which, with your permission, I will relate in detail. He asks for information regarding John Bristow's supposed Survey of the Lakes, and gives an extract from Tymms's Family Topographer. Tymms, no doubt, has been misled by the faulty construction of a sentence at p. 476, vol. i. of Hutchinson's Cumberland, where S. Y. R. will find these words: Mr. Clarke gave an account of one John Bristow, a patriarchal character of his village (Stainton), who, at the time of publishing his Survey of the Lakes, was 94 years of age," &c. The pronoun his, in the foregoing sentence, has for its antecedent, Clarke, not Bristow; and Clarke's Survey of the Lakes is not an uncommon book. I have seen a copy in the possession of a descendant through females of the said John Bristow, who lives on his ancestor's property, "a prosperous gentleman," and points with pride to the paragraph respecting his nonagenarian ancestor; indeed, he adds that an ancient cat, which had scalped many generations of her natural enemies, and an elderly cock that had grown grey in the service of this senile household, are improperly omitted from the grand summary. J. THE PRATTS, BARONETS OF COLESHILL, COUNTY OF BERKS (3rd S. v. 174.)- From a pedigree I possess of this family, copied about the year 1818-9, out of a MS. Visitation in the British Museum, made in 1665, I find that Richard, second son of Sir Henry Pratt, the first baronet, had an only child Margaret. Your querist must, therefore, be under a mistake in claiming to be descended from him. He may, however, find a clew to the inquiry as to how the "china jug descended to him, in the fact recorded in the same pedigree that Elizabeth, the sister of the said Richard, married-1. Edward Baker of Tew, in Somersetshire; 2. Henry Pratt, of Weldon, in Northants; 3. Edmund Beale of London; and 4. Francis Phillips, of the Middle Temple, London, Esq. D. B. SAINTS' NAMES WANTED (3rd S. v. 166.)-I observe, in the "Notices to Correspondents" at this reference, that the editor cannot discover in any list of saints the names of SS. Romolo, Remigio, and Bacco. The first is St. Romulus, a martyr; whose name appears in a Latin book, with figures of saints engraved by Herman Weyen, and printed at Paris. The saint is represented there in a cope, and wearing a mitre; and an arrow, broken in his breast, denotes the mode of his martyrdom. It appears however, from Fleury, that he was only a sub-deacon; that he lived at Diospolis, and was beheaded by Urbinus, the governor of Palestine in 304. (Hist. Eccl. L., ix. n. 8.) The next is St. Remigius, or Remi, the wellknown French bishop who baptized King Clovis, FEMALE FOOLS (3rd S. iv. 453, 523.) — Allow me to add the following extract to my last communication on this subject: "La Czarine, qui parloit très-mal allemand et qui n'entendoit pas bien ce que la Reine lui disoit, fit approcher sa folle, et s'entretint avec elle en Russe. Cette pauvre creature étoit une Princesse Galitzin, et avoit été réduite à faire ce métier-là pour sauver sa vie. Ayant été mêlée dans une conspiration contre le Czar, on lui avoit donné deux fois le knouti. Je ne sais ce qu'elle disoit à la Czarine, mais cette Princesse faisoit de grands éclats de Mémoires de la Margrave de Bareith, vol. i. p. 43, rire." Brunswick, ed. 1845. This Czarine was Catherine I. HERMENTRUDE. ORIGIN OF NAMES (3rd S. v. 71.)--The following extract from an old book belonging to the parish of Keel, Staffordshire, on this subject, is worth recording: "Sarah Legacy, who was left as such to the town by some sorry person or other on the 5th of November last, baptized February 20th, 1737." W. I. S. HORTON. LORD SURREY'S ENIGMA (3rd S. v. 55.) —J. L. has, I think, deceived himself in the author. I imagined so, and carefully looked through two editions of Surrey to no purpose, and bethought me it might be Wyatt's; and there, in Bell's edition (Parker, 1854), I found it, with slight difference from J. L.'s text. I incline to the opinion of those who hold it answered best by a kiss, although, like the conceits of those days, leaving much obscure. Mr. Bell gives a note, which I