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callied Bahar Dibber, or the sea of Ghimbaba. The Dibber is very large, and in the season of rain the land on the opposite side, although high, is not discernible. Beyond Jenny, the river, at the opposite outlet of the lake, inclines to the north till it reaches Timbuctoo. From thence its track is easterly to Ghou, having then traversed the district of Fillany. From Ghou it enters Marroa, passing through Corimen, Kaby, and Zamberma, as it inclines with a southerly fall to the Youry, and the lake of Noufy.


M. Marion has found, in the island of

an octave; and he found that an iron wire, extended in a direction parallel to the me- Mr Dupuis, in his work upon Ashantee, ridian, gave this tone every time the wind lately published, says of the course of this changed. A piece of brass wire gave no mysterious river, that he never heard of two sound, nor did an iron wire extended east different opinions with regard to its terminaand west. In consequence of these obser- tion. "South or north of the great desert, in vations a musical barometer was construct- Wangara or Mauritania, the sentiments ed. In the year 1787, Capt. Hans, of Bâsle, were the same, that the great flow of water made one in the following manner:-Thir- is easterly to the Egyptian Nile. Yet it teen pieces of iron wire, each three hundred must be confessed that none of my instruct and twenty feet long, were extended from ers had ever tracked its course beyond the his summer-house to the outer court, cross-western limits of Bournou. It was an oring a garden. They were placed about thodox opinion, that the Shady, as well as two inches apart; the largest were two the Koara, united its waters with innumeralines in diameter, the smallest only one, ble other large and small rivers (like the and the others about one and a half; they Amazon), which contributed to replenish were on the side of the house, and made its channel in the dry season, when it usualan angle of twenty or thirty degrees with ly tracks its course mildly; and in the sea- Manilla, a species of reptile of the family the horizon; they were stretched and kept son of rain, when it runs in tempestuous of the Agamoides, which has the faculty of tight by wheels made for that purpose. eddies, sweeping off in its current whole changing colour, like the camelion. Its Every time the weather changes these wires islands of matted vegetation. The Mos- head is triangular, pretty large in propormake so much noise that it is impossible to lems of Kong and Manding commonly used tion to the body; the tail long and slender; continue concerts in the parlour, and the the term Wangara, as relating to Ashan- along the back, the crest or ridge is formsound resembles that of a tea-urn when tee, Dahomy, and Benin, east of the For-ed of soft scales, and under the throat is a boiling, sometimes that of a harmonicon, a Of the Niger, well known to them goitre. The feet have toes, detached and distant bell, or an organ. In the opin- by its Bambira name, Jolliba, they report- very unequal; the scales are mostly trianion of the celebrated chemist, Dobereiner ed to this effect: that it has its source in a gular, imbricated, and especially those of as stated in the Bulletin Technologique, chain of mountains, which bears west and the tail. The iris is blackish, bordered with this is an electro-magnetical phenomenon. something north of the capital of Kong, a little white circle about the pupil. The from whence it is distant eighteen journeys. animal is very active, and feeds on insects. According to this estimation, I conceive its When the author first came into possession The following newspapers are now pub- fountain may exist in about 11° 15' latitude of it, its colour, for twenty-four hours, was lished in Greece: At Missolonghi, the north, and 7° 10′ longitude west of the a delicate green, whether held in the dark, Greek Chronicle (in Greek), and the Greek meridian of Greenwich. The intermediate or exposed to the sun,-whether kept moTelagraph (in several languages);-at Hy-space comprises a part of the district call- tionless or in a state of agitation: but next dra, The Friend of the Laws (in Greek);— ed Ganowa, inhabited by the Manding and morning, on removing it from the inside of at Athens, the Athens Free Press (in Falah [Foulah] tribes. The surface, for a bamboo, where it had been placed, its Greek);—at Psara, The Psara Newspaper the first five or six days, they relate, is in- colour throughout had changed to carne(in Greek). All the above, in consequence clining to hilly, yet it is by no means ab- lite; when exposed to the air, this colour of an arrangement made, may now be ob- rupt; and forests alternately abound, but gradually disappeared, and the animal retained in England by orders through the they are not so impervious as those of Ashan-sumed its green robe English Foreign Post Office. After the first hundred miles, the traveller commences ascending a cluster of lofty mountains, and this labour occupies him six days. The mountains abound in rivers and rapid torrents, which discharge themselves on the opposite sides into the Jolliba, and further to the westward they are so high and steep that no man can as"We are happy to find that the book-cend to their summits, which are barren, stores of America are beginning to furnish bleak, and oftentimes covered with snow. us with some good novels, in return for the They are inhabited about half way up by numerous cargoes with which Paternoster- ferocious tribes of cannibals. The source row has supplied the transatlantic market. of the river lies about two days' distance Mr Brown and Mr Cooper are well and up the mountains, and is distant from Con- All publishers of books throughout the deservedly known to the English public, and nassy thirty-eight journeys, or about five United States, are very earnestly requested we anticipate an equal reputation for the hundred British miles, horizontal. The to forward to us, regularly and seasonably, author of the present volumes. The story river in the neighbourhood, at the head of of Redwood possesses little of the powerful the mountains, is a small rapid stream full the names of all works of every kind, prewriting and well-imagined situations which of cataracts, which foam over a bed of paring for publication, in the press, of characterize the novels of the former writ- rocky ground, where it would not be possi- recently published. As they will be iner, and nothing of the historical interest ble to float a canoe. It flows on to a conwhich gives so much value to the works of siderable distance among the valleys and serted in the Gazette, it is particularly the latter. It much more nearly resembles broken ground, until it has cleared the desired that the exact titles be stated at the tales of Miss Edgeworth, in its pleas- mountains, which it leaves far to the south, length. ant, and, we believe, accurate delineation as it explores a channel on the plains of of domestic manners. Redwood is a reli- Melly. On the confines of Bambara, it gious novel, but there is nothing like big-is already a large river, occasioned by the otry or fanaticism in the opinions of the junction of many other rivers of almost writer, who displays a spirit of very liberal equal magnitude, and whose sources are in and rational piety." We ought to add, that the style of Redwood is good, and the story interesting."


