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I. I know that, mamma; because we W. So, exhilarating means sometimes stimulate the fire with the poker-gladness come out of you." stir it up. Then, the fire burns brighter and faster for a time; but if you give it much stimulating, it goes out sooner, or, it burns too fast, then it afterwards looks very dull.

W. And when you stimulate a horse with a whip, he trots along faster for a little while, but he gets tired sooner, unless you keep on stimulating him.

M. But let us return to the coffee. Coffee does not stimulate people very strongly; it is a gentle stimulant. So, there are very few who do not like it.

It has another effect. If people drink it when they are tired, after it has stimulated them, it seems to put new life into them, causes them to feel fresh again.

making the

M. It means "to make cheerful" — and, because coffee makes us cheerful, we say it is exhilarating.

I. And so is tea exhilarating! How people get glad, and talk after tea.

M. There are some other effects. It often has some bad effects on the stomach, especially with thin, lean people. People whom we call "billious ;" — but we cannot talk of these effects to-day.

L. Then I will count up the qualities of the coffee, mamma, before we leave off.

Unroasted Coffee - Berries are of a dingy yellow color, inodorous, and disagreeable to the taste.

Roasted Coffee - Berries are of a deep brown

L. Then the "freshness," mamma, is the color, crisp, aromatic, and agreeable to the effect of the stimulating.

M. Yes. The other night your papa was rather tired and sleepy, and yet he wanted to sit up and study, so he drank some coffee to refresh him, and keep him awake. Many gentlemen at Oxford and Cambridge, when they want to study at night, drink it in order to refresh themselves.


taste; whilst, in their effects, they are refreshing, stimulating, and exhilarating.

The Death of Dr. Franklin.


As I rapped at the door, who should come and open it but old Sarah Humphries. I was right glad to see her, for I had known her a long time. She was of the people called Friends; and a mighty good sort of a body she was too. The great people set a heap of soak-store by her, for she was famous throughout the town for nursing and tending on the sick. Indeed, many of them, I believe, hardly thought they could sicken, and die right if they had not old Sarah Humphries with them. Soon as she saw me, she said, “Well David,

I. So we will say that it has two effects, It is stimulating and refreshing, and sometimes, I think, the coffee makes you feel more comfortable; it makes people look cheerful. That is an effect, perhaps. L. Yes. Once when papa had been ed in the rain, he ordered some warm coffee as he came in, and after he had taken it, I heard him say how comfortable he was look rather glad.

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M. Well, that was the effect of the coffee. It makes people cheerful, and it brings gladness out from them.

Now, there are two Latin words "ex," which means out of, and hilare," which

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means to make glad; and from these we make our English word, exhilarating.

how dost?"

"O, much after the old sort, Sarah,' said I; "but that's neither here nor there; I came to see Dr. Franklin.”

"Well, then," said she, "thou art too late, for he is just dead!"

is gone."


"Alack a day," said I, "then a great man he looked at it; and he said, Aye, Sarah," said he, there's a picture worth looking at ! that's the picture of him who came into the world to teach men to love one another !* Then after looking wistfully at it for some time, he said, Sarah, set this picture up over the mantle-piece, right before me as I lie; for I like to look at it,' and when I had fixed it up, he looked at it, and looked at it very much; and indeed, as thee sees, he died with his eyes fixed on it.”

"Yes, indeed," said she, "and a good one too; for it seemed as though he never thought the day went away as it ought, if he had not done somebody a service. However, David," | said she, "He is not the worse off for all that now, where he is gone to: but come, as thee came to see Benjamin Franklin, thee shall see him yet." And so she took me into his room. As we entered, she pointed to him, where he lay on his bed, and said, "There, did thee ever see any thing look so natural?"

And he did look natural indeed. His eyes were close but that you saw he did not breathe, you would have thought he was in a sweet sleep, he looked so calm and happy. Observing that his face was fixed right towards the chimney, I cast my eyes that way, and behold! just above the mantle-piece was a noble picture! O it was a noble picture, sure enough! It was the picture of our Saviour on the cross.

Brutes Love Men More than Women.

A WRITER in the Atlantic Monthly puts it thus:

Kate, the other day, was asserting a wife's right to control her own property, and incidentally advocating the equality of the sexes - a touchy point with her - I put in:

"Tell me, then, Kate, why animals form stronger attachments to men than women. Your dog, your parrot, and even your cat, al

I could not help calling out, "Bless us all, ready prefer me to you. How can you acSarah!" said I, "what's all this?" count for it unless you allow there is more in

"What dost mean, David," said she, quite us to respect and love?" crusty.

