science literature; but do not know that any writer has entered upon a scientific demonstration of the postulate, that early marriages tend to purity of morals. The statement has often been made in fugitive essays, associated with a condemnation of the advice given, and so often reiterated by a certain class of economists, against early marriages. There have been as yet no data on which to establish it positively. The statistics recently published in relation to Scotland, showing the great number of illegitimate births in excess over the standard of Ireland, and even England-when taken in connection with other established facts-will go far to prove that "foresight and restraint" in entering upon marriage may be a great evil. It does not follow that early marriages are always imprudent ones; but that doctrine has been taught to a most injurious extent. When this complex question is entered upon fairly, and the condition of Ireland contrasted with that of Scotland, it will be found that great mistakes bave been made in our investigations, and that hasty conclusions have been arrived at. The whole question is a most important one, but to pursue it would not be consistent with the objects of "N. & Q." I am now manipulating the Statistical Returns of the Three Kingdoms, with the view of elucidating this subject. VECTIS will do well to consult Quetelet. In his Treatise on Man (see Chambers's People's Edition) will be found some valuable tables, accompanied by his own remarks. Although he does not enter upon this inquiry specially, his chapters, where he examines into the causes which influence the fecundity of marriages, may be read with much advantage by those who are interested in the subject immediately before us. It may be well also, to consult Sadler's work, The Law of Population. Both these works were published before our statistical knowledge had assumed a definite form, but they are valuable in every research of this kind. T. B. REVALENTA (3rd S. iv. 496.)—I remember the first introduction of the article now called "Revalenta." I knew the man who first prepared it, and advertised it under the name of "Ervalenta." It was then merely the meal of ground lentils; not of the Egyptian sort, but the common lentil, of a lighter colour. The botanical name of the lentil is Ervum lens; and probably the name Ervalenta was found rather too transparent and so, by transposing the first two letters, the article was better concealed, and some mystification gainedand the preparation is now named "Revalenta." F. C. H. PAPER-MAKERS' TRADE MARKS (3rd S. iv. 515.)-I doubt if any classification of the trade marks of the old paper-makers, and the water marks in their papers, has ever been published; but the late Mr. Dawson Turner had collected a large quantity of specimens of old paper, which he showed me with great self-gratulation on his success in what he believed to be a hitherto unpursued inquiry. He entered into the subject with lively interest; had all his samples of paper arranged in chronological order, and initiated me readily in the mysteries of "Pot," "Crown," "Feather," and "Foolscap." I quite understood from him that he could determine the age of the paper by its texture and water-mark. Whether he contemplated the publication of the results of his researches in this line, I do not know; nor have I any idea what became of his large collection of old papers, which I suppose were sold, together with his extensive library, and very curious and valuable collections in various other departF. C. H. ments. CHRISTIAN NAMES (3rd S. iv. 369, 416, 525.)— A correspondent asks, how we are to account for the great prevalence of Pagan names in a Catholic country like France, if, as I had asserted, the Catholic Church so much disapproves of ChrisChristian, and admonishes her clergy not to toletians bearing baptismal names which are not rate them? I answer that the first Revolution, when Christianity was openly disowned, and classical models were affected in everything, will acPagan names; but it must also be remembered count in great measure for the introduction of that many such names are also the names of Christian saints, and as such allowable. The following Apollo, Bacchus, Horace, Justin, Leander, Lucian, occur to me at this moment: Achilles, Alexander, Marcian, Martial, Marius, Nestor, Plato, Pollio, Socrates, Valerian. F. C. H. AS MAD AS A HATTER (2nd S. iv. 462.) — Although an inquiry respecting this simile appeared in "N. & Q" as far back as June 1860, it has not hitherto elicited a reply. The phrase, however, has now again come up in that very amusing volume, Capt. Gronow's Recollections and Anecdotes, 2nd series [may it be followed by a politics, my dear Alvanley, he is as mad as a third!] 