Imágenes de páginas

ture state.

purity; and the relation of this to the fuThis character of the Gospels deserves special notice, when taken in connexion with the prevailing opinions and doctrines of the times in which their author lived. It does so in the next view we shall take of it. The instructions of Jesus Christ were not given for the use of a particular set of men, or for a limited period of time. They are designed for all ages, and for all men. It is in their leading, their sole object, that this unlimited purpose must be looked for; and it is in the fact, that this object cannot be wholly attained on earth, but may be approached more and more nearly, that they present a perpetual motive for the highest efforts. The great object of these instructions being thus to act upon the mind and heart, the direct effect upon the individual is to preserve in him the consciousness of his being an intellectual being. Now we value fairly what we have, just so far as we know its nature and its uses. And we value ourselves too in an exact proportion to our direct influence upon others, by means we understand, as well as can command. A man who feels he has a mind, and knows so much about it as to be conscious of its operations, and has found his dignity and his pleasure too in these, has a real and lasting possession in himself. The mind is no longer the mere instrument of circumstances, and adapted to these by accident, as the eye and the ear are to the distances of different objects of sight or sound. It is felt to be a power of vast and strange attributes, planning all, and doing all. The Gospels have this power every where in view. Their purpose with it is its indefinite progress towards the good and the great. They distinctly call upon men to recognize this power in all they do, and in the perfection of its operations with us, it reveals to us some of the mysteries of a spiritual being.

We have been led to these reflections by the design of the author, in the "Letters on the Gospels," as stated in the Preface. They are written for the young, to enable "them to read the New Testament with more pleasure and advantage, and that they may be induced to make the sacred Scriptures the object of their daily study, the rule of their life, and their guide to everlasting happiness." The difficulties which it is in part the object of these Letters to explain, may seem to contradict the views offered above. The Gospels were said to be perfect in their character, and of perpetual and universal application. They allude, however, to much that was purely local and temporary, and of course of limited and accidental experience. But the propriety and wisdom of this can be shown by a moment's consideration; and so far from diminishing the force of our argument, it will give it new confirmation. The doctrines of Jesus Christ were entirely new, and his authority to teach them was shown by miracles. But they were addressed to men, using their own minds; who were to be taught, as other men are; who understood language as it is ordinarily understood; who would be more struck,

and more readily convinced by a material, has afforded us to find that even literary
representation, than by an unadorned doc- conflicts may leave the moral dignity un-
trine; and would see the truth in an illustra- burt, and to find that this latest work of a
tion, where the simple annunciation of the life devoted to letters, should have so truly
same truth would be either not received or the spirit of the subject to which it is de-
not applied. This was not true of the first voted. We close with a single extract, and
Christians merely. It is true of all men, with an unhesitating recommendation of the
and of all ages. Jesus Christ availed him-volume to our readers.
self of these facts in our moral history, and Our blessed Lord continues his discourse, by in-
at the same time availed himself of every culcating heavenlymindedness, and the practice of
circumstance, however local or however virtues, to which the Jewish teachers were general-
temporary, which might give attractivenessly strangers. He warns his hearers against covet-
or power to his instructions. He used the tice of the Pharisees, who were very avaricious,
ousness; and reprehends, in particular, the prac
intellectual and the physical language of and very much devoted to the world. They re-
the times. His doctrines were new, but sorted to any measures just or unjust, to obtain
they were for the mind as he found it, and riches. Our Saviour exhorted his hearers not to
for the mind as it always would be. His lay up treasures on earth, where moth and rust
illustrations are borrowed from the serene steal. In the Eastern countries, where the fashion
do corrupt, and where thieves break through and
sky over his head, and from the beautiful of clothes did not alter, as with us, the treasures of
flowers in his path The high mountain, the rich consisted not only of gold and silver, but
and the deep valley; the vast ocean, and of costly habits, and finely wrought vessels, liable
the narrow river; the fowl of heaven, and to be destroyed in the manner here mentioned. Our
the wild beast of the desert, the whole ma-their treasure be on earth, there would their hearts
divine Instructer assured his hearers, that, should
terial creation, are all made means of in- be also. Ye cannot,' says he 'serve two masters;
struction. The same is true of habits and ye cannot serve God and Mammon.' Mammon
manners; and even etiquette, perhaps the was a Syrian word, signifying riches, which are
most evanescent of them all, contributes here represented under the figure of a person who
its share in unfolding the deepest myste- has been deified or rather been raised to universal
ries, and discovering the most sublime and dominion by the folly of mankind.
awful truths. If there be an apparent in-
consistency in this, its reason and its motive
are deep seated in ourselves. In this late day,
is not the providence of God as frequently
rocognized and acknowledged in the protec-
tion it affords to the sparrow or the lily, as
in its daily care for us? and are not the
storms of the unconscious elements more
eloquent and powerful with us, than the in-
telligent nature, the strong power of con-
science, the noble intellect, with which God
has endowed us?