The New Monthly Magazine speaks in the following terms of this work, which is so deservedly high in favour with the American public.


On this ground, certain brown lines were soon after visible: the animal was then replaced in the bamboo, but on drawing it out, it had acquired a bluish green colour, and it was only in the open air that the brownish tints returned; and at length, without any variation of form or position, the brown colour gave place to a uniform green, intermingled, however, with some brownish streaks. When laid on green or red substances, no grain of colour was observed.

***The proprietors of Newspapers, for which this Gazette is exchanged, and of which the price is less than that of the these mountains. It passes Yamina, Sata- Gazette, are expected to pay the differ na, and Sago, to Massina and Jenny; be- ence. yond which it spreads into a large lake,

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Published on the first and fifteenth day of every month, by Cummings, Hilliard, & Co. No. 1 Cornhill, Boston.-Terms, $5 per annum, payable in July. VOL. I.



No. 17.

gardens and vineyards, wood and verdure, cattle and
groups of villagers, all blended in bright and gay con-
fusion, arrest the eye, and address the heart. Here
you saw, in their cool and shaded cloisters, small
of their orders, observing us as we passed along;
parties of monks, in the dark and picturesque dress
there some happy family, parents, children, and
servants, would hurry to their garden terrace on the
water's edge, and salute us with smiles and vivas;
discern some solitary nun, who, from the high and
while a little farther, in the back ground, you might
grated casement of her convent, looked out upon
the strange and brilliant show, and hastily with-
drew. About two leagues above Villa Franca, the
breeze died away, and not a breath of air stirred on
with all their exertion, made little more than a
Our boatmen took to their poles, and
league, when the shades of evening closed in, and
we brought to near the bank. Here we found a
Portuguese tent, which had been pitched for some
day-guard, but was abandoned for the night; of this
my cheerful little mess took possession, and here
the gaiety of a party of pleasure.
we ate our cold meat and drank our wine, with all

the water.

