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vented weariness, were properly secured, and the most astonishing progress made, both in facility and beauty of writing. Many persons can write well by slow care, but few are at once both rapid, easy, and legible in their penmanship. That kind of chirography is of little worth which is not for everyday use, and careful imitations of copperplate certainly

are not.

After this brisk exercise, the girls were usually wide awake, and in good humor, instead of being overcome with ennui.


[blocks in formation]

There is another thing which must be pur- The latter subject is a very important one, sued daily - Arithmetic; and there is none I can only glance at it. Vigor of body, of which can be used for such severe discipline course, increases vigor of mind, and vice versa. of the mind. Colburn's first book was pre- I do not say that fatness of body increases pared by a profound philosopher; and she vigor of mind, nor that irritability and excitwho has properly gone through with it, ac-ability of mind increase vigor of body. I cording to the plan of the author, must have mean that the health of one helps the health a readier, stronger head in consequence. But of the other. how shamefully is this book abused! - the pupil often being allowed to recite with it in her hands thus losing the benefit of the strict command of attention which it means to demand.

But how is a poor child to attain to health of either, shut up as she is from exercise and sunlight nearly all day long? Not taught the proper way to study, she wastes hours on a task requiring but a few minutes' deep attention. And she is incapacitated from giving that attention by habits of idleness, and by general debility of purpose and nerve. Moreover, at the Barnacle school she has only learned "How not to do it."

And there are substituted for it numberless books of "Arithmetic made Easy!" as if the object was to get so much ciphering accomplished in a life-time, so many sums done before leaving school - sums which will be rubbed from the mind as quickly and as utterly The way in which children's lessons are as they are from the slate! Teachers (and pa- learned nowadays is exceedingly unfair to rents) lose sight of the real object, viz: to parents, who sustain at home all the annoystrengthen and exercise that mind, until it ance of forcing them to give up their play becomes clear, prompt, efficient in thought hours to study with an unwilling spirit, and and action, to solve all of life's hard problem. in a most improper manner. Those who are A little child trained to Attention, Associa- most anxious for their daughters' improvetion, and Retention, can, with half the usual ment, have actually all the trouble of teaching time, fatigue, and trouble bestowed upon its themselves, and the privilege of paying the lessons, become strikingly efficient in study, schoolmaster for hearing a perfect recitation and of course simultaneously active and at his ease! This is an unnatural transfer of shrewd in every-day affairs. For exercised duties, and I wonder that parents submit to strength and vigor in school, it does not con- it.

If the teacher knew what he was about, intellectual in life. They will be too wise to and took a vital interest in his calling, plac-be led away from their legitimate calling into ing it before his own ease, he himself would courses and pursuits you would tremble to be the one to object to this studying at home, see them entering. They would always be which has a most pernicious influence upon guided rather by good sense and good nature, the pupil, as has been shown. She contracts than by inflamed imaginations and sickly fanall manner of bad habits. Mothers who have cies, A. L. O., in New York Independent. small children, and their housekeeping duties to care for, have not, of course, the time to inform themselves of all it is necessary to know, in order to give their daughters the best habits of mental activity.

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Bulwer has spoken strongly against too long mental application. He gives but three hours a day to it, and says that to apply himself a longer time is to lessen the degree of his power.

Children's muscles need play. They must have it, or they grow perverse, and distort the bones they act upon. Their blood needs sunlight and air, and will have them, or it becomes pale and diseased. If you want your daughters to grow up into beautiful, graceful women, who will have good health, long life, and happy tempers, you must, mothers, let school be school, and play hours be play hours. Then, if they really strengthen their minds by hard work in the morning, and their bodies by hard play in the afternoon, they will be prompt, practical, and efficient in their important tasks as housekeepers, teachers, mothers, and patronesses of the beautiful and

For the Schoolmaster.
The Miner's Song.


The eastern sky is blushing red,
The distant hill-top glowing,
The river o'er its rocky bed

In idle frolics flowing;

"Tis time the pickaxe and the spade
Against the rocks were ringing,
And, with ourselves, the golden stream
A song of labor singing.

The mountain air is fresh and cold,

Unclouded skies bend o'er us,
Broad placers, rich in hidden gold,

Lie temptingly before us.
We need no Mida's magic wand,

Nor wizard rod divining,
The pickaxe, spade, and brawny hand
Are sorcerers in mining!

When labor closes with the day,

To simple fare returning,
We gather in a merry group

Around the camp fires burning;
The mountain sod our couch at night,

The stars shine bright above us,
We think of home and fall asleep
To dream of those who love us.
FEATHER RIVER, California.

