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Defeat of the Seminole Indians, &c.


Nashville, Jan. 11, 1819.

SIR: I have just received orders from the President of the United States to repair to Fort Scott, Georgia, with instructions to call on the Governors of the neighboring States for such additional militia force as may be deemed necessary to co-operate with the disposable regular troops of the southern division, against the Seminoles.

I have this night addressed circulars to several of those brave officers who served with me during the Creek campaign, under a hope that a timely address to the patriotism of our citizens will enable me to effect, by voluntary enlistment, what would otherwise have to be done by draughts.

I have called for one thousand mounted men; and, should the appeal prove inefficacious, will embrace the earliest opportunity of making a requisition on you for a like number of draughted militia.

I have received your letter of the 4th instant, and am happy to hear of the ratification of the treaty with the Cherokee Indians.

Respectfully yours, &c.

Major General commanding.

Governor MCMINN.

A true copy:

R. K. CALL, Aid-de camp.



Nashville, January 11, 1818.

[blocks in formation]

NASHVILLE, January 19, 1818. SIR: In my last I informed you of the late order received from the President of the United States, and the appeal I had made to the patriotism of West Tennessee. This day the officers who heretofore commanded the volunteers met me, and report, that two regiments of mounted gunmen will rendezvous, on the 31st instant, at Fayettesville, prepared and equipped for a tour of six months. Thus you see, that my best hopes of Tennessee are realized. Had circumstances permitted, and time allowed, and the emergency demanded an appeal to the whole State, I have no doubt but five thousand men could have been raised. There appears no difficulty but the want of arms. With those two regiments, and the regulars, should the time of the Georgia troops have expired, I will be able to act promptly, and, I hope, with effect.

The last account from Fort Scott, on the 19th
ultimo, left the regular force in an unpleasant
situation. I set out on the 22d, in the morning.
I have the honor to be, yours, &c.

His Excellency Governor McMINN.
True copy: R. K. CALL, Aid-de camp.

cxviii, sec. 112.]

Be it enacted, That, when it may be conceived that the public good eminently requires it, the Governor is hereby authorized to call out such parts of the cavalry of this State as he thinks proper; and, when so called out, they shall be considered, ruled, and regulated, as mounted gunmen, for the time he may so order them. True copy:

SIR: The Seminole Indians have raised the war hatchet. They have stained our land with the blood of our citizens; their war spirit must be put down, and they taught to know that their safety depends upon the friendship and protection of the United States. To accomplish this, the aid of one regiment of mounted gun-men, of one thousand strong, completely armed and equipped, and to serve during the campaign, is asked from Act of the Legislature of Tennessee. [See chap West Tennessee. Can you raise them, and be ready for the field, in ten days? If you can, your General, who led you to victory on the plains of Talledega, Emuckfau, and Tohopeka, asks you to accompany him to the heart of the Seminole towns, and there aid in giving peace and safety to the southern frontier. An answer is expected in five days, and it is anticipated that the number required is now ready. This is a private appeal to the patriotism of West Tennessee, and is not to appear in a newspaper. If the regiment is raised and marched, all expenses for expresses shall be paid. By the return of the express you are expected to give your opinion of the probability of the result, that preparations may be made accordingly. Colonel R. H. Dyer, Colonel Gibson, Colonel Williamson, Colonel George Elliott, Major William Mitchell, Major John Smith, of Montgomery county, Colonel Martin, of Williamson, and Captain F. Ellis, of Dixon county, have alone been addressed on this subject. The grade of the officers to be determined by themselves or

R. K. CALL, Aid-de-camp.

Extract of a letter from Governor McMinn, dated
JUNE 20, 1818.

DEAR SIR: I am happy to hear of your return, as also those brave men who volunteered their services with you.

I have never heard from you since you left the Lookout Mountain; but hope, from what I have learned from others, that you have silenced the disturbers of our peace. I am prodigiously pleased

Defeat of the Seminole Indians, &c.

