Imágenes de páginas

7. What is proportion?

8. How many men will it take to build a wall 15 rods long, 8 feet high, and 3 feet thick, in 6 days, working 9 hours per day, if 20 men can build a wall 100 rods long, 6 feet high and 4 feet thick, in 12 days, working 12 hours each day?

9. How many solid feet in a stick of timber which is 25 ft. 6 in. long, 2 ft. 7 in. broad, and 3 ft. 3 in. thick ?

19. I obtained from a bank, for my note payable in 6 months, money enough to purchase 378965 feet of boards at $0 23 per 1000 feet. On the same day, my agent sold the boards at the rate of 75 cts. per 100 fect, for which he charges a commission of 3 per cent.; and invests the balance, after deducting his commission of 4 per cent. on the purchase, in sugar at 6 1-4 cts. per lb. How many boxes were purchased, each holding 300 lbs ?

Two months after, my agent sold the sugar at a discount of 12 1-2 per cent, for which service he charges a commission of 5 per cent. He immediately remits to me one-half the net proceeds In cash, which I put on interest at the rate of 10 1-2 per cent. per annum ; and a note for the balance to be paid in 16 months without interest and without grace.

The day my note became due at the bank, I collected the amount of the money put on interest, and the true present worth of my note. What was my gain or loss by the transaction?


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8. Write a sentence containing the verb teach, in the passive voice, indicative mood, present perfect tense, third person, singular number;

1. Name the Counties of Rhode Island and then write the same sentence, changing the verb bound the one in which you live.

2. What is latitude? What is longitude?

3. Which is farther west from Greenwich, Boston or Washington?

4. Bound the State of New York, and name its capitol and largest river.

5. What waters must be passed through in traveling by water from Chicago to Montreal?

6. Name the four largest rivers and the four largest cities in the United States.

7. Name the three largest rivers of South America and its most important port. 8. Name the countries through which the river Rhine flows, and those which are separated by it, beginning at its source.

to the active voice.

9. Correct the following letter in all respects: Provedens decembur first 18 hundred and 58 my deer ant i set down to inform you That i am usually well i should admire to see you we was all so glad when You come to our House last febuary we wasn't a looking for you but in you come all of A sudden i go to school now and study my rethmetic and Grammar book i think i lern my grammar considerable well but the prin ciple says how i don't rite Grammatical i shall be twelve years old in june i cant rite no more for i haint no more time to your loving Nefu lem



A TEXT-BOOK OF VEGETABLE AND ANIMAL PHYSIOLOGY.-Designed for the use of schools, seminaries, and colleges in the United States. By Henry Goodby, M. D., Professor of vegetable and animal physiology and entomology, in the state agricultural college of Michigan; and formerly dissector of minute anatomy to the royal college of surgeons of England. Embellished with upwards of four hundred and fifty illustrations. New York: D. Apple. ton & Company. 1858.

corresponding parts of animal organisms. One great charm of the work is derived from the microscopic researches of the author. We cannot close this brief notice, without referring to the elegant cuts, white on a black ground, and in many cases colored, which contribute in a high degree towards making this work the most perfect physiological text-book within our knowl edge.


THE NEW TESTAMENT.-Translated by Rev. Leicester Ambrose Sawyer. John P. Jewett & Co., Boston. 1858. Cloth, $1.00. Embos sed Morocco, $1.25. D. Kimball & Co., Agents for Rhode Island.

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That any new translation of the Bible should please everybody, even though it were done by the most learned body of men now living, cannot be expected. That such a translation could be made by one man is, of course, impossible. But that Mr. Sawyer's version has many excellencies none can deny. In many points his version will be decidedly distasteful to the reader, but in many others he has given a freshness to the thought which is not found in the antique and stereotyped forms of expression of the generally received version. We very much regret the ir reverance shown in the use of you appliec to Our Saviour, while at the same time vigor and expressiveness is given by its use when ap plied to others. We could mention many instances which have been pleasing to us and in which the translator has given the exact meaning of the original far better than our common version gives it, but we will merely instance John XXI: 15, 16, 17, where the Greek verb agopan is rendered by the verb to love, and philein is ren