subjoin, for the sake of the poem added to it of another and much more elegant poet. "Of the numerous riddles on the same suggestive subject, this may probably claim to be the earliest. It has been frequently imitated, but in no instance so closely as in the following dextrous lines by Gascoigne : "A lady once did ask of me This pretty thing in privity: Good Sir, quoth she, fain would I crave And if you seek to find it out, You lose your labour out of doubt. Then give it me, for sure you may.” sive of the meaning, carrying out the adage, never The last two lines of Wyatt seem to me conclukiss and tell. The writer is bound by it, and he who guesses it will be. J. A. G. SOUTHEY'S BIRTH-PLACE (3rd S. v. 89.) — Although Robert Southey was born at No. 11, Wine Street, Bristol, the house was subsequently divided into three separate dwellings; and I find that the actual room in which he first drew breath is situated under the roof of No. 9, now in the occupation of Mr. Trenerry, boot and shoemaker, and not in the house No. 11 as it now stands in the street. GEORGE PRYCE. Miscellaneous. NOTES ON BOOKS, ETC. The Works of William Shakespeare. Edited by William George Clark, M.A., Fellow and Tutor of Trinity Col lege, and Public Orator; and William Aldis Wright, M.A., Librarian of Trinity College, Cambridge. Vols. II. and III. (Macmillan.) These two new volumes of The Cumbridge Shakespeare contain Much Ado about Nothing; Love's Labour's Lost; Midsummer Night's Dream; Merchant of Venice; As You Like it; Taming of the Shrew; All's Well that Ends Well; Twelfth Night; and The Winter's Tale. When noticing the first volume of this edition, we entered so fully into the particulars of the well-considered and useful plan which the Editors had proposed to follow, and showed so clearly the great pains with which they had endeavoured to carry out such plan, that we may well, on the present occasion, content ourselves with saying that, although Mr. Glover, the Librarian of Trinity College, has been compelled, in consequence of his removal from Cambridge, to resign his share of the work, his place has been very efficiently supplied by his successor in the librarianship, Mr. Wright, who has already given good proof of his capabilities as an editor by the care with which he recently put forth Bacon's Essays. The pains with which all the different readings adopted into the text by other editors, and all the various emendations suggested by the Commentators, have been recorded, will go far to make the Cambridge Shakespeare a satisfactory substitute for the 21 volumes of 1821, the Variorum Shakspeare, as it is called, and which has hitherto been regarded as indispensable in the library of every student of the great Dramatist. While the absence of those biting allusions to the shortcomings of their fellow-editors, Messrs. C & D, in which Messrs. A & B so frequently indulge, to the detriment of their own reputation, and the disgust of all right-minded readers, will give the Cambridge Edition favour in the eyes of those who think that the writings of Shakspeare should be edited in the noble Catholic spirit in which they were produced. Life Portraits of William Shakspeare. A History of the various Representations of the Poet, with an Examination into their Authenticity. By J. Hain Friswell. Illustrated by Photographs of the most authentic Portraits, and with Views &c. By Cundall, Downes, & Co. (Samp. son Low.) Addison was doubtless right when he spoke of a reader's desire to know whether the author whose work he is perusing was "a black or a fair man, of a mild or cholerick disposition." And if this be true of ordinary authors, how true must it be of Shakspeare! For the solution of this natural curiosity, Mr. Hain Friswell has compiled a pleasant, chatty, and instructive volume, in which we have the various claims of the Stratford bust, the Kesselstadt mask, the Droeshout engraying, the Chandos, Felton, Jansen, and other paintings, to be considered as trustworthy representations of the great poet, carefully weighed, and their origin and history traced as far as it is possible to do so. While