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Restoration, for his connection with Cromwell and his devotion to liberty, was lifted by it above the disappointments and trials which he experienced into the upper firmament of thought, into a brighter, purer region, where he could rejoice in the creations of his own genius, and dwell in a paradise more blessed than that of Eden. By it he could wing his adventurous song, as he says, that with no middle flight intends to soar above the Aonian Mount, while it pursues things unattempted yet in prose or rhyme. Milton had a profound mind, and everything was made luminous by his glowing pen.

He threw himself into the struggle between liberty and crowned oppression, and like a moral giant battled for the right.

bands never to play it on pain of death. Our own "Hail Columbia," if its stirring strains were heard in times of peril, would nerve every soul to deeds of noble daring. These are the outpourings of heated imaginations, of ardent, earnest, enthusiastic minds inspired by a love of freedom.

Even the calm, dispassionate, argumentative John Foster bears his testimony to the necessity of this earnest and soul-absorbing spirit. In speaking of Howard he says, "He felt an inconceivable severity of conviction that he had one thing to do, and that he who would do some great thing in this short life must apply himself to the work with such a concentration of his forces as to idle specta tors, who live only, to amuse themselves, He was a ripe scholar, a wise statesman, a seems like insanity." Let then a true, reas powerful reasoner, a peerless poet, and a con- onable, persevering, and holy enthusiasm gʊ sistent Christian. He was always and every- unrebuked. Let all men of every employwhere an earnest and enthusiastic man; and ment and profession remember and obey the he was animated by a quenchless desire to injunction of the apostle, to be "not slothbenefit his fellow-beings, and write something, ful in business, fervent in spirit." Let the agas he says, which the world would not willriculturist strive to make his soil the most fer. ingly let die. tile, his fields the most productive, his system the nearest perfect, his fruits the most luscious and abundant, his grounds the most beautiful, and his home the most attractive. Let every mechanic endeavor to be the best; and every A few words uttered with poetic terseness implement of husbandry, every weapon of and vigor will often move the heart and rouse war, every domestic utensil, every carriage the soul more than the most elaborate appeal. for daily necessity or luxurious pleasure, eveThoughts made molten in the heated crucible ry bridge and every railcar, every steamboat of a poet's brain are moulded in a form and and every locomotive, every humble dwelling spoken in a language which shall electrify of the poor, every stately mansion of the opand ennoble. The "Marseilles Hymn "ulent, and every temple for the worship of found a response in the heart of every French- Jehovah, let these all be perfect in their man, and will still enkindle a fire in every kind. And, if a man be blessed with genius French bosom. The national song of the above his fellows, let him labor enthusiastiSwiss often produced such an effect when cally to realize the conceptions of his active heard by their soldiers in other lands that it working mind, until a discovery shall be made caused them to desert, and to such an extent which shall add incalculably to the happiness that Bonaparte commanded his regimental of his race and the permanent prosperity of

Poetry is eminently the language of enthusiasm. It is condensed thought; or, as one has said, "It is the grandest chariot in which king-thoughts ride."

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School House Building.

his country. Let him bid defiance to misfortune and discouragement, the neglect of friends and the ridicule of enemies, poverty In building, stop not as too many do, with and want; let him hold steadily to his pur- merely getting up a house, but persevere in' pose, until, after long years of unrequited the good work until it is enclosed with a toil shall have rolled away, he shall at last good substantial fence, and furnished with attain the object of his highest hopes, and be the requisite out-buildings, and the whole paint-crowned with an unfading laurel by his ad-ed or whitewashed, to the end.

miring country, and hailed as a benefactor by a grateful world.

among the enterprising rural

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Now how many districts, will do

not piece-meal,.

this much for their children Let the teacher forget that he is engaged in and during the course of five or seven years, a vexing, thankless, and life-exhausting pro- but right along, in the first instance of build-fession, and laboring for an unrequiting re-ing? Not one we fear, where hundreds muneration; but remember that deathless should. We do not, in traveling, see one minds are given him to cultivate, and with a such thoroughly completed institution in all its resistless energy, an ardent zeal, and an all-parts, to a county, and they seem quite as ofabsorbing love, let him devote himself to do- ten lacking in the wealthier and more advancing good to his pupils. Let his soul burned neighborhoods, as in those of medium or within him, as he meets their smiling and intelligent countenances, and witnesses the daily developments of their growing minds. Let his eye brighten as he reads their destiny in the future. One may yet guide the helm of state, like Washington, or like him lead the armies of his country to battle. One may yet, like Franklin, represent the wisdom of his country at foreign courts. One may preside on the bench of justice, like Marshall; or lead in the councils of state, like Webster; or sway the minds of the masses, like Clay; or plead at the bar, like Choate; or deliver a message from the Most High, like Whitefield. Or there may be some "who shall tread the firmament with a Newton's step, or strike the harp of song with a Milton's hand." And, higher and nobler than all, they are candidates for the society of angels and glorified spirits in the court of the King of Kings. - Massa-fellow, who is not safe to be trusted; such is chusetts Teacher. our opinion of him, to say the least. - Wisconsin Farmer.

