and continued to reside in it till his death. His name, and the bishop's title, are preserved in the streets built upon its site. Sir Christopher's successor, Sir John Puckering, who was only Lord Keeper, lived at first at Russell House, near Ivy Bridge, in the Strand. He then removed to York House, under a lease from the archbishop; which enabled his widow to keep possession for a year after his death. At the end of that year, the archbishop granted a new lease to Sir Thomas Egerton, Queen Elizabeth's next Lord Keeper; who resided in it till his death, in 1617; having been created Lord Chancellor by James I., and ennobled with the titles of Baron Ellesmere and Viscount Brackley. King James's second Chancellor, Lord Bacon, after residing for a short time in Dorset House, Fleet Street, removed to York House, the place of his birth; which, soon after his disgrace, became the property of the Duke of Buckingham; and within fifty years was converted into various streets and alleys, now, or lately, designated by the names and titles of that nobleman-George Street, Villiers Street, Duke Street, Of Alley, and Buckingham Street. Sir Thomas Coventry, Lord Coventry, Lord Keeper to Charles I., died in Durham House, in the Strand-now the site of the Adelphi. The Lord Keeper's country house was at Canonbury, Islington. I do not know the residences of King Charles's three remaining Lord Keepers Sir John Finch Lord Finch of Fordwich; Sir Edward Lyttelton, Lord Lyttelton of Mounslow; and Sir Richard Lane. Nor can I trace with any certainty the London houses of the Commissioners of the Great Seal during the Commonwealth. The Earl of Clarendon, the first Lord Chancellor of Charles II. after the Restoration, resided at first in Dorset House, Fleet Street, before mentioned as an early residence of Lord Bacon; then at Worcester House in the Strand, the same as Russell House, where Sir John Puckering had for some time resided as Lord Keeper in the reign of Elizabeth; and lastly, at the splendid mansion he built at the top of St. James's Street. Sir Orlando Bridgeman, who succeeded the Earl, while he held the Seal resided in Essex House in the Strand-now the site of Essex Street. Anthony Ashley Cooper, Earl of Shaftesbury, while he held the office of Lord Chancellor, resided in Exeter House in the Strand, where Exeter Street and Burleigh Street now are. The Earl afterwards lived at Thanet House, in Aldersgate Street, where several of the nobility had mansions in that reign. Sir Heneage Finch, Earl of Nottingham, the next Chancellor, resided at Kensington in a mansion which has since become a royal palace; but he also had a town house in Great Queen Street, Lincoln's Inn Fields, where he died. Sir Francis North, Lord Guilford, who was Lord Keeper to Charles II. and James II., resided when he was entrusted with the Great Seal in a great brick house, near Serjeants' Inn in Chancery Lane. His brother, in his entertaining biography of the Lord Keeper, intimates that he removed to some other house; but, as far as I recollect, omits to name where it was situate. The infamous Chief Justice Jeffreys, the last Chancellor of James II., heard causes in his house in Duke Street, Westminster. Lest I should fatigue your readers, and occupy too much of your space, I will stop here, and commence my next contribution with the Revolution. EDWARD Foss. RYE-HOUSE PLOT CARDS. I have met with a nearly perfect pack of playing-cards, ornamented with figures and inscriptions, all of which relate to the celebrated RyeHouse Plot. The cards are distinguished by the mark of the suit, usually on the right-hand upper corner, but in some of the suit of Diamonds, and the ten of Spades, on the left-hand upper corner. The number in the suit is indicated by the Roman numerals, i, ii., &c., to x., and then by the words, Knave, Queen, King. The figures on these last court cards have no relation to their character as cards. Twelve cards are missingnamely, the iv. and vii. of Hearts; the iii., vi., viii., and x. of Diamonds; the iii., iv., ix., and King of Spades; and the i. and x. of Clubs. The figures upon the suit of Clubs are as follows: i. Missing. ii. Figure of a man resting on a walking-stick, and the inscription "West going downe to Whitehall." iii. A man going to a door, with the inscription "Keeling going to the Ld Dart." iv. A man, wearing a hat and robed, sitting, and another man standing before him with his hat in his hand. Inscription, "Keeling examined by S L. Ienkins." v. A man, wearing a sword and hat, with words from his mouth, "I beg the King's mercy," bowing to another man in an official dress. Inscription, "C. Rumsey delivering himselfe.” vi. Two men in official robes, one of them wearing a hat, standing at a table, examining another man, behind stands a guard. Inscription, Rumsey examined by the King and Councell." 