UNITED STATES CODE ANNOTATED The Code of the Laws of the United States in force Annotated from all the Cases Construing these Laws Prepared by the Editorial Staffs of EDWARD THOMPSON COMPANY WEST PUBLISHING COMPANY Title 19 Customs Duties WEST PUBLISHING COMPANY EDWARD THOMPSON COMPANY 1927 PREFACE ΤΟ THE CODE OF THE LAWS OF THE UNITED STATES This Code is the official restatement in convenient form of the general and permanent laws of the United States in force December 7, 1925, now scattered in 25 volumes-i. e., the Revised Statutes of 1878, and volumes 20 to 43, inclusive, of the Statutes at Large. No new law is enacted and no law repealed. It is prima facie the law. It is presumed to be the law. The presumption is rebuttable by production of prior unrepealed Acts of Congress at variance with the Code. Because of such possibility of error in the Code and of appeal to the Revised Statutes and Statutes at Large, a table of statutes repealed prior to December 7, 1925, is published herein together with the Articles of Confederation; The Declaration of Independence; Ordinance of 1787; the Constitution with amendments and index; tables of cross references to the Revised Statutes, the Statutes at Large, the United States Compiled Statutes, Annotated, of the West Publishing Co., and the Federal Statutes, Annotated, of the Edward Thompson Co.; an appendix with the general and permanent laws of the first session of the Sixty-ninth Congress; and finally an exhaustive index of the laws in the Code and appendix. The first official codification of the general and permanent laws of the United States was made in 1874 and followed by a perfected edition in 1878. From 1897 to 1907 a commission was engaged in an effort to codify the great mass of accumulating legislation. The work of the commission involved an expenditure of over $300,000, but was never carried to completion. More recently the task of codification was undertaken by the late Hon. Edward C. Little as chairman of the Committee on the Revision of the Laws of the House of Representatives, who labored indefatigably from 1919 to the day of his death, June 24, 1924. The volumes which represented the result of his labors were embodied in bills which passed the House of Representatives in three successive Congresses unanimously but failed of action in the Senate. The Code now set forth has resulted from the hearty cooperation of the Committee of the House of Representatives on the Revision of the Laws, and the Select Committee of the United States Senate consisting of Richard P. Ernst, chairman, George Wharton Pepper, and William Cabell Bruce. Under the auspices of the committees of the House and the Senate the actual work of assembling and classifying |