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This machine is a special adaptation of Aveling and Porter's ordinary Road Locomotive to the purpose of road rolling, and in its design and construction every improvement suggested by long experience has been adopted.


The engine is carried upon four rollers of equal width, as shown in the engraving, the two hind ones acting as drivers, and the two in front as steering rollers. These latter cover the space between the two drivingrollers, and are made slightly conical in order that on the ground line they may run close together while leaving room above their axle for the vertical shaft which connects them to the engine, and which serves to support the forward part of the boiler; at the same time play is given to the vertical shaft for the rollers to accommodate themselves to the curved surface of the road. The machine can be turned round in little more than its own length, thus enabling it to roll steep hills without injury to the fire-box, while retaining the manifold practical advantages of the horizontal over the vertical boiler for locomotive purposes: amongst which may be enumerated absence of priming, economy in fuel, wear and tear, and much lower centre of gravity. It may be also noted as important features of these rollers that they are adapted for driving stone-breakers or other fixed machinery most economically when not required for rolling and for use as traction engines. They are managed by one person.

With each Roller the following free extras are supplied: feed oil can, box spanner and set of spanners, screw-hammer, two gauge glasses and washers, set of firing irons, and tube brush and rod.

Aveling and Porter introduced the Steam Road Roller in the year 1868 and have since then manufactured a great number of them. Among other places they are now working in London, Edinburgh, Liverpool Manchester, Birmingham, Leeds, Sheffield, Bradford, Hull, Huddersfield, Newcastle-on-Tyne, Brighton Darlington, Middlesbro', Blackpool, Kidderminster, Walsall. New York, Philadelphia, Chicago, Washington Newhaven, Auburn, Hartford, Newark, Richmond, Bridgeport, St. Louis, Pittsburgh, Wilmington, Rochester Berlin. Vienna. Pesth. Milan. Christiania. Stockholm. India. Canada. South America. Australi

West Indies.

The utility of road rolling is now generally appreciated, and when it is affirmed that a saving of 40 or 5 per cent. in the cost of road repairs results from the employment of steam rollers, there seems little need f

prefacing the description of the rollers themselves with observations upo. the economy of using them. The reason of the great saving is obvious; the road being made for the traffic and not by it, the expenditure of material is diminished; the stones, instead of being left loosely upon the surface to encounter the grinding lateral pressure of the wheels, are forced by direct vertical pressure into the bed prepared for them, along with a binding material that fills up the interstices and-affording support for the stones-keeps them in position with one surface only exposed to the abrading action of the wheels; the whole coating is consolidated, and there remains a surface hard and smooth enough to resist the disintegrating action of rain or frost.

Municipal authorities, contractors, and others can be furnished on application with a pamphlet containing full details of sizes, weights, and prices of the various rollers made by Aveling and Porter, together with official reports from the several towns working them.

Prizes:-Gold Medal at Beauvais (France), 1869; Silver Medal from the Royal Agricultural Society at Manchester, 1869; Gold Medal at Lille (France), 1870.

Barnard, Bishop, and Barnards, Norfolk Iron Works, Norwich, England.

Registered Slow Combustion Stoves, Fire Baskets with Andirons, patterns of Andirons, Sun Flowers in wrought iron and wrought brass, supplied to the British Staff Quarters. Garden Chairs, Lounges, and Tables of wrought and cast iron, in various designs, some of the lounges and chairs having canopies; supplied for the gardens and grounds adjoining the Staff Quarters.

DESCRIPTION of an ORNAMENTAL PAVILION in Cast and Wrought Iron, designed by Thomas Jeckyll, Esq., 5, St. George's Terrace, Queen's Gate, London, manufactured by this firm, and exhibited by them in the main Building.

This Pavilion, which is intended for use upon a Lawn, or Ornamental Grounds, is 35 feet long by 18 feet wide, by 35 feet high to the extreme ridge. It is mounted upon a Dais of four steps. It has two Floors, the upper of which is reached by a Spiral Staircase. It is supported by 28 square columns placed 2 feet 6 inches apart.

The Ornament in the shafts of these columns is of a very rich and varied character. At a height of 7 feet 6 inches from the ground, a Transom Bar connects the columns. The lower Verandah is supported by castiron Brackets, firmly secured to the columns.

