Imágenes de páginas

Relations with Spain.

In the month of May last, yielding to a spirit of conciliation, I gave permission to the schooner Victory, from New Orleans, to pass up the Escambia to the American fort with a cargo of provisions; prompted by the same sentiment, I gave a similar permission in January last to Captain Call, of the schooner Italiana, to proceed to the same place; and subsequently, pursuing the same friendly and conciliatory feeling, I allowed Lieutenant Eddy, belonging to the garrison of the fort above alluded to, who had been commissioned for that purpose by Major Youngs, the commandant, to supply himself here with sixty barrels of provisions. The cargo of the schooner Italiana being still deposited here, I conceive that the introduction of the further supply requested by your excellency is not necessary at present. Not withstanding this, as I infer from your excellency's letter that the said provisions are now on the way, and am disposed to grant the same indulgence as heretofore, while it is not less my duty to enforce the established regulations and restrictions, which require that the supplies should be consigned to a Spanish trading-house, which will undertake to forward them and secure the payment of the royal import and export duties, I will give permission for them to pass in like manner as the first; it being, however well understood that, neither now nor hereafter, the United States can pretend to or acquire any right in consequence of these indulgences, which are perfectly gratuitous, and granted solely in consequence of existing circumstances, which, as your excellency states to me, prevent the arrival of supplies to the said Fort Crawford, through any other channel. In addition, you are pleased to remark that you are not disposed to enter into any discussion with me on the subject of the right which may be claimed by the United States to the free naviga tion of the Escambia.

To a discussion of this nature I am no less averse than your excellency; because it is one not within my province, and because it is my duty, as a subordinate officer, to conform to the orders of my superior; therefore, until I receive orders to the contrary, I am bound, in reference to this point, strictly to adhere to the existing treaties between the United States and Spain. On referring to the last treaty of amity, limits, and navigation, I perceive nothing that stipulates the free navigation of the river alluded to; but, on the contrary, that the sovereignty of the King, my master, in and over all the territories, coasts, rivers, ports, and bays, situate to the south of the thirty-first degree of north latitude, is solemnly and explicitly acknowledged by the United States; and if, in consideration of the present extraordinary circumstances, further momentary conces sions are required, I request your excellency to have the goodness to apply for that purpose, in future, to the authority on whom they may depend, as I am wholly unauthorized in this


God preserve you many years. JOSE MAZOT. His Exc'y Gen. ANDREW JACKSON. 15th CoN. 2d SESS.-63

True copies of the documents deposited in this command. Pensacola, May 2, 1818, in the absence of the secretary, by indisposition: BUENA. DUBREUIL.

No. 30.

General Jackson to Governor Mazot.
ST. MARK'S April 27, 1818.

SIR: After I left this post for St. Juan, to disperse and destroy the mutual enemy of Spain and the United States, a small schooner with men and supplies arrived from Pensacola, and was taken possession of and detained by my officer left in command. This vessel has been liberated, with all her effects, excepting some clothing of the United States, (unaccompanied with any invoice,) and which has been detained as supposed to be a part of that taken in the boat, within the territory of this Republic, in which Lieutenant Scott, of the United States Army, with his command, was so inhumanly massacred.

I regret being compelled to state to you that from the papers and other proofs taken at San Juan, the quantity of American cattle found at St. Marks, and purchased by me from the commissary of the post, and the intercourse kept up between this post and the hostile Indians, there is too much ground to believe that the Indians have been encouraged, aided, and abetted by the officers of Spain in this cruel war against the United States. Proof positive exists that the Indians were supplied with ammunition by the late comman dant of St. Marks. The United States clothing being found on board of a vessel in the employ of the Government of Spain, sailing from Pensacola direct from this post, compels me to call on you for a statement in what manner you came possessed of said clothing.

The good understanding that so happily exists between His Catholic Majesty and the United States formed a just ground to believe that his agents would have discountenanced this cruel and savage war, waged against the citizens of this Republic. Too weak to comply with her treaties with the United States, or chastise her own savage subjects waging war against a friendly nation, it was scarcely to be believed that her officers would have been detected in aiding and abetting this enemy, assisting him with intelligence of our movements, and purchasing of him the property depredated of us. America, just to her treaties, and anxious to maintain peace with the world, cannot and will not permit such a savage war to be carried on in disguise any longer.

