The Works of Edmund SpenserMacmillan, 1940 - 736 páginas |
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91 páginas coinciden con Edmund Spenser en este libro.
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Resultados 1-3 de 91
A GENTLE Knight was pricking on the plaine | ix |
MAGNIFICKE Lord whose vertues excellent | 5 |
Derechos de autor | |
Otras 7 secciones no mostradas
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Términos y frases comunes
amongst Archimago armes Artegall beast beautie behold bowre brest Britomart brought Calidore chaunce Colin cruell Dame Damzell daunger deare death delight despight devize dight doest doth dreadfull Edmund Spenser Eftsoones Elfin knight eternall evermore eyes Faerie Queene faire faire Ladies farre fayre feare flowre Gabriel Harvey gentle goodly grace griefe grone Guyon hand hart hast hath heaven heavenly hight himselfe honour knight Lady late light litle living Lord Mayd mightie mote Muses nigh noble nought Nymphes paine poet powre Prince quoth rest sayd seemd seeme selfe shame shee Shepheardes Calendar shepheards shew shield shyning sight Sith skie sonne soone sore speach Spenser spide spright steed straunge streight Sunne sweet thee thence thereof theyr things thou trew unto vaine vertue weene whilest whilome wight wize wonne wont wound wretched wyde yron