It add

Our Lord proceeds to caution his hearers against extreme anxiety respecting our earthly subsistence, and gives a striking exhortation to trust in the providential care of our heavenly Father. ed a peculiar force to our Saviour's words, that beauties of nature. He could point to the fowls of they were delivered in view of the surrounding the air, and the flowers of the field, and show his auditors, that the whole creation attested the truth of his instructions. 'Behold the fowls of the air: for they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly father feedeth them; are ye not much better than they? The ravens, in particular, are mentioned in Luke's Gospel, and our Lord, in directing his disciples to trust This clothing of his instructions with the in God for their subsistence, bids them consider the times and places in which they were given, ravens. It may appear to some surprising, that so is a cause of obscurity to us, with whom abject a creature should be so frequently recognised in Scripture, as an object of care to the Maker and times are so altered, and places so wholly Preserver of all things. When the Most High unlike. But the scholar of the bible reads challenged Job out of the whirlwind, he demanded, it with its history; and the obscurity van 'Who provided for the raven his food? When his ishes. Our author has done it for those young ones cry unto God, they wander for lack of The Psalmist uses it as an argument for who have not time or inclination for a col-meat." lateral history, and thus has made the Gos- praising God. The Lord giveth food to the young ravens which cry.' The ravens are sometimes pels accessible to the young. This little driven rather prematurely from their nest, before volume is written with great simplicity. they are all able to subsist by their own industry, The language is perfectly fitted to the in this case, piached with hunger, and abandoned author's great object. She writes as one by their parents, they fill the air with their cries; always may, who has habitually, and for a destitute and helpless condition. Nor do they cry as it were complaining to God concerning their long time, thought seriously about, and in vain, the Almighty Benefactor supplies all ther studied her subject. It seems the ordinary wants. But the care of Providence is not confined occupation of her mind, that she has carto the young. It extends also to their parents ried to her book; not the result of its oc- (who 'neither sow nor reap, have neither storecasional direction, and after long intervals. house nor barn'), and provides food for them from his inexhaustible stores. Even the meanness of It is hence all equally well done, and the the character of this bird may serve the more interest which is excited to read it, keeps strongly, in a considerate mind, to excite and estabup till the whole is read. We have been lish a firm reliance on the wise and bountiful arhighly gratified with this work. We ex-rangements of Providence. The argument of our press ourselves freely and fully about it, Lord is exceedingly strong and pointed. If the because we would pay our tribute, however Almighty hear not in vain the croaking of a young raven, he surely will not turn a deaf ear to the supsmall it may be, to one who has been so plications of his people. long known among us in the high ranks of the most dignified and useful literature. It has not been a career without its troubles, that the author has so honourably pursued. We would not have alluded to them, but for an opportunity to express the pleasure it

Our divine Instructer again turns our attention to the beauties of nature, to demonstrate the provi 'Consider," dential care of our heavenly Father. they toil not, neither do they spin; and yet I say says he, the lilies of the field, how they grow; unto you, that even Solomon, in all his glory, was not arrayed like one of these.' It is,' says Sir J.

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fields of the Levant were overrun with the Ama

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Evenings in New England. Intended for Juvenile Amusement and Instruction. By an American Lady. Boston. 1824. 18mo. pp. 181.

