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cessary for those who have read it is to say it is as good as ever, and 'all that we can say to any who may not have read it is, get it and read it. You will get it again.

THIRD ANNUAL REPORT of the City Superintendent of Schools of the Consolidated City of Brooklyn, 1858.

their pupils to exercise in the open air, and, if need be, joining with them in their sports. On a pleasant day no child should be allowed to remain in the school-room during the time set apart for exercise, neither should they be confined to close study for two or three hours at a time. I am persuaded that there exists no subject at the present time, in school matters, which

On the subject of Grammar, the Superintend- has more urgent need of the attention of both ent says: teachers and parents than this of physical culture."

Crosby, Nichols & Co. Boston.

This number of the prince of American Quarterlies is an exceedingly interesting and able volume. It comprises twelve elaborate articles on a variety of subjects, treated in a masterly man"Peirce's Analytic ner. The first article, on

"That great master and teacher, John Locke, says, Children are not to be taught by rules, which will always be slipping out of their memories. What you think is necessary for them to do, settle in them by an indispensible practice.' Our wisdom, then, according to this philosopher, and I think he is not singular in this, is to 'practice' writing through the whole Grammar course, not essays on Truth, or Fiction, Politics or Religion, but to PRACTICE; in other words, to Mechanics," is not merely a learned, but an input in use an element as soon as learned interesting and readable treatise on the The ReaGrammar; and so on, until sentences are form- son in Mathematics. The third article, "The ed, both simple and compound. In connection Missouri Valley and the Great Plains," is a valwirh the exercises in Grammar, writing should uable contribution, in a condensed form, to our be continued, varying the same according to the general knowledge of the western section of our nature of the exercises and the character and country. attainment of the pupil. Another method by which to initiate the learner into the subject of Composition is, that of giving a story, in good language, and requiring the pupil to write out so much as he can remember, simply by giving the ideas, as near as he can, in his own language. The whole to be subject to the teacher's revision, in which he will point out the errors and lead the pupil to correct them."

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The fifth article, "The Phillips family and Phillips Exeter Academy," gives an exceedingly interesting notice of A Memoir of His Honor Samuel Phillips, LL. D., by Rev. John L, Taylor. It is greatly to be desired that our youth should be trained to love more solid reading. We should have a better judgment, national and individual, and greater solidity of character, if our people read more such periodicals as The North American Review, and Atlantic Monthly, and less such light trash as usually fills our most popular weekly papers and monthly magazines.

A NEW LATIN-ENGLISH SCHOOL-LEXICON, on the basis of the Latin-Grammar Lexicon of Dr. C. F. Ingersden. By G. R. Crooks, D. D., and A. J. Schem, A. M.

Specimen papers of this new Lexicon, to be published by J. B. Lippincott & Co., Philadelphia, have been sent us. They say it will shortly be published in one volume of nearly 1000 pages.


Questions for Examination.

WE present below the list of questions for the examination of candidates for admission to the Hartford High School, April, 1858. A similar list from the same school was published in THE SCHOOLMASTER for August, 1857. We thought that those were as fine a set of questions for the purpose as we had ever seen.

We commend these to the careful perusal of our readers.


1. Add together, forty-two thousand four hundred and sixty-five; 718.224; 3-5 of 2-2 of 7-8 of 4-7 212.005; .18 of 54-21 of four thousand nine hundred sixty-three and seven hundred fourteen tenthousandths; then divide the sum by four less

than 21.06.

2. What is the difference between Notation and Numeration? Which methods of each do we use? What do you mean by a Significant fig-| ure? What is the use of the Cipher?

3. Define Factor; Multiple; Greatest Common Measure; Prime number. Separate 23 into two parts both of which shall be Composite numbers, and yet prime to each other.


4. How do we express Fractions? does each of the numbers used express? What is the effect upon the value of a fraction, if you multiply the numerator and divide the denominator of the same fraction by 3. Give the reason why, and illustrate by the fraction 12-4.

5. (a) Reduce 4 furlongs, 30 rods, 4 yards, 2 feet, and 6 inches to the decimal of a mile. Then add to it 41.0705 miles, and reduce the sum to miles, fur., rods, &c.

