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burg. Baron Rosen added that he had not yet received any instructions on the subject of the Counter-Proposals. Consequently you are instructed to see Count Lamsdorff as soon as possible, and after explaining to him Baron Rosen's statements as above, you will say that the Japanese Government are anxious to proceed with the negotiations with all possible expedition; and you will urge him to exert his influence to secure the early dispatch of instructions to Baron Rosen in order that then egotiations may be resumed and concluded without delay.

Nr. 13177. JAPAN.-Kurino an Komura. - Die Krankheit der Zarin behindert die Verhandlungen. Die Schwäche

der chinesischen Regierung ist nach Lamsdorff die größte Schwierigkeit.

Petersburg, November 22nd, 1903. (Received, November 23rd, 1903.) (Telegram.) || I saw Count Lamsdorff on the 22nd November. He said that the modifications are already in the hands of the Emperor; but on account of the illness of the Empress, the former does not attend to any business affairs; hence the delay. I asked him to use his best endeavours to obtain the earliest possible Imperial order on the question. He said in reply that it will be better for me to write him a note giving the purport of instructions I have received from you; then he will immediately send it to the Emperor. At the end of the conversation I asked whether it is not possible for me to get some information about the modifications proposed by Admiral Alexieff. He seemed rather puzzled to give a direct answer; but he said that the Russian Government are ready to enter into immediate agreement with Japan regarding Korea, even making large concessions, but as to Manchuria, Russia once took possession of the country by right of conquest; nevertheless, she is willing to restore it to China, but with certain guarantees assuring security to the enormous interests which Russia has in Manchuria. While China is still insisting upon her refusal to give such guarantees, it is not possible for Russia to come to any arrangement with a third Power respecting Manchuria, as the question is exclusively between the two countries concerned. Then I said that if I accurately judge the nature of our proposition, it is not the intention of the Japanese Government to interfere with direct negotiations between the two Governments concerned as may be seen from the first part of Article VII of our last proposition, but we only wish the independence and integrity of China as repeatedly declared on the part of Russia and security for our important interests

in that province. This is not for the purpose of interfering with the affairs of the two Powers concerned, but only with prevent misunderstanding between Russia and Japan regarding the province where both Powers have some interest; and I added that if in principle such an entente could in some form or other be arrival at, perhaps even negotiations between Russia and China might be more easely carried out. He thereupon repeated his request for me to write him a note as above mentioned, and that I should add my own opinion in it, and that he would immediately send it to the Emperor. He told me that he expects to have audience on the 25th November at Skernevice and that the note could be send to him towards this evening. I judge from the tone of Count Lamsdorff's conversation that the modifications proposed by Admiral Alexieff will not be favourable to our proposition regarding China and Manchuria.

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Nr. 13178. JAPAN. Komura an Kurino. schleunigung der Verhandlungen.

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Tokyo, November 28th, 1903. (Telegram.) You report in your telegram of November 22nd that Count Lamsdorff expected to have audience of the Emperor on the 25th instant. Accordingly you are instructed to see Count Lamsdorff as soon as possible and ask him what action has been taken regarding further instructions to Baron Rosen.

Nr. 13179. JAPAN. - Kurino an Komura. Krankheit der


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Petersburg, November 27 th, 1903. (Received, November 28th, 1903.) (Telegram.) || Count Lamsdorff told me he did not see the Emperor November 25th, on account of the sickness of the Empress. Interior inflammation of her right ear has necessitated an operation. He said that he immediately despatched to the Emperor my note mentioned in my telegram of November 22nd.


Nr. 13180. JAPAN. - Komura an Kurino. Soll dringend Beschleunigung verlangen.

Tokyo, December 1st. 1903. (Telegram.) || The Japanese Government have from the first attached the highest importance to a speedy solution of the questions which form

at this time the subject of negotiations between Japan and Russia. It seemed to them that in a matter of such vital moment as that which engages the attention of the Cabinets of Tokyo and St. Petersburg, a quick conclusion was only second in importance to a satisfactory conclusion. Consistently with that view the Japanese Government have at all times during the progress of the negotiations made it a special point to give prompt answers to all propositions of the Russian Government. The negotiations have now been pending for no less than four months, and they have not yet reached a stage where the final issue can with certainty be predicted. In these circumstances the Japanese Government cannot but regard with grave concern the situation for which the delays. in negotiations are largely responsible. You are instructed to see Count Lamsdorff as soon as possible and place the foregoing considerations before him in such form and manner as to make your representations as impressive as possible. You will add that the Japanese Government believe they are rendering service to the general interest in thus frankly explaining to the Russian Government the actual state of things.

Nr. 13181. JAPAN.-Kurino an Komura. Beratungen innerhalb der russischen Regierung.

