Imágenes de páginas

you agree with your constitution, and absolutely to avoid all other."

Sleep-"Child of wo, lay thy head on thy pillow instead of thy mouth to the bottle." The Doctor maintains that of all stimulants, sleep is the best,-whether for exhaustion of body or mind,-that a "forty winks' nap," is better than a glass of brandy, and that a sofa is a sine qua non in a study. He does not forget, however, that this panacea cannot always be had at will,—that the downy pinions will not light on every lid. He tells us, that the habit of sleeping may be acquired, that he who has urged his nerves into a feverish irritability, cannot sooth their commotions with a word, that there are moments when the Nepenthe is offered by kind nature to all, and if her kindness is neglected, that she cannot be whistled back like a tame spaniel;-in short, that if we do not remember we are mortal, she will teach us the lesson with whips and scorpions. To those unfortunates who have their abodes in "Elysiums of brick and mortar," our author offers "all he has, a tear," and to them he acknowledges that often "sleep cannot come, that comes to all." The unction with which he touches this part of the subject will be felt by all, who have ocasionally (and what denizen of a city has not?) felt the agony of sleep delayed, and he shall speak for himself.

as Macbeth did Malcolm's-and bangs doors, and

cited in support of it-from that of the
Lord Chancellor-" Aged men and weake
bodies, a short sleepe after dinner does
help to nourish," to the old English prov-
erb, "After dinner sit awhile."

Clothes. We were aware that many
absurdities prevailed among mankind in re-
gard to clothing,-some ridiculous only,
and others injurious; but the following
grievance had escaped our notice.

Of all the customs of clothing, the most extreme-
ly absurd is the usual arrangement of bed clothes,
which, in order, as the chamber-maid fancies, to
make the bed look pretty in the day time, are left
long at the head, that they may cover the pillow.
ble load on your lungs, &c. &c.
When they are turned down, you have an intolera-

confirms what we have before suspected, that he is a bachelor,-it is this, that the babies are apt to be brought to table with it

The part of this volume denominated "Peptic Precepts," abounds with exquisite maxims, and nice calculations, of which the following is an example: "From thirty to forty (according to the tenderness of the meat) has been calculated as the mean number of munches that solid meat re

quires, to prepare it for its journey down the red lane."

The "Economy of the Eyes” is the strangest jumble of disquisitions upon spectacles, telescopes, microscopes, opera-glas ses, theatres, and astronomy; song-singing, and musical ears; of judicious observations, and mal-à-propos quotations,-that we ever remember to have met with. It has neither beginning, middle, nor end. Any thing like a regular analysis of it, we believe to be out of the question; and so we leave it to our readers, assuring them that they will find some amusement, if they find nothing else in it.

The general direction respecting clothes, is to wear warm apparel when we are cold, and thin and cool, when we are warm; which one would think was obvious enough; but maxims of this sort are too simple for many people, who cannot believe a plain reason to be a good one, and will sweat under loads of broadcloth in hot weather, lest they should take cold, or shiver through a winter half-dressed, that they may become hardened, as they term it ;-in plain English, that they may have some chance of suffering less from the next season than opinion, as the reader may perceive in the they do from the present, without seeming course of this review, as the evidence on to be aware that a great coat would make either side preponderated. We are even them comfortable now and ever. These uncertain whether Dr Kitchiner is in rẻlast should remember the aphorism of the rum natura, his account of himself is so va

We find a very short chapter devoted to Exercise, which one would think deserved a long one.

After a diligent perusal of these works, we profess ourselves unable to determine whether the author is really a flat or a philosopher.