1863, pp. 151, 152:—“ on the subject of hatter." should be made the type of insanity rather than One is at a loss to understand why a hatter a tailor or a shoemaker; but may not the phrase in question be thus explained? The French compare an incapable or weak-minded person to an oyster:-"He reasons like an oyster" (huître). I would suggest, therefore, that, through similarity of sound, the French huître may, in the case before us, have given occasion to the English "hatter." From "Il raisonne comme une huître" may have come out "as mad as a hatter." There are other similar instances, where sound is followed rather than signification. So in our vernacular phrase, "That's the cheese;" i. e. "That's the thing" (chose). SCHIN. JOHN HARRISON (3rd S. iv. 526.)- "Johan Horrins" is of course an anagram of John Harrison. What was the relation of this person to his hero, "Longitude" Harrison, and what led him to adopt so transparent a device for concealing his identity? JOB J. B. WORKARD. STEPMOTHERS' BLESSINGS (3rd S. iv. 492.)—The troublesome splinters of skin, which are often formed near the roots of the nails, are probably called "stepmother's blessings," upon the same principle that they are called "back-friends;" both expressions designating something odious, and bringing no good. F. C. H. "JOLLY NOSE" (3rd S. iv. 488.) — An edition of Olivier Basselin's Vaux de Vire was published by M. Louis du Bois in 1821, together with some Norman songs of the fifteenth century from a MS. till then unedited. JOB J. B. WORKARD. per month JANE THE FOOL (3rd S. iv. 453, 523.) -Some of the entries relating to this person in Sir F. Madden's edition of the Privy Purse Expenses of the Princess Mary would seem to suggest that she was the victim of mental disease. The first entry in which she is mentioned bears date 1537. In 1543, in four successive months, March, April, May, and June, there is a charge of 4d. for shaving her head. In July there is a charge for 22s. 6d. paid to her during sickness. In August, her head is again shaved. In the succeeding January, the charge for shaving her head is 8d., and a like entry appears in July, August, and September, 1544. All the other entries referring to her are for clothing. In 1556, she had some disorder of the eye. Is there anything to show that she acted as a jester? JOB J. B. WORKARD. EARTHENWARE VESSELS FOUND IN CHURCHES (1st and 2nd S. passim.)- Numerous communications have appeared in the 1st and 2nd Series of "N. & Q." on the subject of the earthen jars, or pots, which have been found in several churches imbedded in the masonry, and generally underneath the stalls of the choir. In one of these (1st S. x. 434), I described a jar of this kind in my possession; which was found, in 1851, beneath the choir of St. Peter's Mancroft, Norwich. I saw several of the jars as they lay in the masonry horizontally, with their mouths outward, though it could not be ascertained whether they ever protruded or appeared in the wall. I gave an opinion that they might have been intended for sepulchral vases, to receive the ashes of the heart, or some other part of the body of the canons; but that opinion I have for some time exchanged for the far more probable one, that they were intended to increase the sound of the singing. Indeed, I consider the question quite set at rest by a recent paper in the Gentleman's Magazine for November last, where the following is quoted from the Chronicle of the Order of the Celestines at Metz, for the year 1432: of the church of Ceans, he (Br. Odo) stating that he had "It was ordered that pots should be made for the choir seen such in another church, and thinking that they made the chanting resound more strongly." It is added, that such jars have been found in several churches in France, inserted horizontally in the wall, with their mouths emerging. F. C. H. Miscellaneous. NOTES ON BOOKS, ETC. St. Patrick, Apostle of Ireland; a Memoir of his Life and Mission; with an Introductory Dissertation on some early Usages of the Church in Ireland, and its historical Position from the Establishment of the English Colony to the present Day. By Jas. Henthorn Todd, D.D., &c. Dublin. (Hodges, Smith, & Co.) Any of our readers who have ever toiled (as was lately our own fortune) through the previous biographies writings of Ussher, Ware, Betham, Lanigan, and Cotton, of St. Patrick, and tried to sift truth from fable in the will appreciate the welcome with which we opened this scholarly memoir of Dr. Todd. The accomplished author has studied to produce a complete monograph upon the early history of Christianity in Ireland, subjoining be sides some supplementary remarks on the present position of the Established Church. He thinks it necessary to argue for the historical existence of the Saint, in oppo. sition to the ultra-Protestant extravagance, which would resolve the Apostle of Ireland into a mythical