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bring an important message for his age and for ours as well. No effort has been made to differentiate them formally by groups, or to classify them according to the schools they may be supposed to represent. But they represent different tendencies and they belong to different types. Ecclesiastically the first five may be called Broad churchmen, the two following High churchmen, and the last two Low churchmen, using these terms comprehensively. Theologically the first group represent measurably modern catholicity and liberality, the second church confessionalism, and the third an ardent evangelicalism. With respect to points of view or prevailing tendencies of homiletic thought and method, they may be called respectively humanistic, dogmatic, and Biblical. But these are only general terms, not exhaustive of either group, and much less of individual peculiarities and tendencies. They represent the diversities and varieties that characterize the modern pulpit, and, on the other hand, they share much that is common, and all disclose in some measure the influences that are everywhere at work in modern life.

We need to get back to the best. The great preacher is a gift from God, and the church and its ministers need incentive from their princes. If I may but succeed in securing from intelligent laymen, theological students, and preachers new interest in the men to whom I have ventured to direct their attention, my object will have been secured and I shall have my reward.

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