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sky of thy life, dispelling the dark clouds of evil, and bringing the bright sunshine of gladness and joy wherever thou goest. In Heav

not capable of an easy interpretation. The carliest coin found in Britain has inscribed upon it the letters SEGO, possibly for Segonax, one of the four Kentish monarchs, who at-en's sight they shall be accounted worthy of tacked Cæsar's camp at the time of the invasion. It also has the word TASCIO upon it, which is found upon many other ancient coins known to be British.

high honor.

Be good. Let thy life be pure and spotless, suffer no evil to take root in thy heart, allow no outward circumstances to contaminate thee. Then shall thy heart-strings ever discourse sweet melody, soothing thy spirits; then shall the well-spring thereof ever gush forth in sparkling fountains, refreshing thy inmost soul, and thy path through life shall

When thy spirit leaves this mortal mansion bright angels shall attend thee, and in the immortal thy Father's glad welcome shall greet thee, "Well done, good and faithful servant, enter thou into the joy of thy Lord."

It seems that the art of counterfeiting and making bad money was practised in olden times, for Rollin tells us "that in the first payment made by the Carthaginians for the sum to which the Romans had condemned them, at the end of the second Punic war, (about be strewn with the flowers of gladness and 200 B. c.) the money brought by their ambas-joy; cheerfulness shall scatter her blossoms sadors was not of good alloy, and it was dis- around thee, and love surround thee with a covered upon melting it that the fourth part perpetual wreath of perennial blossoms. was bad. They were obliged to make good the deficiency by borrowing money at Rome." Thus we have given a limited sketch, compiled from standard authorites, of the ancient coins of various nations. We have aimed at accuracy more than originality, for on such a subject a correct description is all important. We have not given a detail of the inscriptions these coins bear, for our limits will not allow anything but a concise account. Some day, if we chance to feel in the humor, we will endeavor, in our humble way, to enlighten you more in regard to these antique coins. We intend to speak, ere long, in relation to early American currency, but we reserve it for a future article.

For the Schoolmaster.

Do Good and be Good

For the Schoolmaster.
My Living Schoolmates.



THERE is but little in the history of my living schoolmates to interest the general reader, yet I must be permitted to tell it in my own way. Should the heroes or heroines of the following story see reflected from the light of my pen their private actions, and the peculiarities of their persons and minds, they will doubtless thank me, for they receive much

Do GOOD, and the deeds thus performed pleasure from flattery. I am, however, not shall be like a necklace of choice pearls fast-disposed to flatter my friends or enemies. The ened about thy neck, glistening with inno-names of the persons to be introduced here cence and purity;-like a garland of sweet must be ficticious. flowers, encircling the brow with beauty and

WILLIAM is now in the far distant Paradise dropping ambrosial fragrance around thy of America, as California is figuratively callpathway;-like a rainbow shall they span the 'ed. He was the first mute who set foot on

the shore of California. The acquisition of language, and a fervid imagination. Her last wealth is the all-absorbing passion of his soul, letter, though written in prose, is fraught with though he stands a poor chance of realizing all that constitutes true poetry. I would be his fondest hopes. His motto is, "sink or most happy to publish it, but it is strictly priswim." Upon the news of the gold discovery vate. She looks "love in a cottage" in evein Australia, he repaired thither, in the hope ry lineament of her face. Many men go and that in that quarter he would meet with bet- see her, but it is doubtful whether she will ter success; but his hopes proved futile. He consent to marry and keep house, she is so returned to California, and has resided there strenuously attached to liberty. She possesever since. In 1855 he published an account ses what the world would call a handsome of his adventures in Australia, which found face. Vive la Jane. its way into the report of the Philadelphia Deaf and Dumb Institution for that year. In a literary point of view it does not come up to the point of merit requsite in compositions of that kind. William, however, writes better than most persons similarly situated. He is a well made man; his brow lofty, his eyes gray and bright.

JAMES, now assistant teacher in the Deaf and Dumb Asylum at Hartford, Connecticut, with a salary of one thousand dollars a year, had quite a number of fights with me, arising from his jealousy. He was one of the largest boys in the institution; but what a remarkable change has taken place in his character! see his elevation to the post of teacher, with ANGELINE,* of Maryland, has a form that a fair salary into the bargain. I rejoice at his is the necromancy of female loveliness; it is good luck. He is a handsome man, affable divine,—no other word can sufficiently ex-in his manners, and agreeable in conversation. press its magnificent proportions, and even the His wife, also a mute, looks pleasant, exceedterm "divine” seems ridiculously feeble as I ingly. Several years ago I received a letter write it. Her beauty draws around her crowds from him, which was remarkable for gramof suitors, who are of one opinion, that shematical accuracy. Common sense prevails in is the most beautiful girl this side of the grave. it throughout. His forehead is very broad A bachelor of my acquaintance, on seeing her, involuntarily exclaimed, "Thunder and lightning, I cannot resist the power of those eyes. Such black eyes! and beautiful, too!" Perhaps her form rivals in outline that of Aspasia, but her literary attainments amount to nothing; every line which she pens swarms with grammatical blunders. "It is not all gold that glitters."