66 vii. A man in a hat writing at a table, the words from his mouth "I must discover all." Inscription, "West writing a letter to S G. J." viii. One man, attended by a guard with a javelin, arresting another man from behind. Inscription, "Lord Grey Apprehended." ix. The Tower of London in the back ground. A man in a hat and flowing wig landing from a boat, received by another man; a coach standing by. Inscription, "Lord Grey making his Escape." x. Missing. Knave. A man in gown and bands, with the words from his mouth, "Fight the Lairde's battle." Inscription, "Ferguson the Independent Parson." Queen. In the front, a man standing by an overturned cart; at a distance a coach and six on the road. Inscription, "A conspirator overturning a cart to stop the King's coach." King. A nobleman sitting in an arm-chair, with the words from his mouth, "Assist me friends." Behind him a shadowy black figure with horns, evidently the evil spirit, holding the back of his chair. Inscription," The Lord Shaftsbury." The six of Hearts has a representation of the execution of Lord Russell, with the inscription, "La Russell beheaded in Lincoln's Inn Feilds." This may be sufficient to give a notion of these very curious cards; and I should be glad to know whether any other copy of them is known to be in existence. T. C. THE LAPWING: WITCHCRAFT.--In looking over an old French book a few days since I met with a word which caused me some vexatious research. The author tells his readers how they may render themselves invisible, and his directions are -"To wear a wig made of the hairs of a person who has been hung, having first had the wig steeped in the blood of une pupu. I sought for the meaning of pupu in Chambaud's quarto French and English Dictionary, in French and Latin, French and German, French and Spanish, French and Portuguese, French and Dutch dictionaries in vain; but at last discovered that the word was obsolete, and synonymous with the modern huppe, and in English signifies a lapwing, peewit, and hoopoe; that in Latin it is upupa; in Greek, πo; in German Wiedehopf; in Dutch, kievet; in Italian, bubbola; in Spanish, avefria; in Portuguese, pavoncino; and that it is our old Ovidian friend, the naughty Tereus, who fell in love with his sisterin-law, Philomela, whose tongue he cut out lest she should tell his wife how badly he had behaved; and who afterwards dined upon the remains of his son Itys. I traced the pupu afterwards from Ovid, Met. vi. 672, 673, 674; to Virgil, Eclog. vi. 78; to Plautus, Capt. Act V. Sc. 4, line 7; and found honourable mention made of it in Pliny's Natural History, in Ælian, De Animal. i. 35; iii. 26; vi. 46; x. 16; xvi. 5; in Pausanias, lib. i. c. 40. What I wish to know is, does the lapwing, so remarkable a bird in ancient lore and JOHN ROWE, SERJEANT-AT-LAW.-Several inquiries have been made in previous volumes respecting Serjeant Rowe. From an Inq. p. m. at Exeter Castle, Oct. 28, 35 Henry VIII., it appears he died on the 8th of October, leaving a son of the same name, aged thirty-five years and upwards, a widow Agnes, and property in Dartmouth, Totnes, &c., &c. Another copy states, that his son John was thirty years of age, and his wife's name Mary. Rowe was closely connected with Devonshire; It will be seen from the above, that Serjeant and that, therefore, the statement in the Rowe pedigree (Harl. MS., 1174), that he was the son of John Rowe, of Rowes Place, Kent, is highly improbable. A family of the name of Rowe, or Roe, had been seated in the West of England for at least a century before the reign of Henry VIII. C. J. R. CHARLES LLOYD, the poet, the friend of Wordsworth, Lamb, and Southey, died at Chaillot, near Paris, January 16, 1839, aged 64. (Gent. Mag. N. S. xi. 335.) He was son of Charles Lloyd, Esq., banker of Birmingham; was born in that town, and privately educated by Mr. Gilpin. On August 31, 1798, being twenty-three years of age, he was admitted a Fellow Commoner of Caius Justice Talfourd, in his Memorials of Charles College, but never graduated. The late Mr. Lamb, referring to the year 1799, says: Lloyd is a mistake; but it must be observed that had become a graduate of the University." This another Charles Lloyd, a native of Norfolk, proceeded B.A. at Emmanuel College in that very year. C. H. & THOMPSON COOPER. Cambridge. 66 ROBESPIERRE'S REMAINS. "The mortal remains of Robespierre, St. Just, and Lebas," says the Patrie, “have just been discovered by some workmen occupied in digging the foundations of a house at the Batignolles, at the angle of the Rue du Rocher and the old Chemin de Ronde. Those men, who played so important a part in the Revolution, were buried at the above spot; the cemetery of the Madeleine being too full at the period of their death to admit of fresh interments."