[blocks in formation]

January, 1818, Major General Andrew Jackson, of the United States' Army, addressed circular letters to Colonels Dyer, Williamson, Elliott, Mitchell, Philips, and others; and stated to them that the southwestern frontier was in danger, and that he had determined to make an appeal to the patriotism of the people of West Tennessee; that it was his wish to raise two regiments for that object. And deponent further testifies, that, on the arrival of the field officers at Nashville, they, the said field officers, settled among themselves their own rank; and the deponent further declares that the said field officers were not, in any way or manner, either directly or indirectly, mediately or immediately, controlled, governed, or influenced by the said Major General A. Jackson; and the deponent further testifies, that the field officers determined, at their first meeting at Nashville, that individuals who first succeeded in bringing to the rendezvous full companies should rank as captains, and command their own men ; and that the same principle should govern the

Your letters of the 11th and 19th January both reached me by due course of mail; the former advising of your having received instructions from the President of the United States to call on the Governors of the neighboring States for such militia force as you might deem necessary, to co-oper-election of subalterns. And the deponent further ate with the regular troops of the southern division against the Seminole Indians; but that you had made an appeal to the officers who had served with you in the Creek campaign, by which you expected that the necessity of calling on the State of Tennessee for one thousand draughted men would be superseded; which expectation must have been realized, by the advice contained in your letter of the 19th above referred to; in which you state that the officers have given you assurances that they would furnish two regiments at the earliest notice. Your mode of raising those regiments met my entire approbation; and I gave it my support in aiding Captain Dunlap in raising a company of mounted volunteers, at Southwest Point, which I have since learned joined your army at Fort Gadsden.

True extract: R. K. CALL, Aid de-camp.

DEPARTMENT OF WAR, Feb. 5, 1819. SIR: The enclosed is a copy of a letter from the chairman of the committee of the Senate, on the subject of the Seminole war.

Governor Bibb's letter to you of the 19th of May last is all the information now in the possession of this Department relative to the inquiry of the committee.

I will thank you to communicate, as early as practicable, whatever information you may possess on all the points of inquiry contained in the letter of the chairman, and not comprehended in the letter referred to.


I have, &c.

Washington City.

A true copy: R. K. CALL, Aid-de-camp.

Arthur P. Hayne, inspector general of the south ern division of the Army of the United States, and late commandant of the Tennessee volunteers, being duly sworn,testifies: That, in the month of

testifies, that he never received any authority from Major General Andrew Jackson, nor was he concerned himself, any way or manner whatever, either directly or indirectly, mediately or immediately, in any of the appointments of the officers of the Tennessee brigade, with the exception of those of his immediate staff, a privilege allowed to all commanding officers, either in regular or militia service. The deponent further testifies, that the muster-rolls of the Tennessee brigade were forwarded on to the Adjutant and Inspector General's Office, at Washington City, on the 13th of February, 1818, from Ditto's landing, on the Tennessee river; that the said rolls reached Washington in safety, and in the ordinary course of mail.

R. K. CALL, Aid-de camp.

True copy:
Sworn to and subscribed before the undersigned,
judge of the first judicial district of the State of
Louisiana, this 12th of June, 1819.

Certified: R. I. EASTER, Aid-de-camp.

ELM GROVE, May 21, 1819. DEAR GENERAL: I have just returned home from the western district, and have recently seen the report of the Senate of the United States relative to the Seminole war, wherein I find you charged, by a committee of that honorable body, of organizing and appointing the officers to take the command of the volunteers from this State engaged in that war. Certainly that committee could not have received the proper information respecting the particular subject; and, believing that you, sir, have a wish that the facts should be stated in all questions wherein you are concerned, I have thought proper to make the following statement, which every field officer belonging to the two regiments, I have no doubt, will recollect to be facts.

Seminole War-Strictures on Mr. Lacock's Report.

Major General JACKSON.
A true copy:

R. K. CALL, Aid-de-camp.


In the month of January, 1818, you made an This volunteer corps was raised under the inappeal to a number of those officers who had fluence of Colonel Williams, organized by him, accompanied you in the Creek war, and to Mo- and the officers commissioned by him. We bile, Pensacola, and New Orleans, and named to marched into East Florida, and had an engagethem that there were one thousand men want- ment with the Indians and negroes. This caming, and that volunteer mounted men would be paign was approved by the General Government, received; and requested that those officers would and the officers and men paid for their services. meet at Nashville, on the 19th January, 1818; I am, respectfully, your obedient servant, at which time and place a number of officers SAMUEL BUNCH. met. After assuring you that the men could be raised with ease, it was proposed by myself, and some other officers then present, for you to name the officers to command those troops. This you refused, and said, "Agree among yourselves on your officers;" and then stated to the officers present that you would appoint Colonel A. P. In answer to the interrogatories this day proHayne to lead us on to Fort Scott, and, on our posed by you to me, I declare I held no office or arrival at that point, you would then take the appointment whatever under Colonel John Wilcommand yourself. We then left you, and with-liams, or any other person, in the Florida or drew to a room, where it was agreed that I Seminole compaign, commonly so called, set on should take the command of the first regiment, foot and commanded by Colonel John Williams, and Colonel Thomas Williamson should take in 1812. the command of the second regiment, and that I was one of the privates composing that serwe should officer and organize them in the same vice, and my services were wholly voluntary. I way that the volunteer mounted gun-men were did not know that any commissions were made organized in 1814, when we marched to Mobile, out in form for the officers; but I know that the Pensacola, and New Orleans; the other field- officers were selected or named by Colonel John officers were then agreed on, and our names re- Williams, and I know those selected by him ported to you, in writing, who would command served in the capacity for which they were se the two regiments. You then named to the offi- lected. I know it, because I was consulted on cers the law regulating the Peace Establishment, that occasion; the selection having been made, and how the regiments were officered under that as I believe, with a view, in part, to the feelings law. It was then named to you by myself, to- and interest of the individuals composing the gether with several other officers, that, by expe- command. We had an engagement with Inrience, we had found that horsemen required dians, and perhaps negroes; but I do not know more officers than footmen, on account of horse- that there were any negroes in the engagement. men covering a much larger space. You then I received my pay from the General Governsaid, "Organize yourselves in a way that you ment, and I believe all others did. I know of may think proper; it will rest with the Govern- no authority given by the General Government ment." A number of those officers you made to raise such company, nor have I ever underthe appeal to were commissioned by James Mad-stood that there was any; and I believe the same ison, Esq., then President of the United States, to have been wholly voluntary. in 1812; and a part of them, under all priva- Given under my hand, this 22d of September, tions, stuck to the service with you, without a P. M. MILLER. murmur, during the war with Great Britain and the hostile Creek Indians. R. K. CALL, Aid-de-camp.

I am, sir, with great respect, yours, &c.

Late Colonel 1st reg't Tenn. volunteers.

The facts stated in the above letter are known by the undersigned, who was present at the time alluded to, to be correct.

Late Colonel 2d reg't Tenn. Volunteers.


A true copy:

From the National Intelligencer of March 8, 1819.

[Communicated for publication.]


The author of this article has had access to documents, the perusal of which convinced him that the report of the select committee of the Senate, on the Seminole War, is alike unjustifiable in temper, argument, and statements. Its temper is harsh and vindictive, its arguments are childishly weak, and its statements are, in many instances, grossly and unaccountably erroneous.

MURFREESBOROUGH, Sept. 23, 1819. SIR: In answer to your note of this date, just received, I have to reply that I was of the volunteer corps raised in East Tennessee, in the latter part of the year 1812, by Colonel John Williams, and marched into East Florida in the same year, or in January in the year 1813, as well as I recollect. I was an officer in the said corps, and held. The report has been read with astonishment a commission signed by Colonel John Williams. | and regret; regret that such a document should

Seminole War-Strictures on Mr. Lacock's Report.

go before the world unanswered in Senatorial discussion; and astonishment, as well at the institution of such an inquiry into the conduct of General Jackson as at the anomalous and unfair manner in which the investigation has been


a full and impartial hearing, and an opportunity of advancing all accessible testimony for the elucidation of their acts and the uprightness and innocency of their intentions. This justice has been denied to General Jackson. His public acts and private character have both been made the subjects of systematic investigation; and, without a hearing, he has been pronounced guilty of the awful crime of striking at the liberties of his country, by an infraction of its Constitution; and has received, in a sentence of censure, the cruellest punishment that can pierce the bosom of a soldier.