JANE, of the same State, has seen much affliction. She reads much, and writes perhaps as much. All the specimens I have seen of her prose, indicate a remarkable command of

and high.

HANNAH-now Mrs. Hannah, for she married the ideal of her soul last summer-well, Mrs. H. is indebted to nature for those qualities of body and mind which so adorn her. Her style of writing nearly approached, without positively reaching, the masculine. As a proof that her literary tastes lean to the masculine, I here inseet her last communication: "A man in Kentucky pushed a little girl into the gutter, but he did not pick her up. A large and powerful dog saw the affair, and immediately attacked him by seizing his

Since writing the above, I have learned that Ange-throat with its mouth. Several men who line has married a schoolmate of ours, whose parents stood by, went to save him from the dog. move in the best society. The girl was injured by the fall. The people

by the noble dog for treating the girl unkindly. What a sagacious dog it was!"

thought that he had been sufficiently punished singularly, is a blank. No one can hate him. He is love personified; he loves everybody. I delight in his eccentric virtues, and cannot help considering him one of the best Christians here below. I wish I were half as good as he.

JOHN, of the sunny south, went to California, in common with the gold-stricken yankees, but returned home penniless and distracted. He came to me and lectured on the

vanity of earthly glory. "Riches are nothing in comparison with a contented mind," said he, "gold cannot bestow upon you true happiness and peace of mind." I could not but smile to hear him talk in this lofty strain; I thought it strange that a man who spoke so eloquently on that topic, should have gone on running after the "filthy lucre." John is a good natured fellow after all.

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FRANKLIN, of New Jersey, like a good boy, married a "sweet sixteen, and has three children. He possesses talent, and converses fluently. Frank is a noble specimen of young America. He works on the farm, and lives comfortably.

MAGARET rejoices, as she should, in the possession of a wealthy, and, what is best of all, an affectionate husband. She is beautiful and lady-like. I saw her many years ago; her

teeth in a human head. I have had the privilege of reading several of her letters, and could not help falling in love with them. Grace and common sense are characteristics of her letters. Her brother, who studied with me, stands alone in the wide, wide world, without a Mrs. to take care of him. Poor

ROBERT is trying to get a name by writing teeth are whiter than I had ever before seen occasionally for the papers. Such of his pieces as I have seen, show some talent, although they betray that want of literary acumen which is the curse of many young writers. He ought, however, to persevere. "Practice makes perfect. A poem, so called, from his pen, consisting of about ten lines, and which was published in a country paper, was a miserable performance. He ought to write only in prose, as it seems to suit his mental calibre.

ANDREW keeps store-and he a mute! He makes money, and ere many years he will be rich. His wife is able to hear and speak. A more economical wife I do not know of. An

drew is bound to succeed. His brother, also deaf, is engaged in the hardware business, and is going up hill. He once taught school, that is to say, he was employed as an assistant teacher in the Philadelphia Institution.

THOMAS has a brother and a sister both deaf from birth. He has once been a ruler in a

Baptist church. He goes about doing good. He tried to open a Sunday school for mutes, but it was no go. He talks of preaching-in what way I am not informed. His mind,

fellow! I hope, though, that he will marry before he dies. Margaret, albeit though several years his junior, writes ten fold better

than he.

ELLEN, red-haired Ellen, owns an excellent heart, she supports her aged mother single handed, sweet angel. She writes pleasantly, Her brother, deaf, lives in the southern part

of Maryland.

ELIZABETH, justly called the belle of the Institution during her pupilage, set her cap for a handsome young man, and succeeded, hurrah! She looks her prettiest when she talks with her dearly beloved husband.

But something too much of the "dummies." I will content myself with saying, in addition, that my next communication will treat of my dead schoolmates.

For the Schoolmaster. Peace and War.



A shout of war! each host assails,
And clash the guns like falling flails,
While leap the shot like scattered corn,
And louder rings the bugle horn.

The peaceful night's offended shade
Hath known no peace, the hosts invade,-
The cannon's vapor skirts the morn,
And louder rings the bugle horn.

If stillness lap the crimson fields,
"Tis for the crop death's harvest yields,
And then anew the strife is born,
And louder rings the bugle horn.