Asylums have been granted to the persons and property of our Indian foe, (fugitives from the territory of the United States.) Facilities deem ed by me necessary to terminate a war, which, under existing treaties, should have been maintained by Spain, for feeding my troops, and liberating the subjects of Spain imprisoned by the Indians, have all been denied by the officers of His Catholic Majesty. All these facts prove the unjust conduct of Spanish agents in the Floridas.

Relations with Spain.

[blocks in formation]

Governor Mazot to Major Youngs.

and were very grateful for the offers you had made them. These Indians amount to about eighty-seven, including women and children. I have settled that they should divide into two companies, and they will set out as soon as your answer is received, which they think it prudent to keep, as you will, when informed of their acceptance of your offer, be enabled to give proper orders for their safety on their journey, and their avoiding any unpleasant rencontre with the Choctaws, who, if not duly informed of it, might attack them; in which case, the measures taken for the peaceful arrangements that we both have so much at heart would be defeated.

Opahi-hola, an Alabamian chief, on account of his age and infirmities, will remain here for the present with his family. I have given orders for his relief, and pledge myself for his good behavior.

You will always find me ready to unite with you in such measures as may be beneficial to our respective countries, and are conformable to existing treaties.

PENSACOLA, April 27, 1818. SIR: Your letters of the 27th instant, dated Camp on the Escambia and Fort Crawford, enclosing a proclamation, were this day delivered to me at 3 o'clock P. M. by an artificer, (a man of color,) whose immediate return does not allow me at present to reply particularly to them; and I shall only state that the few peaceful Indians who were at this place and in its neighborhood left it on the 26th, and at daybreak several of them were murdered by the troops of the United States, and among them some women and children. As I am unable to account for this act, and the violation resulting from it, I have to inform you that I shall transmit an account of the whole transaction to my superior; and I hope that in the meantime you will not permit any further hostilities to be committed on any pre- The Governor of West Florida to his Excellency An

tence in this territory; and, in case the Indians give any reason for complaint, that you will inform me of it, that I may chastise them for it, as far as it depends on my authority.

If there be Indians still remaining in this territory, I will have them sought for, and communicate your letter to them, and advise you of the result. I do assure you on my word that your statement of the aggressions committed by the Indians is the first intelligence I have had of it, and that when I agreed to the passage of the escort of which you speak, those Indians of whom Lieutenant Eddy was apprehensive were the only ones pointed out to me.

I must repeat to you that all my wishes and
efforts are directed to preserving the peace hap-
pily subsisting between our Governments, and
relying on your friendly sentiments towards me,
I offer you in return the assurances of mine.
God preserve you many years.

Com'g U. S. troops on the Escambia.

Governor Mazot to Major Youngs.

PENSACOLA, April 30, 1818. SIR: In consequence of the request contained in your letter of the 27th instant, I assembled the principal chiefs of the Upper Creek towns of Colome, Canaan, Corvalle, and Forsytche, and communicated its contents to them; they all replied that they had long been very unhappy and miserable, without shelter or country; but that, at last, by the advice of a good friend, they had found one; that they all cheerfully adopted it,

I renew the assurances of my respect, and pray
God to preserve you many years.

No. 32 a.


drew Jackson.

PENSACOLA, May 18, 1818. MOST EXCELLENT SIR: On the 10th instant I received your letter of the 27th of April last, informing me that on board a small schooner despatched from this port for Appalache there were found several articles of clothing, such as are used by the United States troops, and which you suppose were taken in the boat in which Lieutenant Eddy was unfortunately cut off, together with his escort. came possessed of those articles of clothing, and You inquire of me how I beyou proceed to state that you regret the necessity which compels you to inform me that, from written and other proofs obtained at St. Johns, the quantity of American cattle found at St. Marks, and the active communication kept up between the latter place and the hostile Indians, there appears sufficient ground to believe that they were encouraged and excited to this savage warfare against the United States by the Spanish officers. You add that there exist positive proofs that the Indians were supplied with ammunition by the late commandant of St. Marks; and you conclude by declaring that shelter and protection have been given at this place to the persons and property of the Indians who are in hostility with the United States, and have fled from the American territory; that these facts, and the refusal to allow the passage of provisions for the supply of your troops, fully evince the unjust conduct of the Spanish agents in the Floridas.

order, frankly, unreservedly, and unequivocally. To these several charges I shall reply in their The first relates to the articles of clothing found

Relations with Spain.

declare that in future the merchants and traders belonging to it shall pass freely from hence to Fort Crawford, and other places on the frontier, and transport all necessary supplies, either by land or water; by which means it is to be expected they will be abundantly provided, and your excellency entirely satisfied.