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limited ability. Such a state of things arises much oftener from a lack of taste and public spirit, than from the lack of money or means. Wealthy farmers with their hundreds of acres spreading right and left, and shutting out neighbors, are sometimes inclined to feel, and to exercise an overweening arrogance in relation to all these matters, which is anything but creditable to them. It is a species of fundamental meanness that their neighbors ought to remember of them, at other times, and in other places, and especially when they perchance come forward for fat and honorable offices. We repeat, let the man who looks down upon the district school, and neglects its interests and gives it the cold shoulder, when he comes up for any office that he thinks more creditable or profitable, be marked and held either a hollow-hearted or hollow-headed

No man can be provident of his time who is not prudent in the choice of his company.

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My 1 is the initial letter of an author of a modern school book on mental philosophy.

My 2, of the discoverer of the circulation of the blood.

My 3, of an ancient philosopher who claimed to have laid the foundations of philosophcal science.

My 4, of a rare and essential quality, personified by the ancients, said to lie in a well.

My 5, of a notion or mental conception.
My 6, of the most profound knowledge.
My 7, of the parts of a proposition or of
the divisions of a school year.

My 8 and my 11, of subtle elements which, chemically united, form a common and useful compound.



Here are some Coffee-berries.

W. What nasty looking things! - they don't look nice and brown, like the coffee in papa's cup.

M. That is because they have not been roasted. Tell me some of the qualities of these berries.

W. I should be ashamed of my qualities if I were a berry. In the first place, they all have a dirty yellow color; in the second place, they have not half so nice a smell as the brown berries indeed they have no smell at all.

I. So, they are in-odorous. Let me taste them. Bah! They have a very nasty taste. My 9, of an ancient philosopher, one of the M. So you may say of the coffee-berries pupils of my 10, whose works are now con- which are not roasted, that they are of a dinstantly used as academic text-books. gy yellow color; inodorous; disagreeable to My 12, of one of the four essential quali- the taste — and, yet the qualities which ties of a good essay or discourse. render coffee so nice to drink, must be in these berries- for the mere roasting could not make them taste so. Now here are

My 13, of an English philosophical writer who diligently studied the works of Bacon. My whole, is a question that none can fully answer, but which all thinking men usually ask themselves.

some roasted berries for you.
amine them.

L. They have a brown color.

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Let Lucy ex

W. What sort of a brown? There are so I think I know now, what an effect is. It is something that is done to you.



L. A rich deep brown, a chestnut brown. Secondly, they break easily — almost as easily as the brown crust of bread- so they are crisp. Thirdly, they have a nice smell. Í should call it a peculiar smell it is very peculiar. It is not sweet, like the smell of a flower.

W. Let me smell it, please. It is not a sweet smell, and yet it is rich. It smells something like spice. What do you call such a smell, mamma?

M. We say it is aromatic. Tell me something else which has an aromatic smell.

L. Nutmegs have, mamma, and cloves, and cinnamon and, all spices, I suppose.

I. And camphor has, and myrrh, I think. M. Yes. This scent is peculiar to the spices, and one or two other productions of hot countries.

L. The taste of the berries, mamma, is rather bitter, but still it is agreeable. So I shall say that roasted coffee-berries are of a deep brown color, crisp, aromatic, and agree. able to the taste.

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M. This may be very true; but you have forgotten the coffee: that is the effect of talking about things which do not belong to your subject. Now, suppose, Willie, that you drank two cups of strong coffee- when you had performed the action, what would be the effect of it?

W. I cannot tell, mamma! for I never did drink two cups of strong coffee. Just let me perform that action, and then I shall see.

M. No, Willie, I am afraid it would have a bad effect upon you; it would make you ill. But if a man were tired, and were to drink some strong coffee, it would make his blood circulate more freely, and appear to stir him up.

I. And what are we to call coffee, mamma, because it will stir up a man?

M. There is a Latin word stimulare, which means to stir up; and from that word we call the coffee stimulating.

L. Then, mamma, beer, gin, and wine are stimulating.

M. Yes; but you must understand that these things which stimulate, or stimulants, as they are called, are not often good things; their pleasant effects do not continue for a long time; indeed, their effects change and become unpleasant.

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