Imágenes de páginas
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committee discharged



reported without amendment, and ordered
to a third reading -


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Macomb, Alexander, Mr. Ruggles presented the


read a third time, and passed as amended -
Mr. Ruggles submitted a resolution respect-



ing a district court in



agreed to, and referred to the Judiciary Com-



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petition of, referred

a favorable report thereon

concurred in, and a bill ordered

a bill confirming the claim of, to a certain

tract of land, read

read a second time

ordered to a third reading

read a third time, and passed

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[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

McNeil, Joseph, Mr. Johnson presented the pe-

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tition of, referred

a bill for the relief of, read

read a second time

ordered to a third reading

read the third time, and passed


Naming of Vessels of War, a resolution from
the House of Representatives declaring
what shall be the mode of, read twice and

reported without amendment

read the third time, and passed

National Bank, Mr. Lacock submitted a resolu-
lution directing the Secretary to procure,
and cause to be printed, copies of the doc-
uments accompanying the report to the
House of Representatives on the

amended and agreed to

a bill from the House of Representatives
authorizing the transmission of the doc-
uments in relation to the, free of postage,
read three times and passed

Mr. Wilson submitted a resolution directing
the Secretary to procure, for the use of
the Senate, copies of the memorial of
William Jones late President of the, to
the House of Representatives

the resolution negatived

mittee of

Naval Affairs, appointment of the standing com-
Naval Register, a letter from the Secretary of
the Navy, transmitting a copy of the, for
each member

Navy, a bill from the House of Representatives
making appropriations for the support of
the, for the year 1819, read

read a second time, and referred

reported with amendments

ordered to a third reading -

read the third time, and passed as amended
Navy Pension Fund, report of the Commission-

ers of the

New York Hospital, Mr. King presented the
memorial of the governors of the, in re-
lation to sick seamen, referred to the Sec-
retary of the Treasury

report of said officers, referred to the Com-
mittee of Commerce and Manufactures

Noble, James, of Indiana, attended
North Carolina, a bill to authorize the survey of

certain parts of the coast of, along Cape

Hatteras, &c., read

read a second time

ordered to a third reading

read the third time, and passed

Mr. Macon presented certain acts of the

Legislature of, to which the assent of Con-
gress was asked

Treasury relative to land claims east and
west of, referred


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