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of life; to-day, with the same adjustment of string and tail, it utterly refuses to ascend, simply because the wind has seen fit to vary the force of its breath.

kite. Yesterday it mounted aloft like a thing|adjust the tail a few times to the varying blasts he will succeed all the better. He will find the theory perfect for all ordinary kites; and by repeated trials and experiments may become very successful in his profession. He needs to know what a kite is; for what it is intended; to see it flown; to learn the theory of its construction, and to make several trials and experiments with it himself before he can become master of his art. If he is ingenious and of quick apprehension, his success will be rapid and eminent; otherwise he may forever remain a bungler. The most expert, however, would find it difficult to fly a kite of iron. Theory and ingenuity, and past experience would alike fail of success. Something more than has yet been attained in the

The special cases of teachers are somewhat similar to these, both in their gradations and the applicability of existing theories; but, from the nature of the materials upon which they are called to operate, the difficulty in the way of success is often very much augmented. Moral and intellectual forces and resistance are, frequently, of very difficult computation, and equally difficult to apply with desired precision. In mechanics we know that it requires the weight of one pound, precisely, in

one scale of the balance to counterpoise a

pound in the other. Hence, the grocer, for instance, having his pound weight—his theory-duly marked and sealed, easily furnishes his customer with precisely a pound of the article desired. The grocer commits his son to the charge of the teacher; but he comes without any stamp to indicate the weight of his moral or intellectual character; and, with all the scales and theories the teacher may possess, it may require no inconsiderable ingenuity and sharp guessing to form such an estimate of the boy as will enable him to know just how much and what sort of force it will be necessary to employ to keep him suitably balanced.

profession must be gained or the task would

be more formidable than the tunnelling of the Hoosac, or the launching of the Leviathan.

Something analogous to what is necessary in these boring, and launching, and kite-flying operations is needed by the teacher. He needs to be acquainted with the best theories of his art. He needs observation; he needs the aid to be derived from the experience of others, and he needs personal practice. And, after all, just as in the cases above indicated, when he attempts what is in its nature impossible, or what is manifestly beyond the reach of any means that he can command, he must fail.

The Leviathan already rides majestically upon the bosom of its destined element; the The boy who endeavors in vain to fly the iron horse, will, doubtless, yet triumphantly kite that behaved so admirably the day be- carry the long train through the granite mountfore, will be likely to consult some older boy, ain; and, were it necessary to the purposes of or some one more familiar than himself with science and human progress, some Franklin the mysteries of kite-flying, in regard to the would eventually send up an iron kite to existing difficulty. He will thus gain a knowl-make a visit among the clouds. So, doubtedge of the theory that, in order that his kite less, many things, now difficult and perplexmay ascend successfully, the length and weight of its tail must be proportioned to the force of the wind. This will be of essential service; and if he can further see the older boy

ing in the work of the teacher, will yet be rendered easy, and others, which may now seem impossible, will yet be reduced to prac tice.

But, so far, I have written quite freely and tion; that the scholars were in the habit of dfferently from my first intent. My purpose" having things pretty much in their own was to say something in regard to a few of way," and of occasionally inviting the teachthe special cases which, from time to time, er to an outside berth. It was in a remote arrest the attention of the teacher, and to no- district of the town, with a rough surface and tice how they may be treated, or, at least, a population that could assert no high claims how they have been treated, with success. To either in respect to information or refinement. In the winter season, especially, it presented, to a stranger, many more points of repulsion than of attraction. He felt that the scene was far from being an inviting one, and that it could only be rendered tolorable by a school of tolerable success. For more than this he did not dare to hope.

one or two of these I now propose to invite attention.

A spirit of insubordination often gives rise to what may be called special cases in school. This spirit is sometimes general, embracing the majority of the members of a school, but more frequently it is limited to a few pupils. It is, in most cases, temporary in its duration. Sometimes, however, it is chronic, extending from term to term, or even from year to year. Each is sufficient to give rise to special cases, and these are always aggravated when parental sympathy and indulgence is extended to the pupils. Instances of the chronic type existed in greater frequency in years past, probably, than at present; and, in certain localities, were wont to be characterized by attempts to banish the teacher from the school. The same thing is sometimes now attempted in a different way. It used to be accomplished by physical force: it is now more frequently attempted by clamor and perpetual annoyance. Of the former method I will first notice a single instance.