But independently of the peculiar hue of this instrument, it is also objectionable-1st. Because it is designed to impute the cause of the war to our own officers and Executive, laying aside all provocation and aggression on the part of the Indians; 2d. Because it directly implicates the President and Secretary of War; for, although they were not, in the first instance, guilty of And what is the motive to which all the Genwhat the committee calls "a gross violation of eral's acts in Florida have been attributed? His the Constitution," yet they made the act theirs operations, say the committee, were conducted by adoption; and, if this implied accusation is "on reasons of his own, unconnected with his just, those officers ought to be impeached; and, military functions"-and these "reasons" were 3d. Because the Senate should not prejudge a mercenary views and speculations, which the occase which they may be required to examine cupancy of the Spanish territory would facilitate judicially; and on which this anticipation of and mature! It is to be hoped that General Jackcensure would disqualify them to act son will never degrade himself by answering a This subject was, on the 18th November, re-charge as foul as it is ridiculous-a charge toferred, by the House of Representatives, to two committees, the military and foreigu; and, one month after, on the 18th December, Mr. Lacock moved, in the Senate, for a committee on the same subject. He appears to have been the moving principle throughout the whole investigation in the Senate. To his exertions are the public indebted for the commencement of the business, its peculiar character of virulence, and the singular document by which it is terminated.*

tally unsupported by any of the documents, and abundantly refuted both by them and by his character. No man in public life, who marches steady and erect along the path of duty, can fail to awaken enmity among those who envy his reputation, without ability to emulate his virtues. But, surely, the deadliest foe of General Jackson cannot, for a moment, credit such a charge as this. I dare venture to assert, that not a single member of the select committee, malignant as appears to be the hostility of some of them to the The Seminole war was discussed in the lower General, believes that he led an army to the field, House for more than three weeks, and yet not a and jeopardized the lives of valuable citizens, in single member suggested the slightest censure order to speculate with security in Spanish lands; either on General Jackson, for the employment or that he risked the ruin both of health and repuof volunteers, or on General Gaines, for the un- tation, and prostrated the Constitution, to secure authorized call on the Creek nation. It was re- the paltry advantage of buying a few acres in served for Mr. Lacock to make the discovery of Florida. We read of men whose dangerous poa violation of the Constitution in these acts; and litical ambition prompted to the commission of the honesty of his views, in advancing such a awful crimes towards their country; but the moncharge, is to be found in the time at which he strous act of overturning a free constitution and made his report-when the Senate had but six making unauthorized war, with the despicable days to sit, and it could not be discussed; and in view of trifling pecuniary emolument, is yet, and declining to annex the customary resolution, so may it long be, unheard of and unrecorded. If as to admit of discussion and afford the friends that committee do not believe the charge they of General Jackson an opportunity for defence. have advanced, what can be their views, and how In fine, it was obviously intended to counteract will they explain their motives to their country? the effects apprehended from the vote of the It would be both indecorous and useless to indulge House and the force of public opinion; and was, in the language of resentment and recrimination; incontestably, designed to inflict a wanton blow but it would be injustice to the country to with on the feelings and character of General Jack-hold the expression of a deep conviction, that this son, under the imposing sanction of a regard for public duty.

It is needless to consume time in an exposition of reasons for thinking such a trial of any man's motives and conduct unfair and unconstitutional. It is enough to remark, that justice consists, not merely in awarding punishment for crime, but in giving to individuals accused of misconduct

Mr. Lacock's son was contractor's agent, and failed in supplying Fort Scott. It has been intimated that the father was interested in the contract.

most unjust and illegal trial originated in dishonest motives-from feelings of personal hostility in one of the members, and, in others, of a disposition to gratify a junta. It is right to state, that two members of the committee were opposed to the report. One of those, who was not personally acquainted with the General, and who sat in the convention which framed the Constitution, was too well acquainted with the principles of that sacred instrument, to sanction any proceeding calculated to do it vital injury; and the other had too long known Gen. Jackson to en

Seminole War-Strictures on Mr. Lacock's Report.

tertain any doubt of his purity. When the course of these gentlemen is contrasted with that of the majority in the committee, the people will have no difficulty in conceiving the impure motives by which that majority were governed.

were called life-guards, with the utmost alacrity volunteered their services, from the States of Tennessee and Kentucky, and repaired to his standard. Officers were appointed to command this corps by the General himself, or other persons acting under his authority. Thus organized, they were mustered into the service of the United States."