E. Smith, 'natural to presume that our Saviour, ac- | scientific, and philosophical subjects; and danger lest this should be the case; and we cording to his usual custom, called the attention of information, too, which he would not be apt doubt not that she will take our warning in his hearers to some object at hand; and as the to forget, and which it would be well for ryllis Lutea, whose golden liliaceous flowers, in him to remember. Now these works are autumn, afford one of the most brilliant and gor- highly honourable to their authors, and they geous objects in nature, the expression of, Solomon are most excellent and serviceable in their in all his glory, arrayed like one of these, is pecu- degree; but they are also worse than unliarly appropriate. A description of probably the profitable, if the limitations and true nature same species of flower is given by Mr Salt, in his of their real use are mistaken or forgotten. voyage to Abyssinia. At a few miles from Adowa,' says he, we discovered a new and beautiful species One good which they effect, is the teaching of Amaryllis, which bore from ten to twelve spikes of useful knowledge; but there is a greater of bloom on each stem, springing from the common good which they may, and should effect; receptacle. The general colour of the corolla was white, and every petal was marked with a single they may form in the mind a habit of enstreak of bright purple in the middle. The flower joying the acquisition of truth; they may was sweet scented; and its smell. though much mature the love of knowledge with needful more powerful, resembled the lily of the valley' aliment, and thus strengthen it, and greatly Our Saviour's words, Consider the lilies, &c. promote the improvement of the intellectual acquire additional force aud beauty, when we call character, by helping to establish a deep to mind, that they were suggested by the sight of and abiding association between pleasure the splendid species of Lily which abounds in PalBut they estine. We may imagine our Lord, when deliver- and advancement in learning. ing his divine Sermon on the Mount, pointing to cannot be made to do the whole work of those superb flowers, which decked the surround- education, nor any thing like it. The priing plain, and deducing from their beauty lessons of mal obligation of labour is still in full force; contentment, and reliance on the bounty of our it cannot be evaded by any subterfuge, nor heavenly Father. got rid of by a compromise; it refuses to admit of an exception in favour of any person or thing, and imposes upon all who share man's nature, the law, that no true good is to be won without full payment of the purchase money. We believe, that the steps THIS work is another added to the many which lead to the highest learning may be existing proofs, that American writers can so arranged, that the ascent from each to supply all the departments of letters from the next may be easy; and therefore great our own resources. Perhaps no kind or genuises may improve the manner of teachclass of literary productions now remains ing by amusement, until all things knowable unattempted, though true it is, that in are thus taught. Still the great objects of some, not to say many of them, high ex- education remain to be accomplished. The cellence is as yet unattained. The book intellect is not disciplined; its powers have now before us belongs to a peculiar class, not been developed and fortified by habits the invention of which was reserved al- of patient, strenuous, and incumbent exermost until these days; it is intended at tion. Perhaps it has acquired all that it can once to amuse and instruct children, and so get, but it has not done, nor learned to do, to do this, as that these two apparently dis- all that it could and ought to do. Learning tinct purposes shall be so far from opposing is but one of the objects of education; and each other, that they may be effected by the it is a sad mistake to regard it as the prinsame means, and in fact be blended into one cipal object. We have thought that the identity. Unless we misrecollect, Mr Day's writers for children in England, exhibited a Sandford and Merton was the first book, in strong tendency to mistake an accumulation which distinguished talents were strongly of facts in the memory for a general imexerted to give to children important infor-provement of the intellect. We hope that mation, in such a way as to make them seek and love it. Miss Edgeworth, Mrs Barbauld, Mrs Hannah More, and a host of other lesser names have followed in this path. Such has been their success, that at this moment the most entertaining books which can be put into a child's hands,-those which he would be most apt to seek in his play-hours, and beg as a favour, are at the same time eminently instructive; more so in fact than most of those which aim only at instruction. As striking instances of what we mean, we would select from Miss Edgeworth's works, "Lame Jervas," and "Murad the Unlucky." Judging from our own feelings, or rather from the recollection of our feelings when we first read them many years since, we should say that more interesting and entertaining tales never were written; and certainly it would be difficult to indicate the same number of pages in many works, which would give the young reader so much information upon moral,

good part. She professes to think that it would be presumptuous to write books for children, after Miss Edgeworth and Mrs Barbauld, were it not for the circumstance, that the works of these distinguished authors are emphatically English. From her Preface, we should infer, that she wrote in the hope of making her productions equal in interest to those of the authors referred to, by compensating for the want of their "simple elegance of expression," or their "pointed purity of moral," by introducing American scenes or characters. But we doubt not that she had a higher aim; and we hope, that she will make her works American, not merely by talking about American facts, but by making them better suited to the growing character of this country, and freeing them from evils which are attached to the best works of this sort. She loses no opportunity of illustrating and enforcing the great principle, that use is the only measure of value; and she may, we believe, give to her future productions characteristics which will make it quite unnecessary to apologize for writing after Miss Edgeworth. This highly gifted and very celebrated lady has faults, which we doubt not that the author of these "Evenings" will avoid. As to Miss Edgeworth's code of morals, we rather incline to think she favours that philosophy which identifies the most perfect morality with the most sagacious selfishness. Be this as it may, she certainly, so far as she is an author, habitually and systematically exempts the heart and the mind from the control of the highest, most operative, and most universal motives; and thinks processes and means of improvement may be devised which will be sufficiently pure and powerful without having any regard to these motives. We are certain that the principles and the system of our author will be very different. If she regards it as her vocation, to provide food for the childish or youthful mind, let her acquaint herself with the wants and character of the understanding, in that stage of its growth for which she must suit the alithis mistake will not be adopted here; and ment she offers; let her acquire accurately that works, which belong to the class of the knowledge she would communicate; and which we have spoken, however full of use- let her labour in her employment, and bow ful information they may be, and however her mind to it in good earnest, and she will cunningly they may insinuate this informa- surely succeed. It is obvious, that her intion into the reader's mind, will be still re-tellect has strength and brightness enough, garded as only preparatory to education. If they are made to lead the youthful mind gradually and naturally to those exercises in which it will put forth its strength forcibly, and advance by its own efforts, then they will be useful, and worthy of all encouragement; but if the reading of such books is permitted to supersede more efficient modes of intellectual discipline, then, and just so far, will they be injurious.

