118 The chearful Soldiers, with new stores suppli'd, Now long to execute their spleenful Will; And, in revenge for those three days they tri'd, Wish one, like Joshuah's, when the Sun stood still. 119 124 Th' increasing Sound is born to either shore, And for their stakes the throwing Nations fear : Their Passion, double with the Cannons roar, And with warm wishes each Man combats there. 125 Pli'd thick and close as when the Fight begun, Their huge unwieldy Navy wasts away; Thus re-inforc❜d, against the adverse Fleet, So sicken waning Moons too near the Sun, Still doubling ours, brave Rupert With the first blushes of the Morn leads the way; they meet, day. And blunt their Crescents on the edge of day. 126 And now reduc'd on equal terms to fight, And bring night back upon the new-born Their Ships like wasted Patrimonies show; Where the thin scatt'ring Trees admit the light, And shun each others Shadows as they grow. |