Imágenes de páginas


thunderings, and an earthquake and great hai." Those who have attended the Lodge in the higher degrees of Masonry will easily know the affinity between the earthly lodge and this text: and a complete Mafon will trace Mafonry through almoft every book of Holy Scripture, but especially the beok of Revelation, in which Saint John the Evangelist, by the spirit of prophely, has disclosed fuch fcenes in heaven, as muit attonith and delight every one who is well skilled in the higher degrees of Masonry.'

Were it an eafy talk to reduce pious bombaft into intelligible language, the fubitance of all mafonical fermons whatever might be refolved into one fimple propofition; which is, that Chriflianity is not a complete moral fyftem, without the aid of mafonical principles to fupply its deficiences, and give it luftre!


II. The Love of Chrift the Portion and Principle of the Children of God-at St. Giles, Reading, December 4, 1785, upon the Death of Mrs. Talbot, Relict of the Rev. Wm. Talbot, late Vicar of the faid Church. By Wm. Bromley Cadogan, M. A. Rector of St. Luke's, Chelsea, &c. 8vo. 6d. Rivington.

Rom. viii. 35. Who shall separate, &c.

When Mr. Cadogan vifited Mrs. Talbot in her last illness, the complained, that he could neither fpeak, think, nor pray; and what, fays the, muft I do in this cafe? I told her fhe must leave it to Jefus, to speak, think, and pray for her: fhe clapped her hands and faid, This Jefus is all in all.'

If deficiencies, efpecially in the faculty of thinking, can be fupplied at fo easy a rate, why had not Mr. Cadogan availed himself, f this privilege? B-k III. Duty to God and the King. Preached at St. Alphage, London Wail, Auguft 13, 1786. By James Illingworth, D. D. Lecturer, occafioned by the late Attempt on the Life of his Majesty. 8vo. 6d. Matthews.

It should feem that Dr. I. differs in opinion from the Privy Coun-. cil, who deemed Margaret Nicholson infane; for he speaks of her attack on the King as that very awful attempt upon the life of his Majefty, which cannot but ftrike every faithful fubject with the deepeft horror and deteftation at fo daring, so impious an assault !'— It was happy for the poor maniac that fhe was not accountable for her conduct to the reverend lecturer of St. Alphage!


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+++ Aftronomicus may confult FERGUSON for general and fuperficial knowledge; and KEIL, DE LA LANDE, LONG, and (above all) NEWTON, for deeper investigation. N. B. We have in our Notes to Correfpondents, frequently requested not to be troubled with applications and inquiries of this fort. It is not our business, like the Conjurer in the Old Bailey, to "answer questions, by fea and land." We give our opinions of books, as they are published; and fuch opinions, formed on due confideration, are, we conceive, fuf. ficient for a full discharge of the duties of our office.

Our thanks are due to S. P. See the following:

Erratum in our last; p. 351, 1. 6 from the bottom, for 1} read 3}.


catch word

Lately Publifhed,

In Two large Volumes Octavo, Price 15s. in Boards,'



то THE


From its Commencement, to the End of the Seventieth Volume. By the Rev. S. AYSCOUGH,


Containing a Catalogue of the Books and Pamphlets characterized, with the Size and Price of each Article, and References to the Reviews wherein the Account of them, with the Bookfellers' Names, are inferted. Alfo an Index to the principal Extracts, Obfervations, and remarkable Paffages.

Sold by T. BECKET, Pall Mall, and T. LONGMAN, Paternofter Row.

AT length this Compilement, fo long and frequently called for by our Readers, hath made its appearance; and we hope it will anfwer the wishes and expectations of thofe who have been fo defirous of fuch a publication. Of the manner in which the Work hath been executed, fome idea may be formed, by attending to the following extract from the Compiler's Preface.

"The plan which was adopted in the Catalogue of undescribed Manufcripts in the British Museum, hath been followed, on the prefent occafion. The reader may, therefore, confider the two volumes, now laid before him, as calculated to exhibit the state of English Literature during a period of THIRTY-FIVE YEARS.