We have wavered in our

Sound passes through the thin party walls of modern houses with most unfortunate facility. If you are so unlucky as to have for your next door neigh-great Boerhaave, that "only fools and beg-rious. If he is so, we are persuaded that bours, fashionable folks, who turn night into day, or gars suffer from cold, the latter not being he is, as we before observed, a bachelor; such as delight in the sublime economy of cinder able to procure sufficient clothes, and the and that he sings a good song. Concernsaving and cobweb catching, it is in vain to seek re- former not having the sense to wear them." ing his age we can form no conjecture, pose, before the former has indulged in the eveWith respect to the articles of Fire and since in the "Art of Prolonging Life" be ning's recreation of raking out the fire, and has played with the poker till it has made all the red Air, the author thinks that money saved in tells us that he is about forty-three, and in coals black; or after Molidusta 'the tidy one,' has buying fuel is often spent in buying physic; the "Economy of the Eyes," speaks of the awoke the morn, with the broom, the bonny, bonny and that, while it is necessary that we time when he was forty-five; but we are broom.' A determined dust-hunter or cinder-saver should have a supply of fresh air, what is certain that he has frequently amused, and murders its neighbour's sleep, with as little mercy commonly called change of air is often in- sometimes instructed us, and we shall, rattles window-shutters, till the Earth trembles jurious to invalids, it being many times like therefore, according to his desire, rather and air is aghast.' All attempts to conciliate a taking an oyster from his shell, in which recommend his books than lend them. savage, who is in this fancy, will be labour in vain. last opinion we disagree with the Doctor. The arrangement of its fire is equally the occupation of the morning, and the amusement of the evening; and the preservation of a cinder and the destruction of a cobweb, are the main business of its existence.***The majority of the Dogs, Parrots, Piano-fortes, &c. in this metropolis are actionable nuisances.***Little sweep-soot-ho is another dreadful disturber. The shrill screaming of the poor boys making night hideous,' at five or six o'clock in cold dark weather, is a most barbarous custom, and frequently disturbs a whole street, before they rouse the drowsy sluggard who sent for them.***The Editor's feelings are tremblingly alive on this subject. "Finis coronat opus." However soundly he has slept during the early part of the night, if the finishing nap in the morning is in terrupted from continuing to its natural termination, his whole system is shook by it, and all that sleep has before done for him is undone in an instant; he gets up distracted and languid, and the only part of his head, that is of any use to him, is the hole between his nose and chin.

An Oration, pronounced at Cambridge, be
fore the Society of Phi Beta Kappa,
August 27, 1824. By Edward Everett.
Boston. 1824. 8vo. pp. 67.

We do not know how to account for the brevity with which Dr Kitchiner passes over this subject. He probably considered, that he who did not acknowledge the indispensable nature of this, and was not fully aware both of its use and necessity, was not worth wasting words upon. On the subject of Wine, our author is very diffuse. But we have not space to follow him through all his details. In one particular he differs toto cœlo from some of our modern epicures,-roundly asserting, that all wines begin to deteriorate after being kept five or six years, and that the best way to make old wine is to mix water with new. "All,” says he," that the outrageous advocates for 'vin passé' really know about it is, that sherry is yellow, and port is black, and that if they drink enough of either of them, it will make them drunk," Upon such abominably heterodox opinions we offer no comment. The Doctor mended, and we add our authority, quan- has one association with wine, which is ev-realized, unimagined political happiness, idently not an agreeable one, and which nurtures the hopes of millions, if it did not

Among the variety of queer things in this chapter is the definition of single grog, "one brandy and nine waters." The siesta and semi-siesta (i. e. putting the feet on a stool about eight inches high) are recom

tum valeat, to the host of those, who are

WE welcome every indication, that intelli-
gent Americans are beginning to investi
gate the peculiar circumstances, the pros-
pects, and the duties of our country. All
civilized nations are looking upon us; let
it not be our fault, if they look in vain.
Throughout Europe, and in all states of
European origin, men
are getting new
thoughts, new hopes, new purposes; plans
of revolution, if not of liberty, are agitat
ed; they who govern have been made to
join themselves in solemn league, the bet-
ter to maintain their common cause by
common efforts; the people of many realms
are demanding to know some reason for the
rights which their rulers claim ;-and every
where, they who hope for change, and they
who fear it, are looking at this country.
Our success, our unparalleled, and, until