-Leeds Mercury, Nov. 5, 1863. Queries. GRIME. OLD LATIN ARISTOTLE.-In a volume of Latin Sermones, printed at Cologne, and in the original binding, I have found parts of two leaves of an early edition of Aristotle in Latin. I know that they are early, because of the contractions, of the Gothic letters, and by the omission of the first letter of quoniam, which was to have been supplied by hand. I give a short extract below, and I know that it is from the 4th book, near the beginning of the treatise "De Animâ;" and that it is not the translation in the folio, Paris, 1629. The page is printed in columns, just two inches wide. As far as potentia, in the extract, the German-text letters are half an inch high. JOHN BARCROFT.-In "N. & Q.," 3rd S. iv. 187, it is stated that Laurence Halsted, Keeper of the Records in the Tower of London, was born in 1638, and married Alice, daughter of John Barcroft, Esq. Is anything known of John Barcroft ? There was a John Barcroft, perhaps his son, whose history presents some remarkable features. He was one of Cromwell's officers in Ireland, where it is to be supposed that he did good service, as he was rewarded with the estate of Castle Carbery, near Edenderry, the name of which he changed, according to the fashion of the times, to Ask Hill. The Castle Carbery estate reverted, on the Restoration, to the Colleys or Cowleys, ancestors of the Duke of Wellington, to whom it had belonged from the time of Queen Elizabeth. John Barcroft, sickened perhaps by the scenes of blood which he had witnessed during his service under Cromwell, joined the sect of Quakers, and became one of the principal founders of the Quaker colony at Balitore, co. Kildare, respecting which some interesting particulars are given in the Leadbeater Papers. URSAGELLUS. Ceylon. CENOTAPH TO THE 79TH REGIMENT AT CLIFTON. Sir William Draper, nearly a hundred years ago, erected in his garden at Clifton, near Bristol, a cenotaph in memory of the officers and soldiers of the 79th regiment who fell during the war in the middle of the last century. This memorial is alluded to in the Ann. Reg. 1768, vol. xi. 236 (6th edit. 1800). The inscription, which is in Latin, is given in the Gent. Mag. 1792, vol. Ixii. part 1. p. 168; and a translation of it occurs in the same volume at p. 162. According to the Gent. Mag. 1789, vol. lix. part 1. p. 607, it would seem that under the base of the sarcophagus the exploits of the regiment in the East Indies are particularised, and the names added of thirty-four officers who were killed in action. These names, as far as I have been able to learn, not having been copied into any journal, I would suggest, against the chances of that obliteration which time and the weather work on all exposed monuments, that one of your Clifton or Bristol readers, interested in preserving the records on such memorials, impose on himself the task of sending you a list of the names of those brave fellows for insertion in "N. & Q." To your military readers and others no doubt such a list would be useful, more so as the London Gazettes of the period-the chief source of reference in many instances-only note the deaths in war by totals. For purposes of identity, the names should be followed by any other information, such as dates, and the names of the battles and sieges in which the officers lost their lives, if such particulars occur M. S. R. on the cenotaph. WILLIAM CHAIGNEAU.-The famous Irish novel I believe first appeared in 1752, is attributed to entitled The History of Jack Connor, and which William Chaigneau, Esq., who, in 1796, is referred to as deceased (Gent. Mag., lxvi. 823). Information respecting him will be acceptable. S. Y. R. ELEANOR D'OLBREUSE.-Where can I find particulars of the parentage of this lady, who married one of the Dukes of Zelle, and so became an ancestress of our present royal family ? J. WOODWARD. New Shoreham. HYOSCYAMUS.-In Bishop Hall's Quo Vadis (sec. 5), the following passage occurs: "The Persian Hyoscyamus, if it be translated to Egypt proves deadly; if to Jerusalem, safe and wholesome." I wish to know whether this is a positive fact? W. J. SMITH. LAUREL WATER. It was stated in conversation after Donellan's trial for the murder of Sir Theodosius Boughton, that a book on botany was lent to the captain by Mr. Newsom, the rector of Harborough, and that it was returned with the leaf doubled down, saying that laurel water distilled was a deadly poison. Can any of your botanical readers state in what book this account of laurel-water is to be found? A book called the Toilet of Flora was published in 1779. This book is not in the British Museum. Perhaps one of your readers may possess the book, and be able to state what the account of laurel-water is. - AN INQUIRER. LEWIS MORRIS. - At the commencement of Lord Teignmouth's Life of Sir William Jones is a letter signed Lewis Morris, in which the writer states, that he has sent Sir William, as a new year's gift, and in pursuance of an old Welsh custom among kinsmen, a pedigree, showing their descent from a common ancestor. Can any of your readers inform me whether the writer is the celebrated antiquary and poet spoken of by Mr. Borrow in his recent work, Wild Wales, and whether anything is now known of the pedigree in question? I should be glad to know, too, whether Lewis Morris has now any lineal descendants living? H. H. THE PRINCE CONSORT'S MOTTO.