The school building was one of "the genuine old stamp." On three sides of the twenty-five feet quadrangular space within, rude and mangled desks were fastened to the walls. In front of those were benches of equal extent, quite guiltless of backs, where many a dexterous feat of changing front was performed by the scholars. It was before the days of crinoline and circles of whale-bone and brass. Within this outer range of seats were two other similar ranges without desks, upon the inner of which "the little scholars" were doomed to sweat or roast, by the stove in the centre, while those of the outer circle were shivering from the excessive ventilation, effected by sundry accommodating cracks and knot-holes in the floor and ceiling. Around About twenty years ago an intimate ac- one half of the outer circuit were seated ten quaintance of mine was invited to take charge or a dozen overgrown boys, and a smaller of a district school in the country, during the number of girls. The remaining portion was winter term of three months. At the time of occupied by the "second class," as they stylhis engagement he was not aware of its char-ed themselves; for it appeared that the pupils acter. He was then pursuing a course of were in the habit of adjusting their own classtudy that he was reluctant to suspend, and sification, and most other matters, as best suitwas induced to do so only by the offer of un-ed themselves. With this "voluntary prinusually liberal pecuniary compensation, which ciple" the teacher soon found it necessary to his personal circumstances rendered a strong temptation.

interfere. Their views and judgment of the proper mode of arranging matters did not harmonize with his own. He set forth his

A day or two before commencing his labors he learned that the school had a bad reputa- 'requirements; his pupils demurred. He

calmly, but firmly, insisted; they quoted parental authority and plead the force of parental sanction. He replied that he could respect their parents' opinion and judgment where they could rightfully apply in the school-room his own judgment must be the standard to follow, or there could be none at all: he desired to pursue, faithfully, the course that would best promote the interests of all, and must be permitted to do it in his own way he could not and would not swerve from his own convictions of duty, and doubted not that all would be better satisfied, in the end, by complying with his requirements without murmuring or complaint: he wished and intended to be kind, but should resolutely endeavor to maintain order at any cost of effort, or by the use of any reasonable mode of discipline; and requested them to extend an invitation to their parents to come and see what they were doing, before making an unfavorable decision. He finally prevailed. The scholars gave way; the parents began to visit the school, at first attracted chiefly by curiosity, and carrying away with them a favorable impression, made reports, which, within a month, drew nearly every parent in the district to the school. The scholars became deeply interested. There was little demand for punishment, and, when inflicted, it was uniformly received without complaint. The rumor of success soon spread abroad. The visiting committee of the town were delighted and compared the operations of the school to clock-work. In short, this was regarded as the model school of the town, and neighboring teachers came to discover the secret that could win such success. The spirit of insubordination-if not destroyed at least slumbered during that winter; and the teacher bore away with him a degree of respect, on the part of his pupils, bordering upon veneration.

In this case it is plain that the teacher's

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DEAF and dumb persons who have gone through the routine of school discipline, have remarkably retentive memories. Not that they retain in their memories what they have


and began to suspect that he determined in his mind to box my mouth if I pouted once Discretion is the better part of valor,' so I held my peace. At length he asked me why I called him a bad man. I was afraid to answer him, and said nothing. He thought that my silence arose from ill-will, and would probably have punished me, had he not a moment after seen the tears steal down my cheek. He inquired what made me weep. I now sobbed. On his repeating the inquiry, I answered that I did wrong. I never have, and never will forget the kind manner in which he said to me: I hope you will never commit the same error again.' From that time forth I took care not to offend him again in the same way. My teacher was never familiar with me, but kept me in awe by the sobriety-I won't say severity-of his face. It always makes me laugh to think of the little incident which I have related to you."

