Imágenes de páginas

Messrs. Perry, Austin and Hutchins were chosen a committee for the purpose above referred to.

Resolved, That since our educational agencies, notwithstanding any defect, are rearing an inquiring, thinking, and reading people, the necessity is becoming daily more apparent, and the

Mr. Austin presented the following resolutions in relation to Evening Schools, which he prefac-duty and sound policy becoming more and more ed with brief remarks:

Whereas, This Institute regards with deep interest every movement tending to elevate the standard of education amongst us, or to diffuse more widely the blessings of knowledge, and whereas this higher standard and this wider diffusion are not only compatible with each other, but have a vital connection and mutual dependence, and whereas there are within the limits of our little state many thousands whose circumstances preclude their enjoyment of the advantages afforded by our excellent public school system, therefore

apparent, of furnishing for the universal people a full supply of reading at once safe and useful, entertaining and elevating.

That, therefore, we recommend to the early attention of our fellow citizens the establishment in each of their several villages, towns and cities, or wards, a Free Public Library.

Mr. Stone moved the adoption of the resolutions. He adverted to the humble beginning of evening schools among us, and the efforts of a few who labored persistently to bring them up to a point at which they would be looked upon with public favor. With us, they were no longer an Resolved, That in reiterating and re-indorsing experiment, but a success. In the present conat this time the resolutions adopted by this In-dition of society they were vitally necessary, as stitute at its annual session in 1855, in favor of evening schools in our cities and manufacturing villages, for such as cannot attend the day schools, we have reason to believe that these humble auxiliaries are already, by their quiet yet potent influence, strongly recommending themselves to the public favor.

Resolved, That we observe with pleasure the large and annually increasing attendance at the Providence night schools; that we regard the eminent success of the experiment in that city as amply repaying the most liberal appropriations for them, as furnishing for the present an economical and judicious investment, and as promising in the future the most abundant harvest

means of furnishing education to large numbers cut off from other sources of intellectual culture. In our cities and large towns their beneficent influence was three-fold, intellectual, moral and social. They not only educated the intellect, but they were nurseries of order and self-respect. The quiet condition of our streets during the evenings of the present winter was a striking commentary on the value of the eight schools now in operation. The recommendation of a free public library, as a counter influence to the demoralizing reading now so abundantly at the command of the young, he approved. Several years ago, in one of his annual reports, he had made similar recommendation.

After remarks by Messrs. Leach, Austin, and several other gentlemen, the resolutions were unanimously adopted.

Mr. Austin also presented the following resolutions, which passed unanimously:

Resolved, That we recognize among our Rhode Island manufacturers a higher appreciation than ever before, of the truth that the most intelligent is the cheapest labor; that the present mitigation of labor in many of the factory villages, by affording to the operatives an unusual amount of time for mental improvement, presents special inducements for them and their employers to cooperate in the establishment of these humble agencies for "weaving the warp and weaving the woof" for fabrics at once the most deli-sonal and professional success, trusting that in cate and enduring.

Resolved, That in severing the agreeable connection that for several years past has subsisted between the members of this Institution and our late State School Commissioner, Rev. Robert Allyn, we tender him our best wishes for his per

his present sphere of duty the result of his la

bors may correspond to the value of his services amongst us.

Resolsed, That we welcome the present State Commissioner of Public Schools, John Kingsbury, LL. D., to the responsibilities and labors of his important trust; that we rely with confidence on his faithful administration of its duties, and that we pledge him our hearty cooperation in his efforts to improve and elevate our schools, and to promote the cause of education in our commonwealth.

After some miscellaneous conversation, the meeting adjourned.-Providence Daily Journal.

THE AMERICAN EDUCATIONAL YEAR BOOK is now published, and will be supplied on application to this office, or by letter to the editor. It contains 252 pages of matter, highly interesting to teachers and of great value to all who are interested in the educational progress of our country. It gives a full account of the national and state educational institutious and associations, of the colleges and professional schools, the seminaries and academics, and the public school systems of each state, with the names and salaries of the teachers as far as practicable. Teachers, send for it. Price, at the office, 63 cents, or when sent by mail, postage paid, 72 cts.

ERRATA.-B. W. M. informs us that the word "because," in the fourth verse of the third stan za, on page 355 of our last number, should have read "become."

J. W. O. calls our attention to an error in his article in this number. On page 9, near the foot of the first column, the proper name "Land" should read "Laud." It occurs twice.