personage; he denies Patrick's asserted commission from Pope Celeslater fables by which the Saint's real history has been tine, as wanting authority to establish it, and scouts the He obscured. He discusses the wholesale conversion of the Irish clans under the influence of their chiefs, and their relapse into Druidism after Patrick had been removeda useful lesson to our missionaries in the present day. He examines minutely into the singular episcopate which obtained so long among the Irish, and the multiplication of bishops without a see, whose wandering ministrations were as unwelcome to the English prelates of the day as Irish preaching has since been among ourselves. describes at length the ancient monastic institutions of the country, which Patrick was so instrumental in inaugurating, and in connection with some of the monks, tells a curious story of primitive copy-right law, which will amuse some of our literary readers. St. Finnian possessed a beautiful copy of the Gospels; St. Columba borrowed it, and made a transcript of it by stealth. Finnian heard of the fraud, and claimed the copy as his own; and King Diarmait, before whom the holy monks carried their cause, decided in Finnian's favour, with the remark, "that as the cow is the owner of her calf, so the Book is the owner of any transcript made from it." But learning, we must send our readers to Dr. Todd's infor more of this sort, and for a great deal more valuable teresting and scholarly volume. The Seven Ages of Man, Described by William Shakspeare, Depicted by Robert Smirke. (L. Booth.) The late Robert Smirke's Illustrations of Shakspeare's Seven Ages are almost as well known as the matchless bit of description which called them into existence. They are here reproduced in miniature by Photography, together with the Droeshout Portrait and the Monument, and form a quaint and interesting little volume. Letters of Queen Margaret of Anjou and Bishop Beckington and others. Written in the Reigns of Henry V. and Henry VI. From a MS. found at Emral in Flintshire. Edited by Cecil Monro, Esq. (Camden Society.) When we say that this volume contains a series of early letters comprising, first, Forty-two Letters written during the reign of Henry V. and Henry VI. before his Marriage; secondly, seventeen Letters of Bishop Beckington, written for the most part in the year 1442, when, being then King's Secretary, he was on the point of embarking as Ambassador to the Count of Armagnac; and thirdly, Letters of Queen Margaret of Anjou after her Marriage in 1445; and that the whole space of time covered by these Letters may be stated roughly at about forty years, namely, from the Battle of Agincourt to the Commencement of the Wars of the Roses, we have said enough to prove the obligations which historical students are under to the Rev. Theophilus Pulston for permitting their publication, to Mr. Cecil Monro for the care and learning with which he has edited them, and to the Camden Society for its judicious application of its funds in giving so curious a series of documents to the press. A Dictionary of the Bible, comprising Antiquities, Biography, Geography, and Natural History. By various Writers. Edited by William Smith, LL.D. Part XI. (Murray.) This eleventh Part of Dr. Smith's valuable Dictionary of the Bible will be welcome to many of our clerical friends, more especially those who took in the first volume in Monthly Parts-partly because it contains the valuable Appendices to that volume, and more particularly as an evidence of the intention of the Publisher to afford them the same facilities for procuring the completion of the work. BOOKS AND ODD VOLUMES WANTED TO PURCHASE. Particulars of Price, &c., of the following Books to be sent direct to the gentlemen by whom they are required, and whose names and adresses are given for that purpose: COUNT DE GALVEY ON THE MEANS OF DIRECTING AEROSTATIC MACHINES. 1781. ST. TAZON DE BERTHOLA, DES AVANTAGE PHYSIQUE, &C. DES AEROSTAT. 8vo, 1784. THOMAS MARTYN, HINTS OF IMPORTANT USES TO BE DERIVED FROM AEROSTATIC GLOBES. 4to, 1781. DUKE OF BRUNSWICK, THOUGHTS OF A COSMOPOLITE ON AIR BALLOONS. (German.) Hamburg. 8vo, 1784. STEPHEN CALVI, A METHOD OF DIRECTING BALLOONS. Milan. 