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lections, and restored somewhat vividly the influences which served, in no small degree, to mould the early character of myself and my companions, and to direct our course in after life.


At early

clivities, but all these were now serving to mould the thoughts and character of another generation. The home of my childhood was at my feet, near which warbled the free, sparkling, leaping brook, from whose rippling I approached it, as I had often done in my waters I had so many times beguiled its shy, From the scenes visiboyhood, from the west, where a range of speckled inhabitants. high hills, which were not very unworthily ble from my lofty observatory, whence, in all dignified by the name of mountains, shuts directions, the prospect was bounded by the out the scene from view until the traveler distant horizon, I had imbibed my earliest reaches the verge of the eastern declivity, lessons of purity and freedom. I felt, as I Then there appears at his feet a valley of again breathed the free, pure air of that fasomething more than a quarter of a mile in miliar height, that Nature had, indeed, been width, skirted on the east by a lower range to me a kind and faithful teacher. She had of hills and winding toward the south-east taught me lessons from her hills and fields until it is lost in their woody labyrinths. her valleys, fruits and flowers. Beyond, the panorama of hills, range after morning she had quickened my drowsy sense range, each wearing a deeper tinge of blue, with the notes of the robin and the thrush, extends onward to the horizon, where the blue and at evening she had lulled me to repose hills and blue sky seem blended in undistin-with the sweet music of our own familiar bird guishable unity. Will there not be a time of night. She had taught me by cloud and when the ever varying opinions and sym-sunshine, by noontide splendor and the glitterpathies of mankind, now separated from each ing effulgence of night. The flowers in spring other as widely as earth from Heaven, shall thus become harmoniously blended? Who shall say that it is not one of the great lessons intended for us to learn from Nature? Why may not all the diversities of human thought and feeling, like mountain streams and rivers, here blending and tumbling and roaring, there winding like threads of silver among the hills, anon expanding into the placid lake and flowing onward thence with deep and gentle current through expanding valleys until their waters are blended in the sea, —at length unite harmoniously in one vast millennial ocean?

But to return. The scene was before me as in former years. The farm houses were still standing out amid the orchards on the hillsides, around them were the same meadows and cultivated fields; the sheep and cattle, as formerly, were browsing along the rocky de

had spoken promises in my ear, always ful-
filled by the rich fruits of autumn. O truth-
Why should man, thy constant
ful nature!
and most favored beneficiary, ever learn to
deceive? Thy voice is everywhere. I hear
it in the rustling leaf, the whispering breeze,
the rippling waters. I hear it in the insects'
hum and in the deep voice of thy awful thun-
der. And I have learned to reverence and to
Thy rocks and
love thee. I love thee still.
hills, thy plants, and trees, and flowers, to
me are full of wonder and delight. Ever shall
I feel, while it shall be my task to guide the
youthful mind and heart, that I am perform-
ing no mean part of my high mission, while
endeavoring to inspire in my pupils that love
of Nature and of Nature's God that has prov-
ed to me a well-spring of pleasure and im-

On my right, at the distance of a mile, was

the site of the old school house which stood, Yet another lesson, which both in part, taught as too many are still standing, unprotected unconsciously, is worthy of uniform adopand unadorned, just beside the public road. tion. It is to endeavor so to regulate our inA newer building had taken the place of that tercourse with the young, and so to direct with which I was first familiar; but this could our efforts as to gain their approbation when not repel the tide of thick-coming memories. maturity shall have given soundness to their The teachers of my childhood—how vividly understanding and soberness to their judgdid they come home to my recollection. ment. It is worse than folly to sacrifice the There was the young and inexperienced teach-approving verdict of the man in order to gain er, some of whose pupils were equal in age the present good will of the reckless and unand superior in stature to his own. He was thinking boy, or to lose the respectful remema gentle, inoffensive man, and my remembrance of the discreet and sensible woman to brance of him is kind. But I will not draw win the momentary favor of the giddy and the curtain to reveal his school-room scenes; impulsive girl. charity bids me to forbear. I know nothing of his subsequent career - I hope that it was crowned with honor and success. But from what I witnessed, as one of his youngest pupils, I would warn every timid and irresolute youth to beware of any attempt to bear rule among his equals.

Another teacher I remember well. He was considered one of the best, and was thought especially to excel in discipline. In addition to the office of the teacher he bore the rank and discharged the duties of a Christian minister. But, spite of his sacred character, his heavy ferule and sharp-handled pen-knite, and the free use he made of both would meet but a beggarly entertainment now. Notwithstanding the indignation that would arise when some of my comrades became the objects of his displeasure, I would charitably presume that they have all since freely forgiven him for the numerous protuberances which he wrought upon their heads in the endeavor to fasten correct principles in their hearts. I doubt not he was conscientious. But who does not know that conscience sometimes

For the Schoolmaster.
Early American Currency.

