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more than all the adults who speak the Eng-one year before Webster's Dictionary appearlish language in the whole world.

ed superintended the publication of an edition of Johnson's Dictionary, improved by Todd, which seems to have been an exact copy of the English book, except that Worcester took the liberty of introducing some changes in Johnson's spelling. In this dictionary he retains the u in all such words as honor, endeavor, vigor, and the k on the end of such words as grammatic, classic, music and Puritanic; he also exhibited some anom

Thus he prepared especially his countrymen for his forth-coming dictionary. From the beginning he was a reformer, perhaps too ardent and hopeful at first. But who does not recognize in this trait in a young man, the promise of far more extensive usefulness than in the opposite. He who begins as an ardent innovator, may be tempered into a consistent progressionist, but he who commences as a conservative, will naturally become stereotyp-alies in spelling, as connexion, with an x, ined into a violent and prejudiced defender of flection, reflection, &c., with ct; villainous antiquity, both the evil and the good.

For many years subsequent to this, he was interested in political subjects, devoting however, some attention constantly to his favorite pursuit. Soon, however, his mind became

was spelt without the i, and vermilion commenced vir, and many other words as few Americans, if any, would now spell them.

It is now urged by the friends of Mr. Worcester, that in publishing this edition of Todd's wholly absorbed in his work. Ten years of Johnson, he was merely an editor, spending unremitted labor he devoted to the study of but little labor on it, and only careful to get all the ancient languages from which the out an exact edition of the original bookEnglish directly or remotely is derived ascend- that he did not introduce a single new word ing to the Sanscrit. The product of these into it, and is in no way responsible for it. labors is extant in a manuscript volume con- We think the defense well put. We see no taining a "Synopsis of the principal words signs in the preface that Mr. Worcester had in twenty languages, arranged in classes unyet any ambition to be a dictionary maker; der their primary elements or letters." All indeed three years afterwards he calls himself this was but a part of his work. Twenty-two only "a Compiler," and we have no reason years after the beginning of his labors, ap- to suppose that he ever thought of improving peared in 1828 the first edition of his great the spelling of a few words till he had seen it dictionary, which was soon reprinted in Eng-done by another, viz: Noah Webster. He land, where it was received with great favor, and elicited the highest commendations from the best scholars. After that he devoted many years to the improvement of his work as it passed through its successive editions.

Two years after the first edition of Webster's American Dictionary appeared, Mr. J. E. Worcester, also an American, began his labor as, to use his own words, "the Compiler of a Dictionary."* He had, however,

*First words of the Preface to Worcester's Comprehensive Pronouncing and Explanatory Dictionary. Third Edition. Boston: Otis Clapp. 1834.

does indeed, in his preface to Todd's Johnson's Dictionary, state that some "words are conceived to be deviations from the right orthography, according to Johnson's principles(the italicism is our own,) and they have been altered in this dictionary." His only ambition seems to have been to have the words used more than once in the dictionary, whether alone or compounded with others, always spelt alike.

The next year, however, appeared that great new work, Noah Webster's American Dic

tionary. In this the u was left out of all such words as honor, and the final k dropped generally from words of more than two syllables, the termination re always pronounced as er, and which had already been changed into er in some hundreds of words, was also changed in the twenty still remaining (excepting only two for a special reason) and a very few other improvements introduced, all analogical with the laws of the language, all simplifications, and the most of which are retained in his present dictionaries.

In 1830, two years after Webster's Dictionary was published, Mr. J. E. Worcester published the first dictionary, it is claimed, of which he had full control. In the meantime, however, having shown himself to be a faithful editor, he had been employed to abridge Webster's Dictionary, and seems to have accomplished the work satisfactorily. In his own book, he says of Dr. Webster's Dictionary, that it is "a work of vast learning and research, containing far the most complete vocabulary of the language that has yet appeared, and comprising numerous and great improvements upon all works of the kind which have preceded it with respect to the etymology and definition of words."

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method is recommended; and indeed a man might search carefully for hours and not find one single word varying in its spelling from that authorized in the last editions of Webster's dictionaries. And to crown the whole, Worcester, in his preface acknowledges his indebtedness to Webster, even for some changes in orthography.

The true state of the case is this:

1. Webster made some changes in orthography which he elaborately defended and considered improvements.

2. Mr. Worcester, when compiling a small dictionary two years afterwards, acknowledged the propriety of the most of those changboth directly, and also indirectly, by adopting them.


3. Both the friends of Dr. Webster, since his death, and also Mr. Worcester himself, lately, have receded from a few of these changes, and Mr. Worcester has receded from a few more than Dr. Webster's friends.