inspire them; and from our history, our and truth is beginning to desecrate; let not free institutions, still it may be inquired, whether conduct, and our condition, they ask in- these feelings of reverence and submission the new form of social organization among us is struction. None can doubt that important be extirpated, but turned upon their proper of our literature? As the country advances, as the at least to produce no corresponding modification relations exist between this country and all objects. The great principle that all po- population becomes denser, as wealth accumulates, others in Christendom. The tendency of litical power rests upon opinion, will-at as the various occasions of a large, prosperous, and the political movements of this age-we do least may-soon be tested by tremendous polite community call into strong action and vigonot say their irresistible and absolute ten- experiments; of its truth there can be no rous competition the literary talent of the coundency, for of the future we have no right doubt,-public opinion must be victorious ry, will no peculiar form or direction be given to its literature, by the nature of its institutions? To to speak in terms of certainty, but their ob- and absolute; how infinitely important is it, this question an answer must, without any hesitavious present tendency-is towards the then, that this omnipotent opinion be duly tion, be given in the affirmative. Literature as well reclamation and recovery of their rights, enlightened. Let the nations of Europe be in its origin, as in its true and only genuine characby the people; and in this path we have made to know what manner of people we ter, is but a more perfect communication of man advanced until all precedent is left behind, are, and how we became what we are. The with man and mind with mind. It is a grave, susand all nations who would tread it must be examination of our national condition, and feeling; or a free and happy reflection of nature, of tained, deliberate utterance of fact, of opinion, and content to follow. It may be believed, of the causes which created it, and the influ- character, or of manners; and if it be not these it that our revolution, with our subsequent na- ences which affect it, is a work of too much is poor imitation. It may, therefore, be assumed tional establishment, has mainly contributed importance to be left undone or ill done-as certain, that the peculiarity of our condition and to awake the world, and stir up the spirits of any longer. Let it be rescued from the institutions will be reflected in some peculiarity of men to high purposes and strong actions; or hands of those who can do no more than early to say. Literary history informs us of many our literature; but what that shall be it is as yet too that it is but one mighty circumstance in make it an opportunity for nonsensical and studies, which have been neglected as dangerous to that vast chain of causes and effects, which nauseating glorification, and of those who existing governments; and many others which have may be traced backwards to ages of dark- are so free from vulgar and conceited preju- been cultivated because they were prudent and ness-ages when the press began to extend dice, that they can see nothing remarkable safe. We have hardly the means of settling from the aid and influence of truth to countless in this conntry,-nothing that is valuable analogy, what direction the mind will most deci cively take, when left under strong excitements to multitudes, and Luther armed himself with in that which is peculiar-nothing in our action, wholly without restraint from the arm of the Scriptures to fight down the Church- freedom but licentiousness-nothing in our power. It is impossible to anticipate what garand leads forwards to a brighter futurity simplicity but rudeness-nothing in our nathan the hopes of men ever dared to pic- tional economy but short-sighted and wasteture. It is of no consequence, what opin-ful economy-nothing in them who claim ion is held as to the exact manner or degree, in which our success has caused or promoted that struggling for rights, which characterizes these days. Certain it is, that we have gained what other nations are seeking;-that we are, what they are striving to become. There are essential differences between us and these, which should be pointed out, for they lead to important consequences; with some advantages which we have not, they must become free in despite of many hindrances, which neither we nor our fathers were tasked to subdue. Now, it is an easy thing for them to become free who are ready for freedom; but it is very hard to prepare for liberty, to make susceptible of its blessings, men to whose common thoughts and feelings, to whose habitual life, it is altogether foreign. But at this moment this great work of preparation is going on. The cause of justice and of truth may not be much furthered by local and spasmodic reactions against established abuses. Men will be ruled by men, and governments will continue to be for the good of the few, until the crowds, the pop

ulace of nations are freed from those habits and those vices, which make it impossible that they should govern themselves. A national character which could endure the establishment of an actual government of laws, neither could nor would submit for an hour to the tyrannous rule of any man or men; and, until such a character as this is created in Europe, the uproar about Legitimates and Carbonari, and royalists and republicans, and kings, and cortes, "this common cry of curs," cannot be stilled. The preparation for the enjoyment of all that we enjoy, we should aid; and we may aid it by enlightening the public mind of the many nations from which we sprang, Follies and falsehoods which time and authority had sanctified, the progress of reason

for our native land a decided superiority in
the best blessings God can give a nation,
but idle boasting and childish, miserable
vanity. Let men of sense undertake this
work; men of strong and patient minds,
men of knowledge and experience, who have
dwelt among the people of other lands, and
studied them and their ways. That the re-
sult of their labours will be received abroad
as a welcome gift, they need not that we
should tell them; and the attention it will
meet with here, may be learned from the
extreme interest with which this very long
oration was heard, and from the fact, that
the copy now before us, although it is not
so stated upon the title page, is of a second

The subject of this Address, is "The pe-
culiar motives to intellectual exertion in
America." This important inquiry is closely
connected with all the most interesting pe-
culiarities in our condition and prospects.
In pursuing it, Mr Everett first examines
the common opinion, that literature needs
a patronage which cannot exist without
monarchical institutions, and shows it to be
an error. He then illustrates with great
power, the peculiar facilities afforded to the
intellectual progress of this country, by the
extension of one language, government,
and character, over so wide a space as the
United States of America. We have not
room to follow the course of Mr Everett's
reasoning, and cannot, easily, by a few ex-
amples, do justice to the strength of his ar-
guments, or the beauty of his illustrations.
Perhaps no part of this oration interested us
more than those passages which relate to the
character of the growing literature of this
country, and the difficulty of predicting
what that character will be.

