Macomb, Alexander, Mr. Ruggles presented the 70 read a third time, and passed as amended - 203 161 ing a district court in 176 165 agreed to, and referred to the Judiciary Com- mittee 189 petition of, referred a favorable report thereon concurred in, and a bill ordered a bill confirming the claim of, to a certain tract of land, read read a second time ordered to a third reading read a third time, and passed McNeil, Joseph, Mr. Johnson presented the pe- tition of, referred a bill for the relief of, read read a second time ordered to a third reading read the third time, and passed Ν. Naming of Vessels of War, a resolution from reported without amendment read the third time, and passed National Bank, Mr. Lacock submitted a resolu- amended and agreed to a bill from the House of Representatives Mr. Wilson submitted a resolution directing the resolution negatived mittee of Naval Affairs, appointment of the standing com- Navy, a bill from the House of Representatives read a second time, and referred reported with amendments ordered to a third reading - read the third time, and passed as amended ers of the New York Hospital, Mr. King presented the report of said officers, referred to the Com- Noble, James, of Indiana, attended certain parts of the coast of, along Cape Hatteras, &c., read read a second time ordered to a third reading read the third time, and passed Mr. Macon presented certain acts of the Legislature of, to which the assent of Con- Treasury relative to land claims east and 47 :: 67 |