Imágenes de páginas
[blocks in formation]

Albert, King of the Belgians, 125, 338, 354,

372, 373, 375.

Alden, Henry Mills, 542.

Antranik (Armenian general), 640.

Austrian peace conference, 351.

Bacon, Hon. Robert, 28.

Baker, Newton D., Secretary of War, 135.

Barcelo, Antonio, 181.

Barnes, Julius H., 240.
Barton, James L., 616.

Bauer, Dr. (German Chancellor), 247.

Belgian Crown Prince, 372.

Belgian King, 338, 354, 372, 373, 375.
Belgian King and Queen, 125.

Belgian Queen, 354, 375, 469.

Belgian royal group, 372.

Bell, German Minister of Railways, 247.
Benson, Admiral William S., 251.

Booth, Evangeline, 108.

Borah, William E., Senator, 15.

Braden, George W., 325.

Brandegee, Frank B., Senator, 347.

Brandeis, Justice Louis D., 609, 613.

Brazilian President, Dr. E. Pessoa, 127.
Brewster, Thomas F., 459.

Bridges, Robert, 190.

British Ambassador to United States, 243.

Brooks, Joshua L., 291.

Bugbee, Newton A. K., 472.

Butler, Nicholas Murray, 468.

Calder, Hon. J. A., 197.

Carlton, Newcomb, 12.

Carnegie, Andrew, 238, 239.

Chandler, Julian A. C., 298.

Cholmeley-Jones, Richard G., 8, 509.

Clark, Champ, 135.

Clarke, John Mason, 191.

Clemenceau, Georges, 2, 557.

Cohalan, Daniel F., 209.

Coolidge, Calvin, Governor, 344, 472.

Crowder, Gen. Enoch Herbert, 192.

Cummins, Albert B., Senator, 6, 66, 129, 455.
Curtis, Police Commissioner of Boston, 342.
Daniels, Josephus, Secretary of Navy, 135.
Davis, Ambassador John W., 562.

Davison, Henry Pomeroy, 5.

Dilnot, Frank, 67.

Dodd, William S., 616.

Duffy, Frank, 345.

Duncan, James, 345.

Dunne, ex-Gov. of Illinois, 18.

Edward Albert, Prince of Wales, 245, 286, 289.
290, 469.

Edward, Prince of Wales, 244.

Edwards, Edward I., Governor, 472.

Eggleston, Joseph Dupuy, 299.

Elizabeth, Queen of Belgians, 372, 375, 469.

England, King and Queen of, 287.

Erzberger, Mathias, 247.

Esch, Hon. J. J., 572.

Ettinger, William L., 340.

Fall, Albert B., Senator, 347.

Fisher, Irving, 237.

Fitzpatrick, E. A., 624.

Foch, Marshal Ferdinand, 373.

Fordney, Rep. Joseph W., 10.

Foreign Relations Committee of Senate, 347.
Foster, W. Z., 462.

Fox, John, Jr., 138.

Frelinghuysen, Joseph S., Senator, 129.

Garfield, Harry A., 564.

Gary, Elbert H., 463, 465.

Geddes, Sir Auckland, 117.

George V, King of England, 287, 289.

German Cabinet, 247.

Giesberts, German Minister of Posts, 247.

Gillen, Charles P., 248.

Gillett, Frederick H. (Speaker of House), 129.

Glass, Carter (Secretary of Treasury), 135, 571.
Goff, Judge John W., 209.

Gompers, Samuel, 345, 465.

Goodrich, Admiral Casper Frederick, 191.

Grasty, Charles H., 646.

Greer, David H., 28.

Grey, Viscount of Fallodon, 243.

[blocks in formation]

Hurley, Edward N., 399.

Jacobi, Dr. Abraham, 138.

Johnson, Hiram, Senator, 17, 347.

Johnson, William Mindred, 191.

Jones, Col. Ernest Lester, 189.

King Alfonso of Spain, 572.

King and Queen of Belgians, 125.
King Edward VII, 289.

King George V., 287, 289.

King, William L. Mackenzie, 245.
Kingsley, Charles, 211.

Knox, Philander C., Senator, 15.
Konencamp, S. J., 12.

Kurdish Bey, 616.