If the author of this elegant work had styled it a COMPARATIVE vegetable and animal physiology, we think he would have indicated more accurately its peculiar character. In fact, the primary beauty and the chief value of the book consist in the skillful manner in which the principles of the comparative anatomist are applied to physiology. Its author does not consider the functions of the human body in their isolated condition, as apart from the rest of the animal creation; but rather as the highest development of the same functions, as they are exhibited in the lower animals. He thus traces the process of nutrition, for instance, from the simplest stages of its development in the sacculated organs of the "twilight monad," through polype, insect, molluck, fish, reptile, bird, and lower mammal, up to its most perfect state in man. That this is the philosophical method for studying physiology, we cannot doubt, while we continue to believe that one great mind designed all these various animal forms in accordance with one universal plan. By pursuing the study in this manner we may feel sure that while we are gaining a clearer understanding of the complex functions of the higher animals, we may also be following with all reverence the logical develop-dered to be a friend. This gives force and accument of the divine ideas in creation. The author does not attempt to exhaust the subject of physiology, but only to present in a thorough manner so many functions as can be brought within the compass of an ordinary text-book.

But this work is a vegetable as well as an animal physiology. This part of the subject is treated in an extremely interesting manner, and made much clearer by continual reference to

racy to the passage. "Breakfasted" is given in the 15th verse instead of "Dined," which cer tainly seems more correct, as in the 4th verse we are told it was "when the morning was come." We think this transla n will be found very useful, not only to s but to the general reader, but, of course, it is not expected that it will ever to any extent take the place of King James's translation. A revision of the Bible

will be necessary probably within the next century, and we now are only preparing to make it successfully.

WE have received the following piano music from Clapp & Cory, published by Oliver Ditson & Co., Boston. Several of these, our musical friends tell us, are beautiful.

The Ocean Cable Polka, by F. Kielblock; Ocean Cable March, by Handel Pond; Sweet Flowers Wake, by H. W. Walsh, dedicated by permission, to Mrs. Elisha Dyer; I have Always a Welcome for Thee, ballad, by Langton Williams; There's not a Word thy Lips hath Breathed, ballad, words by R. F. Hausman, music by L. O. Emerson; Musard's Express Train Gallup, by W. Dressler; Courting in Connecticut, song and chorus, by S. Markstein.

States. It is a book of sterling worth. Each number contains 48 pages of valuable reading matter, giving us the very cream of American literature. Mr. McCormick is himself a young man, knowing the sympathies, aspirations and wants of young men, and his work is an honor to the young men of America. We hope it will be abundantly supported. It gives a brief monthly report of the transactions of Young Men's Associations in the various parts of the country. Subscription price $1.50 per year.

With illustrations by Hoppin. Phillips, Samp-
son & Co., Boston. 1858. For sale by G. II.

This popular series of papers, which all the world know was written for the Atlantic Monthly, and which all the world have read, is now re

OLD WONDER EYES; and other stories for Child-printed in a beautiful volume with illustrations

ren. By Grace Greenwood. With engravings by White. Gaut & Volkmar, Philadelphia.


on tinted paper by the inimitable Hoppin. Seldom do we find more wit, humor, and sense, in a single volume, than are brought together in this A charming little book of 143 pages in red series of papers, under so odd a title. The ilcovers, admirably adapted to please and instruct lustrations are in good taste, significant, and the children; designed as a holiday present. It well executed. We understand ten thousand is also well calculated for Sabbath schools libra- copies have already been taken. An elegant edries. No one knows better than Grace Green-ition is advertised for the holidays.

wood how to write for the children, and we are glad to see another book from her gifted pen. This OLD WONDER EYES is a capital story. "She woke early in the morning, and the first thing she saw was a great gray owl, perched on the bed-post at her feet, staring at her with his big, round eyes. He did not fly off when she started up in bed, but only ruffled up his feathers, and said "WHо!" Minnie had never seen an owl before; but she was not afraid, and she answered merrily,-"You'd better say Who!' Why who are you, yourself, you queer old wondereyes?"