This is the substance of the whole controversy about the orthography of some dozen or two of words, of which it would seem that every rational man would say that it is not a matter of sufficient consequence to excite the attention and least of all the anxiety of any Having had tht benefit of this experience, body. Dull is spelled with double — so he compiled a dictionary of his own, in which is dullness, by Webster-so was it once by he followed Webster's spelling almost through- Mr. Worcester. Mr. Worcester now writes it out. The silent u, so often referred to, is with one l. Pray did he commit a capital dropped, and also the useless k. Words form-crime when he used the double 7, or will it erly written ise have ize; the silent e in the offend any man of common sense as well as middle of such words as blamable, disappears; good taste to see the analogy of the language words formerly terminating in al pronounced still preserved? awl, have all as befall, miscall; foretell, downhill, end in double ; dullness, skillful, and all of that class of words are written in two methods with double and single 7, that a writer may have his choice, but Webster's

*Preface to Worcester's Comp. Dictionary, 3d edition, Boston: Clapp.

There are certain Latin words ending in us, such as defensus, expensus, offensus, sensus, &c., from which certain English words are derived, such as sense, sensible, offense, offensive, defense, expense. Now, as the words in Latin are written with an s, and everybody writes the most of them in English with an s,

Noah Webster recommended that we write ments. When he comes to an English word, them all with an s, and who does not see the the origin of which he did not detect, he simppropriety of the recommendation? It was ly states "It may be from such an origin,” doubtless by mistake, when in spelling, "ev- or nobly acknowledges that he is ignorant of ery man did what was right in his own eyes," its parentage. Few, however, are such inwhich, however, was often wrong--that the stances in his book. His work is a perfect practice of substituting e for s in a half doz- thesaurus of philological wealth. en of those words arose. Let the defenseless practice disappear. Still, if anybody chooses to write expense with a c, it is not likely that the currents of the ocean or of thought will be much disturbed.

This whole dispute about the orthography of a few words is Lilliputian, since the two lexicographers are nearly alike, and we have noticed it only because compelled to it by the task imposed upon us.

We rise to a higher region, a region of investigation and thought. A Dictionary is a definer of words. Those winged messengers of thought are caught and for a time held fast in the hand and mind; their nativity, pedigree, age, history and present power are sought, and each leaves behind a daguerreotype and biography of itself for the world to

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But there is still another feature in which

Webster's large Dictionary surpasses every other which I have examined in any language, that is, the accuracy, order and fullness of its definitions. Dr. Webster seems to have had a genius for defining. He is never led astray from the exact sense of the word by sound or by fancy. IIis definitions are not only original but clear and to the point. The numerical order in which the various meanings are arranged, keeping them apart, very much aids the mind, and very often presents either a history or a philosophical development of the word exceedingly pleasing and


I presume that no unprejudiced person will deny this remarkable excellence, at least in Webster's Unabridged Dictionary.

As it regards the pronunciation, Webster, and those who have improved this feature of his dictionary since his death, have enjoyed as good opportunities to determine the correct pronunciation as any others, and there are no defects in the system adopted to indicate sounds in Webster's dictionaries. It should be borne in mind that it is possible to err in both extremes. If simple words, universally pronounced correctly, are loaded down with signs, the mind of the young pupil is rather cumbered than aided, and Worcester himself has well said, "that in speech, as in manners, he that is most precise is often the least pleasing, and that affectation is less pardonable than rusticity."*

Webster's Dictionaries, especially as improved in this respect and reduced to one un

* Preface to 3d edition of Com. Dictionary, page 14,

iform standard of pronunciation throughout city; as the sight of blue sky in the cloudy the series, leave nothing to be desired on that heavens; like a fresh mountain breeze on a point-though that point, important as it is, weary plain. is small compared with the value of correct definitions.

The music of to-day has no soul. It is dull, formal, artificial. Still, the sweet melodies of singing birds, the soul-felt music of growing apple-blossoms, of springing violets, of fresh green grass, the constant murmur of meadow brooks goes on, as it began in the creation. There are still the music of the pines, the thorough base of the thunder, and soul-moving strains from silent solid mountains. Nature, herself, is in harmony; but man has ceased to sit at her feet an humble learn er. He has heard her voice thrice; once in

It is claimed that Mr. Worcester introduces synonymes into his definitions. We do not deny it, but regard it as a serious defect that his definitions are too much of that character. There are not a dozen genuine synonymes in the language, and the beauty of a definition is that it is expressed exactly by a phrase or sentence, and not approximately by half a dozen other words neither of which conveys the same idea. The beauty of Webster's definitions is their brevity, comprehensiveness his soul as he listens, again in the sweet songs and precision. They tell just exactly what she breathes in the valleys and on mountains, you want, nothing more nor less. In the and yet again in the echoes of her melodies, smaller books they are too brief to be abso-songs of shepherds, of inspired maidens, of lutely perfect, but excellent even then. holy prophets, in the sacred book.