ments our native muses will weave for themselves. To foretell our literature would be to create it. or a historical composition had ever been produced There was a time before an epic poem, a tragedy, by the wit of man. It was a time of vast and powerful empires, of populous and wealthy cities. But these new and beautiful forms of human thought and feeling all sprung up in Greece, under the stimin the world, it would have been idle for the philoulus of her free institutions. Before they appeared sopher to form conjectures, as to the direction, which the kindling genius of the age was to assume. He, who could form, could and would realise the anticipation, and it would cease to be an antiand not before, when the gorgeous vision of the cipation. Assuredly epic poetry was invented then Iliad, not in its full detail of circumstance, but in the dim conception of its leading scenes and sterner features, burst into the soul of Homer. Impossible, indeed, were the task fully to read the auspices of the niind, under the influence of institutions as new, as peculiar, and far more animating, than those of Greece. But if, as no one will deny, our political system bring more minds into action on equal terms, if it provide a prompter circulation of thought throughout the community, if it give weight and empasis to more voices, if it swell to tens of thousands and millions those sons of emulation, who crowd the narrow strait where honor travels,' then it seems not too much to foretell some peculiarity at least, if we may not call it improvement, in that literature, which is but the voice and utterance of all this mental action. There is little will receive great improvements; that the written doubt that the instrument of communication itself and spoken language will acquire force and power; possibly, that forms of address, wholly new, will be struck out, to meet the universal demand for new energy. When the improvement and the invenfor, as well to its happy author as the world. But tion (whatever it be) comes, will come unlooked where great interests are at stake, great concerns

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*The peculiar natural features of the American Continent are of themselves sufficient to produce some strong peculiarity in its literature, but this separate Essay. It has, I am permitted to say, been topic is comprehensive and curious enough for a made the subject of one, by M. de Salazar, the minister from the Colombian Republic to the United States, which will shortly be presented to the friends' of American letters. An essay on such a subject, from an accomplished citizen of a free State, estabBut though it be conceded to us that the tenden-lished in the kingdom of Nueva Granada, is itself cy, which is alleged to exist in this country toward an admirable illustration of the genial influence of the political career, is not a vicious effect of our popular institutions on Intellectual Improvement.


to the Accession of George IV. By John These engravings ar
Robinson, D. D. With 160 Engravings. sent strikingly the n
New York. 1824. 12mo. pp. 501.
English history; and
of the statements an
the style, make the
to the domestic readi

Narrative of a Pedes

rapidly succeeding each other, depending on almost | Hume and Smollet Abridged, and Continued instrument of instruc innumerable wills, and yet requiring to be apprehended in a glance, and explained in a word; where movements are to be given to a vast empire, not by transmitting orders, but by diffusing opinions, exciting feelings, and touching the electric chord of WE think the true principles of education sympathy, there language and expression will be--both the science and the art-are as well come intense, and the old processes of communica- understood here, as in England, or else tion must put on a vigor and a directness, adapted to the aspect of the times. Our country is called, where. The attention of scholars, and of as it is, practical; but this is the element for intel- practical men, is directed quite as much to lectual action. No strongly marked and high toned that important subject; and it is reasonaliterature; poetry, eloquence, or ethics; ever ap- ble to believe, that our best books for peared but in the pressure, the din, and crowd of great interests, great enterprises, perilous risks, and schools, and for domestic instruction, will dazzling rewards. Statesmen, and warriors, and soon cease to be the re-prints of English poets, and orators, and artists, start up under one works. This is already the case in a conand the same excitement. They are all branches siderable degree. Many of the schoolof one stock. They form, and cheer, and stimulate, books now in most common use, are of home and what is worth all the rest, understand each oth manufacture; and of the new works which er; and it is as truly the sentiment of the student, in the recesses of his cell, as of the soldier in the the press of this country is pouring forth ranks, which breathes in the exclamation; with a profusion which will soon wipe away all reproach of literary barrenness, the number of those which relate, in some way or other, to the work of education, bears a very large proportion to that of the whole. In astronomy, in geography, and, more than all, in arithmetic, we think that Wilkins, Worcester, and Colburn, have fairly driven from the field competitors, who had all the advantage of established and extensive usage. In other branches, less has been done, and in history, little indeed is yet accomplished. We must, therefore, be contented with using works provided for us in foreign lands;-and may be glad that the supply from abroad is in a good measure satisfactory, in respect of quality as well as quantity.

To all the sons of sense proclaim,
One glorious hour of crowded life
Is worth an age without a name.

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Literature, as has been partly hinted, is the voice of the age and the state. The character, energy, and resources of the country, are reflected and imaged forth in the conceptions of its great minds. They are the organs of the time; they speak not their own language, they scarce think their own thoughts; but under an impulse like the prophetic

enthusiasm of old, they must feel and utter the sentiments which society inspires. They do not create, they obey the Spirit of the Age; the serene and beautiful spirit descended from the highest heaven of liberty, who laughs at our little preconceptions, and with the breath of his mouth, sweeps be

fore him the men and the nations, that cross his path. By an unconscious instinct, the mind, in the strong action of its powers, adapts itself to the number and complexion of the other minds, with which it is to enter into communion or conflict. As the voice falls into the key, which is suited to the space to be filled, the mind, in the various exercises of its cre

ative faculties, strives with curious search for that master-note, which will awaken a vibration from the surrounding community, and which if it do not find, it is itself too often struck dumb.

