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After the execution of the edict, the player Franklin, "I am sorry to say that I think it repeats,-highly scurrilous and defamatory. But being

"Sire, I have obeyed; I await your royal at a loss on account of my poverty whether orders." to reject it or not, I thought I would put it to this issue, at night, when my work was done, I bought a two-penny loaf, on which, with a mug of cold water, I supped heartily, and then wrapping myself in my great coat slept very soundly on the floor till morning; when another loaf and a mug of water afforded me a pleasant breakfast. Now, sir, since I can live comfortably in this manner, why should I prostitute my press to personal hatred or party passion, for a more luxurious living?”

The king either commands him to take something else from the slave, or says, "Return to your place." This, however, the player must take care not to do at once, on pain of taking the slave's place, and paying a forfeit. He must first say, "Sire, may I dare?" as usual; and not think of quitting the presence until the king says, "You may." The articles taken from the slave are claimed by the State as forfeits. It is seldom, however, he is stripped of many of his ornaments. The spoiler is almost sure to neglect the necessary formula, previous to executing one or other of the royal commands, and become an object for plunder himself.

The king is elected for an unlimited period, but may abdicate whenever he pleases, with the privilege of appointing his successor. With all his absolute power, he had, however, better take care. We have seen unpopular, partial, and especially stupid monarchs, dethroned at a moment's notice.

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Dr. Franklin's Integrity.


BUT few have it so much in their power to do good or evil as the printers. I know they all glory in Dr. Franklin as a father, and are wont to name his name with veneration; happy would it be for this country if they would read the following with imitation:


I NEVER Want to go to that school again as long as I live, never," said Eddie, as rushing in from school with flushed face and soiled garments and bruised chin, he buried his face in his mother's lap and cried aloud.

Waiting a little for him to become calm his mother wiped his face, and then heard his story. Joe Douglass will never let me go to school in peace, or come home either. He is always taking away my books, or catching off my cap and throwing stones, or knocking me down and to-night because I would not let

Soon after his establishment in Philadelphia, Franklin was offered a piece for publication in his newspaper. Being very busy, he begged the gentleman would leave it for consid-him have my ball, he took it away, and then eration. The next day the author called and threw me down and struck me, and kept me asked his opinion of it. Why, sir," replied from coming home till now. I never want to

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go to that school any more;" and again his feeling burst forth into tears which he could not repress.

Joe, I've brought you a new Testament;' and he looked, and looked, and I thought was going to knock it out of my hands; and I

"Do you never try to irritate him, my son? showed him his name, and told him you said Do you treat him kindly?" I might make him a present of it; and he said,

"I try to keep out of his way. I don't I thank you,' and this afternoon he brought want to play with him." me an apple."

"Why not let him have your ball? Perhaps he has none, and it might do him good." "I have let him take my pencils and my knife, and he always says he lost them, and all the boys think he keeps them."


The mother thought awhile. There was no other school for her little son to attend. really pitied him, and tried to devise some way to soothe the feelings of the injured boy. "Has Joseph any books of his own, Eddie?" "No, mother, none that are good for anything. The teacher sometimes lends him some, when his lesson is torn out."

"He has a Testament of his own?" "I don't think he has. He alwas reads from one of the other scholars'."

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"You saw those pretty new Testaments I bought the other day. Now, I will give you one. You may go and pick out the prettiest cover, and if you wish, you may carry it tomorrow morning and give it to Joseph. I will write his name in it. Would you like to make him a present of it?"

It is almost time for the school to close, but there have been no more complaints of Joe Douglass, and Eddie says, "Mother, what shall I do when the school leaves off? — Mes


Story of the Bottle.

MR. PRESIDENT: I have a confession to make which may startle some of my old temperance friends who happen to be present. I came all the way from home to Boston to-day with a bottle in my pocket. Possibly it may relieve their anxiety a little if I assure them that, although the contents would have proved a sore temptation to many a man, since it has been in my possession, I have never drawn the cork. Here is the bottle. It contains 437 three cent pieces. These were placed there one by one, by an Irish boy, about fourteen years of age, the son of Catholic pa


It occurred on this wise: The boy was accustomed to visit the shop of one of our It was a new idea to Eddie, but it struck teachers who by occupation is a grocer. This him rather pleasantly; and his eyes brighten-teacher became interested in him, and loaned ed, his tears were all dried, and with a little brushing and washing he looked quite like himself again.