The outlines of these Brackets are in all cases alike, but the enrichment of their spandrils is varied by basreliefs, the subjects of which are studies from the "Apple Blossom, with flying Birds," "Whitethorn with Pheasants," "Scotch Fir with Jays," "Sunflower," "Chrysanthemum, Narcissus, Daisy and Grass, with a Crane and rising Lark," &c., &c. These brackets further support the Gutter and Cresting of the lower roof. The Cresting forms a wavy line which is surmounted at intervals by Fans richly carved, having for their subjects studies from the Rose, Honeysuckle, Chrysanthemum, Hydrangia, &c. Between each Column, beneath the Transom Bar is a richly-carved pendent ornament forming an arch. Above the Transom Bar, ind between it and the Gutter, are richly-carved open-work key pattern Panels, in which are numerous medallions of various designs, being studies from Butterflies, Bees, Birds, Fish, with many quaint and eometrical patterns.

The upper floor is surrounded by a wrought-iron Balcony Railing, 4 feet high, of a light and severe design, ibiting how much grace can be produced by mere straight lines when they are properly arranged. The upper roof is supported in its turn by 20 columns of a similar design to the lower ones. These are Lected by a Transom Bar, above which is a rich open-work fish-scale Panel supporting the upper Gutter, th Cresting and Fans of a like character to the lower ones. The Brackets, however, upon these Columns. of a different outline to the lower ones, and the spandrils are filled with many designs of a bolder character.

Between each Bracket, both upper and lower, is a richly ornamented Ceiling of a combined floral and geometrical pattern, the Chrysanthemum being taken as the type of its ornament.

The Roof, (the rafters of which are of wrought Tee iron,) is covered with zinc, in curved tiles, and is surmounted by an elaborately carved Cresting. The Fascia and pendent ornament beneath the Balcony, and overhanging the lower roof, is of a quaint and effective design.

One of the most important and novel features of this work is the Railing which surrounds the entire building. This is 4 feet 6 inches high, and is entirely of wrought iron. The Sunflower has been taken as the type of its ornament. The Railing is divided into 72 panels, each of which is occupied by a Sunflower 3 feet 6 inches high, the flower itself being 11 inches in diameter, having carefully veined leaves, six in number to each flower.

The appearance of this Railing is of a most striking and unusual character, and as a piece of workmanship it is believed to be unrivalled of its kind.

Want of time has prevented the Pavilion being finished in its entirety, but it is intended, when completed, to have a rich ceiling to the upper and lower compartments composed of cast iron Panels in bas-relief, and the upper floor will be approached by an ornamental Staircase in cast-iron. Whilst upon exhibition at Philadelphia,

the Ceilings and the upper portion of the walls of the Interior will be covered by a silken cloth having rich embroidery upon it, specially designed by Mr. Jeckyll, and executed at the Royal School of Art Needlework. In this the Horse Chestnut, Cranes, and various Birds form the elements of decoration.

Cooper & Holt, 48, 49, 50, Bunhill Row, London, E.C. The Furniture in the house of the British Commission, in Fairmount Park, comprising Sideboards, Dining and other Tables; a Patent Reversible Oak Billiard and Dining Table and Cue Stand; Stuffed Lounges, Settees, and Chairs; the Cabinets, the Carved Oak and Walnut Mantel Pieces and fittings for the Offices and Staff Quarters have been also supplied by this Firm.

Daniell, A. B., & Son, Manufacturers of China and every description of Earthenware, by Specia Appointment to Her Majesty, 46, Wigmore Street, London, W. Dinner, Dessert, Tea and Coffee Service"Fine Art" Porcelain, Pottery, and Ornamental Vases, for decoration of the apartments, Toilett Services, &c., all supplied for the use of the Executive at British Commission House and Staff Quarters is Fairmount Park.

Eastwood & Co., Limited, Belvedere Road, Lambeth, London, S.E. Lime, Cement, and Brick Manu facturers and Merchants, Makers also of Portland Cement (from the Medway earth and grey chalk Red and Blue Broseley Roofing Tiles, Red Terra-Cotta Chimney Shafts, as supplied for the British Executi Staff Quarters. Staffordshire Blue Chequered Pavements and Blue Bricks. White Glazed Bricks a Tiles. Adamantine and other Stable Clinkers. Sanitary Glazed and Drain Pipes. Red and White Suffo Facing Bricks. Shoebury Malm Bricks. Stourbridge, Newcastle, and Welsh Fire Bricks, Lumps, and Til Moulded Bricks of all Patterns. Red Yorkshire Paving and Roofing Tiles. Roofing Slates. Roman an Parian Cement. Bristol Tempered Lime, and all descriptions of Builders Goods.

