Cl. 217. Cl. 217, 327. Cl. 217, 255. Cl. 217. CL. 217. Cl. 218. Cl. 218, $22. Cl. 219, Cl. 219, 223, 453. Cl. 219. Stands with bevelled and polished Edges; Reflecting Lamps for Shop Windows; Morocco Watch, Bracelet, Brooch, Earring, Ring, Pin, and Stud Cases; Velvet Cases, Velvet Stands for Exhibiting Jewellery and Works of Art. (231) Howard & Sons, Cabinet Makers and Upholsterers, 25, 26, and 27, Berners Street, Oxford Street, London, W. Household Furniture, Decorations, and Flooring. (232) Collmann, Leonard W., 67, George Street, Portman Square, London, W. oblique grand Cottage Piano (Broadwood's Works), in Carved Satinwood Case. A Music Stool to match. (233) Exhibitor, London, 1862 (Hon. Mention); 1873 (Medal); Paris, 1873 (Medal). An Sage, Frederick, 80 to 84, Gray's Inn Road, London, W.C. Air-tight Show Cases on improved principle, Velvet Show Stand for Jewellers' Windows; both exhibited for design and workmanship. Bronze fittings. Specimens of glass bevelling. (234) Exhibitor, Vienna, 1873 (Diploma of Merit). Watson & Son, of Bombay, care of J. WATSON & SON, Moorgate Street Chambers, City, London, E.C. Indian Furniture. (235) Doulton & Watts. See Cl. 210. Storer, Joseph, Engineer, Stamford Brook, Hammersmith. Inventor of Selfacting Table Fountains. (236) Gill, James, Engraver, 66, Regent Street, Lambeth, S.E. Specimens of general engraving, or art applied to decorate silver or other precious metals. (237) Lafargue, Paul, Doctor, 27, South Hill Park, Hampstead, London, N.W. Engravings on metals and marbles, plaques for cabinet and artistic furniture, interior decoration (panelling, &c.). (238) Kerr, Edward, Brass Founder and Coppersmith, 7, Merville Terrace, Gilford Place, North Strand, Dublin. Kerr's Improved Process of decorating Glass for Household and Ecclesiastical purposes, &c.; Kerr's (Patent) Safety Farmer's Wind Proof Stable Lamps for Kerosene or any mineral oil, burning without either glasses or globes. (239) MacIntosh, James, Imitator of Woods and Marbles, and Artist Decorator, 38, Langham Street, London, W. Decorative Doors and Panels, inlaid with imitation woods, precious stones, ivory, &c. Imitations of Woods and Marbles. Decorative Designs. Decorative Paperhanging. (240) Zobel, Charles Ferdinand Julius, Ornamental and Art Metal Worker, 139, Euston Road, London, N.W. Architectural and Artistic Hammer Work in Metal; Retriever, repoussé work in Zinc, Bouquet of flowers hammered, in Copper and Zinc; Two architectural models hammered, in Zine; Aloe plant hammered in zinc, and painted to imitate nature. Conjuring Apparatus in Metal. (241) Exhibitor, Royal Academy, Berlin (3 Silver Medals); Berlin, 1844 (Bronze Medal); London, 1851 (Bronze Medal); Munich, 1854 (Medal of Honour); London, Workmen's Exhibition, 1865 (Silver Medal); 1866 (Bronze Medal); Paris, 1867 (Bronze Medal); London, 1870 (Silver Cross); The Society of Arts 1865 (Prize for Hammerwork). Engert, A. C., & Co., Patent Machinemade Ornamented Moulding Manufacturers, 75 and 82, City Road, and 31 and 32, Tabernacle Row, London, E.C. Ornamented mouldings for Picture Frames and Architectural Decorations in continuous lengths. (242) Exhibitors, London, 1874 (Medal); Paris Maritime Exhibition, 1875 (Silver Medal). Hieronimus, W., Manufacturer