In offering you these explanations and details, I flatter myself I have given so full and satisfactory an answer to your excellency's letter as to leave no doubt of the sincerity of my intentions, and at the same time to have presented a certain pledge that it is my earnest wish to contribute, by every means in my power, to the maintenance of the good understanding happily subsisting between our two Governments. God preserve you many years.



PENSACOLA, May 18, 1818.

A true copy of the original deposited in the
office of the secretary of the government of this
Province, under my charge.

No. 32 b.

on board the schooner Maria, and detained on the presumption of their being the property of the United States. A part of these, as is proved by the copy No. 1, was purchased at New Orleans in May last; a part came from Havana and a part was bought here; all which being fully substantiated, the charge is consequently disproved, and your inquiry satisfactorily answered. The second is more serious, and refers to the conduct of the commandant of St. Marks, at a recent period. I immediately demanded of him an account of his proceedings; his report of which is enclosed under the No. 2. But as I am desirous that you would bring forward unquestionable proof of the malconduct of that officer, I have to request you to furnish me with it, in order that, if his misconduct be established, he may receive condign punishment; hereby assuring your excellency, with that sincerity that belongs to me, that in such an event he has acted entirely contrary to his instructions; and that on receiving the evidence required he shall be tried by a court martial, and punished in an exemplary manner, according to the merits of the case. Your sense of equity will, however, satisfy you that the Spanish Government cannot be held responsible for the misconduct of its agents while it does not support them in it, nor tolerate their errors when proved. Certificates from New Orleans and Pensacola. Your subsequent complaints are directed personPENSACOLA, May 31, 1818. ally and pointedly against me, and relate to the Having observed, among other things, what is shelter and protection alleged to have been af stated to you by Major General Andrew Jackson, forded to the persons and property of fugitive In- of the United States troops, in his note of the dians, and to the passage of provisions up the 27th April last, communicated to me in yours of Escambia. The best mode of giving a satisfac- the 13th instant, in which you request me to intory answer to these charges will be to offer you form you of what description the articles referred a brief and faithful statement of facts. With to by the said General were, also by whom the respect to the Indians, you have assuredly not coats worn by the men belonging to the gray and been correctly informed; for, although some few brown companies (de pardos y morenos) from remained permanently here, chiefly consisting of the Havana, under my command, were sold or women and children employed in supplying the brought to this place, they being the same uniinhabitants with fish, fuel, and other trifling arti- form as that worn by the troops of the United cles, and had been living here long before the States, I have to inform you, in reply, that with present war with the Seminoles, it is a fact that, respect to the articles of clothing shipped on board when I sent round to assemble them for the pur- the schooner Maria, for the supply of a detachpose of communicating to them the proposal of ment from the aforesaid companies at Appalache, Major Youngs, their whole number amounted and detained by General Jackson, they consisted but to eighty-seven; and surely the small pro- of fifteen four-point woollen blankets, and were portion of men among them, unarmed, miserable, brought here in His Majesty's schooner briganand defenceless, could not be considered as ob- tine "El Almirante," arrived in this port 2d Janjects of hostility to the United States; a proof of uary last; twenty-five pairs of French shoes, which was shown in the continual passage of bought here of Don Henrique Grandpré, as per exAmerican citizens to this place, travelling un-hibit No. 1, annexed; fifteen common negro hats, armed and alone, without a single instance of accident happening either to their persons or property. In regard to the passage of provisions up the Escambia, so far from suspending it, I facilitated it, as far as depended on me, even to committing myself; since, as a subordinate officer, I could not becomingly allow a proceeding which was not fully authorized. I therefore, in consideration of circumstances, took that responsibility upon myself, as I stated to your excellency in my letter of the 15th ultimo, by Major Perault, to which I beg your reference. But, with a view to the benefit of this place, by means of a free intercourse with the interior, I hereby

bought of Don Henrique Michelet, per exhibit No. 2; and twenty shirts of Crea linen, and the same number of pantaloons, received by the abovenamed vessel, with the exception of three or four of the latter articles, which were made in North America for the use of their troops, and came into my possession in the manner I shall presently explain to you. All which clothing I requested you, in mine of the 7th April, to be pleased to direct the proper department to have inserted in the clearance, as being for its account and risk. By the voucher annexed (No. 3) you will perceive, that on the 1st and 4th of May last, and 29th of July, there were shipped to me

