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Dr. Manning, with his undergraduates, re-terior, Dr. Manning possessed in no common moved hither. measure. His person was graceful and com

The work of instruction went on with reg-manding, and his countenance was remarkaularity till the Revolution, when a gap occurs in bly expressive of sensibility, dignity and the catalogue of Commencements, from 1777 to cheerfulness." In his youth, he was noted 1782. The College edifice recently completed, for bodily strength and activity. These qualwas occupied at this time by the State militia, ities he was accustomed to display in the athand as a French hospital for the troops of letic exercises common among the young men Rochambeau. In 1786 the President was of his day, and in his mature years, in some elected to Congress, where he gave his influ- of the severer labors of husbandry. Unpoetence to the establishment of the Constitution, ical as the occupation may seem, he somestill retaining the College office. His appoint- times made his own stone wall; and in the ment to this place of responsibility, which use of the scythe, he acknowledged no supewas spontaneously and unanimously confer-rior among the best trained laborers in the red upon him by the General Assembly, upon meadow. To his habits of vigorous muscular his casual appearance among them, was, says exercise may be attributed, in part, his excelJudge Pitman in his address to the Alumni, lent constitution, and the sound health, which, as honorable to themselves as to him. His till within a few years of his death, he unindeath occurred on Friday morning, July 29th, terruptedly enjoyed. 1791, in the 53d year of his age. His re- "The voice of Dr. Manning was not among mains were carried into the College Hall, the least of his attractions. To its extraordiwhere prayer was offered by the Rev. Dr. nary compass and harmony may, in no small Hitchcock, after which they were deposited degree be ascribed the vivid impression which in the North Burial Place. "The funeral," he made upon minds. How potent is the fassays the United States Chronicle, published cination of a musical and expressive voice! in Providence at that time by Bennett Wheel- How sad to think, that, in these days of aler, "is thought to have been the most num. most universal accomplishment, this mighty erous and respectable ever attended in this instrument for touching the heart of man town." Dr. Manning may be regarded in should be comparatively neglected! When one sense as the Founder of the College, for in connection with a more careful culture of although the plan of it originally emanated our moral being, the voice shall be trained to from the Philadelphia Association, as stated a more perfect manifestation of its powers, a in the commencement of this account, it was charm, hitherto unfelt, will be lent to the nevertheless owing to his personal influence graceful pleasures of life, and an influence of and exertions, that it was happily matured, almost untried efficacy to its serious occasions. and from a state of infancy and trial, nurtur- "The manners of Dr. Manning were not ed and developed, until it attained, before the less preposessing than his personal appeartermination of his labors, a position of com-ance. They seemed to be the expression of parative affluence and respectability.

that dignity and grace for which he was so remarkable, and of which he appeared to be entirely unconscious-a dignity and grace, not artificial or studied in the least, but the gift of pure nature. He was easy without

The following particulars relating to his personal appearance, habits and manners, from the graceful pen of his biographer, Professor Goddard, are appropriate in this connection: "The advantages of a most attractive ex- negligence, and polite without affectation.

Unlike many of the distinguished men in our country, he was too well bred to adopt an air of patronage and condescension towards his inferiors either in talent or in station. As a Christian, also, he felt the importance of cultivated manners, and he acknowledged no necessary connection between the sternest fidelity to principle and the precision and austerity with which it is sometimes found associated. Like the venerable Wheelock, the founder of Dartmouth College, he abhored all religious profession which was not marked with good


longest, in proportion to his years, of any person in the United States. In 1802 he succeeded Dr. Edwards in the Presidency of Union College, New York. Here he officiated with increasing reputation until 1804, when he was called to another sphere of action. In that year, upon the establishment of the South Carolina College, he received the appointment of President, and accepted it with the fond anticipation of finding a warmer clime more congenial to his constitution. Over this institution he presided until his death, which occurred in 1820, in his 53d year. His Col

"In the discipline and instruction of the legiate Addresses have been recently publishCollege, Dr. Manning was eminently success-ed, in a small duodecimo form, in London. ful. He secured the obedience of his pupils, From the biographical introduction to these rather by the gentleness of parental persua- Addresses, by Prof. Romeo Elton, the followsion than by the sternnesss of official author-ing extracts are made: ity. His instructions, which were always oral, never failed to command their attention, and to leave upon their minds a distinct impression. Classical learning was his forte, and to the classics and their cognate branches, he principally confined himself."

"In his person he was rather small of stature, yet of a fine and well proportioned figure. His features were regular and manly, indicating intelligence and benevolence; and, especially in conversation and public speaking, they were strongly expressive. Grace and dignity were also combined in his movements."

"As a scholar, Dr. Maxcy held a very high rank. His stores of knowledge were varied and profound, and he had at all times the command over them. Like the celebrated Robert Hall, he appears to have evinced an early taste for metaphysical studies, and to have thoroughly understood the various systems of philosophy. To this circumstance was probably owing much of that clearness, precision and facility, which enabled him at once to separate truth from error, and to wield his arguments with irresistable effect."