Russian and Siber the Frontiers of C and Kamtchatka; years 1820, 1821, Capt. John Dund Philadelphia. 1824 WHAT is there, in w far excel the ancien travels? We do no voyages and travels p and Romans; few the business, and the ve for improvement, ch the stock of informa thus acquired, into f nations among whom than to give a detaile sonal adventures. I sades there was of co but we know of no w saders who has attem pened particularly to al wrote histories of revival of commerce civilization, different

cessful and others u main object of their their countrymen, on stories of their hairof the wonderful th seen. Ignorant na

The pretensions, and the merit of the work now under notice, may be stated in few words. From all the examination we have been able to make, it appears to be a faithful abridgment of Hume and Smollet, as to facts; and with respect to the style be thought of it-are of a work like this, it is, perhaps, praise lous; and, until lately In his second paragraph, Mr Everett al- enough to say, that it has no striking char-erally stigmatized b ludes to the "Panegyric on Athens," and acteristics. Many expressions-even many liars. Herodotus has offers the example of that beautiful work. periods and paragraphs, appear to be copied er of liars; Marco I as an excuse for the choice of his theme. No verbatim from the originals; and the author's esteem by his countr excuse for this choice was needed; and per- own style, in those parts which are wholly haps the orator meant rather that the sug- re-written or added, is animated, and, genegestion should explain his mode of treating it. rally speaking, in good taste. The prejuIn a composition more directly and exclu- dices of Hume-if prejudices they were sively devoted to a severe examination of the which, in the opinion of those whose potopics of this oration, we should require the | litical views differ from his, have influenced facts and principles assumed, to be stated and falsified his account of the Commonwith more exactness, and more specific qual-wealth, and of the reigns of the last of the ifications; and should demand a more full Stuarts, are still more prominent in this array, and a clearer exposition of opposing abridgment;-either because the senticircumstances. The subject could not be ments of the author are necessarily stated in exhausted, nor fully discussed, within the an abridgment with less periphrasis or qualispace which a spoken address could not fication, or because Mr Robinson agrees in well exceed; but Mr Everett's Oration opinion with Hume, and is willing to say just cannot fail of encouraging and confirming what he thinks. The engravings are from ~those who hope that the intellectual works the most valuable and celebrated pictures, of this country will bear testimony, by or rather from miniature copies by Mr their power and splendour, to the propi- Craig. The drawing of them is very good; tious influence of our free institutions, and but the American publishers did not employ the many favorable conditions of our na- the best of our artists, or else the engravtional existence. We think that all will ings of the copy now before us were not


lished such monstrou cent work of an emi Maundeville is deno traveller and the g Times are now alter ed reputations for s travel, not for the wealth, nor in the t mies, but go peaceful cities and nations;" abstract truths, and possible mode the ra edge. The more w are ready to believe; many modern travell ever strange may see they tell us, we rely dence on their vera tions are daily resc sors from the charg preferred against the


been so fortunate as to see a copy of Sir of the government. With this protection, and such country very little known, and there is no map of it annexed. We have traced the John Maundeville's travels, we have found recommendations as it might procure me, I would pacity, nor hesitated even to sell my self as a slave, in the extracts which we have met with if that miserable alternative were necessary to acnow and then, in the course of our read-complish the object I had in view. * * *

little that was very particularly incredible have accompanied the caravans in some servile ca- route as well as we were able upon the

We rejoice at this change of things:
it is one among a multitude of reasons
which make us very well satisfied that our
birth was deferred till the latter part of the
eighteenth century.

best map that we could procure, and believe we have succeeded in most instances at guessing within five hundred miles at the situation of the place mentioned; but it is not a little vexatious in reading a work of this nature, to look in vain for towns and stations and even rivers without number, the names of which seem to the author "familiar in his mouth as household words"

many of them indeed we would rather should be familiar in any one's mouth than ours;-they look as if the attempt to pronounce them would save our tooth-drawer some labour.