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Price 50 cents. For sale by Snow & Greene.

C. McCormick. N. A. Calkins, New York.
This is the only magazine devoted to the in-
terests of young men published in the United

We take this occasion to remind our readers that The Atlantic Monthly commences a new volume with January, and a new series of papers by the author of The Autocrat. The Atlantic and The Schoolmaster one year for $3.25.

SAFE HOME; or The Last Days and Happy
Death of Fannie Kenyon. Gould & Lincoln,

This beautiful little book of 76 pages, written by Mrs. Stoddard of this city, gives an account of the happy death of a young scholar in the First Baptist Sabbath School. The introduction is written by Professor Lincoln, of Brown University, the superintendent of the Sabbath school. It is an interesting and exceedingly valuable book for the young. We hope it will be extensively read by the youth of Providence and elsewhere. For sale at the book-stores.

ward Brooks, A. M., Professor of Mathematics
in the Lancaster County Normal School, Pa.
H. Cowperthwait & Co., Philadelphia.

This new treatise on Mental Arithmetic is af

ter the general plan of Warren Colburn's book, which has gained a world-wide popularity. Its method of treating the subject is by Analysis and Induction, the only true way of unfolding the science of numbers. We have been unable to bestow that examination upon the book which we would like, but have discovered many fine points in it. The method of treating Fractions is particularly pleasing.

WE have received the First Annual Catalogue of the Young Ladies' Seminary, at Kanzas City, Mo., Rev. J. H. Luther, A. M., Principal. We are glad to learn of schools and seminaries of this stamp spreading so rapidly at the west.


A magazine for the Christian family. Edited by Rev. Wm. M. Thayer. Published by C. Stone & Co., Boston.

This is an ably edited monthly, full of sound advice, able articles, and interesting miscellany Each number has a steel engraving and a colored plate. $2.00 per year.

WE have received an interesting pamphlet of 173 pages, entitled The Dudley Observatory and the Scientific Council. Statement of the Trustees. We hope the difficulty will soon be adjusted and the institution prove a valuable auxiliary in advancing the noble science of astrono my.

THE LITTLE SINGER: with Elements of Music; many original pieces for primary schools; and an oratorio for the young. By George Henry Curtis. Published by A. S. Barnes & Co., N. York. 1858.

This Singer has 224 pages and is full of schoolsongs, which will please the children and make the teachers' work easier. Why will not our teachers give more fattention to the subject of music?

By W. W; Smith. A. S. Barnes & Co., New York. Want of time has prevented us from examining this new Spelling Book. Let the teachers or committees who propose changing the textbook on this important subject of common school

instruction send for a copy.

By James Monteith. A. S. Barnes & Co.,
New York.

This is a small quarto, with questions and answers, and maps, and finely illustrated, For young scholars it is easy, and interesting. It is a novel book on history and several features will be found valuable. We like the idea of maps to illustrate the geography of history.

STAND UP FOR JESUS!-A Christian Ballad; with notes, illustrations, and music and a few additional poems, by the same author. T. A. Stockton, Philadelphia.

A beautiful little ballad, with fitting memorial notices of Rev. Dudley A. Tyng, with a fine,

wood-cut likeness.

WE are indebted to Hon. Andrew J. Moulter, Supt. of Public Instruction, of California for a copy of his annual report and Commentaries on the School Law.

REVIVAL MELODIST.-Snow & Greene, Providence.

A collection of about 50 hymns and tunes, for conference meetings and Sabbath schools. Price 6 cents, or $5.00 per hundred.

THE YOUNG ARTIST: A Series of Drawing
Cards for the use of Schools. Drawn by Dar-
co. Published by W. Smith & Co., Providence.
Price 25 cents.

A fine series of cards for The Young Artist.

WE present our thanks for the Twenty-Ninth Annual Report of the Superintendent of Pub

lic Schools of Cincinnati.

SEVERAL books lie over for our next number.

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