"On the Christian character of Dr. Manning his life is the best eulogy. His religion was wrought into the texture of his moral being. It exerted a pervading and habitual control, regulating his principles, tastes, habits and opinions. It exhibited no disproportions, it delighted in no bustle; it was reflected in no strong lights. In life it was his animating spirit-in death it was his sustaining hope." In 1792 he was succeeded in the Presidency by the Rev. Jonathan Maxcy, who, the year before, upon the death of Manning, had been chosen Professor of Divinity, He was born "As an instructor Dr. Maxcy possessed unin Attleborough, Massachusetts, in 1767. usual ability, and, perhaps, no President of When only 33 years of age the honorary de- any college in the United States ever enjoyed gree of Doctor in Divinity was conferred upon a higher reputation. The precision and perhim by Harvard University. He was, it is spicuity with which he could develope his believed, appointed to the office of a college ideas in the most appropriate language, renderPresident the youngest, and officiated the ed him peculiarly qualified for this office. His

numerous pupils all unite in pronouncing him, as a teacher, one of the most perfect models." "As a preacher, Dr. Maxcy's reputation did not depend so much on any one striking excellence, as on the union of many. These were so happily combined, that it would be difficult to say which was the most prominent. His conceptions were vigorous, and were expressed in a pure, terse and eloquent style. A profound and breathless silence, and intense feeling, and a spirit of holy elevation, were the almost invariable attendants of his preaching."

lite literature he had no particular fondness, but he was a good classical scholar, and was well versed in the mathematics, and the several branches of natural philosophy. In moral science, also, we have known few better reasoners or more successful teachers. In fine, Dr. Messer was remarkable, rather for the vigor than the versatility of his powers; rather, for solid acquirement, than for captivating embellishments; rather for wisdom than for wit; rather for grave processes of ratiocina tion, than for the airy frolics of fancy."

It was soon after the commencement of his "In the character of Dr. Maxcy, mental administration, in September, 1804, that the and moral worth were happily combined. College received the name of Brown UniversiAnd so long as genius, hallowed and sublim-ty, in honor of Nicholas Brown, its most dised by piety, shall command veneration, he will be remembered in his country as a star of the first magnitude."

The Rev. Asa Messer, a graduate of the College in 1790, succeeded Dr. Maxcy, and occupied the Presidency twenty-four years, until 1826, when he retired from office. Possessing a handsome competence, the fruit, in part, of his habitual frugality, he was enabled to pass the remainder of his life in the enjoyment of independent leisure. His fellow-citizens. of Providence, elected him for several years to responsible municipal trusts, which he discharged with characteristic punctuality and uprightness. He died, after a short illness, in 1836, aged 65 years.

tinguished benefactor. He was the son of Nicholas Brown, one of the "four brothers," (Nicholas, Joseph, John and Moses) whose comprehensive views, mercantile energy, and enlarged philanthropy, contributed so much to the prosperity of their native town, and to the growth and success of the College in the days of its infancy. Mr. Brown was born in Providence, on the fourth of April, 1769. He graduated in 1786, under the presidency of Dr. Manning, and in 1791, at the early age of twenty-two, he became a member of the Corporation. In 1796, he was elected Treasurer of the Corporation, which office he held until September, 1825, when, having been elected to the Board of Fellows, he was suc

we may remark in this connection, Mr. Ives thus superintended the financial affairs of the institution, giving to the promotion of its highest interests, his valuable time, his wise

"His religious opinions," says Prof. God-ceed by the late Moses B. Ives, who retained dard, "especially for the last twenty years of the office until his death, August 7, 1857. his life, corresponded nearly to those of the During a period of nearly thirty-two years, General Baptists of England. He was a strenuous advocate for the supremacy of the scriptures, and for their entire sufficiency in matters of faith and practice. As a preacher, he wanted the attractive graces of elocution; counsels, and his liberal benefactions. His but he never failed to address to the under-death has occasioned a vacancy which will standing and the conscience, the most clear not soon be filled.

and cogent exhibitions of the great practical Mr. Brown, as Treasurer, had a full knowltruths of the Bible. For what is termed po- ' edge of the wants of the College, and prompt

ly came forward, with unexampled liberality, have received his instructions, will bear testito its relief. In 1804 he founded a professor-mony to the power of his teachings, and the ship of Oratory and Belles Lettres. In 1822, thoroughness of his discipline.

Dr. Wayland was born in New York, of

Union College in 1813, at which institution he was afterwards tutor, for a period of five years, during the latter part of which time he preached to a congregation at Burnt Hills. He has recently been engaged in supplying the pulpit of the First Baptist Church and Society in Providence.

he erected, at his own expense, Hope College, and in 1834, Manning Hall. His recorded ben-English parentage, in 1796. He graduated at efactions to the University, during a period of more than forty years, including land and buildings, at their estimated value when given, and also bequests, amount in round numbers to one hundred and sixty thousand dollars. He died full of honors and years, surrounded by those who venerated and loved him, on the 27th of September, 1841, in the 73d year of He was succeeded in the Presidency by the his age. His son, Mr. John Carter Brown, it Rev. Barnas Sears, who was unanimously should be added, continues the same gener-elected to this high office at a special meeting ous interest in the welfare and progress of of the Corporation held on the 21st of Authe University, which characterized his fath-gust, 1855. Dr. Sears was born in Sandiser's life from early manhood throughout.


