Actors Remonstrance, The 1643. P. 185
ASCHAM, ROGER The Scholemaster
1570. PP. 71, 195 AWDELEY, JOHN Fraternitye of Va- cabonds 1561. p. 237
BACON, FRANCIS Essays 1597-1625. pp. 51, 68
BAYLY, LEWES Practice of Pietie 1612. p. 50
BOORDE, ANDREW A Compendyous Regyment or a Dietary of Helth 1542. P. 229 BRETON, NICHOLAS
The Good and the Badde 1616. pp. 231, 255
Fantastickes 1626. pp. 22, 23, 24,
274 Brinsley, JOHN Ludus Literarius or the Grammar Schoole 1612. pp. 53,
BULLEIN, WILLIAM A Dialogue against the Pestilence 1573 (1st ed. 1564). pp. 96, 135, 136, 270
CAREY, SIR ROBERT Memoirs, pub. 1759, written c. 1627. p. 203 Contract for building the Fortune Thea- tre. (Dated Jan. 8, 1600.) p. 161 CORYAT, THOMAS Crudities 1611. pp. 164, 224
The Gulls Horne-booke 1609. p. 167 The Seven Deadly Sinnes of London 1606. pp. 91, 97, 121
EARLE, JOHN Micro-cosmographie 1628. pp. 19, 49, 65, 80, 90, 107, 109, 143, 226
RICHARD Principal Navigations 1589. p. 251 HALL, JOSEPH Characters of Vertues and Vices 1608. p. 29 HARMAN, THOMAS A Caveat or Warening for Commen Cursetors 1567. p. 239
HARRISON, WILLIAM Description of England 1587 (2nd ed.). pp. 63, 75, 81, 123, 134, 208, 212, 218, 254 HENTZNER, PAUL Travels in Eng- land 1598 [Rye]. pp. 4, 65, 160, 191 HOWELL, JAMES Instructions for forreine travell 1642. p. 70 HOWES, EDMOND Annales 1615. p. 198
JAMES I., KING A counter-blast to Tobacco 1672. p. 110
LATIMER, BISHOP HUGH Sermon preached before Edward VI April 12, 1549. P. 25
Letter from the Lord Mayor to the
Privy Council, July 28, 1597. p. 179 LODGE, THOMAS Wits Miserie 1596. P. 118
LUPTON, DONALD London and the Countrey carbonadoed 1632. pp. 62, 86, 88, 89, 106, 163, 165, 225 LYLY, JOHN
Euphues, The Anatomy of Wyt 1578. p. 150
Letter to Queen Elizabeth 1598. p. 141
Countrey Contentments 1611. pp. 16, 17
The English Hus-wife 1615. pp. 136, 214, 226, 227, 228 MIDDLETON, THOMAS? Father Hub- burds Tales 1604. p. 126 MORYSON, FYNES Itinerary 1617. pp. 1, 8, 77, 85, 87, 94, 109, 128, 217
RHODES, HUGH Boke of Nurture 1568. pp. 222, 229
Robin Goodfellow; his mad prankes and merry jests 1628. p. 40 Royal licence to the king's Players, May 19, 1603. p. 176
SCOT, REGINALD The Discoverie of Witchcraft 1584. pp. 30, 31, 32, 37.38
Second and third blast of retrait from plaies and Theatres 1580. p. 158 SIDNEY, SIR PHILIP An Apologie for Poetrie 1595 P. 155 SMITH, CAPTAIN JOHN History of Virginia 1624. PP. 262, 266 SMITH, SIR THOMAS De Republica Anglorum 1583. p. 5
STEPHENS, JOHN Essayes and Characters 1615. pp. 12, 14, 144 STOCKWOOD, JOHN A Sermon Preached at Paules Crosse 1578. P. 177
STOW, JOHN A Survey of London 1598. p. 160
STURBES, PHILIP The Anatomie of Abuses 1583 (2nd ed.). pp. 18, 24, 25, 103, 105, 128, 178
Turbervile, GEORGE The Noble arte of venerie or hunting 1576. p. 16
VAN METEREN Nederlandtsche His- torie 1575 [Rye]. p. 8
WALKER, GILBERT? A Manifest of Dice-play 1532.
P. 112 WHITE, THOMAS A Sermon Preached at Pawles Crosse 1578. p. 177 WILLIS, R. Mount Tabor 1639. pp. 19, 20, 52
WITHER, GEORGE The Schollers Purgatory c. 1625. Pp. 149, 151
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