not the least amusing portion of the book is the notice of the many clever and ingenious forgeries by which unscrupulous manufacturers of "genuine portraits" have from time to time robbed their credulous customers. As Shakspeare portraits are, commend this portion of Mr. Friswell's volume to the we believe, still in process of manufacture, we especially attention of our readers. One word more, and that is a word of praise to Mr. Cundall for the capital photographs by which the book is illustrated. The Reference Shakspere; A Memorial Edition of Shaksspere's Plays, containing 11,600 References. Compiled by John B. Marsh. (Simpkin, Marshall, & Co.) It would seem at first sight somewhat difficult to hit upon a novel treatment of Shakspeare's Works for the purposes of publication. Yet this is what Mr. Marsh has accomplished in this Memorial Edition, in which his object has been to make Shakspeare self-interpretative, and to enable the readers of his Plays to judge him for himself by means of some 11,600 references upon 372 different subjects. How much pains it has cost him may be surmised from the fact that he has devoted the leisure of four years to its accomplishment, and that upon the subject of Love alone, there are more than 700 separate references. Shakspere's Songs and Sonnets. Illustrated by John Gilbert. (Sampson Low.) An elegant little book, which cannot be better described than in the words of the Publishers, who express a hope that in bringing together in an accessible form the whole of Shakspeare's Songs and the best part of his Sonnets, in enriching them with the graceful adornments of Mr. Gilbert's pencil, and in presenting them with all the advantages of choice type and paper, they are doing becoming homage to the Great Poet, and an acceptable service to his world-spread readers." Another Blow for Life. By George Godwin, F.R.S. Few men are better able to strike a blow in the cause of life and health against disease and death than Mr. Godwin, who has long done the state good service as a champion of sanitary reform. His present work, though evidently prompted by a most earnest purpose, is very wisely written in a popular style, and there are frequent glimpses of a quaint humour that forcibly reminds us of Thomas Hood. Those who would fain know something of their poorer neighbours - how they live and why they die yet have no stomach for such explorations as Mr. Godwin here describes, cannot do better than read his book. The Lives of Dr. John Donne, Sir Henry Wotton, Mr Richard Hooker, Mr. George Herbert, and Dr. Robert Sanderson. By Izaak Walton. (Bell & Daldy.) A new edition of Walton's Lives, and one of the nicest volumes which our late worthy Publishers have included in their beautiful Series of Pocket Volumes. EARLY ENGLISH TEXT SOCIETY.-Under this title a Society is in the course of formation which has for its object the printing an octavo series of Early English Texts, some for the first time, others re-edited from the MSS. from which they were originally printed, or from earlier MSS. when such are known to exist. The whole of the Arthur Romances in English will, if possible, be produced. The first year's operations will include "Si Sciret," a fanciful piece on the text Si sciret paterfamilias," Hali Meidenhad," and "The Wooing of our Lord," or "Wohung of ure Louerd," to be edited by the Rev. Oswald Cockayne, whose Saxon Leechdoms we noticed very recently,-and four Early English poems, to be edited by R. Morris, Esq., the editor of The Pricke of Conscience. One of these poems is "Sir Gawayne," the first of the English Arthur series. The second work of the Arthur Series will probably be the prose Merlin, or "The Early History of Arthur," of the middle of the fifteenth century, which has hitherto lain in the Cambridge University Library, unnoticed by bibliographers and editors of Arthur Romances. This will be edited by F. J. Furnivall, Esq. The Subscription is One Guinea, which may be forwarded to Henry B. Wheatley, Esq., the Hon. Sec., 53, Berner's Street, W. BOOKS AND ODD VOLUMES Particulars of Price, &c., of the following Books to be sent direct to the gentlemen by whom they are required, and whose names and aadresses are given for that purpose: QUEEN ELIZABETH'S GODLY PRAYERS.1st Edition. Poor copy, if large, would do. CALVIN'S TESTAMENT. Rivière, 1577. Bookbinding-Good specimens of tooled or stamped sides. Wanted by Rev. J. C. Jackson, 5, Chatham Place East, BIBLIA POLYGLOTTA, WALTON, ET LEXICON CASTELLI. 