The Statutes at Large and Treaties of the United States of America, Volumen34Little, Brown., 1857 |
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America in Congress APPROVED article treaty seventh cents centum CHAP Chisago City claim clerks compensation Congress assembled contingent expenses dred eighteen hundred ending the thirtieth fifth article treaty fifty dollars fifty thousand dollars five hundred dollars forty fourth article treaty further enacted GEORGE MINOT hereby appropriated hereby authorized House of Representatives hundred and fifty hundred and fifty-eight hundred and fifty-five hundred and fifty-four hundred and fifty-six hundred and fifty-two Indian instalments John Land-Office March Martin Millett ment messenger Missouri navy otherwise appropriated paid payment pension roll Post-Office Prairie du Chien President Provided relief repairs River salary sand dollars Secretary Senate and House Sicilies stationery Territory Territory of Minnesota Territory of Nebraska thereof third article treaty thirtieth of June thousand dollars thousand eight hundred thousand five hundred thousand two hundred treasury not otherwise United Washington Washington Territory western district