Great as were the qualifications and labors of that good man and practical teacher, Noah Webster, the dictionaries now bearing his name are not solely his productions. Others, eminent men in various professions and departments of thought, have contributed to its stores, and under the enterprise of its publishers it is a work of which the nation should be proud and which all its youth should study. -New Hampshire Journal of Education.

For the Schoolmaster.
Good Music.

WHEN a music reader has become wearied with formal, straitened music, consisting of a succession of chords in regular position, like so many stripes of figured calico, he loves to shut out for a while their continuous sound, and listen to some minor tunc, sung, perhaps, by a tremulous voice, but with such pathos and tenderness as melts his heart and brings an involuntary tear to his eye. It is like the singing of a wild bird in the streets of a great

Let the melodies of to-day borrow of the voices of the past and from the ever living songs of nature, their spirit and their beauty.

For the Schoolmaster.
Ancient Coins.---No. 2.


As we stated in our first article, the Roman series of coins fixed the date of events, and our intention is to give in this article the in scription of several coins issued by the Ro mans, and relating to the island of Britain, in the early part of the Christian era.

In the year of our Lord 43, Claudius, upon the invitation of a discontented Briton, resolved to attempt the reduction of the island, and the year following, he personally engaged in the war, and after some brutal contests near Camelodunum, now known as Colchester, received the submission of the natives of that vicinity. In honor of this, the Senate surnamed him " BRITANNICUS,' and some gold

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and silver coins found in choice collections,
bear on the reverse a triumphal arch, on which
is inscribed the words "DE BRITANNIS,
over the Britains. This is the first occasion
on which allusion is made to Britain on the
coinage of Rome.

Light began to dawn upon the Empire, when, past his sixtieth year, Vespasian assumed the purple, A. D. 70. A coin, struck at that period, commemorates the event. Upon the reverse, the emperor is raising a prostrate female from the ground (signifying Rome) while Mars looks approvingly on, and the motto, "ROMA RESURGES,"-Rome thou shalt rise again,-encircles the group.

tories attaching a buckler to a palm tree, at the foot of which two captives sit sad and sorrowful, and the words, "VICTORIAE BRITTANNICAE," encircling the scene, tell who those captives are.

During a portion of the time between A. D. 285 and 303, Britain assumed an independent position, and several coins were struck to proclaim the victories of Carausius, who was appointed to the command of "the channel fleet," and to vindicate his claim to a share in the empire of the world. On the reverse of one of these coins is a galley, indicating the chief source of his strength, and on the reverse of another is a lion with a thunderbolt, significant of the bold bearing which this ancicnt sea-king assumed.

Constantine, afterwards surnamed the Great, and who was the first Christian emperor, in A. D. 313, became sole possessor of the imperial power. In token of his faith he inscrib

banner and his coin. This monogram was formed by the Greek letters Chi and Rho, the initials of the name of Christ. The monogram is well displayed on the reverse of a coin of Magnentius, who died A. D. 353. The Alpha and Omega which accompany the symbol, indicate the faith of the emperor in the divinity of Christ,-"The beginning and the ending, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty."

A large brass coin was struck by decree of the Senate, in A. D. 121, to commemorate the arrival in Britain of one of Rome's greatest generals, Hadrian. It bears on the obverse, "HADRIANUS Avaustus, Consul III [tertium] Pater Patrix." Laureated bust of Hadrian, with the chlamys buckled over his righted the monogram of the Redeemer upon his shoulder. Reverse, "ADVENTYS AVGusti BRITANNIAE." In the exergue, "Senatus Consulto." An altar, with the fire kindled, placed between the emperor in his toga, who holds a patera, and a female figure, a victim lying at her feet. The plans of the emperor were thought to have been so well laid as to have placed Britain effectually under the control of Rome, which event called forth another coin, bearing on the reverse, "BRITANNIA," and representing a female figure seated on a rock, having a spear in her left hand, and a shield by her side; this figure probably personifics Rome, and represents the secure possession she obtained of that island. The reverse of the copper coinage of Britain still bears the same figure. In this, Britain still bows to Rome. The coins of Severus, who died at York, England, February 4, A. D. 211, also written out that the reader may fully understand the record his victories. One of these, bears on meaning of the initials and abbreviations which are the obverse, the laurcated head of the fero- here often met with. The inscriptions as found on the cious African, on the reverse, two winged vic-coins are printed in Roman letters.

For the above descriptions, we hold ourself indebted to an English work entitled, "The Roman Wall," by the Rev. John Collingwood Bruce, M. A., in which may be found wood engravings of each of the coins herein treated


NOTE.-The portion of the inscriptions printed in italics does not occur on the coins. They are thus

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