WHO is rich? Diogenes in his tub was rich in the wealth and warmth of the sun. It is he who has much and wants more who is poor, and he who has little and is therewith

content is rich.


"Debate on the Bill Establishing Free other states, in consequence of purchasing foreign tickets. In years past, laws prohibitAt the January Session of the Rhode Island ing the sale of foreign tickets have been pass

Legislature, A. D. 1828."

ed, proved wholly ineffectual, and repealed. And we cannot calculate on any immediate change in the principle of human nature which produces this result. But if we could, our treasury, I believe, might still be supplied.

In our last we placed before our readers the introductory remarks of Hon. Joseph L. Tillinghast on this bill. We present below the closing remarks of that gentleman before moving the adoption of the bill. The remarks relate to the lottery question and to the general provisions of the bill as at first introduc-section a sum left blank, and which, upon the


In our next we propose to give some short and spicy paragraphs from the remarks of several gentlemen who spoke upon the bill.

At our point of view, what the honorable gentleman says upon the system of lotteries savors a little of expediency. Having shown that the sum of $10,000 might probably be appropriated annually from the lottery revenue, he proceeds to say:

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Being, then, in a situation to make a present provision, let us for a moment consider the principle of the bill reported. By the first

supposition that the rest of the bill passes, I
shall propose to be $10,000 is to be set
apart from the revenue arising from lotteries
and auction sales, to be paid out annually to
the towns, according to their respective pro-
portions under the last estimate of rateable
property. This seems the most obvious, just,
and equal ratio of distribution; and, as far
as we can pursue equality, we are bound to
do so.
When we come to the actual applica-
tion of the money to its immediate object, the
idea of equality, in respect to the numbers or

'I know that individual opinions are divided upon the propriety of the system of lotter-individuals to be benefitted by each portion, ies- that this mode of resorting to the lot, as cannot be retained. An individual who has it has been called, is by some censured, and but one child, though he may be assessed at by others advocated. It falls not in my way, twenty dollars tax, will receive less fruits of at present, to advocate or to investigate any the appropriation than he he who is assessed conscientious opinion upon this subject. But at a dollar and has ten children. And this I believe there can be no difference of opinion will apply also to the respective towns, as

on this point, that while this branch of busiwell as families, who may have more or less ness exists, unprohibited by public authority, children requiring education than their re

it is not unwise to make it subservient to the

public good to enable those who reprobate it to perceive that, as far as practicable, it makes restitution and atonement, on the one hand, for such evils as they suppose it occasions on the other.

spective proportions in the estimate. Perfect equality in the application, therefore, is impossible. But equality in the distribution, according to the proportion in which the towns are bound to contribute to the public expenses, is attainable, and seems just. Nevertheless, I Judging from past experience, we may be- have heard suggestions from several members lieve that tickets will be offered for sale, and that the ratio of population might be preferawill be bought, in this state; and the money able. If so, it is open to discussion; — and, of our citizens, if not expended in lotteries if, upon discussion, that ratio is deemed best, originating at home, will go abroad to benefit it will prevail. I wish to be distinctly under

The last section provides for an appropriation of a certain sum out of the money now in the treasury, to be invested in productive stock for the commencement and formation of a permanent school fund, allowing only so much of the interest to be used as may be required in case of a deficiency in the sum for annual distribution. The object of this is to form a nucleus upon which future appropriations and donations accruing, may accumulate and be preserved inviolate for the purposes of public education.

stood, that if the main principle and benefit towns that neglect to raise their proportion contemplated by the bill is established, it is do not thereby lose their right to partake of not my purpose or wish to adhere pertina- the fund except for each year of the neglect. ciously to the exact provisions of the bill on l'heir proportions are to be added to the fund this point, or on any other, or to refuse my for distribution the next year, and they can vote to any fair modification. Whatever at any time come in and partake. The sucqualifications consistent with the spirit and ceeding sections provide for the appointment efficacy of the measure, may be found exped- of school committees, and their powers and ient by the expressed sense of the House, af-duties; and for the mode in which the treaster due deliberation, shall have my cheerful urer is to keep his accounts of the revenues acquiescence. And from the effect of this re-appropriated, and report and publish each mark I would not exclude the second section, town's annual proportion. which provides that each town, before receiving its proportion, is to raise a sum equal to - I should say the sum - - which it is entitled to, as its proportion of the appropriation. A difference of opinion exists as to the amount so to be raised by the towns; and half the above sum has been named. This also is open to discussion, in settling the details of the bill. But I would here suggest that it is certainly an object to provide as much as twenty thousand dollars annually. Upon twenty thousand dollars apportioned according to the estimate, the smallest towns in the state These being the principal features of the would have one hundred and sixteen dollars. bill before you, I now move, sir, that we proThe treasury could not probably spare twen-ceed to consider it section by section. And I ty thousand dollars a year without resorting sincerely hope and trust that we shall proceed to other modes of supplying it than those that in the spirit of conciliation, and mutual conhave of late sufficed. And of all modes of cession without embarrassment and with unitdirectly raising money, none are so satisfac-ed purpose, to adopt the main principle of the tory as that by which the freemen of each town, by themselves and their own officers under their own inspection and at their own times, raise what is wanted for their own use and benefit. Raising part of the fund directly from themselves, they would feel a direct interest in seeing to its careful application, and I think we should be mistaken if we should suppose that the freemen of most of the towns in the state are not, at this time, prepared, willingly and cheerfully to raise their proportions, for the objects of this bill. By a provision in connexion with this the