-The motto of the Prince Consort-" Treu und Fest"-was one so strikingly applicable to his high character, that I should be glad to know its origin. On reading in the Book of Revelations (xix. 11), that he that sat upon the White Horse was called "faithful and true," it occurred to me that the Elector of Saxony, from whom Prince Albert probably derived it, might have taken the motto from this passage in Luther's translation; but upon examination, I find Luther's words are: "Treu und Wahrhaftig." As it seems probable that this motto, and the white horse in the arms of Saxony, have been derived from this passage, may I askWhen, and by whom they were first used? T. RICHARD SALVEYNE. - In Chiswick church, near London, upon a monument is read this imperfect inscription — "Orate pro anima Mathildis Salveyne uxoris Rychardi Salveyne militis Thesaurar: Ecclesie. MCCCCXXXII." So states an old MS. in my possession, but I do not find it recorded in the copious list of inscriptions under "Chiswick' in Lysons's Middlesex Parishes, though it existed in Weever's time. It is further stated in the MS. this Richard Salveyne was of the same family as Humphrey Salwey, escheator of the county of Worcester, whose tomb at Stanford in that county is there described. The monument at Chiswick I presume to be no longer in existence. I do not find Richard Salveyne in Burke's elaborate pedigree of that family. Is anything known about him, why his wife should be buried at Chiswick, and what was his official capacity? THOMAS E. WINNINGTON. SWINBURNE.. Is anything known of a person of this name who was living about 1610? He was secretary to Sir Henry Fanshaw. CPL. CAPTAIN YORKE. -I am anxious to obtain information about a Mr. Yorke, a Captain in the Trained Bands of London, who lived about the middle of the last century. It is thought that he was descended from the Yorkes of Erthig, Denbighshire, Wales; and I should be grateful to any correspondent who could give me any details as to the Captain's connection with the Yorkes of Erthig. CARILFORD. Cape Town. Queries with Answers. PHOLEY.-What is the meaning of this word in the following advertisement, which I copy from a List of Books printed for and sold by Edward Cave, at St. John's Gate, Clerkenwell? "Travels into the inland parts of Africa, containing a description of the several Nations for the space of 600 miles up Job Ben Solomon, a Pholey, who, in the year 1733, was in the River Gambia, with a particular account of England, and known by the name of the African. Being the Journal of Francis Moore, Factor for several years to the Royal African Company of England.” E. H. A. [An interesting account of the Pholeys, a free and independent people of Gambia, is supplied by the author in the above work, in the first edition, 1738, p. 30, in the second edition (no date), p. 21. He says, "In every kingdom on each side of the river Gambia there are some people of a tawny colour, called Pholeys, much like the Arabs; which language they most of them speak, being to them as the Latin is in Europe; for it is taught in schools, and their law, the Alcoran, is in that language. They are more generally learned in the Arabick than the people of Europe are in Latin, for they can most of them speak it, though they have a vulgar tongue besides, called Pholey. They live in hoards or clans, build towns, and are not subject to any kings of the country, though they live in their territories; for if they are illtreated in one nation, they break up their towns, and remove to another. They have chiefs of their own, who rule with so much moderation, that every act of government seems rather an act of the people than of one man. This form of government goes on easily, because the people are of a good and quiet disposition, and so well instructed in what is just and right, that a man who does ill is the abomination of all, and none will support him against the chief . . . . The Pholeys are very industrious and frugal, and raise much more corn and cotton than they consume, which they sell at reasonable rates, and are very hospitable and kind to all; so that to have a Pholey town in the neighbourhood, is by the natives reckoned a blessing. They are strict Mahometans; none of them (unless here and there one) will drink brandy, or anything stronger than water and sugar."] LINES ADDRESSED TO CHARLES I.