of Patent Washable Gilt Mouldings, &c., 19 and 53, City Road, London, E.C. Patterns of frame mouldings, window cornices, decorating mouldings, &c. (243) Exhibitor, Dublin, 1865 (First-class Medal); Stettin, 1865 (Prize Medal). Steel & Garland, Stove, Grate, and Fender Manufacturers, Wharncliffe Works, Sheffield. Burnished Steel Grates, with enriched Porcelain Tiles; Fenders; Encaustic Tile hearths; Hot-air Stoves, with China Tiles; Fire Irons, Independent Fire Iron Rests for Tile hearths, Dog Grates for Turf Fires, &c. (244) Exhibitors, London, 1862 (Hon. Mention); Paris, 1867 (Hon. Mention). Feetham, Mark, & Co., Stove Makers, Engineers, Artistic Metal Workers, &c., 9, Clifford Street, London, W. Stoves and grates for warming rooms, with fenders, fire irons, and other appliances; decorated china applied to fireplaces. (245) Exhibitors, London, 1851, 1862, 1873 (Medals); Paris, 1855 and 1867 (Medals); Vienna, 1873 (Medal for Merit). Cl. 219, 443. Cl. 220. Cl. 220. Cl. 222. Cl. 222. Heaps & Wheatley, Manufacturers of CI. 222. Patent Cooking and other Stoves, Aire and Cl. 222. Cl. 222, 503. Cl. 222. Cl. 222. Calder Stove Works, Brotherton, Yorkshire. "The Perfect Cooking Stove," portable, heated by petroleum, or other oils. "The Perfect Gas Stove," boiling water, steaming vegetables, and roasting meat all at the same time with two gas burners only; also portable circulating hot water boilers, &c. (246) Exhibitors, Pontefract Annual Show, 1875 (Silver Medal); Yorkshire Exhibition at Leeds, 1875 (Medal for Special and General Utility); Paris Maritime Exhibition, 1875 (Bronze Medal). Perkins, A. M., & Son, Civil Engineers, Seaford Street, Regent Square, Gray's Inn Road, London, E.C. Steam oven for marine use. IN MACHINERY HALL. (247) Gregory, James, Cooking Apparatus Manufacturer, South Park, Lincoln. Agricul tural Labourer's Patent Cooking Apparatus, Patent Lime Trough, Patent Lime Plunger, Patent Mortar Temperer, Patent Upward Fire Escape, continuous Screw Hoist. Patent Downward Fire Escape, Continuous Screw. Patent Hoist. (248) Exhibitor, London, 1873, 1874 (Medals); Vienna, 1873 (Diploma of Merit). Thornton, Ebenezer, Ironmonger, Hot Water and Gas Engineer, 12, Richmond Road, Bradford, Yorkshire. Patent Domestic Cooking Stove, may be heated by gas or solid fuel as coal, wood, &c., having two 'ovens, the upper one heated by the draught before it enters the chimney; Patent Boiler behind to keep 300 gallons of water at or near boiling point for Baths, &c.; Hot Plate for Boiling Utensils, and small open fire for Roasting. IN MACHINERY HALL. (249) Exhibitor, Cheetham Mills Exhibition, Manchester, 1875 (Silver Medal from Society for the Promotion of Scientific Industry). Clough, Samuel Wesley, Butler Place, Stanningley, near Leeds. (Manufacturer, Joseph Pitt, Ironfounder, Cleckheaton. American Agent, Mr. Benjamin Stainsby, Newark, New Jersey.) Patentee of the Yorkshire Grates to fit any existing chimneys, with one or more ovens for baking or roasting. Four inches of fire is sufficient for two ovens, each oven is heated on five sides, securing an equal heat, so that neither bread nor meat requires turning. Boilers and ventilating apparatus can be affixed. Kitchen Grate, Room Grate