Page 15, in this number, second column, the last line in the last stanza, "multabile," read "mutabile. "

BOUND VOLUMES.-We have on hand a large number of volumes 1, 2 and 3, bound, and we offer them at a very low price to induce our new subscribers to take them from the beginning. The binding has cost us $25 per hundred, and we wish to get repaid for the outlay of binding. We shall not save so many for binding this year, and consequently cannot sell the fourth volume bound at so low a price.

NORTH CAROLINA JOURNAL OF EDUCATION.January, 1858. Vol. 1; No. 1. Greensboro. $2.00 a year. The initial number of this new journal we are permitted to welcome to the brotherhood. It is neatly printed on good paper, and its contents are interesting and valuable.

The leading article-"Objects and Character of this Journal," by Rev. C. H. Wiley, Super. intendent of Common Schools of the State, is straight-forward, manly and valuable.

We are glad to welcome such a journal from that

OUR CONTRIBUTORS.-We are happy to acknowledge the receipt of more articles of value than we are able to publish this month. This is as it should be. Our correspondents are improv-section of our confederacy. It shows us that N. ing. A good article will keep, and we can afford to wait for it.

Several valuable communications lie over for next month. Some of our "fireside" friends send in the answers to enigmas too late. Be a little more prompt, young friends, and your answers will appear. Try the enigma in this number.

THE HIGH SCHOOL MAGAZINE, issued by the English and Scientific Department of the Boys' High School, Providence. Volume 1. No. 1. March, 1858. A magazine of 24 pages, filled with original articles, which are very creditable to the authors and to the school.

Carolina is in advance of some of her neighbor states. We hope the teachers of North Carolins will sustain this, their journal, liberally.

HARPER'S MAGAZINE for February has three finely illustrated articles, viz: An American in Constantinople; Livingstone's Travels in South Drawer contains some capital after-dinner readAfrica; and A Culinary Campaign. The Editor's ing for dyspeptics. We have not received the March number.

NOTICES of magazines unavoidably lie over for

our next.

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Subtracting the second equation from the

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in a tunnel can be determined by reference to first, gives xy-y=2 or y= well-known natural laws, although, on account



of many disturbing causes, no uniformity is ob- gives y=6—22. Hence —6—x2, and (1),—x3servable in practice. The principles upon which the theory is founded are the same as those +2+6x-8=0. By factoring we have (x−2) which govern the direction of rotatory winds, and (-x2x+4)=0. Hence x-2=0, and x=2, or are as follows: −1±√(17) -x2-x+4=0, and x=2

Each of these values of x will satisfy equation (1), but as the last two give contradictory values of y in the original equations, they must be rejected. Substituting the first gives y=2. 5. Let 4x base, and 3x= altitude. There will (4x)2+(3x)2=352, or 25x2=352 and 5x=7. Hence base =28 feet, and altitude =21

At all points north of the equator the fluid from the north side of the whirl in approaching the centre of rotation falls back towards the west, because it has not yet acquired the increased rotatory velocity of the earth at the centre of the whirl; while the fluid from the south in approaching the centre, advances towards the east, because it has not yet lost the greater rotatory ve- | locity of the earth at the point from which it feet, and the area equals 14 times 21 ft.=294 ft. came. These two oblique forces, the one south

6. Let z=base. Then since the area is 240


and since the

westerly the other north-easterly, determine the direction of rotation towards the left, or in the feet, the altitude must equal opposite direction to the hands of a watch. In accordance with this theory all atmospheric perimeter is 80 feet, the hypothenuse must equal

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Taking the first sign before the radical gives one

SEVERAL articles intended for the School Ex-leg of the triangle, and taking the second sign ercises are left over for next month.

gives the other.

D. P. C.


ELISHA KENT KANE.-A Biography. By William Elder. Childs & Peterson, Philadelphia. We have received from Messrs. Phillips, Sampson & Co., Boston, a copy of this long expected memoir of the Arctic Hero and Martyr. It is an admirably written book, and no one can read it without the liveliest feeling of respect and love, sympathy and sorrow, for the subject, and the highest appreciation of the author as a writer and thinker. It is a model of biography. Save one thing, we think it perfect. We have no sympathy at all for the " goody-good" smoothing iron by which his childhood faults are made to appear virtues and excellencies for the young to imitate. "For sale by agents only."

THE LIFE AND RECOLLECTIONS OF JOHN HowLAND, late President of the Rhode Island Historical Society. By Rev. Edwin M. Stone. G. H. Whitney, Providence.

The biography of such a man as Mr. Howland should be preserved; and the biographer has laid the public under obligations to him for so finely written a book. It is exceedingly interesting, and will repay any one for a perusal. But it has especial value to the citizens of our own state. Mr. Howland was a prominent Rhode Island man, and a very benevolent, philanthropic person. We hope this memoir will meet with an extensive sale.

