Imágenes de páginas



Alien enemies. See Enemy aliens.
Alien property. See Enemy property.
Alien Property Custodian: establish-

ment and functions, 263-264, 266-
268, 269; measures taken by, 270,
287-289, 292-294, 305, 306–307
"Ally-of-enemy" aliens (see also En-
emy aliens): American-Austro-
Hungarian arrangements, 244-246,
247, 249-250, 251-252; American-
Turkish arrangements, 246-247,
247-249, 250, 251-255, 539, 540, 542
"Ally-of-enemy property (see also
Enemy property), 272
Alsatians and Lorrainers, special
treatment in United States, 204-
205, 206-210

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American Committee for Armenian
and Syrian Relief, 547-548, 548-
550, 559-560; mission to Persia,
568-569, 569-570, 571-572
American forces in Europe:
Desertion, reciprocal arrangements

France agreement by exchange

of notes, 718-719, 745-747;
modification of agreement,
749-751; proposals of France,
738-739, 740-741
Great Britain: proposals of Great
Britain, 733-734, 743; United
States, 739

Marriages: French suggestions for
U.S. measures regarding, 761-
764, 765-767, 769-770, 771-773,
777, 779; U.S. attitude and meas-
ures, 764-765, 767-769, 770-771,
773-777, 777-778, 779

Penal military jurisdiction, arrange-
ments with-

Belgium: agreement by exchange

of notes, 747-748, 751; exten-
sion of agreement, 757-758
France agreement proposed by

France, 734-735; exchange of
notes, 718-719, 735-737; exten-
sion of agreement, 754-755,

Great Britain: proposals and atti-
tude of Great Britain, 733-734,
737-738, 741-745, 751-752, 753-
754, 759-760; United States,
739-740, 745, 748-749, 752, 753,
755-756, 759, 760
American Red Cross. See Belgium:

Relief operations; Finnish relief;
Persion relief; Polish relief; Pris-
oners of war: Relief activities;
Russia: Prisoners of war; Serbia:
Relief operations; and Turkish
territories, relief.

Appam, case cited, 165

[blocks in formation]

Extension of activities to recon-
struction period, 490-491,
Financial arrangements by

United States and Allied
Powers, 461-462, 466-467,
469-472, 486, 488-489, 490,
Interruption of program: pro-
posals and threats, 472, 473-
475; U.S. attitude, 472-473
Provision of tonnage by United

States and Great Britain,
459-460, 467-468, 475-485
Orphans, care for, 464-465
United States:

American forces in Europe: agree-
ment by exchange of notes re-
garding penal military juris-
diction, 747-748, 751; exten-
sion of agreement, 757-758
Military service convention, U.S.
proposal, 648-650

Warfare, protests against illegal and
inhumane methods, 789-790

Brazil, seizure and liquidation of
enemy property, 345, 346, 352, 354-
355, 356-357:

Allied and U.S. enemy trading lists:
conditional offer of withdrawal,
340-341, 346-348, 349-351, 353-
354, 355-356; Brazilian replies,
354-355, 356-357

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Agreement with Germany (Nov.
11) negotiations, 92, 93, 95-
96, 97-98, 99-100, 160-165;
text, 134-138

Internment, status and treatment,
11, 18, 21-22, 27-28, 170, 171,
174-177, 177-180, 183-185,
190-191, 191-192, 195-197; in-
quiries and protests, 190, 194-
195, 199, 200-201, 203-204
Relief measures, 172-173, 188-189,
191, 197-198, 226-227
Restrictions on entrance into and
departure from the United
States, 168, 169-171, 174-175,
187, 793, 797, 804, 807-813,

Special treatment of—

Alsatians and Lorrainers, 204-
205, 206-210
Czecho-Slovaks, 213–215
German natives naturalized in

foreign countries, 215-222
Officers and men of enemy mer-
chant marine, 93, 97, 99,
134-138, 178, 202, 222-228
Poles, 205-206, 210-213, 215
Status in U.S. courts, 178-179
U.S. regulations, 165-168, 180-
183, 185-187, 192-194, 804,
807-813, 820