specially adapted for Railway Companies' Offices, Waiting Rooms, &c. (250) Skelton & Co., 37, Essex Street, Strand, London, W.C. Street lamp with Skelton's Patent Catoptric Reflectors. (253) Exhibitors, London, 1872, 1874; Vienna, 1873 (Diploma of Merit). Partridge & Co., Gaselier Makers, 89, Lombard Street, Birmingham. Brass gaseliers, brackets, &c. (254) Exhibitors, Amsterdam, 1869 (Medal); Lyons, 1872 (Medal); Vienna, 1873 (Diploma of Merit). Kimpton, Thomas, Surveyor, 2 & 3, Barnard's Inn, Holborn, London W.C. "Magnetic Water Waste Preventer," Apparatus for regulating supply, and prevention of waste of water in cisterns and closets and other appertaining, self-cleansing, and self-acting appliances, "Mercurial" Gas Regulator for economizing the consumption by regulating supply and pressure of gas. "Pneumatic Sound Communicator," available for passengers to communicate with guard on railway trains in motion, also to communicate with distant parts of a building. Exhibitor, Paris, 1867. Cl. 222. Cl. 222, 223. Cl. 222. Cl. 223. Cl. 223. CI. 223, 226. (255) Cl. 224, 280. Pullinger, Colin (a Village Mechanic), Inventor and Manufacturer, Selsey, near Chichester, Sussex. 1. A newly invented Selfacting Sifter; 2. Improved Cask Stand; 3. Improved Tapping Mallet; 4. Improved Sulphur Blower to destroy mildew or blight on Vines, Hops, Flowers, &c.; 5. Automatic Mouse Trap; 6. Perpetual Mouse Trap; 7. Selfacting Mouse Trap; 8. Dead-Fall Mouse Trap; 9. An improved Eel Spear. Improved Morticing Chisels to cut both ends and sides at once; Improved Planes, to keep CL. 224, 103. CL 224. the mouth always fine; Improved Bradawl, Exhibitor, London, 1851 (Hon. Mention); Busse, G., & Co., Charcoal Water Exhibitor, London, 1851 (Medal); Hull, bition, 1875 (First Prize Medal); Long Sutton Kent, George, 199, 200, and 201, High Exhibitor, London, 1851, 1862; Leipzig, Roby, George. See Cl. 596. Cl. 224. Cl. 224. (260) Cl. 224. Cl. 224. Cl. 226. Cl. 227. Bullivant, Thomas, Builder, 104, Led- Roberts, William, Venetian Blind Manu- Cl. 227. Cl. 227. CL 228, 683. YARNS AND WOVEN GOODS OF VEGETABLE OR MINERAL MATERIALS. CLASS 228.-Woven fabrics of mineral origin.-Wire cloths, sieve cloth,wire screens, bolting cloth. Glass thread, floss and fabrics. CLASS 229.-Coarse fabrics, of grass, rattan, cocoa nut, and bark. CLASS 231.-Dyed cotton fabrics, exclusive of prints and calicoes. CLASS 232.-Cotton prints and calicoes, including handkerchiefs, scarfs, etc. CLASS 233.-Linen and other vegetable fabrics, uncoloured or dyed. CLASS 234.-Floor oil cloths, and other painted and enamelled tissues, and imitation of Brown, J. B., & Co., Galvanized Wire Net- 36714. for enclosing poultry, pheasants, and dogs; Cl. 228. Cl. 228. Cl. 228. Cl. 229, 233. Cl. 229, 233. Cl. 229, 233. Cl. 229, 276. 