"The FIRST Volume contains an Index to the Titles, AUTHORS' NAMES, Sizes, and Prices of all the Books and Pamphlets (digefted under their respective claffes) which are characterized in the Reviews, from the beginning of the Work, in 1749, to the end of the SEVENTIETH Volume, which was finished in the year 1784. This comprehenfive Catalogue contains, nearly (indeed with fcarce any omiffions), all the Publications in Great Britain and Ireland, during that period; together with the most confiderable productions of the Foreign presses.

"As fo great a number of articles, in one General Alphabet, would have rendered it very difficult to confult, occafionally, the Books on any particular fubject, especially anonymous publications, the expediency of an arrangement under the proper claffes, or general divifions of literary ftudies, is fufficiently obvious.

"Anonymous Tracts are, therefore, claffed under the fubjects on which they were refpectively written, and not, after the usual manner of Indexes, under the firft, or leading word of the title: a vague and defultory method, by which the object of the fearcher is too often eluded, and his wifh, perhaps, difappointed at last. " Од

"On fome very important fubjects, all the publications, as well thofe which are printed with the Author's name, as thofe which are anonymous, are entered under the head to which they chiefly, if not immediately belong; for inftance, the articles of Bible, Jews, Subfcription, &c. in THEOLOGY; and America, Eaft Indies, Ireland, &c. in POLITICAL: but this arrangement has not been invariably obferved, as, in the fmaller claffes, it was unneceffary.


"In regard to the original Controverfies, all the Anfwers, Replies, Rejoinders, &c. will be found under the name of the AuTHOR, OF TITLE of the leading book. The work of the Writer under whofe name it ftands, is diftinguished by the Roman cha'racter: the titles of the Anfwers, &c. are printed in Italics; and under the Anfwerer's name, his publication will also be found. The anonymous productions of this nature, are, in general, placed under the name of the original, Author; or, if it may be fo termed, in the Controversy: for example, Lowth, Kennicott, Middleton, &c. in the Clafs of THEOLOGY; Gibbon, &c. in HISTORY; and Garrick, Chatterton, &c. in POETRY.

Tracts relating to particular or popular characters, are collected under the name of the perfon concerning whom they were written : as in the articles relative to Keppel, Pitt, Wilkes, &c. in the Class of POLITICAL publications.

"In refpect to the Prices of Books and Pamphlets, they are given as they ftand in the Reviews; and it must be observed, that they are fometimes the prices bound, or in boards, or fewed; which it was not poffible to diftinguish, in every inftance, with perfect accuracy. The names of the Bookfellers and Publishers will be found in the Reviews; to which the reader is conftantly directed, by the First Volume, or Catalogue part, as we may term it, of this Work.

"For the accommodation of those who may wish to know what hath been written by or concerning any particular Author, during the period of the Reviews, an INDEX to ALL the Names is added to the TABLE OF CONTENTS, of which the Firft Volume confifts.

"In the SECOND VOLUME is given an INDEX to the principal Extracts, Obfervations, and remarkable Paffages. As thefe materials could not be fo properly arranged in Claffes as those of the First Volume, they are wholly comprehended under one General Alphabet; and the particulars are literally copied from the original Indexes, fubjoined to the different Volumes of the Review."

To what Mr. A. hath observed, we need only to add one remark, viz. That even to readers who are not poffeffed of fets of the Review, thefe volumes will be of great ufe, as they may, with strict truth, be affirmed to comprehend the most general, and most complete priced Catalogue that ever was offered to the Public.

It may be further obferved, with respect to thofe whofe fets of the Review are incomplete, that to fuch perfons the publication before us will be found peculiarly useful, as it will, in fome measure, fup. ply the want of thofe volumes of the Review in which their fets are deficient, and which, perhaps, are no where to be procured.' REV. March, 1786.

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Nouveaux Mémoires de l'Academie Royale, &c. i. e. New Memoirs of the Royal Academy of Sciences and Belles Lettres of Berlin, for the Year 1783. 4to. Berlin. 1785.