The next evening his mother waited a little anxiously for his return from school, as the distance was such he could not return at noon; but the smiling, happy face showed no more marks of blows.

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him the Wellspring and other similar publications to read. The boy became much interested in them, but was afraid to carry them home, or even to have his parents know that he read anything so heretical. To relieve him from danger, this teacher gave him the use of a light, and allowed him to sit beneath his counter in the evening and read, all unobserved. Having gained the boy's confidence, and noticing that he was addicted to Here, the use of cigars, he ventured to question him

Why, mother, he came towards me, saying, Now you'll get it, old fellow;' and I held out the Testament, and said,

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Only Me.

as to the cost of this habit, and to suggest fear of God and of their fellow men, we enwhether it would not be wise to rid himself grave on those tablets something which will of it, not only as a means of saving some of brighten to all eternity.” his hard-earned money, but also of preserving his health. The boy listened, and expressed a willingness to try. The teacher asked the amount he was spending thus, and learning that it was three cents a day, suggested that he save that amount daily, and lay it aside as a special fund. As the boy could think of no way to keep it safely, the teacher took this bottle from his shelf, and proposed to him to drop in it a three cent piece daily, (on Saturday dropping two,) promising to keep it for him. It was not long before he was cured of the habit, but he concluded to continue the daily deposit until his little bank was filled, so he kept on for 437 days (there being a brief interruption when, by a sudden casualty, he was thrown out of employment)-un-smote her, and from that hour "only me” til at last the bottle was filled. He then cork- was restored to an equal place in her affeced it up tight, and to make all sure, drove five tions.

nails into the cork. Grateful to the society which had published the papers in which he had been so much interested, he handed the bottle to the teacher with directions to give it to them to aid in publishing and distributing more. I have loaned it on two or three occasions to interest other schools, charging a dollar for its use, and devoting the dollar to the funds of this society. I now place it in your hands, hoping that your worthy secretary will take this hint; and trusting that in this case he will find it profitable and beneficial to be "addicted to the bottle."-The Wellspring.

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A LADY had two children-both girls. The elder one a fair child; the younger a beauty, and the mother's pet. Her whole love centered in it. The elder was neglected, while "Sweet" (the pet name of the younger) received every attention that love could bestow. One day, after a severe illness, the mother was sitting in the parlor, when she heard a childish step on the stairs, and her thoughts were instantly with the favorite. "Is that you, Sweet ?" she enquired. "No, mamma,” was the sad and touching reply, "it isn't Sweet; it's only me." The mother's heart

The Boy at the Dike.

A little boy in Holland was returning one night from a village to which he had been sent by his father on an errand, when he noticed the water trickling through a narrow opening in the dike. He stopped and thought what the consequences would be if the hole was not closed. He knew, for he had often heard his father tell, the sad disasters which happened from such small beginnings; how in a few hours the opening would become bigger and bigger, and let in the mighty mass of waters pressing on the dike, until, the whole defense being washed away, the rolling, dashing, angry waters would sweep on to the next village, destroying life and property, and every thing in its way. Should he run home and alarm the villagers, it would be dark before they could arrive, and the hole might even then be so large as to defy all attempts to

close it. Prompted by these thoughts, he tee of six to frame the Declaration of Indeseated himself on the bank of the canal, stop-pendence. He continued a member of Conped the opening with his hand, and patiently gress for nearly twenty years, and was acawaited the approach of some villager. But knowledged to be one of the most useful men no one came. Hour after hour rolled by, yet and wisest counselors of the land. At length, there sat the heroic boy, in cold and darkness, having discharged every office with a perfect shivering, wet, and tired, but stoutly pressing ability, and honored in his sphere the name his hand against the dangerous breach. All of a Christian, he died regretted and loved by night he stayed at his post. At last the morn-state and nation. This man was Roger Shering broke. A clergyman walking up the canal | man. We take particular satisfaction, now heard a groan, and looked round to see where and then, in chronicling the career of these it came from. Why are you there, my self-made men; and holding them up as child?" he asked, seeing the boy, and sur- bright examples for the youth of our time to prised at his strange position. "I am keep- follow. It is the best service a journalist can ing back the water, sir, and saving the village perform for the good of the rising generation. from being drowned," answered the child, with lips so benumbed with cold that he could scarcely speak. The astonished minister relieved the boy. The dike was closed, and the danger which threatened hundreds of lives was prevented.