1869 ("Mention Extraordinaire,"); Vienna, 1873 (Medal for Merit); Bremen, 1874 (Medal for Merit). Greening (N.) & Sons, Wire Manufacturers, Warrington. Woven wire of superior strength, width, and regularity of meshes, for rice, flour, mining and other mills, woven by steam power. (271) Exhibitors, London, 1851, 1862; Paris, 1867. (Prize Medals.) Barnard, Bishop, & Barnards. Cl. 217, 222, 225, 443. See Corcoran, Witt, & Co. See Cl. 322, 673, 674. Cox, Brothers, Merchants, Spinners, Manufacturers of all classes of Jute goods, Calenderers, Dyers and Bleachers, Camperdown Linen Works, Lochee, Dundee, Scotland. Jute yarns, Twines, &c., &c. (272) Exhibitors, London, 1851; Paris, 1855. Sandeman, Frank Stewart, Spinner and Manufacturer, Manhattan Works, Dundee, Scotland; New York Agent, E. C. Whitman, 77 and 79, Thomas Street. Linen and Jute Yarns; Carpet Yarns, Linen and Jute manufactures. Burlaps, Baggings, Canvas Paddings, Duck Grain Bags, Coffee Sacks, Hop Sackings, Scrim Cloth, Horse Covers, (273) and Lap Robes. Laird, William, & Co., Linen Manufacturers, Canmore Linen Works and Forfar Power Loom Works, Forfar, Scotland. Textile fabrics. Woven Goods, comprising varieties of Dices, Washed Damasks, Fancy Towellings, American Crashes, Butchers' Linen, Checked Laprobes and Horsecloths, Plain and Twilled Sheetings, Osnaburgs, Stair Covering, Patent Seamless Bags, Jute and Tow Hessians, Striped Beddings, Paddings, Ducks, Buckram, &c. (274) Liverpool Spun Oakum Company, The, 9, North John Street; Works, 3 Beacon Oakum. Street, Liverpool. "Archibald's " Patent Machine Spun, ready for caulking. "Archibald's " Patent Machine Spun and Unspun, made from standing rigging only, for Government and special purposes. Unspun, manufactured by machinery. Stypium. Pure Antiseptic Dressing, for hospital use. (275) Ashworth, Edmund, & Sons, Cotton Spinners and Thread Manufacturers. Works, Egerton Mills, Bolton, Lancashire. Warehouses, 79, Wood Street, London, E.C.; 64, Fountain Street, Manchester; 52, White Street, New York; 38, Schnurgasse, Frankfort-on-Maine. Cotton in various stages, illustrating the manufacture from the raw material to the finished thread on spools. Cop yarns, Double yarns, Sewing cottons; white, black, and colours, in Patent Glacé and Six Cord, for Machine or Hand Use. Crochet, Embroidery, Knitting and Mending cottons and Glove cottons, Linen Finish thread, suitable for shoemakers, tailors, &c., and Polished yarns. (277) Exhibitors, London, 1862 (Medal); Paris, 1867 (Gold Medal); Vienna, 1873 (Medal for Progress). Dewhurst, John, & Sons, Cotton Spinners and Sewing Cotton Manufacturers, Belle Vue Mills, Skipton, Yorkshire. Sewing cotton finished and in various stages of its manufacture. (278) Exhibitors, Vienna, 1873 (Medal for Merit). Brook, Jonas, & Bros., Sewing Cotton Manufacturers, Meltham Mills, Huddersfield. Patent Glacé and Six Cord Soft Finish Spool Cotton for Hand and Machine Work, white and coloured ; Crochet and Embroidery Cotton. (279) Exhibitors, London, 1851 (only Prize Medal), 1862 (Prize Medal); Paris, 1855 (only First-class Medal); 1867 (Gold Medal); Vienna, 1873 (only Diploma of Honour). Clark, John, jun., & Co., Sewing Cotton Manufacturers, Mile End, Glasgow, Scotland. Sole agent for United States, Thomas Russell, 19, Mercer Street, New York. Specimens of Spool Cotton for Hand and Machine use. (280) Exhibitors, London, 1851, 1862 (Medal); New York, 1853 (Medal); Paris, 1855 (Medal). Barlow & Jones (Limited), Spinners, Manufacturers, and Printers, 2, Portland Cl. 230. Cl. 230, 665. Cl. 230. Cl. 230. Cl. 230. Cl. 230. Cl. 230. CL. 230, 232. Cl. 230. CL. 230. 