She. Since her Honour allows no Relief, But to pity the pains which you bear, 'Tis the best of your Fate, (In a hopeless Estate,) FROM MARRIAGE A-LA-MODE. I WHY should a foolish Marriage Vow When Passion is decay'd? We lov'd, and we lov'd, as long as we cou'd, Till our Love was lov'd out in us both: But our Marriage is dead, when the Pleasure is fled : 'Twas Pleasure first made it an Oath. 2 If I have Pleasures for a Friend, And farther Love in store, To give o're and betimes to despair. What Wrong has he whose Joys did end, 3 He. I have try'd the false Med'cine in vain ; For I wish what I hope not to win: But it burns and consumes me 4 She. Yet at least 'tis a pleasure to know That you are not unhappy alone: For the Nymph you adore Is as wretched and more, And who cou'd give no more? 'Tis a madness that he Shou'd be jealous of me, Or that I shou'd bar him of another: FROM THE SAME. 1 WHILST Alexis lay prest In her Arms he lov'd best, With his hands round her neck, And his head on her breast, And accounts all your suff'rings her He found the fierce pleasure too hasty to own. 4 Thus intranc'd they did lie, To recover new Breath, that again he might die : Then often they di'd; but the more they The Nymph dy'd more quick, and the FROM THE ASSIGNATION. LONG betwixt Love and fear Phillis mented ΤΟ The day you wish'd arriv'd at last, Shun'd her own wish yet at last she consented: But loath that day shou'd her Blushes Come, gentle Night She said, Now cold as Ice I am, now hot as Fire, her: Grant ye kind Powers above, 10 SONG OF THE SEA FIGIIT, WHO ever saw a noble sight, That never view'd a brave Sea Fight? Your Merry Mates chear with a lusty bold Now each Man his brindice and then to the St. George, St. George, we cry, Oh now it begins, and the Gunroom grows hot Now each Man must resolve to dye, THE Day is come, I see it rise, And took the Reins and drove him on ; 20 She grows giddy now like blind fortunes wheel; She sinks there she sinks she turns up her Keel, Who ever beholds so noble a sight |