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I. F. C.

FOR much contained in our former articles we are indebted to the Penny Cyclopædia, (an English work,) and our information in regard to early American currency we have gathered principally from a contribution by J. C. to the Historical Magazine, which we have found to be a valuable publication.

The first coinage in America was by order of the General Court of Massachusetts in 1652, and was of three denominations — twelve penny, six penny, and three penny pieces, and bore on one side, the numerals XII. VI. III. in a square near the upper edge of the coin, and on the other side the letters "N E." Very few of these were struck, as it was soon found that the coin was much clipped by the rogues, upon which it was ordered that all monies coined should have a double ring on either side with the inscription "MASSACHUSETTS IN," with a tree in the center, emproves an erring guide? The tuition of nei-blematical of the country, on one side, and ther of these teachers has proved to me in "NEW ENGLAND: AN: Doм:" and 1652, vain if I have, in any good degree, learned to with the value in numerals on the other. All avoid the peculiarities and extremes of both.coins issued for more than thirty years bear

an extensive proprietor of iron and copper works in England. Copper coins for the use of the colony of Virginia were struck in 1773, during the reign of George III., and were ex

In the collection of J. C., contributor to

this date. In 1662, pieces of the value of which he amassed a large fortune. He was two pence were coined of silver and of the same type of the shillings, sixpence and three pence, all bearing the date of 1652. The Maryland or Lord Baltimore money is believed to have been struck in England for the use | ceedingly well executed. of that colony, and is extremely rare. A shilling and sixpence of this money is put down in a late coin catalogue at £6. 6.0. The only coins thought by collectors to have been struck in Maryland are coins in silvershillings, six pences and three pences, struck by Chalmers at Annapolis in 1783, and are now very rare. In 1688, during the reign of William and Mary, shillings were struck for the colony of Maryland; six pences and four pences were struck of the same type having on the reverse the numerals vi. and iv. Copper half pennies were coined with the same obverse of the silver, but bearing on the reverse the crest of Lord Baltimore.

the Historical Magazine, is a rare copper coin of nearly the same size of the half dollar. Obverse," MASSACHUSETTS STATE," with a pine tree in the center of the coin. Reverse, "LIBERTY AND VIRTUE," a female seated on a globe holding in her right hand an olive leaf, in her left a staff. Of this date there is also a copper coin the size of a half cent, having on one side a Janus head, and on reverse "GODDESS OF LIBERTY, 1776." It is supposed the dies for this and the preceding coin were cut by Col. Paul Revere, a well known patriot of the Revolution, who was by trade a goldsmith and engraver. A copper coin of In 1694, under the same reign, a coin was the size of a half cent was struck in 1776, struck having on the obverse the figure of an another. called the Columbia Token, about elephant, and on the reverse "GOD PRESERVE the size of a dime, was issued without date. NEW ENGLAND. 1694." Another with the The most common of the Washington cents same obverse bore upon the reverse was coined in 1783. An American coin, or PRESERVE CAROLINA AND THE LORDS; PRO-medal, was issued in 1776, an inch and a half PRIETORS; 1694." No such coins were ever in diameter, on one side of which is inscribed circulated and specimens of them are very in a circular ring near the edge, "CONTINENrarely found. TAL CURRENCY, 1776," within the ring a ris

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William and Mary rejected the petition of ing sun shining upon the dial, with the word Massachusetts for permission to coin "FUGIO" at the side, under which was the as they had done, which caused such a scarci-motto, "MIND YOUR BUSINESS." On the rety of small change that many persons stamp- verse were thirteen small circles joined toed pieces of brass and tin, passing them for a gether like the rings of a chain, on each of penny each. The General Court however which was inscribed the name of some one of passed a law forbidding it, under penalty of the thirteen states, and on another ring withfine and imprisonment. The colonial brass in these, was inscribed coins of the colonies, pennies, half pennies, GRESS," and in the center "WE ARE One. ” and farthings were struck during the reign of No coins were ever in circulation of this George I. by William Wood of England who stamp as currency, but a medal of this type had been granted prior to this a patent for in white metal is in the collection of M. A. coining the copper currency of Ireland, from Stickney, Esq., of Salem, Mass.