Capt. Cochrane very candidly states, in his preliminary remarks,

My answer from the admiralty was unfavourable, expressing an unwillingness to countenance the undertaking; whether from tender regard to the safety of my person, or because they considered such an expedition foreign to their department, or from what other reason I shall leave the reader to conjecture. The book which is now before us is I was not, however, the less convinced of the pracanother proof of the zeal, with which that ticability of my plan; but finding that a young cominformation, which can be gained only by mander like myself was not likely to be employed travelling, is sought in the present day; afloat, I determined to undertake a journey, vary and though Capt. Cochrane failed in the ing only the object and the scene to that of the unfortunate Ledyard, viz. to travel round the globe, as ultimate objects of his expedition, yet we nearly as can be done by land, crossing from Norhave good cause to congratulate our read-thern Asia to America, at Behring's Streights;, I ers that he made the journey, and has pub- also determined to perform the journey on foot, for the best of all possible reasons, that my finances lished this account. The account I am about to give of my travels Capt. Cochrane has prefixed to his book allowed of no other. I accordingly procured two years' leave of absence, and prepared to traverse can but little gratify the scientific reader. 1 cona dedication to Lord Melville; and had we, the continents of Europe, Asia, and America. * * * fess my ignorance of natural history, nor had I as is our wont, begun at the beginning, we My first and leading object was to trace the been ever so skillful could I, travelling on foot, should have proceeded to read the narra-shores of the Polar Sea along America, by land, as have brought away with me any specimens of anitive with strong prejudices against the Captain Parry is now attempting to do by sea; and mals, plants, or minerals. I had no means of carauthor;-a more debasing dedication we at the same time to note my observations on men and manners in the various situations and condi- rying with me such instruments as are necessary for making geographical observations of places, of the have seldom seen. Our readers will scarcetions of life; for which such a journey could not state of the air, or such other matters as are genely believe, that Capt. Cochrane gravely fail of presenting many opportunities. Having, rally expected to be noted by travellers. The few telis Lord Melville, that he is permitted to therefore, procured such documents as were ne-instruments I did possess were taken from me, as will hereafter appear. hope “that his Lordship may derive a few cessary, and filled my knapsack with such articles hours of amusement from the perusal of the as I considered requisite to enable me to wander work; and that should this wish fortunate-through the wilds, deserts, and forests of three quarly be accomplished," Capt. Cochrane "will ters of the globe, I quitted London and landed at Dieppe from the packet-boat.

not consider his time to have been useless-
To attempt to give an analysis of this
ly employed." Ye Yankees, just look at
this-a journey on foot, occupying three or journey would be equally vain and useless.
four years, and an octavo book of four hun-Suffice it to say, that our author travelled
dred and fifteen pages-performed, written, chiefly on foot, through France, Germany,
and published,—and the author's time not and Prussia, to St Petersburg, where, be-
uselessly employed, if the result of all this ing furnished with two writs, one patent
and one close, from the Emperor of all the
labour furnish a few hours' amusement to a
Lord! But Lord Melville is First Lord Russias, permitting him to travel through
of the Admiralty, and John Dundas Coch- the empire on foot, and commanding all in
rane is a Captain of the Royal Navy, out authority to assist him as occasion might
of employment. Luckily we happened not require, he set off, and skirting the fron-
to observe the dedication when we first tiers of China, made his way to the mouth
opened the book; and we enjoyed undi- of the river Kolyma, on the borders of the
Frozen Ocean. There he found Baron
minished pleasure in its perusal. Next to
Wrangel preparing for his expedition to
the dedication comes a well-written pre-
ascertain the north-east point of Asia. Be-
face, in which the author shows much more
manliness and independence while addressing a foreigner, Capt. Cochrane was not
ing the public, than he displayed while
crouching before his patron.

Capt. Cochrane's zeal for travelling, and his object in the journey which he made, will better appear from the following passages of his first chapter, than from any

abstract which we could make of them.

Though, however, this work does not abound with observations valuable to science, it is full of what is perhaps not less worthy of our attention, and what to a large majority of readers will be more interesting, than calculations on the length of the pendulum, and on the magnetic variation. It abounds with what we doubt not is a correct delineation of the habits and mode of life of the savage tribes scattered over the vast plains of Siberia, and along the banks of the rivers which run into the Frozen Ocean.

The sum of our author's observa

tions is well expressed in his conclusion, which we extract with pleasure.

