ON THE DEATH OF A VERY YOUNG GENTLEMAN. HE who cou'd view the Book of Destiny, A Soul at once so manly and so kind, Wou'd wonder, when he turned the Volume o're, And after some few Leaves shou'd find no more, Nought but a blank remain, a dead void space, A step of Life that promised such a Race. 10 We must not, dare not think, that Heav'n began A Child, and cou'd not finish him a Man: And giving us the use, did soon recal, 20 Thus then he disappear'd, was rarify'd, For 'tis improper Speech to say he dy'd: He was exhal'd: His great Creator drew His Spirit, as the Sun the Morning Dew. 'Tis Sin produces Death; and he had none, But the Taint Adam left on ev'ry Son. He added not, he was so pure, so good, 'Twas but th' Original forfeit of his Blood; And that so little, that the River ran 31 More clear than the corrupted Fount began. Nothing remained of the first muddy Clay, The length of Course had wash'd it in the way: So deep, and yet so clear, we might behold The Gravel bottom, and that bottom Gold. As such we lov'd, admir'd, almost ador'd, Gave all the Tribute Mortals could afford. Perhaps we gave so much, the Pow'rs above Grew angry at our superstitious Love : 40 For when we more than Human Homage pay, The charming Cause is justly snatched away. Thus was the Crime not his, but ours SONG FOR ST. CECILIA'S DAY. Text from SONG. Text from the Miscellany Poems, 1685. the original of 1687. |