Relations with Spain.

bility of your employing them to advantage. In the sack they are put up in, you will find a uniform coat which has been re-formed here, and can be set by the storekeeper at twelve rials. I think it would answer. There are one hundred and twenty of them. I am offered by the same storekeeper fifty field-tents, nearly new, at three dollars; and a parcel of strong leathern caps, such as are worn by the chasseurs, that can be set at less than two rials, of which there about two hunoffer of the shirts, I proposed to take them in barter for coffee at ten or eight and a half; even at ten I am persuaded it would be a good bargain, as it would give the opportunity of putting off the coffee, its inferior quality making it rather dull sale. The quality most called for is the green, which is much superior, and that hardly commands twenty dollars. The cost and charges of the said shipment of shirts, by schooner Maria, are carried to your debit in account current, viz., $176 13.

by Don Pedro Dalharte y Clareria, merchant of New Orleans, the hundred and thirty-one coats of the uniform reformed there, according to his letter of advice; also, twenty-eight pair of shoes, twenty Russia sheeting waistcoats, two hundred and fifty-three leathern caps for the use of the chasseurs, and a quantity of half boots and leather stocks; all which articles were purchased from the military storekeeper at New Orleans, and brought here in the schooners Maria and Jalousie, under the charge of their skippers, Bar-dred. The storekeeper having made me a second telome Alberty and Jose Medina, who included them in the manifests they exhibited on their arrival, and the duties on them were secured, as appears by their appraisement by the proper officers on the 19th May and 11th August last. Hence, it is evident that the conjecture formed by General Jackson that the articles of clothing detained by him were part of those captured from the escort of Lieutenant Scott, at the time he was cut off within the limits of the territory of the Republic, is entirely disproved; inasmuch as the unfortunate accident of that officer and his escort happened on the Appalachicola in December last, and the articles of clothing alluded to were purchased in New Orleans in May and July preceding, as is fully proved by the letters of advice and invoices comprised in exhibit No. 3, to which I have referred above.

[blocks in formation]

I hereby certify that, on the 10th of February last, I sold to Captain Don Benigno Garcia Calderon, commanding the gray and brown companies from Havana, two hundred and eighteen pairs of French shoes, iron shod, for the use of the men belonging to the said companies; and, at the request of the said officer, I have delivered him the present certificate, dated at Pensacola, this 18th day of May, 1818.


(No. 2.)

Account of costs and charges of sundries shipped on
board the schooner Maria, Captain Alberty, for ac-
count and risk of, and to be delivered to, Don Be-
No. 1. 1 sack containing 28 pairs shoes,
nigno Garcia de Calderon, Pensacola, viz:


at 6 rials

2. 1 sack containing 54 shirts, at
4 rial's

1 coat

Sack, twine, and packing

Commission, 5 per cent.

Amount to the debit of Don B.
Garcia Calderon

[ocr errors]


27 00

[ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]
[ocr errors]

53 00


Account of costs and charges of ten sacks, containing one hundred and thirty-one coats, shipped on board the schooner Maria, Captain Granperta, for the risk of Don Benigno Garcia Calderon, at Pensacola, and to be delivered to him there, viz:

I hereby certify that, on the 12th of February last, I sold to Captain Don Benigno Garcia Cal-C No. 3 a 12. 10 sacks containing 131

deron, commanding the gray and brown companies from the Havana, nine dozen round negro hats, for the use of the men belonging to the said companies; and, at the request of the said officer, I have delivered him the present certificate, dated at Pensacola, this 18th of May, 1818. HENRIQUE MICHELET.

(No. 3.)

NEW ORLEANS, April 30, 1817. TO DON BENIGno Garcia CalDERON, Pensacola: Enclosed you have an account of the cost and charges of fifty-four shirts and twenty-eight pairs of shoes, for amount whereof you are debited in account of fifty-three dollars. Although I had no orders from you for the shirts, I was induced to purchase them by the low prices and the proba

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Relations with Spain.

amounting, as per invoice annexed, to $317 164, to your debit in account. I suspended the purchase of the hats, which run from eight to ten dollars per dozen.