-I copy the following verses from MS. on a fly-leaf, at the end of a copy of Jus Imaginis apud Anglos, or, the Law of England relating to the Nobility and Gentry, by John Brydall, of Lincoln's Inne, Esquier, 1675." 8vo "Great Charles, thou Earthly God, Celestial Man! He that would know the right, then let him look (Cetera desunt.) "Grate charls, though earthly god se- and so on-oshians for "oceans," Engels for "angels," &c. on which account I have modernised the spelling, in order to make the whole intelligible. They seem to have been really the production of one who could write verse, as well as the most extravagant adulation, and may be taken as an extreme example of the poetical hyperbole of that hyperbolical age. The "incomparable book," for which they were first written, was probably the Eikon Basilike. Do they occur in print in any edition of it? J. G. N. [These lines are entitled "An Epitaph upon King Charles,” signed J. H., and are usually found printed in the earlier editions of the Eikon Basilike, e. g. that by Royston, 24mo, 1649; that printed at the Hague by S. Brown, 24mo, 1649; and in the Dublin edition of 1706. Vide" N. & Q." 2nd S. iv. 347; v. 393, 464; vi. 179.] CREST OF APOTHECARIES' COMPANY.-F. H. K. will be glad to know the meaning of the rhinoceros, or whatever the animal may be, which ornaments all things sent from Apothecaries' Hall. [The unicorn, as fictionized in heraldry, is a white horse, having the horn of the narwhale emanating from the forehead; the belief in the animal being based on the passage in Job xxxix. 9: "Will the unicorn be willing to serve thee?" but the original word “Rem," thus translated "unicorn," is, by St. Jerome, Montanus, and Aquila, rendered "rhinoceros "; and in the Septuagint, 'monoceros" signifies nothing more than "one horn." The rhinoceros is therefore the misinterpreted unicorn of the ancients; and, from a belief in the fabulous medicinal qualities of the horn, has been advanced as the crest of the Company of Apothecaries, on some of whose sign boards the rhinoceros presented the similitude of anything but the real beast; and being frequently mistaken for a boar, the practice of painting the monster became more monstrous, and the boar proper has, to be more agreeable to the eye, been bedizened as a blue boar.Beaufoy's Tradesmen's Tokens, edit. 1855, p. 58.] "fine FRUMENTUM: SILIGO. In an account, temp. Edw. III., I find these words used for distinct kinds of grain. What kinds? In Littleton's Latin Dictionary, "siligo" is defined as wheat, whereof they make manchet; " and "frumentum" as "all manner of corn or grain for bread." But in my account, the price of fru mentum is 78. and 8s. the quarter, that of siligo, 5s. 6d. and 6s. 4d. only. Can I be referred to any more definite explanation of these terms? G. A. C. [Frumentum was used in the Middle Ages somewhat indefinitely, but it most frequently signifies wheat. Pure wheat" Sæpe sæpius designatum opinor triticum purum, nec aliis granis mixtum." (Du Cange in verb.) In the passage before us it is certainly wheat. Siligo, in Middle-Age Latin, means rye. We know that in classical Latin it signifies a fine wheat, praised by Columella and Pliny, as preferable to ordinary wheat for food, being finer, whiter, and lighter; but in the Middle Ages it almost always represents rye, as it assuredly does in this passage.] JOHN BURTON.I have in my possession a Parœcialis Rusticus, published at Oxford in 1757. rather scarce tract of 31 pages, entitled Sacerdos Its author is "Johannes Burton de Maple-Durham in Com. Oxon. Vicarius." The duties of the parish priest are in it beautifully described in classical hexameters, 630 in number, and occasionally remind one of the picture, in Goldsmith's Deserted Village, of the country clergyman. Is anything known of the author, and what college in Oxford claimed him as an alumnus? I presume that the same person was the author of the following effusions in "Selectæ Poemata Anglorum (Editio Secunda Emendatior, 1789)," viz. "Deboræ Epinicion," p. 28; "Psalmus cxxxvii.,” p. 107; "Hortus Botanicus," p. 147; and “Psalmus xlvi.," p. 275 for the name "J. Burton, S. T. P." is appended. OXONIENSIS. [Dr. John Burton, a learned critic and divine, was educated at Corpus Christi College, Oxford. He died on Feb. 11, 1771, in the seventy-sixth year of his age, and was buried at the entrance of the inner chapel at Eton. His Life has been published by his pupil and intimate friend, Dr. Edward Bentham. Most biographical dictionaries also contain some account of him.] |