field, Berkshire county, Massachusetts, in Mr. Messer was succeeded in the Presidency 1802, and graduated at the University in 1825, by the Rev. Francis Wayland, in 1827. under President Messer. In 1829 he was apadministration has been distinguished by pointed to a Professorship in the Hamilton many important reforms in the government of Literary and Theological Institution, New the College, and in the distribution of its York, now Madison University, where he restudies. He resigned his office in 1855, hav-mained until 1833, when he left for Europe, ing been the executive head of the University and spent several years in the study of Thetwenty eight years, during which period he ology, Classical Literature, and Philosophy, administered its affairs with consumate ability, at the Universities of Halle, Leipsic, and Berand by his personal character, and the geni- lin. Upon his return he was appointed to a us and spirit of his writings, greatly extend- Professorship in the Theological Seminary at ed the reputation of the College, until for Newton, Massachusetts, where he remained sound learning and morals, it has come to be twelve years. In 1848 he was called to the regarded as second to no institution in the post, made vacant by the resignation of the land. The external monuments of his presi- Hon. Horace Mann, of Secretary and Execudeney, the halls and mansion which have been tive Agent of the Massachusetts Board of Edadded to the University buildings, the noble ucation, which place he filled with distingushLibrary and the fund that secures its perpet-ed usefulness and honor, for a period of sevual growth, the recent munificent endowment en years. In these several situations, all of of one hundred and twenty-five thousand dol- them connected with the interests of educalars, and the increased pravisions for the high-tion and learning, Dr. Sears has become wideest education, have all been reared, either di-ly known to the public, and by his professionrectly or indirectly, by his untiring energy and al labors and published writings has acquired zeal; and they will perpetuate to coming gen- a high reputation for superior talents and vaerations the priceless services to education ried scholarship. He was thus preeminently which he has thus rendered, while those who' fitted to become the successor of Wayland

and Messer, Maxcy and Manning. His ad-raries present, in addition, an aggregate of ministration as the President of the Universi-6000 volumes. The last triennial catalogue, ty has thus far been highly successful, while published in 1856, gives the entire number of his unvarying courtesy and kind genial spirit graduates as 1809, of whom 1212 are now livhave won for him the esteem of his fellow cit-ing. Of this number of graduates 506 have zens, and the universal love of the students. been ordained as ministers, of whom 334 are

now living.

The Three Callers.

The University at present has four college buildings or halls, and a mansion house for The present number of undergraduates is the President, as follows: University Hall, 225. The officers of instruction are the Presbuilt in 1770-1, of brick, four stories high, ident, eight professors and an assistant pro150 feet long and 46 wide, with a projection fessor, besides the librarian, whose duties are in the centre on the east and west sides, of 10 confined to his particular department. There by 32, containing 58 rooms for officers and are two vacations, one commencing about the students; Hope College, built in 1821-2, of last week in January, of three weeks; and brick, four stories high, 120 feet long and 40 another, commencing about the second week wide, containing 48 rooms for officers and stu- in July, of eight weeks. Besides these there dents, including two halls for the Philermen-are two recesses of one week each. The ian and United Brothers Societies; Manning Annual Commencement exercises occur on Hall, built in 1834, of stone covered with ce- the first Wednesday in September, during ment, 90 feet in length, including the portico, which week candidates for admission to the by 42 in width, two stories high, containing College are examined. upon the first floor the Library room, and upon the second the Chapel; Rhode Island Hall, built in 1839-40, of stone covered with ce-Morn calleth fondly to a fair boy straying ment, 70 feet long by 42 wide, with a projection on the west side of 12 by 26, two stories high, containing on the first floor two lecture rooms for the Professors of Chemistry and of Natural Philosophy, on the second floor an ample hall for the Cabinet of Mineralogy and Geology, Portraits, &c., and in the basement a Chemical Labratory suitable for conducting Noon cometh-but the boy to manhood growing, chemical analysis, and the various processes of chemistry applied to the Arts. Its enclosures are graded and adorned with stately elms, comprising, with its adjoining grounds, upwards of 14 acres of land, situated in the eastern section of the city, between Waterman, Brown, George and Prospect streets. Its invested funds, including the Library Fund, amount to two hundred thousand dollars.

The College Library contains 28,000 carefully selected bound volumes, besides a large collection of unbound pamphlets. The Society Lib

Mid golden meadows, rich with clover dew; She calls, but he still thinks of naught, save


And so she smiles, and waves him an adieu! Whilst he, still merry with his flowery store Deems not that Morn, sweet Morn, returns no


Heeds not the time-he sees but one sweet form,

One young, fair face, from bower of jasmine

And all his loving heart with bliss is warm.
So Noon, unnoticed, seeks the western shore,
And man forgets that Noon returns no more.
Night tappeth at a casement gleaming
With the thin fire-light flickering faint and low,
By which a gray-haired man is sadly dreaming
O'er pleasures gone-as all life's pleasures go;
Night calls him to her-and he leaves his door,

Silent and dark,-and he returns no more!

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