In 1783 a cent was issued having in the On one side thirteen circles linked together, a center of the obverse an eye with rays diverg- small circle in the center with the words ing from it, and surrounded by thirteen stars,"UNITED STATES" around it, and in the cirencircling which are the words "NOVA CON- cle "WE ARE ONE." On the reverse, a dial STELLATIO." Reverse, a wreath of laurel, in- with the hours marked and "FUGIO" on the closing the letters "U. S." Around the coin left, the date 1787 on the right, a meridian is "LIBERTAS ET JUSTITIA." The New York sun above the dial, and below it the words cents were coined in 1776 and 1787, and were "MIND YOUR BUSINESS." of very different types. The Vermont cents were coined in the years 1785-86-87-88. The Connecticut cents bear dates 1785-86-87.

There is a rare cent bearing on the obverse a laureated head, with the inscription, "AucTORI: PLEBIS." Keverse, a female seated; at her right hand a globe, on her left an anchor, on which she is reclining; legend, "INDEP: ET. LIBER. 1787."


There are several different types of the Washington cents of different dates, but our space only admits of a description of the most celebrated one. It was issued in 1791 and bore a well cut bust of Washington in military costume, around which is inscribed, "WASHINGTON PRESIDENT. " Reverse, a spread eagle with upraised wings; eight stars below a circle of clouds, in the right talon of the eagle a branch of olive, in his left a bunch of arrows; below the figure the words, "ONE CENT." This is the one of greatest rarity.

The Kentucky cent was struck in 1791, at Lancaster, England, for circulation in AmeriIt bears no date. Obverse, "UNANIMITY IS THE STRENGTH OF SOCIETY." Encircling In the United States Mint collection is a a hand holding a scroll on which is inscribed, "OUR CAUSE IS JUST." Reverse, fifteen stars in the form of a triangle; on the stars are indented the initials of the several states, Kentucky leading the column.

The New Jersey cents bear dates 1786-87-88, of different types varying slightly from each


A rare copper coin of 1787 bears upon the obverse a female figure in a sitting posture, holding in one hand a spread banner, in the other a balance. Around the coin is inscribed, "IMMUNIS COLUMBIA, 1787." Reverse, a spread eagle, with the legend "E. PLURIBUS UNUM."

The Massachusetts cents and half cents were coined in 1787. This coinage was continued for two years, but upon the adoption of the constitution of the United States the mint was abolished.

In 1787 the general government ordered that coin should bear the following devices.

very remarkable gold coin equal in value to a doubloon, coined in New York by Blasher, whose name it bears. Obverse, a range of hills, sun rising behind them; in front a representation of the sea; encircling this the inscription "NOVA EBORACA. COLUMBIA. ExCELSIOR." Reverse, a spread eagle surrounded by a wreath, outside of which is "UNUM E. PLURIBUS, 1787.”

In 1787 a copper coin, or medal, was struck of about the size of a half dollar, having a finely cut bust of Washington in military costume, around the coin "G. WASHINGTON. PRESIDENT I. 1792." Reverse, a spread eagle with fifteen stars and "UNITED STATES OF AMERICA." A few coins were struck in silver from this die, and are known as the Washington half dollars.

Paper money was first made by Massachusetts in 1690; by Connecticut, 1709; Pennsylvania, 1723; Maryland, 1740; Rhode Island, 1744; and in 1759 about every province

issued paper currency. It was first issued by congress in 1775.

Upon the establishment of a mint by the United States in 1792, congress passed a law that no copper coins except cents and half cents authorized by the act should be current, thereby preventing the circulation of English pennies, half pennies and farthings, as also the copper coins of the several states, New York, Vermont, New Jersey, Connecticut, and Massachusetts.

Edith Lane.

"How are you so cheerful,

Gentle Edith Lane?
Be it bright or cloudy,
Fall of dew or rain,
In that lonely school-house
Patiently you stay,
Teaching simple children
All the livelong day."

"Teaching simple children?'

I am simple, too.

So we learn together
Lessons good and true,
From this time-worn volume,
Full of heavenly lore;
Or, to read another,

Just unlatch the door.

Can I but be cheerful, While I bid them look Through the sunny pages Of each opening book? Showing tracks of angels

O'er the foot-worn sod? Listening to the music

Nature makes to God?

"Have you then no sorrow,

Smiling Edith Lane ? Where the barberry's coral

Rattles on the pane, Where, in endless yellow, Autumn flowers I see,

Working for a living

Were a woe to me." “Sorrow?" I, a woman,

And in years not young?
Of the common chalice
Drops are on my tongue.
What of that? no whisper
To my heart is lost,
From the barberry-clusters
Sweetened by the frost;

From the sun-bathed flowers, -
Golden-rod in bloom,
Lighting up the hill-side

Ere the winter gloom.
Shall I blot with grieving

Nature's joy and grace?
Mirrored by her beauty

On my grateful face!

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