8vo, 1784. BALLOON INTELLIGENCE Fon 1785-6-7. LT-GEN. MONEY'S TREATISE ON THE USE OF BALLOONS IN MILITARY AERONAUTICA SYSTEMA, J. Wise. 3 Vols. 8vo. Delf, 1850. Wanted by Mr. John Wilson, 93, Great Russell Street, W.C. A SCRIPTURE CATECHISM; or a Form of Sound Words, by John Worthington, D.D. Wanted by M. A., 13, Bentinck Street, Manchester Square, London. Notices to Correspondents. In consequence of the length to which some of the Papers in the present Number have extended, although We have enlarged it to 32 pages, We have been compelled to postpone many articles of great interest until next week. THE INDEX TO THE VOLUME just completed, will be issued with "N. & Q." of Saturday the 16th. R. I. The Amateur's Magazine, commenced in October, 1858, was discontinued in June, 1859. It was first published by M. Fryer, 5, Bouverie Street, Fleet Street, and afterwards by Piper and Co., Paternoster Row. The editor is unknown. There is no clue to the authorship of the MS. tragedy of " The Hermit of Warkworth in the European Magazine of 1791. The Lines on a Blind Boy," by Robert T. Conrad, are printed among his poems in Aylmere, or the Bondman of Kent, 8vo, 1852, p. 195, The poem is too long for quotation. OLD MORTALITY. Only one volume was published of Sepulchrorum Inscriptiones, by James Jones, 8vo, 1727, pp. 384, with an Index of 23 pp. W. P. P. A Concordance to Shakspeare, Lond. 1787, 8vo, is by Andrew Becket.The authorship of The Turkish Spy still remains a vexata quæstio. "NOTES AND QUERIES" is published at noon on Friday, and is also issued in MONTHLY PARTS. The Subscription for STAMPED COPIES for Six Months forwarded direct from the Publisher (including the Halfyearly INDEX) is 118. 4d., which may be paid by Post Office Order, payable at the Strand Post Office, in favour of WILLIAM G. SMITH, 32, WELLI GTON STREET, STRAND, W.C., to whom all COMMUNICATIONS FOR THE EDITOR should be addressed. "NOTES & QUERIES" is registered for transmission abroad. On the completion of the First Series of NOTES AND QUERIES, it was suggested from many quarters, that a selection of the more curious articles scattered through the twelve volumes would be welcome to a numerous body of readers. It was said that such a selection, judiciously made, would not only add to a class of books of which we have too few in English literature, we mean books of the pleasant gossiping character of the French ANA for the amusement of the general reader, but would serve in some measure to supply the place of the entire series to those who might not possess it. It has been determined to carry out this idea by the publication of a few small volumes, each devoted to a particular subject. The first, which was published some time since, is devoted to History: and we trust that whether the reader looks at the value of the original documents there reprinted, or the historical truths therein established, he will be disposed to address the book in the words of Cowper, so happily suggested by Mr. Peter Cunningham as the appropriate motto of NOTES AND QUERIES itself, "By thee I might correct, erroneous oft. While on the other hand the volume, from its miscellaneous character, has, we hope, been found an acceptable addition to that pleasant class of books which Horace Walpole felicitously describes as "lounging books, books which one takes up in the gout, low spirits, ennui, or when one is waiting for company." Now ready, neatly printed, in Foolscap 8vo, price 5s. CHOICE NOTES LONDON, SATURDAY, JANUARY 9, 1864. "In the Name of God, Amen: the fiftenth daie of September, in the yeare of oure Lorde God a thousande, five hundrith, seaventie and five, I Walter Travers, of the Towne of Nottinghm, Gold Smythe, beinge weeke and feeble in bodie, but of good, sownde, and perfect remembrance, thanks be to God thearfore, do ordaine and make this my laste Will and Testamente, in mannTM and CONTENTS. -No. 106. NOTES:- -Walter Travers, B.D., &c, 27-Justice Allan Park, 28-James Kirkwood, 29-Of Wit, 30-Dr. Robert Wauchop, 31-A Passion for witnessing Executions Longevity-Michael Johnson of Lichfield-Amen-Ring Mottoes-Charlemont Earldom and Viscount, 33 QUERIES:-Anonymous-Mrs. Barbauld's Prose Hymns Burial-place of Still-born Children-Churchwarden Query forme followeinge: First, and before all thinges, I comende -Captain Alexander Cheyne-Earl of Dalhousie-Fais ce que tu dois," &c.- Giants and Dwarfs-General Lambert The Laird of Lee-Language given to Man to conceal his Thoughts Harriett Livermore: the Pilgrim Stranger-Madman's Food tasting of Oatmeal Porridge Sir Edward May Rev. Peter Peckard, D.D. - Penny Loaves at Funerals - Mr. W. B. Rhodes- Scottish Formula-Trade and Improvement of Ireland - Wild Men -Portrait of General Wolf by Gainsborough, 33. QUERIES WITH ANSWERS: -"Adamus Exul " of GrotiusCambridge Bible-Britannia on Peuce and Halfpence John Wigan, M.D.