and needs only culture and discipline; whether it be peculiarly adapted to this kind of work, yet remains to be fully proved. For ourselves, we think this is a good book, well adapted to its purposes, and likely to do good to many; and we will now proceed to describe its contents somewhat more particularly, and make such extracts as shall give a just notion of its character.

All the pieces are short, and most of them We have not prefaced our notice of the are in the form of dialogues between an Evenings in New England" with these re- aunt and her nephew and niece. The submarks, because they are peculiarly applica-jects are various, and for the most part are ble to this work; indeed there is no indica- well chosen and well treated. The followtion that the author estimates the value and ing may serve as a specimen. importance of her employment above its true rate. But, as she is human, there is some

Lucy. Aunt, I am tired to death of reading History. I have been two or three months studying

Rollin ;-but now I have come to live with you, I trust you will suffer me to employ myself about something more amusing.

Aunt. Why, my dear Lucy, you have now almost ceased to be a child, and I trust you are aware of how much importance a knowledge of historical events will prove, when you come forward in society. It is one of those things which are so common that nobody can be tempted to be proud of them, and yet so necessary that one ought certainly to blush for any deficiency.

Lucy. So my mother always told me; but I must acknowledge I am weary of such kind of reading. All I can remember is a jumble of battles and revolutions,-of kings murdered and princes poisoned. There are ever-so-many Dukes of Buckingham, and and how can I possibly recollect to distinguish be

tween them?

Aunt. All this confusion originates in a want of judgment in your course of study. You should read, in course, those books which nearly relate to the same period. If you wish to attain a knowledge of the sixteenth century, for instance, there are Charles V, Leo X, and the Life of Luther, which are very proper to be read together; and perhaps a few years hence, you might with advantage add Villiers on the Reformation. For the present winter, however, I will tell you a plan which will make History delightful as well as instructive.

Lucy. Pray what is it?

Aunt. After you have read the reign of any particular king, I will read some novel or play immediately connected with it. By this means you will no longer feel as if you had only heard of the characters, but as if you had actually seen and talked with them.

Lucy. But, Aunt, I have heard people say, it was wicked to read novels and plays.

Aunt. It is, no doubt, wrong to read such books very frequently, and very unprofitable to read them at all, without much discrimination; but every thing is valuable according to its use; and when the lighter kinds of reading serve to impress something more valuable upon our minds, they answer an exceedingly good purpose.

Lucy. It seems to me there are not many novels of this description.

are there none to assist other countries, besides,
that of England?

Aunt. There probably are, though I know of but
few. When we read Robertson's Scotland, The
Abbot will increase the interest which he excites
in the story of their last unfortunate queen, Mary
Stuart. In order to remember James III, and his
quarrel with the famous house of Douglas, we may
possibly turn aside to read the Lady of the Lake;
and perhaps I may indulge you with Marmion, that
you may better recollect Mary's grandfather, James
IV, who fell at the battle of Flodien Field.
Lucy. And are there none connected with the

Aunt. Undoubtedly. However, I know of but
three; and those are, Quentin Durward, Jane of
France, and Anne of Bretagne. They all refer to
very nearly the same period.

Lucy. How delightful it will be to read all these
things. Do let us begin Hume to-night.
Aunt. To-morrow we will commence. But there
is another part to my project. You must write
down all that you remember of any reign, and the
thoughts which the subject naturally suggests. This
must be done as if you were talking to a companion,
not as if you were writing a book. The more you
improve in this task, the more willing I shall be to
devote an evening to the recreations I have men-
tioned; because I shall be convinced that you do
not hurry through your history for the sake of read-
ing novels, plays, and poems,-but that you love
novels, &c. on account of the useful information
they afford, as well as for their interesting stories
and poetic language. After all, you must remem-
ber that there are many things necessary for you to
to learn, which cannot be obtained except by hard
study. It is, no doubt, pleasant to find instruction
in the train of amusement; but she is not always
there-and she is so valuable, that we must be will
ing to follow her through long and tedious roads,
now and then turning aside to rest on a little spot
covered with grass and wild flowers.

there are short sketches and stories of the
same general character. We had marked
one or two of them for quotation, but find
we have left ourselves no room.