Elkington & Co., Manufacturing Silversmiths, and the Original Patentees of the Electro-Plate, Regent Street, and 45, Moorgate Street, London; 25, Church Street, Liverpool; St. Anne's Square, Ma chester; Manufactory and Show Rooms, Newhall Street, Birmingham.

Decorative Table Plate relieved with Electro Gold and Oxydised Silver, Gold and Silver Damascer

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These Boilers are contributed by the makers at the request of the Executive Commissioners for the British Section, to enable them to exhibit a type and form of Steam Boiler of acknowledged excellence, and which is extensively used in Great Britain; and at the same time to supply steam to the engines in connection with the British Section.

This form of boiler is known as the "Galloway Boiler," and has been in use in England for upwards of 25 years. It is regarded as the most economical and efficient steam generator now made, having rapidly superseded the ordinary Cornish plain cylindrical boiler, with one circular flue running from end to end, and the Lancashire boiler, which is of a similar description, but having two flues instead of one.

The construction of the "Galloway Boiler" will be readily understood by examining the model which is placed in the British boiler house. It will be seen that in the cylindrical shell is placed an internal flue nsisting of two furnaces at the front end, united into one back flue of an irregular oval form.



This flue constitutes the chief feature in the "Galloway Boiler," and in it are placed 33 conical water tubes, each 10in. diameter at the top or large end, and 54in. diameter at the lower end, fixed in an upright position, in such a way as to support the flue, and to intercept and break up the flame and heated gases, when passing from the fire-grate or furnaces to the chimney. Along the sides of the flues there are also placed several wrought iron stops or bafflers, which deflect the currents of heated air and cause them to impinge against the tubes, so as to absorb all the available heat possible.

The conical water pipes, or "Galloway Tubes" as they are now generally called, present a direct heating surface to the action of the flame, &c., this effects a great saving of fuel; they also promote rapid circulation of water, and thereby maintain that uniform temperature which is so essential to the durability and safety of all steam boilers. Unequal expansion or contraction is avoided, and its attendant evils; undue strains and eventual rupture.

An important improvement has just been effected in the construction of the original Galloway boiler, which the makers have patented, and which is introduced in the three boilers now exhibited.

This improvement consists in the arching of the bottom part of the oval back flue, by means of which greater facilities are furnished for cleaning and examining the lower part of boiler when required.

A further advantage is also obtained by having the conical tubes all radiating from one centre, they are consequently one uniform length, and are interchangeable.

The three boilers here shown are each 28ft. long by 7ft. diameter, and are made suitable for an ordinary working pressure of 75 lbs. to the square inch. The shell or casing is made of Bessemer steel plates -in. thick, double riveted in the longitudinal seams. Each of these boilers is capable of supplying steam to drive a condensing engine indicating 300 horse-power.

The two furnaces are each 2ft. 9 in. diameter by 7ft. 6in. long, made of steel plates in three rings, flanged and riveted together so as to prevent any seam or rivet heads being exposed to the action of the fire.

The mountings or boiler fittings include all the modern and most approved appliances for the safe and economical working of the boilers, as now worked in England, viz.:


Wrought iron furnace-frames and doors, fitted with slides and baffle plates, to regulate the admission of air to the combustion chamber, and to prevent smoke. Fusible plugs are also placed in the crown of each furnace as a safe-guard against overheating, in case the water within the boiler should be reduced below the safe line of working.

Wrought iron solid welded manhole, Water Gauges in duplicate, Steam Pressure Gauge, Check Feed Valve, Brass Blow-off Cock, Scum Apparatus, for collecting and discharging any impurities in the water within the boiler, Steam Junction Valve, Dead Weight Safety Valve, Lever Safety Valve, and low water and high steam Alarm Whistles, &c.

With these boilers the makers also exhibit three "Galloway" or Cone Tubes, similar to those fixed in the oval flues, but which are now being very largely introduced into both single and double flued boilers, a model of which is also exhibited.

These tubes are welded and flanged from one plate, and can be formed to suit any size of flue or combustion chamber.

When applied to single or double flued boilers they are generally fixed crosswise, sc as to present as large and direct a heating surface as possible to the flame and heated gases passing through the boiler.

These tubes not only promote a saving of fuel ranging from 15 to 20 per cent

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