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Nr. 13088. GROSSBRITANNIEN. - Der Botschafter in Petersburg an den Minister des Ausw. Graf Lamsdorff motiviert die Verzögerung der Räumung.


St. Petersburgh, April 29, 1903. (April 29.)

(Telegraphic.) Last night the United States' Ambassador had an interview with Count Lamsdorff, and showed his Excellency the report of the demands said to have been made by the Russian Legation at Peking. Count Lamsdorff expressed surprise that the Russian Government should have been suspected in any quarter of not wishing to observe the published conditions of evacuation, confirmed by the solemn assurances of the Emperor thereby incurring the risk of complications with foreign Powers and gave the Ambassador the most positive assurances that no such demands had been made by the Imperial Government. Any delay in carrying out the evacuation was due to the natural necessity of obtaining assurance that the Chinese Government was on its side fulfilling its obligations, which could be better ascertained by the Russian Minister, who was about to return to Peking, than by a Secretary temporarily in charge of the Legation. This denial was accepted by the United States' Ambassador, and he made no further representations. The instructions from his Government were as reported to your Lordship by Sir M. Herbert. | Count Lamsdorff's usual weekly reception will not take place to-day, but there now seems to be no reason why either the Japanese Minister or I should speak to his Excellency on the subject. | General Kuropatkine started on his visit to Manchuria and Japan yesterday.

Nr. 13089. JAPAN. - Der Gesandte in London an den eng

lischen Minister des Ausw. Denkschrift über die russischen Forderungen an China.

1. No portion of territory restored to China by Russia, especially at Newchwang and in the Valley of Liao-ho, shall be leased or sold to any other Power under any circumstances; if such sale or lease to other Power be concluded, Russia will take decisive steps in order to safeguard her own interests, as she considers such sale or lease to be a menace to her. || 2. The system of Government actually existing throughout Mongolia shall not be altered, as such alteration will tend to produce regrettable state of affairs as the uprising of the people and the disturbances along the Russian frontier; the utmost precaution shall be taken in that

direction. || 3. China shall engage herself not to open, of her own accord, new ports or towns in Manchuria, without giving previous notice to the Russian Government, nor shall she permit foreign Consuls to reside in those towns or ports. || 4. The authority of foreigners who may be engaged by China for the administration of any affairs whatever, shall not be permitted to extend over any affairs in Northern Provinces (including Chile), where Russia has the predominant interests. || In case China desires to engage foreigners for the administration of affairs in Northern Provinces, special offices shall be established for the control of Russians: for instance, no authority over the mining affairs of Mongolia and Manchuria shall be given to foreigners who may be engaged by China for the administration of mining affairs; such authority shall be left entirely in the hands of Russian experts. || 5. As long as there exists a telegraph line at Newchwang and Port Arthur, the Newchwang-Peking line shall be maintained, as the telegraph line at Newchwang and Port Arthur and throughout Shangkieng Province is under Russian control, and its connection with her line on the Chinese telegraph poles at Newchwang, Port Arthur, and Peking is of the utmost importance. || 6. After restoring Newchwang to the Chinese local authorities, the Customs receipts there shall, as at present, be deposited with the RussoChinese Bank. || 7. After the evacuation of Manchuria, the rights which have been acquired in Manchuria by Russian subjects and foreign Companies during Russian occupation shall remain unaffected; moreover, as Russia is duty-bound to insure the life of the people residing in all the regions traversed by the Railway, it is necessary, in order to provide against the spread of epidemic diseases in the Northern Provinces by the transportation of passengers and goods by railway train, to establish at Newchwang a quarantine office after the restoration of the place to China; the Russian Civil Administrators will consider the best means to attain that end. Russians only shall be employed at the posts of Commissioner of Customs and Customs Physician, and they shall be placed under the control of the Inspector-General of the Imperial Maritime Customs. These officials shall perform their duties conscientiously, shall protect the interests of the Imperial Maritime Customs, and shall exhaust their efforts in preventing the spread of those diseases into the Russian territories. Permanent Sanitary Board, presided by Customs Taotai, shall be established. The foreign Consuls, Commissioner of Customs, Customs Physician, and Agent of Chinese Eastern Railway Company, shall be Councillors of the Board. As regards the establishment of the Board and the management of its affairs, the Customs Taotai shall consult with

the Russian Consul, and the Customs Taotai shall devise the best means to obtain funds necessary for the purpose.

April 27, 1903.

Nr. 13090. GROSSBRITANNIEN. Der Gesandte in Peking an den Minister des Ausw. China hat die russischen Forderungen abgelehnt. Rußland stellt neue Bedingungen.

Peking, April 30, 1903. (April 30.)