Divers persons of our acquaintance might consider and remember these remarks upon novels, with great advantage. The dialogue on Oracles, beginning on page 46, is one of foolish, romantic, worthless stories; and I am hear-close our extracts. Besides these dialogues, Aunt. You probably have seen a multitude of the best in the book, and with this we must tily glad that you do not like them. But if you will read only such ones as are pointed out by judicious friends, and, even then, read them sparingly, you might find some of real advantage to you With regard to the plan I proposed, I cannot furnish you with either a novel or a play for every reign in the English history; but I can for very many. Shakspeare provides a large fund for us on this occasion; and, luckily for our purpose, there is a Family Shakspeare published, in which most of the uninteresting and useless parts are omitted. The evenings are now perceptibly lengthening, and if you will follow my plan, I think you will acknowledge that they have passed away pleasantly, as well as profitably.

Lucy. Do, dear Aunt, let us hear the whole of your plan; and what books you think you shall read.

Aunt. You shall read Hume's History aloud,— and whenever I think of any thing connected with the subject, we will obtain it at the library, and spend a few evenings in becoming acquainted with the characters, to whom Mr Hume has slightly introduced us. After we have finished the reigns of Richard I, and his successor, we will read Ivanhoe and Shakspeare's King John. Shakspeare will likewise serve to fix the events connected with Henry IV, V, VI, and VIII, and likewise of the Second and Third Richard. Kenilworth and Miss Aikin's Court of Queen Elizabeth will give you a correct idea of that queen, and the persons who were most conspicuous during her reign. The Fortunes of Nigel, and Miss Aikin's Court of King James, faithfully portray the character of her successor; and Peveril of the Peak makes you well acquainted with Charles II. and his gay favourite, the Duke of Buckingham.

Lucy. I learned a lesson in Grecian History today, where it relates that the oracle had proclaimed that whoever should untie the Gordian knot, should conquer the world; and that, in consequence of this declaration, Alexander the Great, after trying in vain to untie it, cut it with his sword; and the priest declared the oracle fulfilled in him. I felt very curious to know what these oracles were, and how they knew what was to happen.

centuries ago, when the than it now is, these mar generally and more firmly priests well knew that i which mankind were so what would happen to the cordingly, they made the spoke to men through c &c.; and that if any one he should be successful in about to commenee, he l sacrifice to the god in ord flocked from all parts of precious stones, and every an offering to these oracles returned what answers the the gifts to their own use.

Lucy. But how could the Alexander did conquer the

Aunt. There are very n their predictions were wr they saw that he was a man, who was resolved to so they ventured to predic doubt some nations gave believed it impossible to oracle had decreed. The very cautious in their ans a great personage inquired expedition, they would retu still oftener, they would re taken two different ways. quired whether he should be the Halys, the oracle replie the Halys, he shall destroy passed the river, and destro pire. When Nero applied Delphi, the answer was, Se fatal to Nero.' From this, that his life was safe from ac he was seventy-three years o afterwards deserted by his p in his stead. He was then was seventy-three years old the oracle referred to that e intended to go to war with th whether he should prove vic Romans shall conquer.' This was, Aio te, acida, Ro which signifies, I declare, s able omen; but it must have either case,--for it may mea the Romans,' or 'The Roma

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Lucy Was the Delphian Aunt. They were very n remarkable were those of D and Trophonius. The Delp Mount Parnassus, the fabled A splendid temple of Apolio the midst of which was a cavit the most unhealthy and noxi this the oracle was supposed to have been discovered in t A number of goats, that wer Parnassus, came to a place w forated, from which issued a s inspire them They played such an extraordinary mann was tempted to lean over the Lucy. Yes, indeed. I know an old lady who will mysteries the place contained never begin any thing on Friday, because it is an ately seized with a fit of enth unlucky day. When the tallow falls over in a and extravagant expressions peculiar form in the candle, she is frightened be-ignorant people for prophecics cause it resembles a winding-sheet. And she says she never knew a dog to howl under the window, without some death happened in the family soon after.

Aunt. Oracles may probably be classed among other superstitions by which mankind are to this day willingly deceived. I suppose you have heard a great many signs and forerunners, which the ignorant consider as infallible?

Aunt. That must be unfortunate for the inhabitants of a city, who may chance to hear the howling of dogs every night in the week. The truth is, if a person chances to die soon after such a noise has been heard, the circumstance is recollected and repeated; but if nothing extraordinary happens, it is all forgotten, or, at most it is only remembered that some noor dog had lost his master, and was stravino

Lucy. Was it not very stran affected in that manner?