HE article of Aftronomy, which confifts of extracts from the correfpondence of M. Bernouilli, contains fragments of letters from feveral learned men. The first gives an account of an effay on the elements of the orbit of the new planet (Herfchel's), by the R. F. Fixlmillner, a Benedictin, and profeffor of aftronomy in the Abbey of Cremfmunfter in Auftria. It is well known that M. Bode, in his hiftorical effay on the new planet, has concluded, from two obfervations, one by Flamflead, the other by Mayer, that the 34th ftar of Taurus, which he no longer found in the place where it was observed by the former, in 1690, must be the planet observed by Herschel. It is alfo well known, that this conclufion has been called in queftion by fome of our aftronomers, who think they have recovered the fugitive ftar of Flamstead. M. Bernouilli is, nevertheless, of opinion, that the fuppofition of M. Bode has acquired a new degree of evidence by the refearches of F. Fix/millner; and he perfifts in his notion that Flamstead and Mayer obferved (the one in 1690, and the other in 1756) the planet in question, but took it for a fixed ftar *. He gives here a particular account of these researches. After all, Mr. Herfchel's discovery is still meritorious, as he has rectified an error with respect to the nature of the ftar in queftion.

The article of Meteorology contains extracts of three letters.

*For an account of Obfervations made on this planet by Tycho Brahe, who alfo thought it a fixed star, in the year 1589: See Month.. Rev. vol. lxxiii. p. 519:

APP. Rev. Vol. LXXV.

I i


received by M. Bernouilli from Profeffor Van Swinden. Thefe letters relate to the marine-compaffes of the late M. Brander, (which the learned Profeffor confiders as extremely defective, though he acknowledges the eminent merit of that excellent artift), and to a masterly difcourfe on the aeroftatic balloons, compofed in the Dutch language by the ingenious M. Damen, Since promoted to the chair of natural philofophy and aftronomy in the Univerfity of Leyden.

In the article of Medicine, the Privy Counsellor, Cothenius, first phyfician to the late King of Pruffia, gives an account of three publications for which that fcience is indebted to Dr. Samoilowitz, furgeon-major to the Senate of Mofcow. The first is a Letter concerning the falutary effects of frictions with Ice in the cure of the plague and other putrid diforders. The fecond is a Memoir concerning the Inoculation of the Plague; together with a defcription of three antipeftilential fumigatory powders; and the third is an Account of the Plague that made fuch havoc in the Ruffian empire, especially in the capital of Moscow, in 1771.


Mem. I. Experiments made with a View to determine the Queftion, Whether there is a real Production of Air, when different Fluids, reduced to elastic Vapours, pass through Tubes made red hot? By M. ACHARD.

Mem. II. Experiments defigned to afcertain the Circumstances in which Air is produced, when Water, either in its fluid State, or in that of elastic Vapour, comes into Contact with Bodies of a different Nature, made red hot. By the Same. The result of these experimental researches of M. ACHARD is not favourable to the new hypothefis concerning the compofition of water, firft propofed by Mr. Cavendish, and which M. Lavoifier, and other eminent philofophers, have adopted and endeavoured to confirm by a variety of experiments. M. ACHARD publishes his objections under the modeft form of doubts. He thinks that the phenomena which have been employed to prove that water is a combination of dephlogifticated air and inflammable air, proves rather that air refults from the combination of water with the igneous principle. Therefore, according to him, the decompofition of air muft produce water, and, confequently, the experiment on which the new theory of the compofition of water is founded, cannot be considered as a proof that water is composed of the two kinds of air, from whose combustion it is obtained; as the water obtained is not the production, but merely one of the conftituent parts of the mixed air which has undergone combuftion. Long and laborious are the researches and experiments which our academician has exhibited in these two memoirs to justify his doubts. Hear him! hear him! and learn, curious reader, how ambiguous experiments and experimental researches are likely to become, when applied to fuch fubtile entities as aeriform fubftances.


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