A Bright Example.

MANY years ago, in an obscure country school in Massachusetts, an humble, conscientious boy was to be seen; and it was evident to all that his mind was beginning to act and thirst for some intellectual good. He

Kind Acts.

"Bessie, there is a peach for you, the finest I have seen this season," said Mr. Kohler to his little daughter.

It was very beautiful - so ripe that it looked just ready to burst through the thin skin, and a painter might have attempted in vain to rival the color. It was very tempting, for it was the first one Bessie had seen this summer, yet she stood with it in her hands, seemingly lost in thought.

"May I take it to cousin Mary? she is sick, and nothing testes well to her, and she has been wishing so much for a peach."


Yes, if you like."

glided from the room.

was alive to knowledge. Next we see him put forth on foot to settle in a remote town in that state, and pursue his fortunes there as a shoemaker, his tools being carefully sent on before him. In a short time he is in business And away flew Bessie on her errand of love.. in the post of county surveyor for Litchfield She went softly into cousin Mary's sick chamcounty, being the most accomplished mathe-ber, laid the peach before her, and quickly matician in that section of the State. Before he is twenty-five years of age, we find him supplying the astronomical matter of an almanac in New York. Next he is admitted to the bar, a self-fitted lawyer. Now he is found on the bench of the Supreme Court. Next he becomes a member of the Continental Congress. Then he is a member of the commit-' Reaper.

As the parched lips were moistened by the delicious juice, the little sufferer declared it made her feel "almost well."

Now, that little act of kindness made Bessie happier than eating the peach would have done. Would you have acted like Bessie ?

Hear the Old Man.

REV. DANIEL WALDO is now ninety-six years old, and from his good health, sprightly walk and vigorous mind, you would hard ly suppose him to be seventy-five. He was fourteen years old when the Declaration of Independence was signed. He served in the Revolutionary War, and was imprisoned on board the prison ship at New York. For his services and sufferings in the war he receives a pension.

While laboring as a missionary in this state more than forty years ago, he preached in Slatersville, and was successful in organizing the Congregational Church in that place. He recently officiated for two yeaes as chaplain at Washington. The people of Slatersville were recently favored with a sermon from this venerable old man, while on a visit to that place of his former labors.

He reads five or six hours a day without apparent weariness, and in conversation is remarkably keen, witty and interesting, as well as instructive. The following advice to the young, recently penned by him, is worthy of a careful consideration:

The best profession is the ministry of the gospel. If you have not talents to be a minister, be a lawyer, but be an honest lawyer."

A Good Humored Rebuke.

A certain good natured old farmer preserv ed his constant good nature, let what would turn up. One day while the black tongue prevailed he was told that one of his red oxen was dead.

"Is he," said the old man, "well, he was always a breechy old fellow. Take off his hide and take it down to Fletcher's; it will bring the cash."

In an hour or two the man came back with

the news "line black" and his mate were both dead.

"Are they?" said the old man, "well, I took them from B- to save a bad debt I never expected to get. Take the hides down to Fletcher's; they will be as good as cash." In about an hour the man came back to in

form him that the nigh brindle was dead.
"Is he?" said the old man, "well, he was
a very, very old ox. Take off the hide, and
take it down to Fletcher's; it is worth more
than any
of the others."

Hereupon his wife, taking upon her the office of Eliphaz, reprimanded her husband severely, and asked him if he was not aware that his loss was a judgment from Heaven for his wickedness.

"I AM an old man. I have seen nearly a century. Do you want to know how to grow old slowly and happily? Let me tell you. Always eat slowly-masticate well. Go to your food, to your rest, to your occupations smiling. Keep a good nature and a soft temper everywhere. Never give way to anger. A violent tempest of passion tears down the constitution more than a typhus fever. Cultivate a good memory, and to do this you must always be communicative; report what you have read; talk about it. Dr. Johnson's DROP by drop falls into the clear wellgreat memory was owing to this communica- spring of our youth the bitter water of expetiveness. You, young men, who are just leav-rience, and there is no filterer this side of the ing college, let me advise you to choose a pro-grave that can restore the old purity. fession in which you can exercise your talent

"Is it?" said the old man; "well, if they take judgment in cattle, it is the easiest way I can pay them.”

the best, and at the same time be honest.

'Tis money that makes men lords.

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