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do so by sustaining their ex parte complaints; they have granted to Mr. Stone for a term of by condemning the rules and discipline of the school; by disparaging the labors of the teacher, and by neglecting home education and control."

Mr. Stone was for four or five years the Master of the Summer Street Grammar School, in this city, and we remember the pleasure with which we were accustomed to take our friends to his school, as to one of the best appearing schools we had ever seen.

For the past year he has been the Principal of a Select School of a high order, and for the last six months has had associated with him Mr. Samuel Richards, under whose management he leaves the school.

WE COPY the following from the Illinois Teacher, for April, one of the very best of our educational exchanges, and growing better every month. We insert it to call the attention of our exchanges to the "Old Schoolmaster's Story," originally published in the first volume of THE SCHOOLMASTER, which, as our brother editor remarks, is " lying around loose, like the Mr. Bonney is a graduate of Brown Universidrunken man's milk." We have seen it in near-ty, a Christian gentleman of high character and ly a dozen of our exchanges within the last three talent, an accomplished scholar and a successful or four months, and generally credited to HON. teacher. Associated with him Mr. Stone can ROBERT ALLYN, our recent School Commission-hardly fail of being successful.

Classical School, the liberal patronage of the public.

The Mathematical Journal.

er, and late editor of THE SCHOOLMASTER. The His first term in Foxboro' will commence May author of the story is DANA P. COLBURN, ESQ., 12. We bespeak for the Foxboro' English and Principal of the Rhode Island State Normal School, and one of our special contributors. "CREDITS.-We see that Bro. MowRY, of the R. I. Schoolmaster, 'shakes a stick at' those who borrow (or steal) from his pages without crediting the Schoolmaster. We are reminded of some WE have received the Introduction to a new wise man's advice about how to find the best monthly magazine to be issued at Cambridge, fruit in the orchard- look for the tree that has Mass., under the above-named title. It is to be the most sticks and stones under it.' We have devoted to the advancement of the science and the a suspicion that the Old Schoolmaster's Story'elevation of the standard, of Mathematical learnin our March number was stolen from Bro. Mow-ing. RY, but we found it lying around loose,' like the drunken man's milk. Its author is one of the special contributors to the Schoolmaster."

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It is designed to have a scope sufficiently comprehensive and elastic to embrace all grades of talent and attainment, and, therefore, corresponding elements of interest." It has received

JAMES L. STONE.-We regret to learn that this the hearty commendation, by written letters in gentleman, well known as one of our most active teachers, is about to leave our state.

We understand that he has associated with himself, Mr. Nathaniel G. Bonney, late Principal of the Public High School, Edgartown, Mass, and is to open an English and Classical School in Foxboro', Mass.

The town of Foxboro' have recently erected a large and commodious High School building, at an expense of $15,000, the free use of which

answer to a "Circular Note," of hundreds of the first educational men in the country, many of whom "pledge it their constant and active cooperation." The Introductory Note is beautifully printed on fine, heavy paper, large octavo.

We append the prospectus, giving terms, and hope the work will receive the cordial support of the friends of mathematical science:

"Each number of the Mathematical Monthly will contain at least twenty-four pages, in the

same type, page and paper as the "Introducto- in sight. I halloed at the top of my voice, some ry Note."

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PEOPLE will crack jokes, and the jokes are usually at the expense of somebody. There are various classes of persons who constantly come in for a share. Old maids, ministers' sons, and deacons' daughters, and the universal yankee nation generally. It may be that these several classes deserve, to some extent, the abuse that is heaped upon them. But that the schoolmaster should be the subjeet of ridicule from all classes, and everywhere, is beyond endurance. We are THE SCHOOLMASTER, and when the schoolmaster is attacked, how can we help smarting under the blow? So, beware how you trifle with the country pedagogue.

[We do not wish to be understood as saying that the statements made about these individuals are not true, nor that they are true; we leave others to judge, but we would like to have you read the following and say whether you do not think it slanders somebody:]

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half a dozen times, but no one answered.

Seeing an advertisement on the door, I read as follows:

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Noatis Ef enny body cums hear arter licker or tu git sot Akross the River They ken ges blo this ar Horne and Ef I dont cum when mi wife betsey up tu the Hous heres the horne a bloin shele cum doun and sel um the licker or set um akros the river ime guine a Fishn no credit When ime away from Hom Jon Wilson them that cant rede wil hav tu go the hous arter betsey Taint but A haf a mild Thar.'

