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It's Wrong to Stay Sick

Here is the utmost that medicine can do.
I know it so well that I supply it on trial.
All I ask is a postal card-no money wanted.
You are wronging yourself by delay.

How Thousands Get Well.

I have actual records of over half a million chronic cases which I have cured in the past twelve years-cured them with my Restorative-cured them on just the terms that I offer you.

My offer is this:

Simply mail me this coupon, or write me a postal stating which book you need. I will then mail you an order on your druggist for six bottles Dr. Shoop's Restorative. You may take it a month on trial. If it succeeds, the cost is $5.50. If it fails, I will pay the druggist myself. And word shall decide it. your

My Restorative is the leading remedy of the world today. I have furnished it on those remarkable terms to nearly 550,000 people, and 39 out of each 40 have paid for it gladly, because they were cured. In practically every neighborhood everywhere there are cured ones telling others about it.

There are 39 chances in 40 that it will cure you, and I'll take the entire risk.

The Only Way to Cure.

In most chronic diseases the only way to cure is to strengthen the inside nerves.

Remedies that merely doctor the weak organs may seem to bring brief benefit. But real results come only when we restore the inside nerves. This is the power which alone operates the vital organs. And no weak organ can do its duty until that nerve power comes back.

My Restorative does that-always. I have spent a lifetime in perfecting it for just this one purpose. It treats a weak organ as you would treat a weak engineby giving it more power. It does all that is needed, and does that which must be done, whether the trouble is little or severe.

Cut Out This Coupon For we all resolve to send for something, but forget. Mark the book desired and mail this with your name and address to

Dr. Shoop, Box 800, Racine, Wis.
Book 4 for Women.
Book 5 for Men (sealed).
Book 6 on Rheumatism.

Book 1 on Dyspepsia.
Book 2 on the Heart.
Book 3 on the Kidneys.

Mild cases, not chronic, are often cured by one or two bottles. At all druggists.



Time Book and Catalog sent FREE for the asking LARNED, CARTER & CO., DETROIT, MICH.

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with all that such an assertion means in every point of labor and selling, quality and appearance. They are made in one of the very first Union factories by the only Brotherhood man in the overall business. You risk nothing in buying them under my guarantee, but be sure BROTHERHOOD is on the buttons.

There's a style of garment and material to suit you among them and


I'll sell you direct and pay the charges, if there's no agent in

Particulars for

B. L. E. No. 171

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The first Union Made Glove ever manufactured. Named after Mr. Frank P. Sargent, one of the greatest friends

organized labor has ever had.

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If your dealer does not keep them, send us one dollar and your size and we will sell you direct,

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A Match-safe showing the material from which the gloves are made free for the asking.

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