bill; to make it conform to our best views of prudence and utility; and at all events, before we leave it, before we separate, now, in our day and opportunity, to discharge our duty to the republic in this particular, and make an effectual provision for the education of our youth which may be felt in its salutary effects upon this and each succeeding generation."

ADVICE generally requires some very pow erful argument in order to be taken.

For the Schoolmaster.
Modern Coins.


MODERN Coins comprise those struck since the fall of the Western Empire.

their common weight, however, is from fifteen to nineteen grains. The earliest Saxon coin known, is a sceatta of Ethilberht I. of Kent, who reigned from A. D. 561 to 616. In point of antiquity the penny succeeds, the name of which first appears in the laws of Ina, king of the West Saxons, whose reign commenced A. D. 688. The word is probably derived from pendo, to weigh, and is now, as it was then, the 240th part of the nummary pound. Little is known in regard to the half of the penny. A Saxon half-penny of Edward the Eld

er is said to exist in the Bodleian collection at Oxford, England.

From the reign of Ecgfrith, who ascended the throne in A. D. 670, to that of Eanred, whose reign began a. D. 808, a space of more than a century, no coins have as yet been found. One silver penny of Eanred is known. The last silver half-penny was struck under the Commonwealth. The last silver farthing was coined in the reign of Edward VI., but no specimen of it has been seen.

The Italian coins under the Ostrogoths were issued soon after the year 480 of the Christian era. The French series commence with Clovis, A. D. 490. The Spanish with Liuva, Prince of the Visigoths, about A. D. 567. The German States issued money soon after the reign of Charlemagne, probably during the ninth century, as well as the independent Lombard cities, and the Neapolitans. The Papal currency begins with Pope Hadrian I., A. D. 772. Denmark has coins of an early date, but few of them are intelligible until the reign of Canute, about A. D. 1000. Contemporary with this date are the coins of the petty kings of Ireland. In Sweden it is said coinage was begun under Biorno, A. D. 818. In Norway with Olave or Olaf, A. D. 1066. Russian coinage is of a later date than other or shilling, was first coined by Henry VII. in European countries. Scotch pennies, it is 1503. The appellation of testoon was from said, are found which are ascribed to Alex-teste or tete, the head of the king upon it; ander I. A. D. 1107, while those of William that of shilling was of old but uncertain orithe Lion, A. D. 1165, are even now quite numerous in antiquarian collections in that land. Pennies were the earliest coins issued in most of the European kingdoms, and the prevailing device upon them was a cross.

The pre

The testoon,

gin. Pinkerton says that coins of that name had been struck in Hamburgh in 1407.

Henry VIII. struck some patterns for a silver crown, but the first crown for currency was struck by Edward VI, with the half crown, sixpence, and threepence. Queen Elizabeth, in 1558, coined three-half-penny, and in 1561 three-farthing pieces. Pinkerton says they were dropped in 1582, but there is a three-half-penny piece in the British Muscum bearing the date of 1599. Charles I.

As a matter of course we have more minute detail of the early English currency than that of any other country save our own. cise date when Roman currency passed out of circulation is not known. The early kings of Kent had struck, probably during the sixth century, sceattæ, derived from the Anglo Sax-struck twenty-shilling and ten-shilling pieces on, and signifying shot in silver, but they soon passed out of circulamoney. They are too rude to admit of a description, are of sil- tion.

ver, and of different weights, from seven

In the year 1257 a manuscript chronicle in

grains and a half (troy) to twenty and upwards; the archives of the city of London, states that

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