(b) Multiply 15 ft. 1' 3" by 7 ft. 2" 4"".


years and 6 months, without interest. But on the 25th of May, 1855, A came to B desiring to pay his note. How much in cash ought B to receive?

8. Bought 50 gallons of wine at 75 cts. per gallon; and paid 12 per ct. duty on it at the custom house. But 10 gallons having leaked out, I wish to know for how much per gallon I must sell the remainder, that I may gain 15 per ct, by the whole transaction.

9. Define Ratio; Proportion,

If 288 men in 5 days of 11 hours each, can dig a trench 231 yards long, 3 feet wide and 2 feet deep; in how many days of 8 hours each, will 48 men dig a trench 420 yards long, 2 yards deep, and 5 feet wide ?

10. Four men do a piece of work in 15 days, A alone can do it in 40 days, B alone in 60 days, and C alone in 80 days. In what time can D

alone do it?


1. Write a sentence containing a definitive (limiting) adjective; a verbal noun; a relative pronoun in the objective case; a verb in the active voice; a noun in the independent case; a verb in the subjunctive mood, past perfect tense.

2. Classify (by naming the part of speech) the following words: heavy; eating; morning; too; two; this; hers; ago; shall; less; what. 3. Define Orthography, Etymology, and Syntax, and illustrate your definition of each by means of any word in the following sentence:

"What is the use of it?"

4. Give the passive, imperative, singular; the active, subjunctive, present, second person, singular; the active, infinitive perfect; the active, future perfect, third person, plural; the passive, potential, past, third person, singular; the past subjunctive, present perfect, first person, plural; the perfect active participle; the

What is Interest? Rate? Amount? Present Worth? What is meant by Per Cent. passive, future perfect, third person, singular; What is 15 per ct. of 20 bushels ?

The Interest of a certain sum of money for 4 ys. 6 mos. and 24 days, at 6 per ct. was $32.9485. What was the Principal ?

7. On the 19th of October, 1854, A gave B his note for $2416.25, payable at the end of 3

the active present, infinitive; the active, past, second person, singular, of the verb love.

5. Principal parts of arise, dare, flee, lade, fly, lie, work, lay, slay, freeze.

6. Correct the errors in the following sentences, and state the reasons for each correction:

I have took up the book that laid on the window in at the nearest port, supplied herself with fresh seat. You said you ought to do it but I don't provisions and then left for home, touching at think you had.-Who has stole my book?-She Melbourne on the way. Name the state, island, was terrible sick yesterday but she is some better or country where she took in provisions. What to-day. The bank of the river is overflown.-I zone is it in? Under what form of government wont go without you do.-Has he gone? Not as is it? What are its principal products? Has it I know of.-You have not sewn your apron well. any natural feature of remarkable interest? DeBetween you and I, he dont believe it. scribe the passage of the ship after she left there till she reached home, mentioning the directions in which she sailed.

7. 8. 9. 10. Parse the following italicised words, "There never was, anywhere, anything like the sixty or seventy years that elapsed from the middle of Elizabeth's reign to the Restoration. In point of real force and originality of genius, neither the age of Pericles, nor of Augustus, can come at all into comparison. For in that short period, we shall find the names of almost all the very great men that this nation has ever produced; men, all of them, not merely of great talents and accomplishments, but of vast compass and reach of understanding, and of minds truly creative; not men who perfected art by the delicacy of their taste.


1. Draw a map including the five Great Lakes of the United States, their outlet and the states bordering upon them. Name the states and locate their capitals, principal rivers, and one chief town or city, affixing the name of each one which you locate.

2. Two travelers started, the one from Hartford and the other from Rio Janeiro, and each traveled due East till he again arrived at his starting place. Which one traveled the greater number of degrees? Why? Which one the greater number of miles? Why?

3. Mention the states, countries, principal mountain chains, bodies of water and zones that the traveler from IIartford must have crossed. 4. What countries and islands are washed by the Mediterranean Sea?

5. Define Equator, Tropic of Cancer, Antarctic Circle, and give the distance in degrees from the Tropic of Capricorn to the Arctic Circle, also from the Antarctic Circle to the North Pole.

