the island in May, 1755, at which time he bought two fields; and that for many years after this date, he was engaged in commerce, and made other purchases of real property. On the 11th of June, 1766, he was sworn Receiver of the Revenues of the Crown in the island, and held this office until the 29th of October, 1768; shortly after which time he fell into pecuniary difficulties. He was alive in February, 1782; was absent from the island on the 13th of May following, when proceedings were taken against him by his creditors; and must have died before the 9th of December, for on this day proceedings were commenced against his real property in the island, of which his brother William Budd had declared himself heir bénéfice d'inventaire."

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It seems to have been his intention to publish a history of Guernsey, for in the list of the claims

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"Isaac Dobrée, Ecr, a déclaré lui être dû une Guinée qu'il avança pour la soubscription de l'histoire de l'île de Guernesey."

Can S. Y. R. inform me what became of the collections made by Henry Budd for his proposed history? Berry has mixed up so much extraneous matter with his work, that it is anything but a history of the island; nevertheless, there are indications in it of his having had some valuable materials before him, if he had known how to use them. EDGAR MAC CULLOCH.


There was a Henry Budd, Esq., of 35, Russell Square, and Maine Parade, Brighton (1831), and subsequently of Pepper Park, Reading, Berks, who died Jan. 10, 1862; Charlotte, his wife, having died 26, 1830; Emmeline, youngest daughter, April 18, Jan. 30, 1848. Their eldest son, Richard, died Jan. 1851; and Charlotte, the eldest daughter, Sept. 28, 1854. These dates I take from a handsome mausoleum, about twenty feet high, at the extreme north end of the churchyard of St. Matthew, Brixton Road. Inscribed on its north face is, — "Richard Budd, Esq., born in this parish Nov. 26, 1748, and late of Russell Square, London, died July 8, 1824. This Mausoleum was erected as a memorial of affection to a respected parent by his youngest son, Henry Budd, Esq."

T. C. N.

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"De Sacerdote Furem consolante. "Quidam sacrificus furem comitatus euntem, Huc ubi dat sontes carnificina neces, 'Ne sis mœstus,' ait, 'summi conviva Tonantis, Jam cum cœlitibus (si modo credis) eris.' Ille gemens, 'Si vera mihi solatia præbes, Hospes apud superos sis meus oro,' refert. Sacrificus contra: Mihi non convivia fas est Ducere, jejunans hâc edo luce nihil."

J. B. D. PARADIN'S "DEVISES HEROIQUES" (3rd S. v. 485.)-It may possibly be of some use to mention that I possess a copy of this work, published at Lyons in 1557; and that, from the date appended to the dedication, it would appear to have been the first edition. A copy was sold to a London bookseller by Messrs. Sotheby & Wilkinson for 17. 10s., June 21, 1860. ABHBA.

HEWITT FAMILY (2nd S. vi. 326, 331, 421, 460, 465.) — Will any reader of "N. & Q.," who is

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