A gentleman, who is by trade a shoemaker, then remarked that he was once, and only once, locked up in the school-room of his teacher, on account of his laziness. "The

learned at school, but they remember the dif-hour for school having arrived,” said he, “my teacher came into the room, holding in each ferent modes of punishment to which they were subjected in their school-days. I had of his hands two large apples and sat down on his chair. There he ate the four apthe pleasure, last week, of spending an evening with several mute ladies and gentlemen. ples without sparing a core, meanwhile lookThe discourse happened to turn on the differ-ing at me with an air of perfect indifference. I complained of hunger, but not a word did ent modes of discipline practiced in our schools A young lady was observed to put both hands he speak. He still regarded me with the same to her mouth, as if to check her risibles; and air of indifference. At this day,—it is now ten years since I ceased to be the subject of when questioned, "Ah! don't ask me," rehis instructions,-at this day, I say, I cannot plied she, "you must not be so inquisitive." banish from my mind the provokingly indifAfter a short pause, however, she resumed: ferent look of my teacher on that occasion." "I was a very saucy girl; I own it. When my worthy teacher reproved me for some trifling offence, I made a mouth of scorn at him, calling him a bad man. He jumped from his chair, and holding my hand in his, told me to pout again. I looked up into his angry face, life. He never punished me; not as you may

Miss S, a girl not yet seventeen years of age, laughed at the story of the gentleman for a few minutes, and then said: "I love my instructor, I believe, as much as you love

When I left school to live with my parents, my teacher embraced me and printed many kisses upon my cheek-kisses which I confess encouraged me to hope that I would one day marry him; but I have married another man, you see!"

Scarcely had the lady finished speaking, when a gentleman in gold specs turned to her and said: "Madam, don't you remember that when we were both under the charge of Mr. M. he caught me talking to you, and took me to another part of the room?"


Yes, I do," laughed the lady; "talking was not allowed during school hours. You were a rebel, and I too."

expect, because I studied well, no, but because I could not endure it. I was at liberty to run about the room and pinch my class-mates blue and black, and this, too, without any rebuke from my dear teacher. Scores of times I flung myself, wildly, upon my teacher's knees while he was sitting in his arm chair, and amused myself the haughty girl-by pulling his whiskers. I also made it my principal care to make free with him in the presence of all my schoolmates, who, I confess, were not a little exercised about the liberties I took with him. But two years before my education was finished, my teacher took me into his private room and pointed out the inevitable consequences of impudence, such as I was guilty of. His friendly advice touched the chords of my heart, and with tears in my eyes I promised to mend my manners. I have never forgotten my promise. You may think it strange that this change should have been wrought after so long a time misspent; but it was entirely caused by the strong affection I felt for my teacher. Love conquers all things. My teacher was a Job-will you deny it ?” Another young lady, whom I shall take the Another gentleman, apparently a minor, liberty of calling Anna, said: "Mr. Wand who was dressed in the very pink of the taught me for three years before I got mode, followed with a short speech, which I

into the class of Mr. T-. I well remember

that he used to pat me on the head and interrogate me as to my health. I once ventured [laughing] to kiss my hand for him; upon which he, yes my own teacher, ran away in a fright!"

Miss E-, now Mrs. J-, a creature of an amiable disposition, then remarked: "Mr. M- was my teacher. I shall never forget that in conversation with either his friends or strangers who visited the school-room, he was in the habit of mentioning me as a girl of studious habits. I was so careful to avoid displeasing him, that he had no occasion to scold me during the whole term of my tuition

"I gave Mr. M. a world of trouble," continued the gentleman, with a broad grin. "He tried to whip idleness out of me, but it was no go. A few months before I left school, however, I repented of my errors, and ever after kept a strict watch upon my conduct. Mr. M. was so pleased with my altered manners, that he presented me with a large book bound in gold, and illustrated with the best specimens of engraving. I keep it yet."

transcribe: "Mr. M. was also my instructor. Although he took much pains to educate me intellectually and morally, I did not study so closely as I should have done, but my thoughts were occupied with dress. My teacher told me that as I had the organ of acquisitiveness large, I would outstrip all my other classmates if I should but think; yet I heeded him not. At length my father came to see me; and he asked the teacher how I came on. With a modest sadness in his countenance he told my father that I made but little improvement. I could see that the indignant blood mounted to the temples of my father. He laid his hand upon my head and said: 'Hen

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