232. CL. 230, 246. CL. 230, 231. Street, Manchester. Toilet quilts, Covers, and Mats; Quiltings, White and Printed Damasks, Cloakings, Cotton Towels, Blankets, Alhambras and Counterpanes, Plain and Fancy Muslins, &c. (281) Exhibitors, London, 1862 (Bronze Medal); Paris, 1867 (Silver Medal). Swainson, Birley, & Co., Cotton Spinner and Manufacturers, Fishwick Mills, Preston, 27, Portland Street, Manchester, and 42, Cheapside, London, E.C. Bleached. Cotton fabrics, including Long Cloths, Heavy and Medium Shirtings, and Plain and Fancy Muslins. (282) Exhibitors, London, 1862 (Prize Medal); Moscow, 1872 (Gold Medal); Vienna, 1873 (Diploma of Merit). Johnson, Jabez, & Fildes, Manufacturers, 44, Spring Gardens, Manchester, and Moor Mills, Bolton. Toilet, Marseilles and Alhambra quilts, and other Bed Covers, Quiltings of all kinds, Toilet or Bureau Covers, Brocades, Cotton and Linen Damasks, Dimities, Muslins, and Printed Cretons, Towels, Dress Fabrics, &c., &c. (283) Exhibitors, London, 1851, 1862 (Medals); Paris, 1855, 1867 (Medal); Vienna, 1873 (Diploma of Merit). Pearson, Thomas, & Son, Victoria Mills, Little Bolton, and 54, Church Street, Manchester. Manufacturers of Toilet, Marseilles, Alexandra, Household, and Alhambra Quilts, Quiltings, Toilet Covers, and Mats. (284) Hawkins, John, & Sons, Cotton Spinners and Manufacturers, 8, Faulkner Street, Manchester, and 44, Bread Street, London, E.C.; Works, Preston, Lancashire. Plain and Twilled Calicoes and Prints. (285) Exhibitors, London, 1862; Paris, 1867. (Medals.) Wilson, T. & D., & Co., 145, Ingram Street, Glasgow. Muslins, Plain and Fancy; also Tapestries in Silk and Wool, &c. (286) Exhibitors, London, 1862 (Medal). Ferguson Brothers, Holme Head Works, near Carlisle. Plain satteens made wholly of Cotton, and Silk striped Satteens being Cotton with silk stripes, for tailors' linings. (287) Richardson, J. N., Sons, & Owden, Linen Manufacturers and Bleachers, 1, Donegall Square North, Belfast. Manufactory at Lurgan, Bleach Works at Lisburn, Branch Houses at London and New York. Linen goods, consisting of Shirtings, Frontings, Pillow Linens, Bed Sheetings, Napkins, Table Damasks, Pocket Handkerchiefs, Bird's-eye Diapers, Ladies Dress Lawns, Linens, Hollands and Rough Browns, &c. (292) Exhibitors, London, 1851, 1862; Paris, 1865; Dublin, 1865, 1872. (Medals.) Matier, Henry, & Co., Linen and Handkerchief Manufacturers, Clarence Place, Belfast. Bleached and printed linens, linen cambric and linen handkerchiefs, plain, hemstitched, printed, and embroidered. (293) Exhibitors, London, 1862 (Medal); Paris, 1867 (Silver Medal). Ainsworth, Thomas, Flax Spinner and Linen Thread Manufacturer, Cleator Mills, Cleator, near Whitehaven, Cumberland. Linen Threads for Sewing machines, and Wax Sewing Machines, Linen Threads for Hand Sewing; Linen Towels. (294) Exhibitor, London, 1862; Paris, 1867; Amsterdam, 1869; Vienna, 1873. Normand, James, & Sons, Linen Manufacturers, Dysart, Fifeshire, Scotland. Linens for housekeeping, such as Table Linen, Towellings and Crash Rollerings, Pillow and Butchers' Linen, Sheeting, Damask Floor Cloth, Stair Cloth and Stair Drills, Paddings, Nursery Diaper, and Shoe Linings. (295) Exhibitors, New York, 1853; London, 1862 (Hon. Mention). Cl. 231. Cl. 232. Cl. 232. Cl. 233. Cl. 233. Cl. 233. Cl. 233. Cl. 233. |