Lane, Hon. Franklin K., 135, 465.
Leavitt, Alga, 303.

Lee, Albert E., 181.

Leopold, Crown Prince of the Belgians, 372.
Lewis, John L., 459, 460.

Lloyd George, David, 2, 16, 556.

Lodge, Henry Cabot, Senator, 347.

Long, Richard H., 472.

Lowell, A. Lawrence, 340, 356.

Lubomirski, Prince Casimer, 567.

McCormick, Mrs. Medill, 13.

McCumber, Porter J., Senator, 347.

McFarland, J. Horace, 565.

Macy, Prof. Jesse, 573.

Manchester, Lord Mayor of, 562.

Manning, Rev. William Thomas, 190.

Marshall, Archibald, 448.

Marshall, Thomas Riley, Vice-President, 135.

Mary, Queen of England, 287.

Mercier, Cardinal, 376, 377, 468.

Morales, L. S., 181.

More, Paul Elmer, 190.

Morrison, Frank, 345, 465.

Morrow, Edwin P., Governor, 472.

Moses, George H., Senator, 347.

Moses, Horace A., 293.

Mueller, German Minister of Foreign Affairs,


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Smoot, Reed, Senator, 20.

[blocks in formation]

In France (L.), 435.

Lowered by thrift (Ed.), 237.

Scheme to reduce (C.). 268.

Prince of Wales in America (Ed.), 243; (C., il.),

Prince of Wales in United States (Ed.), 468.
Princeton's honorary degrees (C., il.), 188.
Printers' strike in New York (Ed.), 451, 465
Printing without type (L., il.). 650.
Production vs. high prices (Ed.), 238.
Profiteering and history (L.), 524.
Profits, division of (Ed.), 235.
Progress of the World

Administration by regional boards (L.), 314.

Government ownership of (Ed.), 233.
Labor (Ed.), 230, 232.

Legislation (Ed.). 357, 455; (C.), 591.
Measures (Ed.), 567.

Owners' rights (C.), 595

Plumb plan for ownership of (Ed.), 233, 358;
(C.), 278.

Problem (C., il.). 61: (Ed.), 5, 131, 230, 470.
Strike in England (Ed.), 451.

Travel at home and abroad (L.). 651.

Valuation fallacies (Ed.). 235.

French cities (Ed.), 130; (C., il.), 169; (C.),


In Europe (Ed.), 237, 246.
Measures in Congress (Ed.), 565.

Of French villages (C.), 405.

Red Cross plans for future (C.), 304.
Reforms in Britain (Ed.), 454.

Reservations to treaty and league (Ed.), 559.
Roberts, George E.

il.), 50.

Roosevelt, Theodore:

Frank Arthur Vanderlip (C.,

Schafer, Jospeh.

War service of historical schol-
ars (C.), 192.

Shantung Province:

Japan's economic interests in (L., il.), 424.
Political future (L.), 311; (Ed.), 467.

Shaw, Albert. A university's recognition

leadership (C., il.), 188.

Shaw. William B. Uncle Sam, underwriter (C..
il.), 508.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Trade, financing export (L., il.), 320 (see "Commerce").

Training camps, work of officers (L.), 440.
Trans-Atlantic dirigible flight (Ed.), 132.
Trans-Atlantic non-stop airplane flight (Ed.), 22.
Transportation, rail, trolley, and truck (Ed.), 233.
Treaty (see also "Peace").

American opinion on (Ed.), 556.
Analysis of (Ed.), 16.

Article X reservation (Ed.), 558.
Debate in Congress (Ed.), 240, 347.
Mr. Simonds' views (Ed.), 125.

Preamble to reservations (Ed.), 562.
Presentation to Senate (Ed.), 124.

Ratification (Ed.), 14, 346, 466. 547, 562.
Ratification delays in Europe (Ed.), 349.
Refusal of China to sign (L.), 312.

Rejection by Senate explained (Ed.), 551, 561.
Reservations discussed (Ed.), 346, 559.
Shantung amendment (Ed.), 241, 349, 558.
With Austria signed (Ed.), 350.

With Germany signed (Ed.), 123; (C.), 144. Turkey:

American mission to (L., il.), 616.
English rule in Holy Land (L.), 328.
Mandatory over Turkey (Ed.), 352.