perhaps, of all things, that which is most to be dreaded and hated; but these are not the feelings which it usually excites in them Recollections of the Peninsula. By the Au- whom its actual horrors do not reach; and thor of "Sketches of India." First Amer-one reason why there is so little truth in ican from the second London Edition. the common opinions and sentiments upon Philadelphia. 1824. 12mo. pp. 260. this subject, is, that we consider it in the THIS book details the personal experiences mass, and not in detail. The true nature of a British officer actively engaged in the of war is concealed from the multitude by Peninsular war. We can safely recom- its pomp and glories; but follow the indimend it as an interesting work; and we viduals who compose this mass, and observe believe we may go further, and call it a the feelings which govern them, the deeds useful work. The author does not attempt upon which they are bent, the ends they to give a plan of the campaign, or to de- seek and the means they use, the doom scribe the movements of the military masses which few escape-of toil and peril, of which were then combatting in Spain. As savage hate, of more than brutal enmityhe does not write for the instruction of sol- of suffering which it is terrible to read of, diers, he adapts himself to the comprehen- and, perhaps, the violent death towards sion of others besides his martial brethren; which many are pressing, and these idle and he narrates in a lively, unaffected, and glories will fade away. Military arrays are very pleasant way, those circumstances splendid objects; the dancing plumes and After an hour's labour in the morning, finding which befell him personally. We abide glittering arms are beautiful; the trumpet, we made little or no way by water, we landed and with him in his quiet quarters, during his and the echoing volley, will stir up the marched to Santarem. The situation of this city rare periods of rest, and follow him in the spirit; but these things are only the be- is very striking; it is built on bold, elevated ground, march, and stand by his side in the battle, ginning, and the end is on the battle field, of which it completely commands. The regiment hanging directly over the Tagus, the southern bank and thus learn what things they are, which where the fierce cries of rage and agony was quartered for the night in a convent, and I rea soldier must do and suffer. That such a and the groans of dying men are heard, ceived a billet on a private house. At the door of book must needs be interesting, our read- and the gay plume is bloody, and the wound-it, I was met by the owner, a gentlemanlike lookers will grant; and we think it also useful, ed bosom is breaking beneath a crushing because it helps to do away certain errors, hoof; and, if the beginning and the end are and throw some light upon the folly and kept nearer to each other in our thoughts, wickedness of a love of war, and an admi- they will not wander so far from the truth. ration of military achievement. Wars will But, we do not mean to make this pleasprobably be necessary evils for some time ant book serve only to introduce a discusto come; but though necessary, they should sion of the true character of war; and we be regarded as evils. Universal and un-hasten to state its contents somewhat more broken peace cannot be established until men love each other much better than they now do; and, in the mean time, nations should not neglect the means of defence, nor refuse to acknowledge the necessity of defence, when this necessity actually comes. The prevalence and common love of war, is a strong proof that men are not, in their nature, so far from brutes, as they would fain think; for, though man may submit to the necessity of conflict, it is essentially brutish and irrational to provoke the combat and meet it with delight. That war may prevent worse evils is certain; but let it rank with the earthquake, the whirlwind, and the plague; let it stand foremost among the avenging ministers of God, whose visitations cover the face of society with a darkness like the shadow of death, and can only be borne as they come to purge away, with fear and sorrow, evils which would have led to direr wo and more dreadful desolation. War is essentially the science and art of mutual injury; and all possible modes of human suffering, all the forms which pain and misery can take, are its true accompaniments. It is,

distinctly. The author embarked at Ports-
mouth, to follow his regiment to Portugal,
in the last week of June 1809. In Lisbon
he remained about a fortnight, and the de-
scription of this city and its beautiful vi-
cinity occupies the first thirty pages of the
volume. About the last of July his regi-
ment received orders to march for Spain;
and for many days the march was a mere
journey of pleasure, and every thing was
delightful. The following extract will give
our readers some idea of the treatment
which the British at first received from the
inhabitants of the country, and also of the
change, and of the causes of the change,
which soon took place.

ing, well-dressed man, of about sixty, and of a very mild, pleasing address: he led the way to a neat ered with dust and dirt, and declined them as too apartment, and a pretty bedchamber. I was covgood; but how was my confusion increased, when my host himself brought me water in a silver basin to wash, while his good lady presented me with chocolate, bearing it herself on a salver. I feared that they had mistaken my rank from my two epaulettes. and I explained to them that I was a simple Lieutenant. No; they well knew my rank, but did not pay me the less attention; they perfamed my chamber with rose-water, took off my knapsack with their own hands, and then left me recover from the pleasing astonishment, into which to refresh myself by washing and dressing, and to their cordial and polite reception had thrown me. In the evening my party dined here, and the worthy host presented us with some magnums of fine old wine, and the choicest fruit. We made scruhospitality, and we, in return, pressed on his acples; he overruled them with true and unaffected ceptance six bottles of excellent Sauterne, the remains of our small stock of French wine.

