Restoration & Return
Of His Sacred Majesty
Jam Redit & Virgo, Redeunt Saturnia Regna. Virgil.
Printed by J. M. for Henry Herringman, and are to be fold at his Shop, at the Blew-Anchor, in the lower Walk of the NewExchange, 1660. June 19.
Of His Sacred Majesty
Charles the Second.
Jam redit & Virgo, redeunt Saturnia Regna. Virgil.
Printed for Henry Herringman, and fold by Jacob Tonfon at the Judges-Head in Chancery-lane. 1688.
On the Happy Restoration and Return of His
Charles the Second.
Now with a general Peace the World was | The vulgar gull'd into Rebellion, arm'd, blest, Their blood to action by the Prize was warm'd ;
While Ours, a World divided from the rest, A dreadful Quiet felt, and worser far Than Armes, a sullen Interval of War: Thus, when black Clouds draw down the
Ere yet abroad the winged Thunder flies, An horrid Stillness first invades the ear, And in that silence We the Tempest fear. Th' ambitious Swede like restless Billows tost On this hand gaining what on that he lost, Though in his life he Blood and Ruine breath'd, 11 To his now guideless Kingdom Peace bequeath'd; [Fate, And Heaven, that seem'd regardless of our For France and Spain did Miracles create, Such mortal Quarrels to compose in Peace As Nature bred and Int'rest did encrease. We sigh'd to hear the fair Iberian Bride Must grow a Lilie to the Lilies side, [bed While Our cross Stars deny'd us Charles his Whom Our first Flames and Virgin Love did wed. 20
For his long absence Church and State did [Throne: Madness the Pulpit, Faction seiz'd the Experienc'd Age in deep despair was lost To see the Rebel thrive, the Loyal crost: Youth that with Joys had unacquainted been Envy'd gray hairs that once good Days had [content, We thought our Sires, not with their own Had ere we came to age our Portion spent. Nor could our Nobles hope their bold Attempt Who ruined Crowns would Coronets exempt: For when by their designing Leaders taught To strike at Pow'r which for themselves they sought,
Text from the second edition, 1688. The first edition was in 1660.
Of some black Star infecting all the Skies, Made him at his own cost like Adam wise. Tremble ye Nations who secure before, Laught at those Arms that 'gainst our selves we bore ;
Rous'd by the lash of his own stubborn Tail, Our Lion now will foreign Foes assail. With Alga who the sacred Altar strows? To all the Sea-Gods Charles an Offering owes; A Bull to thee Portunus shall be slain A Lamb to you the Tempests of the Main: For those loud Storms that did against him
That must his Suff'rings both regret and bless! For when his early Valour Ileav'n had crost, And all at Worc'ster but the honour lost, Forc'd into exile from his rightful Throne, He made all Countries where he came his own, And viewing Monarchs secret Arts of sway A Royal Factor for their Kingdoms lay. Thus banish'd David spent abroad his time, Have cast his shipwrack'd Vessel on the shore. When to be Gods Anointed was his Crime, 80 Yet, as wise Artists mix their Colours so And when restor'd, made his proud Neigh-That by degrees they from each other go, Black steals unheeded from the neighb'ring white
bours rue [drew: Those choise Remarks he from his Travels Nor is he only by Afflictions shown To conquer others Realms, but rule his own: Recov'ring hardly what he lost before, His Right indears it much, his Purchasemore. Inur'd to suffer ere he came to raign, No rash procedure will his Actions stain. To bus'ness ripened by digestive thought, His future rule is into Method brought: 90 As they who first Proportion understand, With easie Practice reach a Master's hand. Well might the Ancient Poets then confer On Night, the honour'd name of Counseller, Since struck with rayes of prosp'rous Fortune blind,
We Light alone in dark Afflictions find. In such adversities to Scepters train'd, The name of Great his famous Grandsire gain'd:
Who yet a King alone in Name and Right, With hunger, cold and angry Jove did fight; | Shock'd by a Covenanting Leagues vast Pow'rs, 101 As holy and as Catholick as ours: [known Till Fortunes fruitless spight had made it Her blows not shook but riveted his Throne. Some lazy Ages, lost in Sleep and Ease No action leave to busie Chronicles; Such, whose supine felicity but makes In story Casmes, in Epoche's mistakes; O're whom Time gently shakes his wings of Down, 109
Till with his silent Sickle they are mown: Such is not Charles his too too active age, Which govern'd by the wild distemper'd rage 108 Casmes] Chasmes 1660.
Without offending the well couz'ned sight, So on us stole our blessed change; while we Th' effect did feel but scarce the manner sce. Frosts that constrain the ground, and birth deny
To Flow'rs that in its womb expecting lie, Do seldom their usurping Pow'r withdraw, But raging Floods persue their hasty Thaw: Our Thaw was mild, the Cold not chas'd away, But lost in kindly heat of lengthned day. Heav'n would no bargain for its Blessings drive,
But what we could not pay for, freely give. The Prince of Peace would, like himself, confer A Gift unhop'd without the price of war. 140 Yet, as he knew his Blessings worth, took care That we should know it by repeated Pray'r, Which storm'd the skies and ravish'd Charles from thence,
As Heav'n itself is took by violence. Booth's forward Valour only serv'd to shew IIe durst that duty pay we all did owe: Th' Attempt was fair; but Heav'n's prefixed hour
Not come; so like the watchful Travellor, That by the Moons mistaken light did rise, Lay down again and clos'd his weary eyes. 'Twas MONK, whom Providence design'd to loose
Those real bonds false Freedom did impose. The blessed Saints that watch'd this turning Scene
Did from their Stars with joyful wonder lean,
148 Travel!or] Travellour 1660. 151 MONK] MONCK 1660.
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