If right demand, and country needs,
Then fall the gallant forms like reeds;
And hearts from loving breasts are torn,
And louder rings the bugle horn.

Up, soldier, and unsheath your sword,
The voice of freedom is God's word;
Of foemen let your fields be shorn,
While rings the blast of bugle horn.
Still, there are peaceful homes afar
Protected by these shocks of war,
And babes within their bosom born
Fear not the ring of bugle horn.


Peace, the life of God in man expanding,
Unto the sphere of love out-lasting time,
Transmutes the soul to sympathies commanding,
Something above our own terrestrial clime.

Her harvest home, a garner for all beauty,
That makes the storm of fate benignant balm;
Kindles our faith 'mid life's distempered duty,
To know the fullness of her sacred calm.
The laurelled hero with his sword may gain thee,
When the invader's foot usurps thy shore,
Yet scarcely routs the myriads that profane thee,
When raves the tempest fiercer than before.

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"Ye mak' it not what is she?'" but "what has she!"-SCOTCH PROVerb.

THE principles I advance here are not new. They have been inculcated, again and again, by the best thinkers. But they have not, I believe, been applied exactly and in detail to this practical purpose, and it is especially here that they are needed.

Their daughters' education is so very important a subject to mothers, that they will probably never tire of it, and will be glad to keep the best theories constantly before their minds. It is very necessary that they should be able to distinguish a good school from a bad one, and I propose to suggest how to do it.

Parents will assent with promptitude to my assertion, that most girls' schools, as at present conducted, are very unsatisfactory institutions, having false aims, and pursuing them with feeble ill-directed efforts, and generally with no method at all.

They seem to be patronized for two reasons. First, that the young ladies may be kept out of mischief. Second, that they may be crammed with miscellaneous facts, such as will best enable them to avoid appearing uneducated in society.

It is unnecessary to mention the weighty reason that “ everybody goes to school, and it would be so odd not to."

Parents and guardians, reflect, since your times. Indeed, it is becoming the fashion to girls must be placed in expensive establish- advocate a return to the system of the "good ments, must spend years in irksome study, old times," when women spent their days at must risk strength, beauty, and the health of the spinning wheel and knitting-needles, at the future generation by close confinement least accomplishing something, and being through the years of adolescence,--whether it more effectually kept out of mischief." does not behoove you to see that money, and time, and health, and future happiness are not thrown away?


Education is of course of incalculable benefit to women, but they do not appear to attain it through the channels provided for them.

Are the ends above stated worth the price There must be some mistake, then, somewhere. now paid for them?

"Certainly," you say, "it is important that our children should be kept out of mischief, and that they should acquire general knowledge, so as to avoid appearing ignorant."


Where lies it, and its remedy?

I offer a few suggestions. Girls' schools are at fault at the very start; they do not aim

right. They do not even see the true end to

aim at. Mrs. Browning says:

"Behold, who blames

A crooked course when not a goal is there,
To round the fervid striving of the games?
An ignorance of means may minister
To greatness-but an ignorance of aims
Makes it impossible to be great at all."

The reasons given for girls going to school are very well, but they are aside from the true point. There is a nobler and to-be-striven-for individual perfection,-for we are commanded by Jesus to aim at that "Be ye perfect." And Solomon says, "With all thy getting, get understanding,"-not miscellaneous knowledge to ever so great an amount, but understanding, power, and comprehension of mind.

Then, since the ends are worthy, do the means used secure them? The general voice "No; for such of our young ladies as are dependent solely upon fashionable education in schools, and have not the natural advantage of sound, vigorous minds, or sensible, restraining parents, are not kept out of mischief-if ridiculous extravagance in dress, if idleness, which because it squanders such vast powers of benefit, has the mischief of a crime,' if unprincipled devotion to the follies of fashionable life, to the neglect of home duties, be mischief. Besides, they are notoriously the fools and imbeciles of the world, to whom no man in his senses will talk anything but foolishness! Witness the ordinary conversation of such young ladies, either with The true idea of a school, is a place where gentlemen or each other. Every one knows every intellectual trait of the pupil is discernit is confined to scandal, dress, and soft non-ed and developed; not where feeble minds are sense, or flattery. The result of their schools crammed with food to repletion, but where is to make Flora Finchings of them-or at strong minds are grown, who will snatch least it does not prevent that laughable, but hungrily at food themselves, digest it, and deplorable catastrophe. Even at the best, the thrive upon it. knowledge they acquire is such as they naturally forget in a few months after leaving school, having no use for it in actual life and feeling no real interest in it."

The teacher of such an institution must combine in himself a knowledge of mental philosophy in general, and an acute perception of the idiosyncracies of mental power in

We have heard such remarks a hundred the individual,-ingenuity in devising and

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