ANDREWS AND STODDARD'S LATIN GRAMMAR.Revised Edition. 1857. Crocker & Brewster, Boston.

This Grammar of the Latin Language is now almost universally pronounced the very best. It is greatly improved by the corrections, revisions and additions of this revised edition. For the sections relating to conjunctions and Grammatical Analysis, the author acknowledges his indebtedness to Prof. S. S. Greene, of Brown University. We do not believe a text-book was ever written which introduced so great an improvement in the method of teaching Latin, as this has done. We wish the revised edition the greatest success, which we are sure it merits.

TATE'S PHILOSOPHY; AND TATE'S FIRST LESSONS IN PHILOSOPHY: Revised and Improved by C. S. Cartée, A. M. Hickling, Swan & Brewer. Boston.

These works were originally prepared by Professor T. Tate, F. R. A. S. of Kneller Training College, England. They were revised by Dr. Cartée and have been already extensively used with marked success and satisfaction. The First Lessons are adapted to the younger scholars, and to ordinary common schools, where the course in this study must necessarily be limited; and the larger work is designed for use in High Schools and Academies.

THE TESTIMONY OF THE ROCKS; or Geology in its Bearings on the Two Theologies, Natural and Revealed. By Hugh Miller. Gould & Lincoln, Boston.

No man's library is complete without this and the other works of the lamented Hugh Miller. Every teacher, every scholar, every scientific man, and especially every Christian should read this valuable work. Its chapters on History of Animals, The Mosaic Vision of Creation, The Noachian Deluge, The Fossil Floras of Scotland, are each worth the price of the book. The work cannot be described, but must be read.

FIRST BOOK OF NATURAL PHILOSOPHY AND ASTRONOMY.-By Prof. William A. Norton, of Yale College. A. S. Barnes & Co, New York. The appearance of this book is very creditable. The subjects treated are exceedingly interesting The information and important to children. given is well arranged, but the old "question and answer system" is kept up throughout. This we consider a fundamental defect.

We have received the following books, which we shall notice hereafter. Several notices are obliged to lie over for want of room. From Gould & Lincoln: Knowledge is Power, Barton's Grammar, Barton's Composition, Marcus, Bayne's Essays on Biography and Criticism, Life of James Montgomery, Pleasant Pages for Young People, Poor Boy and Merchant Prince.

From Phillips, Sampson & Co.: Confessions of an Inquirer, Autobiography of Rev. T. Clapp.

The R. J. Schoolmaster.


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NO. 2.

ning scene auspicous, all progress was soon ht to a stand. The machinery could cut

a road through common earth, or clay, or Ir is no uncommon occurrence for teachers, soft sand-stone, but the granite was a special both in the work of instruction and discipline, case. The launching of the Leviathan also to meet with what may be called special cases. proved to be another. The engineering for They feel prepared for the discharge of the or- sending it afloat was well contrived, strong, dinary duties of the schoolroom;-that they suitable, and altogether adequate. So stood can meet the wants of most of their pupils in the theories of the wisest and most accom-. the prosecution of their studies, and are only plished engineers, the master-spirits of the occasionally at a loss how to maintain proper art of launching. But the Leviathan proved discipline. They read educational works-or to be a very special case. It would not budge; should do so-have attended Institutes and or, if it budged at all, would, by no means listened to lectures, and thus gained much budge as it ought. Hydrostatics and pullies, valuable perhaps invaluable information. and chains, and cables, and levers, and whatThey have gained a knowledge of what are ever additional apparatus was called into reconsidered excellent theories; they have fram- quisition, were inadequate to set it afloat. ed theories of their own which seem both Thus matters, for no inconsiderable time, replausible and practical. They have compound-mained. Efforts were baffled, and the masters ed the theories of others with their own and were vastly perplexed and troubled. thus obtained resulting theories which they in regard to the Hoosac and the Leviathan, esteem better than either. Indeed, in any there was no lack of theories, excellent theomechanical process, theories of equal accura-ries no doubt; and yet we fancy that those ey could scarcely fail. But, from some cause, especially interested would, in the midst of none of these succeed perfectly in practice. their failure and perplexity, by no means have They turn out something like the attempts to objected to the discovery of some special tunnel the Hoosac mountain. The machin-means, just suited to the special cases. ery seemed to be adapted properly to its pur- The world of mechanics, if I may use pose and to be sufficiently powerful to make the expression, presents multitudes of special its way successfully through the opposing cases, from such as these down to that of the masses of granite. But, although the begin- boy making unsuccessful attempts to fly his


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