Aunt. Not at all strange, my probably contained some gas, w effect on the human frame. Y William said he behaved like a inhaled the exhilarating gas. similar effect on the brain. gained great credit with the peo erected over the spot, and dedic priestess, who was called Pythi ordained to receive the oracles

and after the priestess had bathed in the renowned | exactly, what it should be. The author thus Castalian spring, she ascended the tripod, and states his plan in the Preface.

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breathed in the noxious air from beneath. When
she inhaled unusual quantities, she was often seized
'Tis education forms the common mind,
with violent paroxysms; and once her symptoms
'Just as the twig is bent the tree's inclin'd.'
were so terrible, that the affrighted priests ran out The above couplet has been frequently quoted,
of the temple, and left her alone, as they supposed and if the sentiment it inculcates be admitted as
to expire. When she was in these fits, she uttered true, we need never expect the agricultural to be-
strange and incoherent speeches, which the priests come a reading community, particularly as it re-
pretended to interpret, and which the people were spects subjects relating to their occupation, until the
credulous enough to believe proceeded from the god study of agriculture, in some shape or form, shall
himself. All who came to consult the oracle, brought be introduced into our common schools, and the
rich presents. In process of time, the wealth of the minds of youth shall there first be inclin'd to
priests was immense, the temple magnificent be- agricultural inquiries and pursuits. And, indeed,
yond description. It was crowded with marble and why should not this be done? There is time enough
brazen statues, paintings, gold, and precious stones. for it in every school; for as youth must be allowed
So numerous were the images, that when Nero re-time and provided with books for learning to read,
moved five hundred statues of brass, the loss was by making these inquiries the subjects of their read
too small to be noticed. There are still some re- ing lessons, the two operations of learning to read,
mains of this celebrated place. The steps by which and learning to think on these subjects, may be
the priestess descended to the Castalian fountain, prosecuted and go on together, without any addi-
are still distinctly visible. Dodona is principally tional expense, either of TIME or MONEY.
famous for being the most ancient oracle. It was
consecrated to Jupiter; and, according to the fables
of those times, it was founded by a dove. Two
black doves took their flight from Thebes in Egypt;
one of which flew to the temple of Jupiter Ammon,
and the other to the temple of Jupiter at Dodona,
in Thessaly or Epirus. In a human voice, they in-
formed the inhabitants that Jupiter had consecrated
the ground, and would from thenceforth utter oracles
there. These oracles were sometimes supposed to
proceed from the doves, and sometimes from the
oaks and statues in the neighbourhood; but in all
probability it was the artifice of the priests, who
concealed themselves behind the trees, and thus de-
ceived the superstitious multitude. Another famous
oracle was at the cave of Trophonius. Noises and
voices were said to be heard in this cave; and those
who entered to ascertain their fortune, always came
out pale, frightened, and melancholy. This effect
was likewise probably produced by some powerful
vapour in the cave, unwholesome for the human

Lucy. Have oracles ceased in all parts of the


Aunt. I believe they are now entirely extinct. Many impositions of the priests were discovered, credulity. Nations which are enlightened by Chris tianity, not only perceive the impossibility of discovering future events in this manner, but they are likewise convinced how very useless such knowledge would prove; since our Merciful Father provides

and the Greeks at last became ashamed of their

for nations and men in a way that must tend to the eventual good of both.

The Agricultural Reader, designed for the
Use of Schools. By Daniel Adams, M. D.
Boston. 1824. 12mo. pp. 264.

Such is the plan here contemplated. The Agricultural Reader' is designed to be used as a reading book. Copious explanations of terms, fundamental principles of agriculture, examples of good and bad husbandry, domestic economy, industry, neatness, order, temperance and frugality, are subjects embraced within its pages-subjects, which, in one way or another, come home to every man's business and bosom,' and in which it cannot be a matter of indifference, that youth should be well instructed, before entering on the theatre of active life, whatever may be the parts there assigned them respectively to act. Much of the matter and the manner are such as is believed will engage their attention, affording at the same time many fine exercises for reading as respects cadence, emphasis, modulation, and inflections of the voice. Every thing otherwise pertinent to the subject is studiously avoided, which would be improper to be read by either sex in school.