In obedience to the 'noatis,' I took the blowing horn, which stuck in a crack of the wall, close by the door, and gave it a 'toot' or two, which reverberated far around through the cane and swamp, and in a few moments was answered by a voice scarcely less loud and reverberating than that of the horn. It seemed to be about half a mile up the river.

In about fifteen minutes, a stalwart female made her appearance, and asked if I wanted 'licker.'

No, madam, I want to cross the river, if you please."

'Don't ye want some licker fust?' 'No, madam--don't drink--never touch liquor.' 'Never tetch licker! Then you must be a preacher.'

'No, I'm only a Son of Temperance; I wish to get across the river; do you row the boat, ma'am?'

'Oh, yes! I can take you over. hoss.'

Fetch up yer

I obeyed; asking, as I led the horse into the


'Did your husband write that advertisement on the door?"

'No sir-ee! Schoolmaster Jones writ that. John haint got no larnin.'

And the good woman rowed the boat safely across the ugly stream; and handing her the ferriage fee, I bade her good morning.

WE are indebted to W. C. Damrell, M. C., for congressional speeches.

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ONE of the most important obstacles to the progress of our public schools, is that which arises from the neglect of the school laws. If all were united and anxious to have good schools, any informality in the proceedings of towns and districts would produce but little harm. Unhappily, however, people are not so united, and many have little interest, or think they have little interest in sustaining schools. Hence, every informality, however small, becomes a source of difficulty. Those who do not like to pay taxes for education will evade them if these taxes are not strictly legal; and those who have a grievance of any sort, will be sure to find out every loop-hole of illegality, through which to escape from the performance of what is disagreeable to them. The friends of education, school committees, trustees and others, should make themselves familiar with the school laws as they are found in the revised statutes of 1857. Some of these informalities may be avoided by attending to the following extracts from the revised code:


of July, annually, transmit to the Commissioner of Public Schools a certificate of the amount which the town has voted to raise by tax for the support of public schools for the year; and also a statement of the amount paid out to the order of the school committee, and from what sources it was derived, for the year ending with the thirtieth of April next preceding."


"SEC. 9. If any school district shall neglect to organize, or if organized shall for any space of six months, neglect to establish a school and employ a teacher, the school committee of the town may themselves, or by an agent, establish a school in the district school-house or elsewhere, in their discretion, and employ a teacher."


"SEC. 5. Notice of the time and place of every annual meeting, and of the time, place and object of every special meeting, shall be given for five days inclusive before holding the same."


"SEC. 2. They shall provide schools-rooms and fuel, and shall visit the schools twice at least during each term, and notify the committee or superintendent of the time of opening and clos

ing the school."

"SEC. 5. They shall make returns to the school committee in manner and form prescrib

"SEC. 4. No town shall receive any part of the state appropriation, unless it shall raise by tax for the support of public schools, a sum equaled by them or by the Commissioner, or as may to one half of its proportion of the sum of thir- be required by law, and perform all other lawful ty-five thousand dollars apportioned to such town acts required of them by the district, or necesfrom the state treasury; and shall appropriate sary to carry into full effect the powers and duthe sum so raised as required by the provisions ties of districts." of this title.

"SEC. 5. If any town shall refuse to raise or appropriate the sum required in the section next preceding on or before the first of July in any year, its proportion of the public money shall be forfeited, and the general treasurer on being of ficially informed thereof by the Commissioner shall invest the amount in stocks, to be added to the permanent school fund."



"SEC. 7. The committee shall examine by themselves or by some one or more persons by them appointed, all applicants for the situation

of teachers in the public schools of the town, and

shall after five days' notice in writing annul the certificate of such as prove unqualified or will not conform to the regulations of the committee, and in such case shall give immediate notice thereof to the trustee of the district in which

"SEC. 8. He shall, on or before the first day such teacher is employed.

"SEC. 8. They shall visit by one or more of their number every public school in the town, at least twice during each term, once within two weeks of its close, at which visits they shall examine the register and other matters touching the school-house, library, studies, books, discipline, modes of teaching and improvement of the schools."