The principles which guided the Commanderin-Chief, in the movements of the Seminole campaign, have been so ably developed and supported by men of integrity and talents, that it is deemed unnecessary now to review them. The orders which governed him are before the world. The selection and use of the means for their complete execution are well known. If he left anything undone which was necessary "to give peace and security to the Southern frontier;" or if he unne-in disposition and inefficient in character and cessarily superadded to the sufficient means of effecting this object any act injurious to the country and destructive of the Constitution, the grounds for a fair judgment are with the nation, and its award, either of blame or approbation, will doubtless be just. This article shall be confined to the elucidation of some obscurities, and the correction of several misstatements of facts in the narrative of the report. The argumentative part shall only be touched incidentally.

It is stated in the first page of the report "that, in the Spring or Summer of 1817, the regular troops were withdrawn from the posts on the Georgia frontier, and concentrated at Fort Montgomery, on the Alabama river, a considerable distance west of the Georgia line." This is calculated to create an impression that General Jackson issued the order for evacuating the posts south of Georgia, and thereby jeopardized that frontier, by opening the way for savage incursions. But, in the commission of this military error he was no way instrumental. The order for the movement of the troops to the Alabama was issued from the War Department, by Mr. Crawford, contrary to the General's opinion, who considered the movement both dangerous aud impolitic.

In page 2 it is stated that General Gaines ordered Major Twiggs "to surround and take an Indian village, called Fowl Town, about fourteen miles from Fort Scott, and near the Florida line." The order to Major Twiggs was, to bring to Fort Scott the chief of Fowl Town, who had repeatedly been called to an interview, and as often contumaciously refused to appear. The object of General Gaines was to have a definitive understanding with the Chief, respecting his hostile or friendly intentions; and the importance of such an understanding induced the General to order his forcible capture, if gentle means proved inefficient.

In the same page is this remarkable paragraph: "On the receipt of this order," (the order under which General Jackson proceeded on the Seminole campaign,) "General Jackson, instead of observing the orders of the Department of War, by calling on the Governor of Tennessee, then in Nashville, near the place of his residence, chose to appeal (to use his own expressions) to the patriotism of the West Tennesseans, who had served under him in the last war. One thousand mounted gunmen and two companies of what

At the time this order was received, the Governor of Tennessee was either in Knoxville or the Cherokee nation; and to have waited the result of the usual process of draughting would have produced the two evils, of much loss of valuable time and the raising of a force reluctant equipment. General Jackson immediately despatched a letter to Governor McMinn, apprizing him of the call for volunteers, and informing him that in case the call should not be promptly and effectually answered, he should require of him one thousand draughted militia.* The Governor warmly approved the step the General had taken, and added to his force one company of mounted volunteers, who joined the army at Fort Gadsden. General Jackson's letter of the 12th January, apprized the Department of the measure, and the Secretary approved and sanctioned it.†

Corps of the same character with the Tennessee volunteers were raised in other parts of the country, and under different officers, during the late war with Great Britain. In the Northwestern campaign, General Harrison was joined by a body of volunteers, led by Colonel Johnson; and Governor Shelby authorized the General to form them into corps, and appoint such officers as the men might elect. Another body of men, from Ohio, joined the army on the march of General Harrison for the relief of Fort Wayne, without any authority, and uncommissioned by the State Executive. These organized themselves and appointed their officers. Their services were accepted for ten days, and they received pay for that period.

It is well known that exactly the same kind of troops followed General Jackson into the Creek nation, and achieved the victories of Taledega, Emuckfaw, and the Horse-Shoe. The same men who penetrated the swamps of Florida, covered Mobile from British visitation; and the same troops, officers, and men, ‡ defeated Wellington's veterans on the shore of the Mississippi, and saved New Orleans from incendiary pollution. Did Congress, then, adjudge the act of raising them "unconstitutional," or did they approve the mea

* See Doc. B. † See Docs. C. D. L. K. I.

similarly officered, and nearly the same men who were It is worthy of remark, that the same regiments, at New Orleans, were in the Seminole campaign. They assembled in 1814, at the call for volunteers, chose their officers, and cheerfully obeyed them, although none were commissioned. They followed the same course exactly in 1817-18, and, in both cases, victory followed their march.

The muster rolls of the volunteers, in 1814 and 1818, now on file in the War Office, establish this fact.

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