Palestine Zionist colonies (C., il.), 609.
Reconstruction problems (L., il.), 641.
Typeless printing (L., il.), 650.

UNION trade college (L.), 441.
United States:

Aid in China (Ed.), 467.
Army ordnance (L.), 94.

As arbiter in Europe (Ed.), 212, 348.
Bolshevism (C.), 73.

Cooperation with British (C., il.), 67.
Department of Agriculture (C.), 502.
Desert travel improvements (L.), 537.
Financial condition (Ed.), 5.
Living conditions (L.), 434.

Merchant marine (Ed.), 6; (C., il.), 395.
Mineral output (Ed.), 359.

Mission to Turkey (C., il.), 616.
Narcotic habit (L.), 331.

[ocr errors]

Optical glass industry (L., il.), 98.

Policy in Europe, continuance of (Ed.), 346. Press relations with French (L.), 90. Reconstruction (C.), 70.

Relations with Mexico (Ed.), 245.

Soldiers at French universities (L.), 205. Spanish relations (L.), 218.

War effort (C., il.), 162.

War insurance (C., il.), 508.

Unrest after war (Ed.), 227.

Unrest, economic (Ed.), 343.

VANDERLIP, Frank Arthur (C., 11.), 50.

Vanderlip, Frank A. Political and economic conditions in Europe (C.), 41.

[blocks in formation]

WADE, Herbert T. America's war effort (C., il.) 162.

Wages and living costs (L.), 321.
Wages, dismissal (L.), 99.

Wages high after war (Ed.), 227.
Wales, visit of Prince to America (C., il.), 286.

Argonne Woods battle (C., il.), 491.
Cardinal Mercier a hero of (L.), 429.
Cost (Ed.), 130.

Debt of Allies to United States (Ed.), 20.
Debt of Britain (Ed.), 359; (C., il.), 411.
Debt of United States (Ed.), 19.

Effect on education (C.), 622.
Effort of America (C., il.), 162.
Inflation (Ed.), 20.

Madness, German (Ed.), 115.

Risk insurance (Ed.), 9; (C., il.), 508; (Ed.)


Service of historians (C.), 192.

War-time housing developments (C., il.), 597. 599. 603.

Waterway development in Spain (L., il.), 217.
Watt, James, centenary (L., il.), 327.
Wealth, responsibility of (Ed.), 456.

Welfare work in steel mills (L.), 531.
Wends, a Slav race in Germany (L., il.), 89.

West. Andrew F. Our use of English (C.), 392.
Wheat crop (Ed.). 21, 240.

William and Mary College (C., il.), 295.

Wilson, P. W. Is Britain going bankrupt? (C., il.), 411.

Wilson, Woodrow :

Address to Senate on treaty (Ed.), 124.
British defense of (L.), 421.

Illness of President (Ed.), 466.

Industrial conference called (Ed.), 464.

Message on high prices (Ed.), 239.

Message to special session of Congress (Ed.), 9. Mistakes of (Ed.), 555.

Return from Paris (Ed.), 124.

Unpopularity of (Ed.), 552.

Wilson and the Senate's rejection of the peace

treaty (Ed.), 547.

Wisconsin colleges (C.), 626.

Women's Government hotels (C., il.), 603.

Women in industry in Britain (L.), 426.

Women in public affairs (Ed.), 13.

Wood, Balsa (L.), 101.

Wounded (see "Soldiers").

Writers of Colombia (L.), 652.

YAP, Island of (L., il.), 540.

Y. M. C. A. in Italy (L., il.), 324.
Yorkship village (C., il.), 599.

ZEPPELIN airdrome in Germany (L.), 93.
Zionists in Palestine (C., il.), 609.



(In the early days of the conference there was a Council of Ten-the Premiers and Foreign Ministers of Great Britain, France,
Italy, and Japan, and the President and Secretary of State of the United States. Later this was reduced to five, and when Japan
withdrew from participation in the settlements of Europe it became a Council of Four. In the final days Japan was again repre-
sented. In the picture, from left to right, are Premier Lloyd George, Premier Sonnino, Premier Clemenceau, and President Wilson)

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