I feel convinced that compassion is the leading characteristic of what are termed barbarians, and that man, in a state of nature, will freely give to the distressed that bread which he would not sell for money. I am confident that man is really humane, and that he gives more from the dictates of a good heart, than from ostentation. I have received food from a family who were almost in a starving state, and am, therefore, justified by grateful experience, in affirming that those people who are the most ignorant and uncivilized, are the most hospitable and friendly to their fellows.

permitted to join this expedition; and attempted next to cross the country of Tchuktchi, and pass over Behring's Strait into America. Here again he was disappointed; for the Tchuktchi refused him a passage; so he turned about and went to Should my readers concur with me in this opinOkotsk, whence he hoped to obtain a pas-ion, as deduced from the facts I have stated in this sage to America. On his arrival here, journal, they will not regret to have devoted a few In the month of January, 1820, I addressed a letter however, he learned that another Russian hours to its perusal; and with these sentiments I to the Secretary of the Lords Commissioners of the expedition had sailed under Capt. Vassi- conclude this narration. Admiralty, offering to undertake a journey into the interior of Africa, which should have for its object lieff, having in view the same object which the ascertaining of the course and determination of he had. Being thus defeated or forestalled the river Niger. Besides the bent of my own in- at all points, he passed from Okotsk over to clination, I had an inducement to this step in the Kamtchatka, and spent his time partly in conviction, established by experience, of my capa-wooing and partly in journeying over the bility to encounter the ordinary difficulties of a pedestrian traveller; having, on the conclusion of the peninsula, till at length he married, and general peace, traversed on foot the beautiful coun- with his wife returned to Okotsk, and tries of France, Spain, and Portugal, an excursion thence across land again to the shores of in which I certainly underwent a full proportion of the Baltic, where he embarked, and, havfatigue and privations.

The plan I purposed to follow was nearly that adopted by Mungo Park in his first journey; intending to proceed alone, and requiring only to be furnished with the countenance of some constituent part

ing landed in England, published his jour-
nal There is one great defect in the
boc, which we have severely felt while
reing it; the route described is across a

The acuteness of the Tchuktchi, a tribe who wander over the north-eastern extremity of Asia, is well exemplified in the account of our author's attempt to treat with them for permission to travel through We think Kacharga and their country. his fellow chief would make very clever diplomatists.

The next topic started was that of my desire to

accompany the Tchuktchi through their country. and this seemed to require more generalship than all the others. The commissary, though an interpreter, commenced by informing the Tchuktchi people, that, the Emperor understanding two

strange ships had appeared upon their coast, was willing to know who they were, and had accordingly sent with them, agreeable to their request, two interpreters, one of whom understood their own language as well as the Russian, while the other, meaning myself, understood the languages of most maritime nations. The commissary desired, as from the Emperor, that all due care should be taken of, and all due respect paid to us, especially to myself, who was one of the chief interpreters of the empire.' After this opening harangue was completed, the turn of which inspired me with some degree of hope, one of the most respectable of the Tchuktchi got up and said, that he was in want of no interpreter, and therefore would not take one.' This laconic reply completely disconcerted us. The next, an old and cunning fellow, called Kacharga, said that boys and girls should not be attended to in a case of such importance; that he, a chief, had not demanded an interpreter, although a nephew of his had done so.' He expatiated upon the impropriety of taking from those youths a communication of such importance, as should alone have come from a chief. I could not but approve the justice of the remark, and began to suspect the whole was a hoax, and that they had not made any demand of an interpreter. It was therefore told them that two nartes would be of no great consequence to them, and that as the Emperor had so sent, they ought to take us, for that we dared not return to merit his displeasure.' A fresh consultation was hereupon held by the savages, and they came to a determination, that as the great Emperor himself wished to send two interpreters to Behring's Straits, of course he could have no objection to pay for the transport of such people.' Upon inquiring what demand they would make, they said fifty bags of tobacco,' a quantity equalling one hundred and twenty poods, or near five thousand pounds weight. To make such a present in advance, was madness in me to think of, and the project appeared, as indeed it proved, to be wholly lost, for they added, that he could be no great Emperor who could not make so small a present, seeing that he could command the riches of all his people.' They also observed that I must be a poor interpreter if I could not satisfy the demand myself.'Alas! they might as well have demanded five millions as five thousand pounds of me. One of the knowing ones observed, and I mention it as evincing the sagacity of those people, that 'he doubted whether I was an intepreter of the great Emperor's,' saying, that I could not even speak the Russian language, for that he noticed that the Russian Cossack interpreted from the Tchukskoi to Mr Matiushkin, and Mr M. again in a different dialect to ne. All this was too true to be denied. They then asked, of what use I could possibly be to them, when I neither understood the Russian nor Tchukskoi languages.' This last truism quite appalled the whole of us, and from that moment the point was given up. It was not a little singular that these rude people should all along have known that a third Toion, or Chief, for I was considered as ene, was in the fair, and demanded who and what he was. I have, however, no idea that their refusal arose either from fear or ill will, but simply from avarice.