6. A farmer sells hay at $16 a ton, which is 4-3 of the cost; what is the cost, and how much does he gain per cent?

7. A person being asked the time of day, said that the time past noon was equal to 4-5 of the time to midnight; what was the time?

8. A man bought a horse and chaise and harness for $360. He paid 2-3 as much for the horse as for the chaise, and 1-2 as much for the harness as for the horse; how much did he pay for each?

"SEC. 22. The committee shall prepare, and submit annually, a report to the Commissioner, on or before the first day of July, in manner and form by him prescribed; also a written or print9. A boy being asked his age, answered that ed report to the town at the annual town meet-if 4-5 of his age and 3 years were added to his ing, when the school committee is chosen, set- age, the sum would be 30 years; what was his ting forth their doings, the state and condition age? of the schools, and plans for their improvement, which report, unless printed shall be read in open town meeting, and they shall transmit a copy thereof to the Commissioner, on or before the first day of July in each year."

Com. of Pub. Schools.


Questions for Examination.

THE following were the questions for the examination of candidates for admission to the Providence High School, at the examination for that purpose, held April 13th and 14th:


1. If a bushel of corn cost 5-6 of a dollar, how many bushels can be bought for 11 2-3 dollars?

2. How many pounds of sugar, at 6 1-4 cents a pound, can be bought for $20?

3. A farmer sold 3-5 of a flock of sheep to one man, and 3-4 of the remainder to another, when he found he had 10 sheep left; how many sheep were there in the flock at first, and how many did he sell at each time?

4. What is the number, to which if we add its fourth and its fifth, the sum will be 58?

5. What is the number, to which if we add itself, its half, its third, its fifth, its sixth, one fourth of the sum will be 48 ?

10. James said his purse and money were worth 27 dollars, but his purse was worth 1-8 of his money; how much money had he in his purse?


1. What is the least common multiple of 8, 16, 24, 32, 48?

2. If 4 1-3 yards of silk are worth 30 1-5 yards of cotton, how many yards of silk would 40 1-2 yards of cotton be worth?

3. A grocer buys butter at 18 3-4 cents a lb., and sells the same at 233-4 cents a lb.; what per cent. profit does he make?

4. What is the interest of $376.40, for 7 months and 3 days?

5. A merchant buys goods for $475.60, and after keeping them on hand 7 months, sells the same for $560.80; what per cent. profit does he make

6. For what sum must a note be written in order to receive from a bank $540, for 60 days?

7. What sum must be insured on $5000, to include the premium of 2 1-8 per cent., and a commission of 1-4 per cent. on the property insured?

S. A man bought a watch for $75 and sold it for 20 per cent. more than it cost, which was 15 per cent. less than he asked for it; what did he ask?

9. Divide $1476 between A, B and C, in such a manner that as often as A receives 1-2 of a dollar B receives 3-4 of a dollar and C 4-5 of a dollar.

19. One side of a right-angle triangle is 15 feet, which is one fourth of the sum of the three sides; what is the length of the longest side?


1. Write the plural form of tyro, cargo, hero, alkali, beef and sheaf.

2. Define an abstract noun.

3. Give the principal parts of the verbs sit, clothe, drink, and eat.

4. Compare evil, much, and former.

5. Parse liberty in the following sentence: "He was allowed great liberty."

6. Parse dollars and yard in the following sentence:"Cloth is worth five dollars a yard." 7. Parse what in the following sentence:"James was told what he ought to do."

8. Parse who in the following sentence:"Tell me who he is."

9. Parse father's and judge in the following "I knew of his father's being a



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"WITHIN a given circle draw eight smaller circles, which shall not Intersect or be included within each other, in such a manner that the unoccupied space shall be equivalent exactly to one sixth the original circle."

The proper solution is represented in the following figure:

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[blocks in formation]


First, draw the circles B and

B', with radii

each equal to one half radius A. Then, as the areas of circles are to each other as the squares

1. What were the principal causes of the of the radii, it follows that they together are

French and Indian War?

2. Give an account of the expedition of Washington against Fort Du Quesne.

3. Relate the circumstances of Gen. Braddock's defeat.

equivalent to one half circle A.

Next draw the circles C and C', with radii each equal to one third radius A. That these circles are tangent to the circumferences of circles A, B, and B' (and therefore do not intersect) may

4. Give an account of the seige and capture be thus proved: of Quebec.

Let us suppose that circle C, with a radius

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