(Telegraphic.) || Manchurian evacuation. || Your Lordship's telegram of the 24th instant. || I was informed by Prince Ching, at an interview which I have just had with his Highness, that Chinese Government had refused Russian conditions in an official note, and that request proffered yesterday by Russian Chargé d'Affaires, that each condition might be answered separately, had been verbally refused. A note was thereupon presented by Russian Chargé d'Affaires to the effect that his Government wished to be reassured as to the following reports: - - || 1. That therewas an intention to assimilate the administration of Mongolia to the administration at present in force in China proper. || 2. That a cession of territory to some foreign Power in the Liao River district was contemplated by China. 3. That foreign Consuls were to be appointed in other places in Manchuria with China's permission.

In reply, the Prince stated that there had never been any question of ceding territory in the Liao River district to a foreign Power, that the question of altering the administrative system of Mongolia was not under consideration for the present, as, although the matter had been discussed, the Throne had refused its assent; and that the extent of the development of the trade of Manchuria could alone decide the question of the opening of Treaty ports, and the appointment of foreign Consuls which would probably result therefrom. A note will be sent to-day embodying this reply. || This answer the Russian Chargé d'Affaires promised to communicate to his Government. He stated that the delay in the evacuation was due to the military party in Russia, but he thought that the explanations given would suffice to allay their anxiety, and added that in his opinion Newchwang would shortly be evacuated.

Nr. 13091. GROSSBRITANNIEN. - Der Minister des Ausw. an

den Gesandten in Peking. Wünscht Nachrichten

über die Zölle von Niutschwang.

Foreign Office, April 30, 1903.

(Telegraphic.) || Newchwang Customs. || Please inform me what the exact position of the revenues in after they have been paid into the Russo-Chinese Bank. || Considering the fact that Maritime Customs revenues are assigned to loans and balance to indemnity, how were Chinese Government justified in consenting to the deduction of the Railway claim?


Der Minister des Ausw. an den Botschafter in Petersburg. Erklärung des russischen Botschafters über die Räumung.

Foreign Office, May 1, 1903.

Sir, || The Russian Ambassador called upon me to-day, and, in reply to the inquiries which I had addressed to him on the 29th April (see my despatch of the 29th ultimo), made to me a statement to the following effect: The information which had reached the British Government as to the conditions required for the evacuation of Manchuria was not at all correct. || The discussions which are proceeding at Peking concern Manchuria alone, and have reference to certain guarantees which are indispensable for the purpose of securing the most important Russian interests in the province, after the withdrawal of the troops. || As for measures which might tend to excluding foreign Consuls, or obstructing foreign commerce and the use of ports, such measures are far from entering into the intention of the Imperial Government. || They consider, on the contrary, that the development of foreign commerce is one of the main objects for which the Russian Government have undertaken the construction of lines of railway in that part of the world. || I thanked his Excellency for his communication, which would, I told him, be received with satisfaction in this country. Lansdowne.


den Minister des Ausw.

Der Gesandte in Peking an
Antwort auf Nr. 13091.
Peking, May 2, 1903. (May 2.)

(Telegraphic.) || With reference to your Lordship's telegram of the 30th ultimo. I learn from Manager of Russo-Chinese Bank that, by

order of Russian Government, the Newchwang customs revenues are paid into the bank; and that until orders are received from St. Petersburgh as to their disposal, they will be held in deposit. The Chinese Government will eventually be rendered an account of them. The sources of revenue named in the Protocol are not specially devoted to the purpose of indemnity payments, though they are considered as securities in case. of default. These payments are furnished by the various provinces, and each province is held responsible for a fixed amount. The present mode of payment has not been objected to by any Power.

Nr. 13094. GROSSBRITANNIEN. - Der Minister des Ausw. an den Gesandten in Peking. Welche Küstenzölle in Niutschwang bleiben frei von russischer Kontrolle?

Foreign Office, May 2, 1903.

(Telegraphic.) || Newchwang customs. || With reference to your telegram of to-day, please let me know whether customs revenues will be free from Russian control after evacuation, into what bank they will be paid, and whether they will be paid to the credit of the Chinese Government.


Der Gesandte in Peking an den Minister des Ausw. Antwort auf das vorige.

Peking, May 3, 1903. (May 3.)

(Telegraphic.) || Manchuria. Your Lordship's telegram of yesterday. || The subject of No. 6 of the conditions denied by Russia is the question of the banking of the Newchwang customs after evacuation, and condition is as follows: -,,The Russo-Chinese Bank will continue to fulfil, as at present, the functions of the Customs Bank at Newchwang after the transfer of that port to the Chinese Administration."

Nr. 13096. GROSSBRITANNIEN. - Der Minister des Ausw. an den Gesandten in Peking. Die Küstenzölle sollen nicht in die russisch-chinesische Bank gezahlt werden.

Foreign Office, May 4, 1903.

(Telegraphic.) || Newchwang customs revenues. Your telegram of the 3rd May. You should keep the point before the Chinese Government.

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