The book commences with explanations of agricultural terms, which are designed to be thoroughly learned. These will make our scholars in the country familiar with the common technical language in works of science relative to most subjects connected with their occupation. Every thing which will tend to render intercourse easy between the literary and scientific, and the labouring class of the community, is of very great value; and we think it too plain to need proof or explanation, that the plan of Dr Adams will tend to that object. The author is true to the new principle, that scholars should be made to understand every thing thoroughly as they proceed. To effect

DR ADAMS has already acquired considera- this, he has a method of interrogating, of
ble reputation by his Arithmetic and Geog-which we believe he is the inventor. We
raphy. We are highly gratified by discov-were not aware that the interrogative sys-
ering, from the work before us, that the tem originated with him, nor that it had
spirit of the age in which we live is taking been in use only twenty-three years; and
full possession of his mind, and that he has we want more evidence of the fact. We
selected an important means for aiding in will not search for many examples of works
the good cause of a reformation in our sys- constructed on this principle previous to
tem of education. The improvements which that period, but mention the one that we
have been made, and are making, in favour first think of-the Assembly's Catechism.
of the Pestalozzian or analytical mode of Others, in the baser sciences, might be
instruction, will, we think, make his former mentioned. To explain Dr Adams' method,
publications less valuable to him; but we which we think very good, we copy the fol-
are not willing to doubt that he is suffi-lowing notes, pages 27, 28.
ciently disinterested to sustain cheerfully
any loss to which such improvements may
subject him, or that he will receive an ample
compensation in the sale of his Agricultural


We have not much to say about this book, except that it appears to be nearly, if not

The definition of words is an exercise too much neglected in our schools. To render this exercise practicable and easy both for the Teacher and the Pupil, certain words to be defined are designated by character (d) placed immediately BEFORE them; and definitions of the words so designated are given in a GLOSSARY at the end of the Book, where they are to be studied by the pupil.


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Questions and Answers. The Interrogative System' of teaching has now become very general in almost every branch of school education. Its introduction may be traced to the 'Scholar's Arithmetic,' in 1801. Some improvement in this system has been attempted by the Author in the Reading part of his School Geography, which is introduced here, where, instead of printing the question at length, which necessarily swells the book, a character (q) is introduced, intimating both to the Teacher and the Pupil, that a question is required, and this character is invariably placed BEFORE the word or words intended to ask the question, and to which the answer, FOUND BY READING THE SENTENCE, is to be a direct reply. For example, take the first sentence; the character is placed before the words 'first employment;' the question then is, What was the first employment of the earliest inhabitants of the world? The answer, from reading the sentence, is evident-'The cultivation of the earth.'

Where the construction of the sentence suggests no particular form in which to put the question, it may be, What is said of, &c.; as for instance in the fourth paragraph, when the character is placed before the words commerce and manufactures,' the question may be, What is said of commerce

and manufactures?

Let the class be directed to meditate answers to the questions to be asked on those subjects or words before which the character is placed. After reading, let those questions and the words also to be defined, be put by the Teacher, and answered by the class, in rotation. These exercises, it is believed, will be found both profitable and entertaining.

to improvements. The work would be more We have only one suggestion to make as useful and interesting, if it contained more of the natural history of animals and vegetables. When the present edition has been sold, the reputation of the work will doubtless make it safe to increase its size considerably, by adding the most interesting facts respecting the uses, to which the various animals and vegetables referred to, are applied in different countries.

This work will doubtless be followed by a Mechanic's Reader, a Merchant's Reader, and some others, according to the same principle. We shall be glad to see them, and we hope our bookmakers will suffer no delay in producing them. The public mind is prepared for such improvements, and the labour of making them will be well re


An Easy Introduction to the Study of Geography, on an Improved Plan; compiled for the use of Schools, with a view to render the acquisition of Geographical Science easy and pleasant to the Student. Accompanied by an improved Atlas; exhibiting the Elevation of Mountains, Length of Rivers, and Population of Cities, from the best authorities. By Thomas T. Smiley, Teacher. Second edition, improved. Philadelphia. 1824. 18mo. pp. 243.

WE think this book too small; it is well to introduce learners to the study of all sciences, by elementary works, but it is possible to make these elements of knowledge too simple. In the present case, the most general facts respecting all the countries in the world are very briefly stated; but we think the statements so much compressed,