Such was my treatment in the first billet I ever entered in Portugal, and such, with very few excep by Portuguese of all classes, according to their tions, was the character of the reception giver

means, at the commencement of the Peninsula From the quay of the Commercial Square our struggle, to the British army: rich and poor, the men sprung into the boats, and our little fleet was clergy and laity, the fidalgo and the peasant, all soon sailing up the river, under a favourable breeze. expressed an eagerness to serve, and a readiness It must have been a beautiful sight, for those on the to honour us. In these early marches, the villa, quays and along the banks, to mark our fair array. the monastery, and the cottage, were thrown open The polished arms, the glittering cap-plates, and at the approach of our troops; the best apartments, the crimson dress of the British soldiers, crowded the neatest cells, the humble but only beds, were in open barks, must have produced a very fine all resigned to the march-worn officers and men, effect. And we, too, gazed on a scene far different with undisguised cheerfulness. It is with pain I indeed, but most peaceful, most lovely. The north-am compelled to confess, that the manners of my ern bank of the river from Lisbon to Villa Franca strange, but well-meaning countrymen soon wrought (about six leagues) presents a continued succession a change in the kind dispositions of this people. of rural beauties: convents, chapels, and quintas, When they saw many assume as a right all which


they had accorded from politeness, and receive their respectful attentions and cordial services, as expressions of homage, due to the courage, wealth, and power of the British nation;-when the simplicity of their manners, their frugality, the spareness of their diet, the peculiarities of their dress, and their religious prejudices were made the subjects of derision and ridicule;when they witnessed scenes of brutal intoxication, and were occasionally exposed to vulgar insult, from uneducated and overbearing Englishmen ;--when, I say, all this occurred, they began to examine our individual titles to their esteem; they were, often, very soon disenchanted; and the spirit which we had awakened in them, manifested itself in various acts of neglect, rudeness, and even resentment.

One element of the pleasure which the author and his messmates enjoyed while they were on their way to join the army, was the entire novelty of all the scenes and circumstances about them; we doubt not, many of the soldiers were murmuring at those very things which their officers enjoyed with the highest relish. As they advanced on their march, the heat became so intense, that it was necessary to repose during the day, and proceed only when the sun had withdrawn his intolerable beams. But this change of day into night, and all the various wants and difficulties incident to their situation, were made sources of pleasure.

With a small advanced guard I entered Golegão at the head of the regiment just as early matin-bell was summoning the inhabitants to prayers. The attendance on public worship throughout Spain and Portugal is extremely regular, and no occupation, or manner of life, is suffered to interfere with this sacred duty. To mass go the muleteers before they load their train; and from the door of the chapel the peasants sally forth to their daily labours. The very changing of night into day, a measure rendered necessary by the extreme heat, carried with it the charm of novelty. I was well lodged, and hospitably treated, in an humble but clean cottage, and with the night again set forward.




ered so far as to be pro ger; but was still so f ordered to return to Lis

was uncomfortable enou rival at Lisbon he suffer confined him for six we again recovered, rejoi which formed a part of and soon after found hi went, on the right of on the Sierra de Buzac

My regiment had no so walked to the verge of the lay, in the hope that I migh the enemy. Little, howev ished sight. Far as the eye the magnificent scene which tering of steel, and clouds o and artillery, proclaimed th army; while, immediately those precipitous heights,