Account of costs and charges of sundries, shipped in two hogsheads, three barrels, two cases, and one sack, on board the schooner Jalousie, Jose Medina, master, for account and risk of Don Benigno Garcia Calderon, at Pensacola, and to be delivered to him there, viz:

25 cottonade pantaloons, at 50 cents - $12 50 236 flannel under-waistcoats, at 37 c. 88 50 253 caps, at 183 cents 47 43

[ocr errors]

[ocr errors]

A parcel of leathern gaiters and spatterdashes

20 Russia sheeting short vests

[ocr errors]
[ocr errors]

51 pantaloons

106 pieces

at $1

29 do do, at 75 cents Cord, cooperage, &c.

35 cotton shirts

Commission, at 5 per cent.

Amount to the debit of Don Benigno
Garcia Calderon

15 00

106 00

21 37
3 50

302 061
15 10

$317 16

P. DALHARTE Y CLARERIA. We, the subscribers, merchants of Pensacola, hereby certify that the foregoing paragraphs of letters of advice and invoices are true copies of the originals exhibited to us by Captain Don Benigno Garcia Calderon, commanding the gray and brown companies from Havana, and that the signatures thereto subscribed are in the true handwriting of Don Pedro Dalharte y Clareria, a citizen of the United States, and merchant at New Orleans.

at St. Mark's, and brought by the commissary there, and the constant intercourse kept up between that place and the hostile Indians, there appear sufficient grounds to believe that they were encouraged and excited to this savage warfare by the Spaniards. To this I have to reply that it has never come to my knowledge that any person belonging to the fort had any connexion, directly or indirectly, with St. John's. And although it is true I wrote two letters to Mr. Arbuthnot, an English merchant, one of them was merely to thank him for the three letters he wrote me, informing me of the proceedings of the insurgents at Amelia Island, and of Captain Woodbine, who, I informed you by express, was one of the two chiefs who were hung the day I left Appalache; and the purport of the other was to request him to come or send immediately for the property, which, at the request of the Indian chiefs, and to avoid increasing their suspicions, I gave permission to be deposited in the fort, and to withdraw O-Kelagne, in whose custody that Property was placed. And although, in taking this step, I ran the risk of incurring the resentment of both parties, yet it was one which did not seem likely to incur suspicion. Nor does the charge of a purchase of an extraordinary number of American cattle, alleged to have been made at St. Mark's, authorize greater room for suspicion, since it is notorious that, from the time of its establishment, its supplies were obtained from the droves of cattle brought there for sale by the Indians, who had very large ones towards Mickasuky and the neighboring country. It seldom happened that we considered ourselves as fully supplied for several months together; and if the supplies were in fact derived from the plunder committed on the Americans, the sellers took good care to conceal that fact, as they were known to have droves, and were in the habit of bringing them for sale. It may be remarked that very little care was manifested by the American commandant or magistrate within whose district these excesses were committed, to be placed in a situation to complain of them to the commandant of St. Mark's, and to send him the marks of the cattle, which would have shown from whence they came, and have tended to prevent the purchase of them. With respect to the intercourse PENSACOLA, May 14, 1818. kept up between the fort and the Indians, comIn replying to your letter of yesterday's date, plained of by General Jackson, and the excitein which, among other things connected with its ment and encouragement given them by the subject, you communicate to me the several Spaniards to commit hostilities, the charge is alpoints treated of by Major General Jackson in together inadmissible. An intercourse and good his letter of the 27th ultimo, and on which he understanding with the Indians were at all times founds his assertion that the Indians not only re- strongly recommended by the Government, and ceived succors at Appalache, but that they were never were they more necessary than in the cirexcited to commit hostilities against the forces cumstances in which we have lately been placed of the United States, and of whose movements at the fort; General Jackson having founded on they were exactly informed, I have to express them a demand of its occupation by his troops, my utter astonishment at this business, in which and suggesting that such a step could not fail to imposture and malevolence have been equally receive the approbation of His Catholic Majesty. employed to criminate the parties alluded to in In the same letter, he stated that he had been inthe General's letter. It is stated by the General, formed by an Indian woman, a prisoner, that the that, from written and other proofs obtained at hostile Indians and negroes had received considSt. John's, the number of American cattle found|erable supplies of ammunition at the fort. I pre

In testimony whereof, we have given the pres-
ent certificate, at the request of the aforesaid
Captain Calderon, at Pensacola, this 18th day of
May, 1818.


No. 32 c.

Defence of F. C. Luengo, Commandant of St. Mark's.

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