Enemy property (see also "Ally-of- | Enemy property-Continued

enemy" property), treatment by-
Brazil, seizure and liquidation, 345,
346, 352, 354-355, 356-357:
Allied and U.S. enemy trading

lists, conditional offer of
withdrawal, 340-341, 346-
348, 349-351, 353-354, 355-
356; Brazilian replies, 354-
355, 356-357

Suggestions of Great Britain, 343-
345; United States, 341-343,
345-346, 348-349

Cuba, 358-359; U.S. recommenda-
tions, 357-358, 358-359

Dominican Republic, U.S. recom-
mendations, 359-362

Ecuador, U.S. recommendations,

Germany, American property:
Agreement with United States,
proposed, 86, 160-165


Patents, copyrights, and trade-
marks, arrangements
United States for protection,
161, 319-320, 320-327, 329,
330-331, 331-332

Private property, 264-265, 266, 268,
272-273, 279-282, 283, 289-
290, 291-292, 296-297, 298,

Property of diplomatic and con-

sular officers, 336, 337

U.S. inquiries, 294-295

Guatemala, 365, 366, 368, 369-370,
370-371, 372; U.S. recommen-
dations, 366-368, 370, 371, 372
Haiti, 89, 362-363; U.S. recommen-
dations, 361-362


Administration of German prop-
erty, U.S. recommendations,
367, 372, 396

Development of Pacific port: U.S.

efforts, 372, 375, 376-377, 380,
387, 388, 389, 390-391, 392;
Honduran attitude, 373, 377-
378, 390, 394
German interests at Amapala:

U.S. suspension of steamer
service pending elimination,
373, 374, 375-376, 376-377,
378, 381, 384, 389, 389-390;
Honduran attitude, 374, 377-
378, 378-379, 382-383, 384,
Honduran seizure and operation

of German lighters, 89, 378-
379, 382-383, 385, 388-389,
393-394, 395; U.S. recom-
mendations, 380, 381, 386,
387-388, 391, 392, 393, 395
Lighters, establishment of line of
American, 380, 381, 388, 391,
392, 393, 394-395; Honduran
attitude, 383, 385, 386, 393-394

Nicaragua, 89, 371; U.S. recommen-
dations, 367, 372

Panama, U.S. recommendations, 396-

Peru, 400-401, 402-403, 405-406, 407-
408, 410-411; U.S. recommenda-
tions, 401-402, 403-404, 406-407,
408-410, 411

United States:

Alien Property Custodian: estab-
lishment and functions, 262-
264, 266-268, 269; measures
taken by, 270, 287-289, 292-
294, 305, 306-307

Attachment of enemy property in
neutral states, U.S. refusal,
268-269, 271-272
Austro-Hungarian property, 277-

Consuls, neutral, competence to
act as custodians for enemy
property, 257-259, 262, 265,
266-267, 269, 273-274, 338, 339
Consultation with Allied Powers
concerning measures, U.S. re-
fusal, 303-304
Enemy", extension of term to
include individuals in enemy
territory, 284, 288-289, 298-
299, 302, 304-305, 305-307; in-
terned aliens, 284-285, 288,
314-315, 316; others, 299-302
German property:


Agreement with Germany, pro-
posed, 86, 160-165
Hamburg-American Line, 279,

286, 302-303, 307-308, 312, 314
Insurance companies, 256-257,
260-262, 270-271
Miscellaneous private property,
256, 259-260, 271, 286-287,
292-294, 298, 313, 315, 316-
317, 318-319

North German Lloyd Dock Co.,
302-303, 307-308, 312, 314
Patents, copyrights, and trade-
marks, arrangement with
Germany for protection, 161,
266, 286, 319-320, 326-327,
327-329, 332-334

Philippines, treatment in, 317-

Property of diplomatic and con-
sular officers, 334-335, 337,

Protests and inquiries of Ger-
many, 266, 279, 295-296,
297-298, 307-308, 310-311,

Public property, 335-336, 337-

U.S. non-confiscation of property

of German subjects in
United States, 256, 259-260,
267-268, 271, 286-287, 313

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