-John Reynolds- Richard GedneyArms of Sir William Sennoke Wegh-Twelfth Night: the worst Pun-Portrait of Bishop Horsley-"Educacation," 36 REPLIES:-Jeremy Collier on the Stage, &c., 38-Roman Games, 39-St. Patrick and the Shamrock, 40- Harvey of Wangey House, 42-Virgil's Testimony to our Saviour's Advent-Richard Adams-Thomas Coo-George Bankes Quotation - Sir Nicholas Throgmorton- Pen-toothMargaret Fox Frith-Tedded Grass Pew RentsLongevity of Clergymen-May: Tri-Milchi-Pholeys, &c., 42. Notes on Books, &c. Notes. WALTER TRAVERS, B.D., SOMETIME LECTURER AT THE TEMPLE, AND PROVOST OF TRINITY COLLEGE, DUBLIN. Born circa 1548; died in London, Jan. 1634. In no published memoir of the life of this celebrated divine, have I ever met with an account of his parentage, or the place of his birth; the following notes, may, therefore, be of use to some future biographer, and save him the trouble of a protracted search. The will of "Walter Travers, Clerk," was proved in London, at the Prerogative Court, on Jan. 24, 1634, and in a clause of it is contained this brief reference to his family: "My father dying seized of three tenements in Nottingham, left the one to his daughter Anne, and the other two to his three sonnes then liveing, that is, to me the said Walter, the Eldest, John the next, and Humphry, the youngest," &c. Following up this clue, I recently found that, among the inhabitants of Nottingham chargeable to the subsidies of the 35th and 37th Hen. VIII., and the 13th Eliz., there lived, at "Brydelsmyth Gate, wthin ye towne of Notyngham," a certain "Walterus Travers," by occupation a "Goldsmyth." I was afterwards lucky enough, at York, to meet with his will; and as it, at once, proves that the goldsmith was father to the divine, I think I need not apologise to the readers of "N. & Q." for giving it in full: me into the handes of oure Lorde, who haste created and redemed me, beschinge the most humblye, for Jesus Christe sake, pardon and forgiveness of all my synes; asseuringe myself also undoubtedlie, as trustinge to thy promeys, O lorde, which cannot deceave, that, altho' I be in my selffe most unworthie of thy Grace, yet, for that Jesus Christe, thoue wilte receive me to the. Not accomptinge to me my synnes for whiche he hathe suffered, and fully satisfied thie Justice allredie; but imputing to me, of thie fre grace and mercie, that holynes and obedience whiche he hathe performed, to thie moste perfecte lawe, for all those that shoulde beleve in hime, and come unto the, in his name. Withe faithe, O lorde, seinge that of thy goodnes thoue haste wroughte and planted in me, by the preachinge of the hollie gospell, I stedfastelie hope for the performance of thy promyse, and everlastinge liffe in Jesus Christe. This blessed hope shall reste with me to the laste daie, that thoue rayse me upp agane, to enjoye that liffe and glorie that now I hope for. Thearfore, I commende my sowle into the handes of God, my bodie I Will that yt be honestlie buried, and lade upp in pease to the comynge of the Lorde Jesus, when he shall come to be glorified in his Sayntes, and to be marvolous in theme that beleve; in that daie when this corruptible shall put on incorruptible, and this mortal imortalitie, accordinge to the Scriptures. And as for those goods and landes that God hath given me, I declare this my Will, and full mynde and intente thearof, in forme followinge: that is to saie, I give and bequethe all and singular that my messuage, house, stable, and gardens thearto belonginge, whiche I latelie purchased of Thomas Cowghem, late of the saide towne of Nottingham, alderman, deceased, wherein I nowe dwell, to Anne Travers my Wiffe, for and duringe her naturall liffe, and after her decease, to Anne Travers my daughter, and to theires of her bodie lawefullie begotten and to be begotten: And, for defalte of such issue, to Walter Traverse, John Traverse, and to Humfrey Travers, my Sones, equallie amongste theme, and to theires of theire bodies lawefullie begotten and to be begotten: And, for defalte of such Issue, to the righte heires of me the saide Walter Travers, the Testator, for ever. Further, I will that the saide Anne, my wiffe, duringe her liffe, and allso the saide Anne, my daughter, duringe her lyffe, after the decease of my said Wiffe, havinge the saide messuage and premyses, shall give and paie yearlie ten shillinges at two usuall daies in the yeare, by even porcons, to my Overseers; to be by theme distributed to suche poore people, within the towne of Nottingham, as they shall thinke moste mete and conveniente. Allso, I give and bequethe all my other lands, tenements, and hereditaments, not before by me given in this my Testamente and presente laste Will, to my said Wiffe Anne Traverse during her naturall liffe; and after her decease, to my saide three Sones, Walter, John, and Humfrey, equallie amongeste theme, or so many of theme as shal be then livinge, and to theires of theire bodies lawefullie begotten and to be begotten: and, for defalte of such Issue, to Anne Travers my daughter, and to theires off her bodie lawefullie begotten and to be begotten; and for defalte of suche Issue, to the righte heirs of me the saide Walter Travers for ever. And I will that my saide daughter Anne peaceablie permytt `and suffer my saide thre sones to have and enjoye the saide landes to them bequithed, which I boughte of Robert