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"I account for it,' said she, with a most decided nod, "by affinity. There is more affinity between you and the brutes."

The Motto on the Sun-Dial.

"Yes," said she, "I know that too. But thee knows that many who makes a great fuss about religion have very little, while some IN a conspicuous place upon one of the who say but little about it have a good deal." | buildings in London, known as the Middle "That's sometimes the case, I fear, Sarah;" said I.

Temple, and occupied by lawyers, might have been seen until recently, a sun-dial with a memorable motto. The sun-dial was set up before clocks became common. It was ordered by an association of lawyers known as benchers. The order was given to the most celebrated manufacturer to prepare a dial which should be worthy of the society and of the place. In due time the instrument was

"Well, and that was the case," said she, with Benjamin Franklin. But be that as it may, David, since thee asks me about this great picture, I'll tell thee how it came here. Many weeks ago, as he lay, he beckoned me to him, and told me of this picture up stairs, and begged I would bring it to him. I brought it to him. His face brightened up as constructed, and already for its public ex

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voice told me, Begone about your business,' so I hurried home as quickly as I could."

"O! very well," said the master, who was a little of a wag; "that will do famously." And on the next day the walls of the Middle Temple were adorned with a sun-dial, on which stood out, in large and attractive let


It so happened that, being unable to attend in person, he sent his foreman, a plain, mat-ters, the sage and appropriate motto ter-of-fact man of business. When he came, according to instructions, he was surprised to find that the benchers had separated, without at all recollecting either the appointment or the motto. He found there one learned member, who appeared to know little and care less about the entire affair, and who had manifestly been annoyed about something or other just at the moment when the man was ushered into his august presence. The foreman was very abruptly asked what he wanted.

"BEGONE ABOUT YOUR BUSINESS." A capital motto it was, too. God has given every man his work, and the time to do it in; and happy are those who can always make the hour and its duty go hand in hand.

"Please, sir," said the man, a little confused at the mode in which he was addressed, "my master sent me for the motto."

"Motto, motto - what motto: I know nothing of a motto," said the bencher.

"The motto for the sun-dial, please, sir," said the man, "which your honor promised to have ready."

"I tell you," said the honorable bencher, "I know nothing about any motto, or sundial either. You should have been here much sooner. I cannot be delayed by you any longer. Begone about your business."

The man, abashed, at once withdrew, and returned to his master, who was anxiously waiting for the promised inscription.

"Well, John,' said he, have you seen the gentlemen?"

"Yes, sir," said John, "I saw one very queer gentleman, who appeared in a very great hurry to get away."

"And what did he tell you?" said the mas


"Sir," said John, "he first said he knew nothing about any motto, and then in a loud


A LADY, who had interested herself much on the behalf of two navvies embarking for the seat of war in the Crimea, had purchased four warm knitted vests for them, but had no means of getting them conveyed to the vessel on board which her poor shivering friends had embarked. Who was to take the much needed articles of clothing to the vessel? Says she:

"Beneath a lamp in the street stood a group of boys. Its light fell on a face which seemed to introduce the sort of messenger I desired. The story was told him. Now, my boy, we are strangers, and I do not want to know your name or where you live, nor any clue to either. You might take these vests, make twenty shillings upon them, or give them away to your fathers and brothers, if I should never send the police you chose. after you. But my confidence in the honor of English boys, which stands so high now, would be broken down. And those two nobly honest men would suffer, and might take cold and go into a consumption, and die; and their wives and children break their hearts about them.'

"The boy's eyes flashed under the lamp-

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A Novel Method of Preventing Profane

THE following is taken from the Biography of Capt. John Smith, by George Canning Hill, published by E. O. Libby & Co., Boston.

"Smith in the mean while went ahead perseveringly with such labors as were necessary to obtain a proper freight for the ship; and in a little while he had set the greater part of them busily to work manufacturing tar and pitch, felling trees, and turning out clapboards. No one of them all exerted himself so much as he; dreading neither fatigue nor exposure, shrinking from no sort of labor or fasting, and continually inspiring the others with fresh zeal by his own contagious example.