that the pupil must commit almost the whole medalling, be-ribboning, and be-starring the citizen of Boston, of the book to memory, or he can profit Duke of Wellington and all his quality, or lice? Every thing b little by it. The study of geography gen- going out of the body with loyal transport, derly; but how is it erally interests the young, if the facts to as he escorted his most condescending maj- the officers?" We ar be learned and remembered are not stated esty, George the Fourth, to the various ing people, no way in too naked and abstract a manner; and cities of his empire, he neglected no oppor lees, or uproar of an elementary work in this science may tunity of sneering at our forgetfulness of and men sometimes play avoid this fault without exceeding its prop- ingratitude to those illustrious men, who had fast days, and shoot er compass. We are no advocates for those in times of peril, directed the counsels, or ings, let off a few so works which are intended to cheat children fought the battles of this republic. But be- a governor's election into learning; but the knowledge present- ing tired at last of vapouring in his holiday- or two in honour of t ed to them may, and should be so presented suit, and settled quietly down to business, in general, these thi as to induce and encourage them to seek, on a sudden he is aroused by the echo of a creet and orderly by study, for further knowledge. As this nation's shout of welcome to one of its ear-opinion of some of the is intended to be a purely elementary book, liest and dearest friends. Mr Bull puts his the spirit with which Mr Smiley has done wisely in omitting those pen behind his ear, looks forth from his well as the enjoyme astronomical notices which are usually pre- counting-room, beholds processions, triumph-gradually diminishing fixed to Geographies; children may begin al arches, and illuminations, and hears ora- to presume, that th to learn geography at an age, at which it tions and addresses. He sees a whole peo-strong, which has a is impossible for them to have acquired that ple crowding to welcome and honour a man, and excited them to knowledge, without which they cannot to whom no welcome can be too hearty, and one heart and one comprehend the relation between this sci- hardly any honour too great; and what says had nearly said extra ence and astronomy and geometry. Ques- he to all this? Why, truly, he says it is demo- of gratitude and joy tions are attached to the description of each cratic twaddling. Really, cousin Bull, you live in these days; country and state, and they are divided in- are hard to suit, and it is seriously to be our of our nation; w to two classes, viz. those which may be an- feared, that we shall scarcely ever be hon-of human nature. Le swered from the book, and those which com- oured with your approbation, since we have understand nor app pel the learner to search the maps; this so few legitimate objects of glorification. our revolution, or the arrangement is not perfectly new, but it is We have no heroes of Waterloo, no dukes look askance at our a very good one. Throughout the book, the or duchesses, and, save the mark, no George ate that we are than mountains, rivers, and cities are divided the Fourth to reign over us; and as for our We will endeavour t into six classes, according to the height of Presidents, no reasonable person can expect the former, and by e the first, the length of the second, and the ten millions of people to go mad once in four cherish and proclaim population of the third; and this classifica- years. In the mean time, whatever our latter. We have of tion is carried into the maps by figures, crusty relation may think or say, and prob- gratified by this gen from 1 to 6, attached to each mountain, ably in this matter, as in some others, his enthusiasm. It has stream, and city. We believe this plan to bark is worse than his bite, we have every ties that bind our uni be original with Mr Smiley, and it does him reason to be gratified by the reception which of individuals, whom credit. There is one fault in some parts of General La Fayette has met with in this associated on some this book, which a little care might have country. We had heard of the selfishness who have visited to prevented, and may still avoid, if it reaches and cold-heartedness of mankind, and read of ful spot, or passed t a third edition. Some of the statements the ingratitude of republics, till we trembled ful hours, when the cannot be understood without an advance- for the event of the visit of this benefactor and uncharitablenes ment in knowledge for which this book is to our land. Our alarm has as yet proved cast behind them an not at all calculated. For example, on groundless. He has been received, as one but joyous or kind page 20, it is said, "On the 20th of March whom the people delighted to honour. The appear, will always and 23d of September the days and nights shouts of welcome have resounded from connect these feelin are equal in all parts of the world, because Maine to Georgia, and from the shores of or memory of their at those times the sun passes the equator." the Atlantic to the valley of the Mississippi.gard the friends of A child who could perfectly understand The cynic may tell us, that the mob will al- ments, which no what is meant by the sun's passing the ways shout on any argument. But in these other friends may b equator, and how this circumstance causes United States, we reply, and we have British sensible, more estima an equal alternation of day and night, could authority for the assertion, mobs are rarely ble; but they want certainly find many books upon geography seen. These are the peccant humours, that associations of youth better suited to him than this. not many faults of this kind, but there This republic threw them off with the mon- love the latter, but th There are infest the bodies politic of the old world. can bestow; we may would be none, if the author were sufficient-archical regime, which engendered them. mer lifts the load of ly impressed with the importance of mak- The passions of our citizens are continually ders-gives to the mi ing a school-book perfectly intelligible to exhaled through the newspapers, or the mation, which belong courts of law; their actions are sober and that renovation, whic deliberate. A foreigner who should peruse celsus, had it been r cal press, which precede an election, might pens with the individu the alarms and denunciations of the periodi- imparted. Something conclude that we were on the verge of they rejoice together anarchy and ruin. Let him attend the other; when they uni election itself, and he will be astonished to merit, they will be pro find so little bustle or disorder; and as he a nation, spread over ping their suffrages into a box, and then go-ous and sees successive groups of voters quietly drop-ritory, whose compon ing about their

Memoirs of General La Fayette. With an Account of his Visit to America, and of his Reception by the People of the United States; from his Arrival, August 15th, to the Celebration at Yorktown, October 19th, 1824. Boston. 1824. 12mo. pp. 264. WHEN our loving and well-beloved cousin, on the other side of the water, was filling up patriotic subscription

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