8 Vols. BIBLIA POLYGLOTTA, ed. Lee. PALEONTOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY'S PUBLICATIONS. HISTORY OF ANGLESEY, by Miss Lloyd. COLLINSON'S SOMERSET. 3 Vols. SELDENI OPERA. Du CANGE, GLOSSARIUM. WILLIS, SURVEY OF BANGOR CATHEDRAL. Wanted by Mr. R. Simpson, 10, King William Street, Notices to Correspondents. Our next Number, which will be issued on Thursday, will contain, among other Papers of interest HYMNS OF THE CHURCH. MRS. WILLIAMS' MISCELLANIES. CROMWELL'S HEAD. THOMAS GILBERT. PREDEATH COFFINS. THE MISSES YOUNG, &c. THE LATE SIR ROBERT PEEL was at Oxford, not at Cambridge, and was a Double First Class. W. WIGAN H., and T. 8. We have letters for these Correspondents. Where can we forward them? F. H. K. (Bath.) "N. & Q." is registered for transmission abroad. An unstamped copy may therefore be sent to India via Southampton for two stamps; but no other paper or writing must be enclosed with it. 48. The entry in the chapter library of Gloucester respecting Bishop Goodman is printed in " N,& Q." 2nd S. x. 265. ELOC will find much historical matter relating to the Order of St. John of Jerusalem, especially of the English Langue, in the 3rd and 4th vols. of the 3rd S. of N. & Q. K. P. D. E. Nine articles on the origin of the Crescent as a standard appeared in our 1st Series. See General Index. J. HUTCHINS. It has been conjectured that the origin of the saying "Cleanliness is next to Godliness is in Hebrews x. 22. Vide "N. & Q. 1st 8. iv. 491 Another reading," Cleanliness is next to goodliness," has been suggested in our 3rd S. iv. 419. IOTA. 1. The Rev. Thomas Comber, Rector of Oswald Kirk, died on Aug. 7, 1835 (Gent. Mag. Sept. 1835, p. 330.) For a list of his works see Biog. Dict. of Living Authors, 1816. We cannot find that he published any poetic or dramatic pieces.2. Performers in the Westminster Plays: Henry Owen Cleaver, ob. June 4, 1837. Gent. Mag. Sept. 1837, p. 321. George Randolph, Rector of Coulsdon, Surrey. Geo. Henry Glyn, ob. Mar. 4, 1837. Gent. Mag. June, 1847, p. 670. Geo. Heneage Wyld, now Walker-Heneage of Compton Basset, co. Wilts. See Burke's Landed Gentry. Wm. Harrison, Rector of Warmington, co. Warwick.—3. The Rev. T. W. Weare, the late excellent Second Master, is now residing near Hereford.-4. Hanno, a tragedy in Five Acts, 1853, was printed by Savill and Edwards, Chandos Street, Covent Garden. Hannibal, a drama in Two Parts, 1861, was printed at the publishers' office, Smith, Elder, & Co. Little Green Arbour Court, Old Bailey.-5. Address the letter to the Rev. B. H. Blacker, Rokeby, Blackrock, Dublin. *** Cases for binding the volumes of "N. & Q." may be had of the Publisher, and of all Booksellers and Newsmen. "NOTES AND QUERIES" is published at noon on Friday, and is also issued in MONTHLY PARTS. The Subscription for STAMPED COPIES for Six Months forwarded direct from the Publisher (including the Halfyearly INDEX) is 11s. 4d., which may be paid by Post Office Order, payable at the Strand Post Office, in favour of WILLIAM G. SMITH, 32, WELLINGTON STREET, STRAND, W.C., to whom all CoMMUNICATIONS FOR THE EDITOR should be addressed. "NOTES & QUERIES" is registered for transmission abroad. BUCKLE AND MACAULAY. In 8vo, elegantly printed, Post Free for Three Stamps. CATALOGUN OF BOOKS from the LIBRARIES of the late H. T. BUCKLE, Esq., and LORD MACAULAY, consisting of the Authorities consulted by those eminent Historians in compiling their celebrated works, "The History of Civilization" and " The History of England." Also a Portion of the Library of a well-known and eminent F.S.A., London and Scotland; together with many Curious and Valuable Books, obtained from various sources, FOR SALE by RICHARD SIMPSON, 10, King William Street, Charing Cross, W.C. Books bought in any quantity. TO AUTHORS: MURRAY & Co.'s NEW MODE of PUBLISHING is the only one that affords Authors, publishing on their own account, an opportunity of ensuring a Profit. Estimates and particulars forwarded on application. MURRAY & CO., 13, Paternoster Row, E.C. ECOND-HAND BOOKS.