We bivouacked daily. It is a pleasing sight to see a column arrive at its halting ground. The camp is generally marked out, if circumstances allow of it, on the edge of some wood, and near a river or stream. The troops are halted in columns, arms piled, picquets and guards paraded and posted, and, in two minutes, all appear at home. Some fetch large stones to form fire-places; others hurry off with canteens and kettles for water, while the wood resounds with the blows of the billhook. Dispersed, under the more distant trees, you see the officers, some dressing, some arranging a few boughs to shelter them by night; others kindling their own fires; while the most active are seen returning from the village, laden with bread, or, from some flocks of goats, feeding near us, with supply of new milk.. How often, under some and fuel, have I taken up iny lodging for the night; spreading cork-tree, which offered shade, shelter, and here, or by some gurgling stream, my bosom fanned by whatever air was stirring, made my careless toilet, and sat down with men I both liked and esteemed, to a coarse, but wholesome meal, seasoned by hunger and by cheerfulness. The rude simplicity of this life I found most pleasing. An picquets were already poste enthusiastic admirer of nature, I was glad to move were already halted in the umn too after column, arriv and dwell amid her grandest scenes, remote from reposed upon the ground cities, and unconnected with what is called society. swelled the black and en Her mountains, her forests, and, sometimes, her numbers of the enemy were home: her rivers, streams, and springs, cooled my three distinct and heavy bare and bladeless plains, yielded me a passing tion, seventy-five thousand, brow, and allayed my thirst. The inconvenience rear of their left, at a mor of one camp taught me to enjoy the next; and I you might see a large encar learned (a strange lesson for the thoughtless) that and the whole country beh wood and water, shade and grass, were luxuries. Ied with their train, their am saw the sun set every evening: I saw him rise missariat.***I returned sl again each morning in all his majesty, and I felt after an evening passed in that my very existence was a blessing. Strange, mated conversation, though indeed, to observe how soon men, delicately brought nor fires, we lay down, r up, can inure themselves to any thing Wrapt in with the stone surface of th a blanket, or a cloak, the head reclining on a stone and the sky for our canopy or a knapsack, covered by the dews of night, or the night. Two hours b drenched perhaps by the thunder shower, sleeps line was under arms; but many a youth, to whom the carpetted chamber, the rapidly and silently. At las curtained couch, and the bed of down, have been ed, a few distant shots wer from infancy familiar. were soon followed by th and the quick, heavy, and ketry. We received order the troops attacked: the amounting to fourteen tho into open column, and mo double quick, and in the hig

But the scene soon changed; the regi-
ment arrived within reach of the army, and
began to learn something of the realities of

officers, men, and horses, of the heavy brigade of
As we passed out of the town, we saw several
in wretched condition, and the men looked sickly.
British cavalry, stationed there. The cattle were
Both officers and privates were very ill dressed, and
their brown and shapeless hats had a most unmili-
tary appearance. Whoever had seen these regi-
ments in England; in pale, sallow-looking men,
and skeleton horses, would hardly have recognized
the third Dragoon Guards and fourth Dragoons,
two corps enjoying, and deservedly, a well-earned
ishes all that brilliancy which has won the heart
name. Thus, oftentimes, on actual service, van-
and fixed the choice of so many a youth, and which
appeared so gay and attractive on crowded es-
planades at home. ***

This march, and the following, our route, which passed by Punhete to Abrantes, led us often for miles along the banks of the Tagus, and through villages built on the very edge of the river. clear bright silver moon lighted our silent path; not a lamp burning in any of the cottages; not a human voice to be heard; not a sound, save the dull tread of our weary men, and the gentle tone in which the waters told their ceaseless flow. The moon-beams which played upon the bright arms of our gallant soldiers, shone also on the glistening nets of the peaceful fisherman, which hung spread upon the rocks, near his deserted bark. All within these humble dwellings was repose, and their happy inmates slumbered sweetly, unconscious that the tide of war (harmless and friendly indeed to them, yet bearing on its wave not only youth, ambition, and courage, but, perhaps, even ferocity and crime) rolled, in the dead of night, past the vine-clad walls The autumnal season, in Estremadura, is proverof their defenceless cots. The town of Abrantes bially unhealthy, and numbers of the inhabitants is well situated; it stands lofty, and commands the die annually of the alarming fever which prevails passage of the Tagus, over which, at this point, a in the dreaded month of September. The unwholebridge of boats communicates with the southern some vapours, which arise from the beds of the provinces. We crossed the river, and occupied many stagnant pools scattered over the surface of for one night a camp of standing huts, formed many heats, are said to produce this evil, Be this as it these plains, and always dried up by the summer weeks before by some division of our army, which had halted in that neighbourhood. At sun-rise the may, towards the end of September, this insidious following morning we were again in motion, and and resistless enemy found his way into our tranmarched onwards to the village of Gaviao. Our quil quarters, crowded our hospitals with sick, and road led, in part, through plains covered with Gum-filled the chapel vaults with victims, over whom we cistus in flower, the frail leaves of which are re- gloomily and sullenly mourned. ***

We were halted exactly just repulsed a column, was from which the seventy-f most beautiful regularity, i shot. Here a few shells fl line, but we had not the ho The first wounded man I e was carried past me at this young Englishman, in the lay helplessly in a blanket, drops of perspiration stood tered by canon-shot. but he spoke not-his agony secretly wished him dea that was not very long with

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More and harder figl the troops were kept re with their accoutremen stood in order of batt ranks head to head, an lock by his side. But vred to attack the B Wellington retreated t bon.

The French ad ened them, but retired Our author was attac

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