The account which Capt. Cochrane gives of the extremity of the cold in Siberia is quite amazing; far exceeding any thing endured by Capt. Parry in either of his expe


The weather proved exceedingly cold in January and February, but never so severe as to prevent our walks, except during those times when the wind was high; it then became insupportable out of doors, and we were obliged to remain at home. Forty degrees of frost of Fahrenheit never appear to affect us in calm weather so much as ten or fif

teen during the time of a breaza · vet to witnase

To prove that I do not magnify the extremes of to permit my sinking in cold in that part of the world, I beg to refer to Mr the guide with snow-shoe Sauer's account of Billing's expedition, and the assistance. We were n present Admiral of Saritcheff's account of the to wander about on the same, when 43 degrees of Reaumur, or 74 degrees directing our route by of Fahrenheit, were repeatedly known. I will also. of the snow; habit havi add my testimony from experience to the extent as the people of the cou of 42 degrees. I have also seen the minute book calculation whether or of a gentleman at Yakutsk where 47 degrees of me. I have even seen Reaumur were registered, equal to 84 degrees of ceed, their sagacity in Fahrenheit. man's; nor will the lead good, run the vehicle in deep snow or water.

Indeed, there can be but little doubt that the local situation of the Kolyma, bordering on the latitude of 70 degrees, and almost the most easterly part of the continent of Asia, is a colder one than Melville Island or the centre of the American Polar coast. Okotsk, Idgiga, Yakutsk, Tomsk and Tobolsk, are considered equally cold and exposed as the mouths of the Lena, Yana, or Kolyma. Even Irkutsk, about the latitude of London, has yearly a frost of 40 degrees of Reaumur, or 58 degrees below the zero of Fahrenheit; yet, the utmost degree of cold that I have observed, I have never known attended by that crackling noise of the breath which has been related, nor with those other strange sensations which some have described; though I have seen axes split to pieces, and witnessed the ill effects of touching iron, glass, or crockery, with the naked skin, which will infallibly adhere to them. However, I soon had reason to consider the coldest day as the finest, because it was then sure to be calm.


We had now only one fortunate in shooting a the guides brought me. flour, and butter, and w river without any subse in the morning we had 11 mur, and at noon 73 deg After forty miles of sev reached the river, which journey, which was full may be declared useless. with birches, larches, an poplar, and a few pines of wild berries of a fine are exceedingly rich. many places, highly be forded a novel spectacl most beautiful natural the river actually roare


As we continued our

of his constitution, and declare it unequal-in with two white bears Well may our author exult in the strength led. fear, probably on either It appears that the natives on the north- along the Okota, we rea ern coast of Asia are not less voracious horses enjoyed very fin than their brothers of America, for Capt. sions entirely at an en Cochrane tells us of one who "grumbled" Of the last of the reinovertaken us, and were because he had only twenty pounds of meat gone that I could not ea in a day. This was a Yakut, and our author are so fond of putrid mea mentions one or two individuals of that tribe for indeed it was nothing whom he saw upwards of ninety years old. regretting only that it Whether they too indulged in this enor-rain, we made near fift The second day without mous eating does not appear; but we who ming and wading throug are scarcely recovered from a severe fit streams. These are fo of dyspepsia, would give all our copy melting of the snow fro money and write reviews without stint, for vated mountains: they a twentieth part of a Yakut's power of di- which was carried by th the month of Septemb gestion. We have little room for any of our author's hair-breadth escapes, or details of his exploits in sliding down frozen mountains and swimming over ice-cold rivers; but in common justice to the Captain, we must insert some of them.


At length by great lab place at the Okota. It to attempt it, the guides might pass the river, but halted, and next mornin a canoe on the opposite ing the horses, we turn We were now much annoyed with they all reached the opp ble fall of rain, and passed a bad night in conse- question then was how quence. Next day there was every appearance of was the only person who the rain continuing, and I reduced the allowance of was still so cold that I meat one half. A hurricane coming on, we were mode. Necessity at la obliged to halt, and were most unpleasantly off in ing procured a short our wet leather clothes. As soon as possible, how- which was very buoya ever, we resumed our journey along an elevated part of the stream, with deep, presenting nothing for a fire, or for the sup- down above a hundred y valley where the snow was soft and dangerously waist. The rapidity port of the horses, nor a shrub of any description ing, by a sort of run, in to be seen. I have scarcely ever seen a place to haul me back, if nece feet reach the earth in search of food; here, how-took violent exercise. where the horses could not by scraping with their in safety; and, instantl ever, the thing was impossible, from the depth of ming part might only h the snow; and indeed the poor animals seemed to yards, and across the str know it, as they would not waste their strength in not more than four or f the attempt. The Yakuti put on long faces at the complished it. The fea obstructions we met with, never having witnessed edged by the astonishe such deep and difficult roads; for, in ordinary with an excellent canoe. times good pasturage is to be had in this part of the Lord Byron swam t valley. Cochrane the Okota.



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