Petersburg, December 2nd, 1903. (Received, December 3rd, 1903.) (Telegram.) || I heard that the Russian Government are still repeatedly communicating with Admiral Alexieff.

Nr. 13182. JAPAN. - Derselbe an Denselben. Lamsdorff verspricht Beschleunigung der Verhandlungen.

Petersburg, December 4th, 1903. (Received, December 4th, 1903.) (Telegram.) || Count Lamsdorff received me on the night of December 3rd. I handed him a French translation of your telegram of December 1st together with a letter which I addressed to him expressing fully the pressing situation under which the Japanese Government are now labouring. He said that the question requires consideration still, and he is in communication with Admiral Alexieff; but the Emperor is to return. December 5th, and he said that he will fully explain the urgency of the matter on the occasion of his audience on the following Tuesday. He thinks he will then be able to send instructions to Baron Rosen. To my question whether it is not possible for him to have audience at an earlier date, he said that Saturday is the fête of Crown Prince, no business is

transacted on Sunday, and he will be occupied with other affairs on Monday. He promised to let me know the result of his audience next Wednesday.

Nr. 13183. JAPAN.-Derselbe an Denselben. - Binnen wenigen Tagen soll ein neues russisches Projekt eingereicht werden.

Petersburg, December 9th, 1903. (Received, December 10th, 1903.) (Telegram.) || Count Lamsdorff told me December 9th that an Imperial order had been sent yesterday to Admiral Alexieff and Baron Rosen to continue the negotiations in accordance with the Counter-Proposals of Admiral Alexieff, but that the Japanese propositions have been fully considered. I asked whether he could inform me of the nature of the propositions on which Baron Rosen is authorized to continue the negotiations. He said that they will be officially communicated within two or three days through Baron Rosen to the Japanese Government.

Nr. 13184. JAPAN.-Komura an Kurino. - Russisches Grenzprojekt. Schweigt über Mandschurei.

Tokyo, December 12th, 1903.

(Telegram.) | Baron Rosen called on me December 11th and under instructions of his Government, officially presented to me the following Counter-Proposals of the Russian Government in reply to our definitive amendments as stated in my telegram of October 30th:

1. Mutual engagement to respect the independence and territorial integrity of the Korean Empire.


Recognition by Russia of Japan's preponderating interests in Korea and of the right of Japan to assist Korea with advice tending to improve the civil administration.


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Engagement on the part of Russia not to oppose the development of the industrial and commercial activities of Japan in Korea, nor the adoption of measures for the protection of those interests.


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Recognition by Russia of the right of Japan to send troops. to Korea for the purpose mentioned in the preceding Article, or for the purpose of suppressing insurrections or disorders capable of creating international complications.

5. Mutual engagement not to make use of any part of the Korean territory for strategical purposes and not to undertake on the Korean

coast any military works capable of menacing the freedom of navigation in the Straits of Korea.


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Mutual engagement to consider the territory of Korea to the north of the 39th parallel as a neutral zone, within the limits of which neither of the Contracting Parties shall introduce troops.

7. Mutual engagement not to impede the connection of the Korean and East China Railways, when those railways shall have been extended to the Yalu.

8. Abrogation of all previous Agreements between Russia and Japan respecting Korea.

Nr. 13185. JAPAN. Komura an Kurino.

Übersendet eine

Verbalnote an Lamsdorff mit Amendements zum vorigen.

Tokyo, December 21st, 1903.

(Telegram.) || In an interview with the Russian Minister, December 21st, I pointed out the fundamental difference in territorial compass between Japan's original proposals and Russia's new Counter-Proposals, and after fully explaining the reasons which induced the Japanese Government to believe it to be desirable in the general interest to include in the proposed understanding all regions in the Extreme East where the interests of the two Empires meet, I expressed the hope that the Russian Government would reconsider their position regarding that branch of the question. I also informed him fully respecting the amendments which Japanese Government consider it necessary to introduce into Russia's new Counter-Proposals. Accordingly, in order to remove every possibility of misunderstanding on the part of Russia respecting the attitude of the Japanese Government, you are instructed to deliver to Count Lamsdorff a Note Verbale to the following effect:

,,The Imperial Government have examined with great care and attention the new Russian Counter-Proposals of the 11th inst. They regret to find that the Imperial Government did not see their way in those proposals to give to the compass of the suggested understanding the same territorial extension as was deemed essential by Japan. The Imperial Government, in their original invitation to the Imperial Russian Government in August last, endeavoured to make it entirely clear that they desired, with a view to remove from their relations with the Imperial Russian Government every cause for future misunderstanding, to bring within the purview of the proposed arrangement all those regions in the Extreme East

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