"He invented a novel method, too, by which to break the men who worked with him of the habit of using profane language; and that was this each one counted his fellow-workman's oaths during the day; and, at night, for every oath that had been used, a pail of cold water was poured down the guilty person's sleeve. It was soon found to have an excellent effect."

The Sign Language.

A carpenter at the Sandwich Islands, recently sent his Hawaian assistant to an adjoining building for his pipe; but not speaking the native language, he made use of signs to explain his meaning. The native brought the broad axe. Dispatched again with fresh instructions, he got no nearer the pipe than a

"Having discharged his duty, the last sound heard amidst the splashing of his oars, as he left the ship's side, was the shout, Tell that ere lady I kept my word and the jackets was in time.' "All honor to the English boy, who sus-heavy saw horse, which he deposited near the tained my right to trust my brothers, young or old. The world is not so wide, but we shall meet again, I hope; and, meet when we may, the trusty and the trusting will be friends."

lover of the weed. A third attempt, with a new pantomime of explanations illustrating the fact that the desired article was on an elevation about five feet high, produced a crowbar, and then the woud-be smoker gave it up.


Read This.

Prof. Greene gave lectures upon English grammar and analysis; Mr. Colburn upon history and mathematics; Mr. Goodwin upon geography, physiology, &c.; and Mr. Blanchard upon music.

Mr. F. B. Peckham, Jr., of Newport, interested and instructed the audience with recitations. and elcutoionary readings. The evenings were devoted to lectures adapted to a popular audience. On Tuesday evening the lecture was delivered by George William Curtis, Esq., of New York. Subject, Democracy and Education. On Wed

Conn., delived a lecture of great value on The
School the Natural Ally of the Pulpit.

BEFORE the next number of THE SCHOOLMASTER reaches you, kind friends, many of you will have commenced your winter term. You will frequently meet with other teachers, as well as with school-committees and other friends of education. Will you take as much interst in the success of THE SCHOOLMASTER as to ask them to subscribe? This is not for " 'your neighbor."nesday evening Rev. J. P. Gulliver of Norwich, It is meant for you, — you who are now reading it. Do you wish THE SCHOOLMASTER to succeed -to continue to make its monthly visits to you? If so, just send in the names of some of your friends, whom you can induce to subscribe, accompanied by the dollar. Most of our friends in Rhode Island, to whom we sent bills last month, have responded. Many, however, still remain on the UNPAID list. We are prompt in sending you the journal, and we wish you to reciprocate by an early reply to our address. Don't oblige us to come begging every month.

May we not hope for an immediate and material increase to our list of sympathizing friends, and to the debtor side of our cash book? Who makes the first and loudest reply?

Teachers' Institute at Newport.

On Thursday evening, Mr. Peckham entertained a large and discriminating audience with recitations and readings.

The institute closed on Friday evening. The closing address was delivered by Hon. George S. Boutwell, Ex-Governor, and present Secretary of the Board of Education, of Massachusetts.

The exercises, both day and evening, were held in Atlantic Hall. The attendance was large, both of teachers from all parts of the state, and of the citizens of Newport. More than two hundred teachers were present at the meetings of the session, and the exercises were unusually interesting and well adapted to awaken a deeper interest in the noble profession of teaching. The evening lectures were of a high order and well calculated to interest the community in popular education. We were much

A teachers' institute was held by the State Commissioner at Newport, commencing on Mon-interested in the lecture on Wednesday evening day, Oct. 4th.

The opening lecture was given on Monday evening by Barnas Sears, LL. D., President of Brown University, which was followed by a poem by Hon. Wm. M. Rodman, A. M., Mayor of Providence.

Tuesday morning, prayer was offered by Rev. S. Adlam, when the institute was organized by the Commissioner, and the regular exercises commenced. The drill exercises were conducted each day by the Commissioner, Messrs. Dana P. Colburn and Daniel Goodwin, of the State Normal School, Prof. S. S. Greene, of Brown University, and Mr. E. R. Blanchard, of Boston.

by Rev. Mr. Gulliver. His thesis was that the natural tendency of the proper culture of the intellect is to secure the proper culture of the heart. This is a position which has been denied by many, and much objection has been made to our system of public schools, on the ground that they are "Godless Schools." It has been by some warmly contended that intellectual culture alone, unaccompanied by that systematic, thorough and complete moral and religious training which might be given in parochial schools, but which our ideas of religious toleration exclude from the public school, supported by government, is an injury rather than a blessing. The lectur

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