CLASS 542.-Types and type-setting machines. Typewriting machines. CLASS 543.-Printers' furniture. CLASS 544.-Book-binding machines. CLASS 545.-Paper-folding machines. CLASS 546.-Paper and card-cutting machines. MOTORS AND APPARATUS FOR THE GENERATION AND TRANSMISSION OF POWER. CLASS 550.-Boilers and all steam or gas-generating apparatus for motive purposes. CLASS 551.-Water-wheels, water-engines, hydraulic rams, wind-mills. CLASS 552.—Steam, air, or gas engines, electro-magnetic engines. CLASS 553.-Apparatus for the transmission of power, shafting, belting, cables, transmission of power by compressed air, etc., gearing, cables. CLASS 554.-Screw propellers, wheels for the propulsion of vessels, and other motors. CLASS 555.-Implements and apparatus used in connexion with motors, steam gauges, manometers, etc. HYDRAULIC AND PNEUMATIC APPARATUS, PUMPING, HOISTING, AND LIFTING. CLASS 560.-Pumps and apparatus for lifting and moving liquids. CLASS 561.-Pumps and apparatus for moving and compressing air or gas. CLASS 562.-Pumps and blowing engines, blowers, and ventilating apparatus. CLASS 563.-Hydraulic jacks, presses, elevators, lifts, meters, cranes. CLASS 564.-Fire engines, hand, steam, or chemical, and fire-extinguishing apparatus, hose, ladders, fire-escapes, etc. CLASS 565.-Beer-engines, soda-water machines, bottling apparatus, corking-machines. CLASS 566.-Stop valves, cocks, pipes, etc. CLASS 567.-Diving apparatus and machinery. CLASS 568.-Ice machines. RAILWAY PLANT, ROLLING STOCK, AND APPARATUS. CLASS 570.-Locomotives, models, drawings, plans, etc. CLASS 571.-Carriages, waggons, trucks, cars, etc. DEPARTMENT VI.-AGRICULTURE. ARBORICULTURE AND FOREST PRODUCTS. CLASS 600.-Timber and trunks of trees, entire or in transverse or truncated sections, with specimens of barks, leaves, flowers, seed vessels, and seed. Masts, spars, knees, longitudinal sections of trees, railway ties, ship timber, lumber roughly sawn; as planks, shingles, lath, and staves. Timber and lumber prepared in various ways to resist decay and combustion; as by injection of salts of copper and zinc. CLASS 601.-Ornamental woods used in decorating and for furniture; as veneers of mahogany, rosewood, ebony, walnut, maple, and madrona. CLASS 602.--Dye-woods, barks, and galls for colouring and tanning. CLASS 603.-Gums, resins, caoutchouc, gutta percha, vegetable wax. CLASS 604.-Lieliens, mosses, fungi, pulu, ferns. CLASS 605.-Seeds, nuts, etc., for food and ornamental purposes. CLASS 606.-Forestry. - Illustrations of the art of planting, managing, and protecting forests. Statistics. MARINE ANIMALS, FISH CULTURE, AN APPARATUS. CLASS 640.-Marine mammals.-Seals, cetaceans, et specimens living in aquaria, or stuffed, salt preserved in alcohol, or otherwise. CLASS 641.-Fishes, living or preserved. CLASS 642.-Pickled fish, and parts of fish used i food. CLASS 643.-Crustaceans, echinoderms, beche de n CLASS 644.-Mollusks, oysters, clams, etc., used i food. CLASS 645.--Shells, corals, and pearls. CLASS 646.--Whalebone, shagreen, fish-glue, ising las sounds, fish oil. CLASS 647.-Instruments and apparatus of fishin Nets, baskets, hooks, and other apparatus used catching fish. CLASS 648.-Fish culture. Aquaria, hatching pool vessels for transporting roe and spawn, and oti apparatus used in fish breeding, culture, preservation. ANIMAL AND VEGETABLE PRODUCTS. (Used as food or as materials.) CLASS 650.-Sponges, sea-weed, and other growt used for food or in the arts. CLASS 651.--The dairy.-Milk, cream, butter, chee- CLASS 655.-Animal perfumes; as musk, civet, a bergris. CLASS 656.-Preserved meats, vegetables, and frui Dried, or in cans or jars. Meat and vegeta CLASS 658.-Starch and similar products. CLASS 659.-Sugar and syrups. CLASSIFICATION. CLASS 660.-Wines, alcohol, and malt liquors. TEXTILE SUBSTANCES OF VEGETABLE OR CLASS 665-Cotton on the stem, in the boll, ginned, CLASS 666.-Hemp, flax, jute, ramie, etc., in primitive CLASS 667.--Wool in the fleece, carded and in bales. CLASS 669.-Hair, bristles. MACHINES, IMPLEMENTS, AND PROCESSES - CLASS 670.-Tillage. Manual implements, spades, manure drills. CLASS 672.-Harvesting.-Manual implements; grain Animal-power cradles, sickles, reaping hooks. and headers. Mowers, machinery, reapers Potato diggers. CLASS 673.-Preparatory to marketing.-Thrashers, CLASS 675.-Dairy fittings and appliances.-Churns ADMINISTRATION. CLASS 680.-Laying out and improving farms.-Clear- CLASS 682.-Transportation.-Wagons, carts, sleds, CLASS 683.-Farm buildings.-Models and drawings TILLAGE AND GENERAL MANAGEMENT. manures. CLASS 692.-Systems of breeding and stock-feeding. |