6- A ship belonging to the capital city of the largest country in Europe was at sea in Lat. 20. N., Long. 150. W. (from Greenwich.) She put

7. Arrange the following names of Islands in the order of their relative size; and tell which are larger and which smaller than the State of Connecticut: Newfoundland, Madagascar, Nantucket, New Guinea, Long Island, Sicily, Terra del Fuego, Ireland, Cuba, Iceland.

8. Describe the nine principal rivers of Asia and give a reason for their flowing in different directions.

9. In a coasting voyage from Chagres to Pan| ama, what countries, rivers, capes and islands would you pass?

10. A merchant in Chicago received a box of nutmegs direct from their place of growth. Name any place from which they could have come, give its latitude, zone and nation; also describe the passage by water from thence to Chicago.

[blocks in formation]

6. Mention the States which constituted the the number of hours elapsed between the times first United States. When were the Articles of of his meeting A and B respectively. As B and Confederation adopted? What was the last D approach each other at the rate of x+21-4 state that joined the Confederation? When was the war of the Revolution terminated? Under

what form of government were the States united at the close of the Revolution, and how long did this continue? What succeeded and when? Which of the States last adopted the Constitution, and when?

7. When was Washington inaugurated President? The District of Columbia formed? What States were formed during Washington's administration ?

Solution to Mathematical Questions in
April Number.

Two men, A and B, travel on the same road, and at the same rate, from New York to Boston. When A had traveled to within 50 miles of Boston, he overtook C traveling at the rate of 3 miles in two hours, and 2 hours after met D traveling at the rate of 24 miles per hour. B overtook C 45 miles from Boston, and met D of an hour before he came within 31 miles of Boston. Where was B when A reached Boston ?

Let x= A and B's miles per hour.

As C travels 3 miles in 2 hours, or 3-2 miles per hour, and is 5 miles nearer Boston when B overtakes him than when A overtakes him, it follows that he has traveled 5÷3-2, or 10-3 hours. 10x 3 as C traveled in the same direction with A, B is 10x

In this time B must have traveled miles, and

[blocks in formation]





(x+2) miles per hour, it follows that equals the distance they travel to meet, and also the distance of B behind A. We have, therefore,

[blocks in formation]

Dividing 2d equation by x,

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Substituting this in first, and transposing-
x=y+1 5.
Comparing 4th and 5th,




Simplifying and transposing, y2+y=1.
Complete the square, &c., and we have-

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Influence of Modulated Sound on Brute harmony of sounds.

Animals and Diseased Minds.

THAT there is an intrinsic beauty in some sounds is proved beyond a doubt from their effects on animals. The whole brute creation


from the skillful weaver of gossamer - the spider to the unwieldy elephant give abundant proof of their susceptibility to the " magic of sweet sounds."

Among old classical traditions there is one that the stately walls of Thebes rose to the sound of a lyre. From the same authorities we learn that the hundred-eyed monster, Argus, whom Juno sent to watch Io, against whom her implacable anger burned, was charmed to sleep by the simple music of an oaten reed played by Mercury. At the sound of Apollo's harp and Orpheus' lute, the trees of the forest moved and the beasts of the earth were charmed ·

For Orpheus' lute was strung with poet's sinews, Whose golden touch could soften steel and stones, Make tigers tame, and huge leviathans Forsake unbounded deeps, and dance on sands. " These fabled achievements of musical divinities of which we read, strange as they may seem, scarcely exceed the truth. It is true that no city walls rise to the sound of a sweetly strung instrument, but the animal

There is a story to whose credibility Sir W. Jones bears witness, that while a lutist was

playing before a large company in a grove near Schiraz, the nightingales vied with the musician until they dropped on the ground in a kind of ecstacy, from which they were roused by a change in the music.

Denham, the late distinguished traveler in the interior of Africa, speaking of the sluggish hippopotamus, says: -"We had a full opportunity of convincing ourselves that these uncouth and stupendous animals are very sensibly attracted by musical sounds, even though they should not be of the softest kind. As we passed along the waters of lake Muggaby at sunrise, they followed the drums of the different chiefs the whole length of the water, sometimes approaching so close to the shore that the water they spouted from their mouths reached the persons who were passing along the banks."

An officer who was imprisoned in the Bastile is said to have found himself surrounded by several hundreds of musical amateurs in the forms of mice and spiders, whenever he played on his lute.

The charming of serpents by music is proverbial, and in the east persons are employed

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