Wynsell; notwithstanding anie bondes, or assurance thearof, heartofore by me to the saide Anne, or to her use, made. And for the disposinge of my goods and chattells that God hathe given me, I will that my debts be paide and my funeralls discharged, of the whole: and the resedewe of all my goods and chattells, gold, silver, plate, and howeshoulde stuff, moveable and unmoveable (my debts paide and fuūralls discharged), I give to Anne my Wiffe, and to Anne Travers my daughter, equallie betwixte theme. And I do make and ordeine the saide Anne my Wiffe, and my saide daughter my full Executrices of this my Testament and laste Will; and I make my wellbeloved Sones, Walter and John Travers, Supvisors of the same, to se the same justlie and trewlie executed, done, and performed: theis beinge WitnessesLawrence Brodbent, Esquire; the Queenes Highnes Receivor within the Counties of Nottinghm and DerbieThomas Atkinson-Symon Willson - Richard OgleArthure Francis-John Warde, and others." "This will was proved in the Exchequer Court of York, 18th January, 1575, by the Oaths of Ann Travers (Widow, the Relict), and Anne Travers (the daughter), the Co-Executrixes therein named; to whom probate was granted, they having been first sworn duly to administer." Two of the three sons herein named, Walter and Humphry, entered at Cambridge, where Humphry became Fellow of C.C. Coll., and afterwards married, but left no issue male. Of Walter, the future Lecturer at the Temple, and opponent of Hooker, I leave the MESSES. COOPER to give an account, in their valuable Athena Cantabridg ienses. John Travers, second son, took his degree at Oxford in 1570, and was afterwards presented to the Rectory of Faringdon, Devon, which he held until his death in 1620. He married, on July 25, 1580, Alice, daughter of John Hooker of Exeter, and sister to Richard Hooker, Master of the Temple. This fact explains a sentence in Walter Travers's Supplication to the Lords of the Council (Hooker's Works, iii. 557), where, speaking of Hooker, he says: "Hoping to live in all godly peace and comfort with him, both for the acquaintance and good will which hath been between us, and for some bond of affinity in the marriage of his nearest kindred and mine." The issue of this marriage was four sons Elias, Samuel, John, and Walter-who all were educated at Cambridge, and entered the church. Elias Travers died rector of Thurcaston, Leicestershire, in 1641; Samuel was ejected from his vicarage of Thorverton, Devon, in 1646, and died soon after; John was presented to the vicarage of Brixhom, Devon, in Dec. 1617; was ejected therefrom in 1646, and died curate of St. Helen's, Isle of Wight, in 1659; and Walter became Chaplain to King Charles I., was presented in succession to the Rectory of Steeple Ashton, Wilts; the Vicarage of Wellington, Somerset; and dying, Rector of Pitminster, April 7th, 1646, was buried in Exeter Cathedral. Of these four brothers, John and Walter only married; one of the sons of Walter being Thomas Travers of Magdalen Coll. Camb., M.A. in 1644, who became Lecturer at St. Andrew's, Plymouth, and Rector of St. Columb Major, from which living he was ejected by the Bartholomew Act, in 1662. Perhaps some Nottinghamshire antiquary can assist me in hunting up the origin of the old goldsmyth of " Brydelsmyth Gate," from whom descended so many distinguished men? or can, at least, point to scme class of records likely to bear fruit? If so, he would confer a great favour on me, by adopting a like method of imparting his information. H. J. S. Oxford. JUSTICE ALLAN PARK. Some thirty or forty years ago, this learned judge was travelling the Northern Circuit with one of his brother Judges of Assize, and it happened that the business at an assize town was not got through till late on a Saturday. It was absolutely necessary to open the Commission on the following Monday at the next assize town, which and either for that reason, or because of the heavy was at a great distance in those days of travelling, business to be disposed of there, Justice Park proposed to his brother judge to set off late on the Saturday, and to get as far as they could that night, so that they might avoid the necessity of journeying any part of the way on the Sabbath. His brother judge, who was not so scrupulous on that point, protested against the proposal, and the result was a compromise, the terms of which were, that they should start at a very early hour on the Sunday morning, and attend divine service at whatever church they might reach in time for the morning service. It thus happened that between ten and eleven o'clock the steeple of a small parish church within a short distance from the high road was sighted, and the postboys were ordered to make for it. Thus the inhabitants of a quiet country village in the Wolds were thrown into a |