-A LIST of BOOKS fine condition, for the Gentleman's Library: also, a List of Classics: send Stamp for postage.-W. HEATH, 497, Oxford Street, London. New Books supplied on favourable terms. BAGSTER'S BIBLES, in superior flexible Bindings. BAGSTER'S PRESENTATION BIBLES. BA Illustrated Catalogue, now ready. AGSTER'S BIBLICAL WORKS. Vintage 1840... Vintage 1847.. 848. 728. all of Sandeman's shipping, and in first-rate condition. Fine old "beeswing" Port, 488. and 608.; superior Sherry, 368., 428. 488.; Clarets of choice growths, 368., 42s., 488., 60s., 72s., 848.; Hochheimer, Marcobrunner, Rudesheimer, Steinberg, Leibfraumilch, 608.; Johannesberger and Steinberger, 728., 848., to 1208.; Braunberger, Grunhausen, and Scharzberg, 488. to 848.; sparkling Moselle, 488., 608., 668., 788.; very choice Champagne, 668. 78s.; fine old Sack, Malmsey, Frontignac, Vermuth, Constantia, Lachrymæ Christi, Imperial Tokay, and other rare wines. Fine old Pale Cognac Brandy, 608. and 72s. per doz. very choice Cognac, vintage 1805 (which gained the first class gold medal at the Paris Exhibition of 1855), 144s. per doz. Foreign Liqueurs of every description. On receipt of a post-office order, or reference, any quantity will be forwarded immediately, by HEDGES & BUTLER, LONDON: 155, REGENT STREET, W. Brighton: 30, King's Road. (Originally established A.D. 1667.) AU-DE-VIE.-This pure PALE BRANDY, 188. recent importations of Cognac. In French bottles, 38s. per doz.; or in a case for the country. 398., railway carriage paid. No agents, and to be obtained only of HENRY BRETT & CO., Old Furnival's Distillery, Holborn, E.C., and 30, Regent Street, Waterloo Place, S. W., London, Prices Current free on application. 66 ECONNOITERER" GLASS, 9s. 6d. ! Weighs miles off, Jupiter's Moons, &c.; as a Landscape Glass is valuable for twenty-five miles. Nearly all the Judges at Epsom and Newmarket use it alone. "The Reconnoiterer is very good."-Marquis of Carmarthen. "I never before met an article that so completely answered its maker's recommendation."-F. H. Fawkes, Esq. of Farnley. "The economy of price is not procured at the cost of efficiency. We have carefully tried it at an 800-yard rifle-range, against all the glasses possessed by the members of the corps, and found it fully cqual to many, although they ha cost more than four times its price."Field. "Effective on the 1000-yard range."-Captain Sendey. Royal Small Arms Factory, Enfield. An indispensable companion to a pleasure trip. It is as good as it is cheap."Notes and Queries. Post-free, 10s. 10d. The" Hythe "Glass shows bullet-marks at 1200 yards, 31s. 6d. Only to be had direct from SALOM & CO., 98, Princes Street, Edinburgh. No agents. PARTRIDGE & COZENS Is the CHEAPEST HOUSE in the Trade for PAPER and ENVELOPES, &c. Useful Cream-laid Note, 28. 3d.per ream. Superfine ditto, 38. 3d. Sermon Paper, 3s. 6d. Straw Paper, 28. Foolscap, 6s. 6d. per Ream. Black bordered Note, 5 Quires for Is. Super Cream Envelopes, 6d. per 100. Black Bordered ditto, 18. per 100. Tinted lined India Note (5 Colours), 5 Quires for 1s. 6d. Copy Books (Copies set), 1s. 6d. per dozen. P. & C.'s Law Pen (as flexible as the Quill), 28. per gross. Name plate engraved, and 100 best Cards printed for 38. 6d. No Charge for Stamping Arms, Crests, &c. from own Dies. Manufacturing Stationers, 1, Chancery Lane, and 192, Fleet St. E.C. This EXTENSIVE LENDING LIBRARY, the only one of its kind in London, contains 80.000 Volumes, including a large proportion of Old and Valuable Works not supplied by ordinary Circulating Libraries. The Reading Room is furnished with the principal Periodi cals, English, French, German. Fifteen Volumes at a time are allowed to Country Members, Ten to Residents in London. Terms, on nomination, 37. a year, or 21. a year with Entrance Fee of 67.; Life Membership, 261. Prospectus, Free. Catalogue, 2nd Vol., 28. 6d. Open from 10 to 6. ROBERT HARRISON, Librarian and Secretary. ABOVE 50,000 Volumes of rare, curious, useful, and valuable BOOKS, Ancient and Modern, in various languages and classes of Literature, splendid Books of Prints, Picture Galleries, and Illustrated Works, beautifully Illuminated Manuscripts, on Vellum, &c., are now ON SALE, at very greatly reduced prices, by JOSEPH LILLY, 17 and 18, New Street, Covent Garden, London, W.C. A New Catalogue, including a selection of Books from the valuable Library of the late H. T. Buckle, Esq., will be forwarded on the receipt of two postage-stamps. NOTICE TO BOOK-BUYERS.-J. RUSSELL for MARCA is now ready, containing 5,000 Volumes, classified, on Biography, Heraldry and Genealogy, Fine Arts, Archæology, Numismatics, Philology, Bibliography, Poetry and Fiction, Voyages and Travels, English History, Divinity, Natural History, and English Topography. Forwarded on receipt of a Postage Label.-J. R. SMITH, 36, Soho Square, London. MILLER'S MONTHLY CATALOGUES of OLD BOOKS, No. I. New ISSUE, ready This Day, Gratis and Postage Free for One Postage Stamp. JOHN MILLER, formerly of CHANDOS STREET, TRAFALGAR SQUARE, begs to inform his Old Customers and Book-buyers generally, that he has just published the above List, containing many curious and uncommon Books, a few Autographs, Cruikshankiana, and Literary Varieties. JOHN MILLER, 15, Panton Street, Haymarket. BOOKBINDING in the MONASTIC, GROLIER, MAIOLI and ILLUMINATED styles-in the most superior manner, by English and Foreign Workmen. JOSEPH ZAEHNSDORF, BOOKBINDER TO THE KING OF HANOVER, English and Foreign Bookbinder, 30, BRYDGES STREET, COVENT GARDEN, W.C. QOND'S PERMANENT BON MARKING INK. The original invention, established 1821, for marking CRESTS, NAMES, INITIALS, upon household linen, wearing apparel, &c. N.B.-Owing to the great repute in which this Ink is held by families, outfitters, &c., inferior imitations are often sold to the public, which do not possess any of its celebrated qualities. Purchasers should therefore be careful to observe the address on the label, 10, BISHOPSGATESTREET WITHIN, E.C., without which the Ink is not genuine. Sold by all respectable chemists, stationers, &c., in the United Kingdom, price 18. per bottle; no 6d. size ever made. NOTICE.REMOVED from 28, Long Lane (where it has been established nearly half a century), to CHU 10, BISHOPSGATE STREET WITHIN, E.C. HUBB'S LOCKS and FIREPROOF SAFES, with all the newest improvements. Street-door Latches, Cash and Deed Boxes. Full illustrat d price lists sent free. CHUBB & SON, 57, St. Paul's Churchyard, London; 27, Lord Street, SCENTS. PIESSE and LUBIN'S SWEET SENTERA NIUM, PATCHOULY, EVER-SWEET, NEW-MOWN HAY, and 1,000 others. 2s. 6d. each.-2, New Bond Street, London. LONDON, SATURDAY, MARCH 26, 1864. CONTENTS. —No. 117. Ancient -- Long NOTES:- Hymns of the Church, 253-Hawisia Domina REPLIES: Publication of Diaries, 261 Situation of Notes. HYMNS OF THE CHURCH. Many take an interest in the hymns in use in the various offices of the Catholic Church. As far as I know, there has been no list printed of the authors of these hymns. In many cases the authorship is well established; but in others it is. doubtful: some even are attributed to several different authors. Without going into the proofs of authorship, I have thought that "N. & Q.” would be a very proper Museum, where a list might be deposited of a number of hymns, with the names of the authors attached. The following list has been carefully compiled from a variety of sources, and will, I trust, be found useful for reference: Domare cordis impetus Jam Christus astra ascenderat Jam mosta quiesce querela Lauda Sion Salvatorem Lustris sex qui jam peregit Lux ecce surgit aurea Nox atra rerum contegit Opes, decusque regium St. Ambrose. Prudentius. St. Ambrose. St. Gregory-Alcuin. O sola magnarum urbium Pange lingua... corporis mysterium . Rector potens, verax Deus Salvete flores martyrum Summæ Parens clementiæ Te Deum laudamus Te lucis ante terminum Paul the deacon. P. Urban VIII. Notker. |