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Arnell's Poems, review, (Frank Tuthill,) 174.


Browne, Sir Thomas, sketch of his life and writings, (Joseph Hartwell Barrett,) 15. Buena Vista, Battle of, (Lieut. C. P. Kingsbury, U. S. A.,) 445.


California, The Route to, review, 204.
Causes of the Success of the Whigs, (J. D.
W.,) 547.

Chiozza, The War of, (Trans. by C. C. Hazewell,) 399, 470.

Chloroform, On the Use of, in Hanging, (G. |
W. Peck,) 283.

Colton's Public Economy, review, 142.
Congressional Oratory, 361.
Correction, 330.

CRITICAL NOTICES.-The Diplomatic and Official Papers of Daniel Webster, while Secretary of State, 108; Angela, a Novel, 109; The Seat of Government of the United States, 110; Mary Grover, or the Trusting Wife Mrs. Markham's History of England -Lamartine's Pilgrimage to the Holy Land -Spencer's Cæsar's Commentaries-Modern Painters-Portrait of Hon. Henry Clay in his 71st year, 218; Guernsey's History of the United States-History of Congress The Planetary and Stellar Worlds-A First Book in Spanish, 219; Headley's Letters from Italy The Taylor Anecdote Book, 220; Bartlett's Dictionary of Americanisms, 326; Literary Sketches and Letters, being the Final Memorials of Charles Lamb-A Manual of Grecian and Roman Antiquities -Neander's Life of Jesus Christ, 328; Headley's Life of Cromwell—Revolutionary Services and Civil Life of Gen. William Hull-Ancient Monuments of the Mississippi Valley-Modern French Literature, 329; An Universal History, in a Series of Letters -Lord Hervey's Memoirs of the Court of George II-Story of the Peninsular War, 330; Portrait of Millard Fillmore--Chambers's

Miscellany, 435; Works of Washington Irving-Physical Geography-Charms and Counter-Charms, 436; Mirabeau, a Life History-Grantly Manor, 437; The DramaMusic, 438; The Architect-The Past, The Present, and the Future, 544; Gowrie, or the King's Plot-The Playmate-Music and the Drama, 546; Home Influence-William the Cottager, 648; Historical and Miscellaneous Questions-Irving's Life of Columbus -Homer's Iliad, 649; Music and the Drama, 650.


Damascus and Ba'albek, An Excursion to,(Prof. Adolphus L. Koeppen,) Part First, 157; Part Second, 235.

Dante Alighieri, The Life and Genius of—with an account of the Divina Commedia, (Prof. Philip Schaff) 125.

Day in October, A, verse, (J. H. Barrett,) 528. Duhobret, The Painter, 501.


Edward Vernon, review, 317. Ezzelino da Romano, surnamed "The Cruel," a Character of the Thirteenth Century, 53.


Fantasy Piece, A, (G. W. Peck,) 179. Fillmore, Millard, biographical sketch of, 341. Adventure of his great-grandfather with a pirate, 341; apprenticed to a clothier, 342; his thirst for knowledge-studies law under the patronage of Walter Wood, Esq., ib.; elected to the State Assembly in 1829, ib. : to Congress in 1832, 343; Chairman of Committee on Elections-the New Jersey case, ib.; his arduous exertions as chairman of the Committee of Ways and Means, 344 ; peremptorily withdraws from Congress, 345; elected Comptroller of New York in 1847, ib. Foreign Miscellany, 106, 213, 323,433,541,646. Free Soil Policy, 193. No constitutional power in the Executive over the question, 193; no legitimate influence upon legislation, 194; position and duties of the President, 195;

ends proposed by the Free Soil movement, |
197; corruption the only means of attaining
them, 198.

French Revolution: M. Louis Blanc, review,
(Henry Smales,) 90.


Germany, The Revolution in, (John M. Mackie,
A. M.,) 345. Retrospective view, 345; state
of preparation for revolution, 346; a republic
not generally desired, 318; effects of the late
French Revolution in Prussia-outbreak in
Berlin, 319; the funeral of the slain, 350;
the results, 351; state of Austria, 352; pro-
ceedings in Vienna on the fall of Louis
Philippe, 353; success of the popular de-
mands, 354; reforms in the smaller German
States, 355; Bavaria-Lola Montes, ib.;
formation of a general German Diet, 357;
the Archduke John elected Vicar of the Em-
pire, 359; sketch of his history, ib. ; organi-
zation of the imperial Government, 360.
George II, Lord Hervey's Memoirs of the
Court of, review, (N. S. Dodge,) 561.
Ghost Stories, (G. W. Peck,) 411, 529, 629.
Godwin, William, sketch of his life and writ-
ings, (G. F. Deane,) 259.


Hudson's Lectures on Shakspeare, review,
(G. W. Peck,) 39.
Hungary and the Sclavonic Movement, (John

M. Mackie, A. M.,) 611. Description of the
country, 611; sketch of its history, 612; its
institutions and inbabitants, 613; first steps
towards reform, 615; provisional government
established, 616; its proceedings, 617; the
Sclavonic population-antipathy of the two
races, 618; their insurrection, 619; move-
ment for a Pan-Sclavonic confederation-
the Congress of Prague, 621; the outbreak
at Prague, 622; insurrection in Posen, 623;
affairs of Cracow, 625; Turkish principali-
palities of the Danube, ib.

Hymn of Creation, (in the Indus,) (William
Wallace,) 24.


Ingersoll, Hon. Joseph Reed, Memoir of, 101.
Insanity, how far a Legal Defence, (I. Ed-
wards,) 269.


Letter from a Citizen of New York, to his Friend
in the Country, touching the Election, (J. D.
W.,) 439. Reasons for not engaging in the
election considered, 439; requirement of
pledges from a candidate, 440; particular
measures not essential to the Whig creed,
ib.; perversion of power consequent on the
election of a pledged President, 442 ; General
Taylor pledged solely against such perver-
sion, 443.

Louis XIV. and his Court, review, (N. S.
Dodge,) 484.


Manabozho and the Great Serpent, an Algon-
quin Tradition, (E. G. Squier, A. M.,) 392.
Mendelssohn, sketch of his works, (G. A.
MacFarren,) 305.

Modern Improvements-The Newspaper Press,


Ne-she-kay-be-nais, or the "Lone Bird," an
Ojibway Legend, (E. G. Squier, A. M.,) 255.
New Mexico and California-their Ancient
Monuments, and Aboriginal, Semi-civilized
Nations, (E. G. Squier, A. M.,) 503. Emory's
and Abert's Reports, 504; primitive, semi-
civilized tribes, 505; description of Acoma,
and other towns, ib. ; their government, 507;
aboriginal remains on the Pecos river, ib.;
on the Gila, 508; the Pimos Indians, 510;
ancient remains among them, 511; their re-
markable character, ib.; the Coco Maricopas,
513; the Soones, Zunni, or Moqui, 514;
Navajos, 515; descriptions of ruins by vari
ous authors, ib.; early Spanish explorations,
517; expeditions to Cibola and other prov
inces, 518; locality of the places visited-
their accounts compared with present data,
520; ancient descriptions of the country and
the inhabitants, 523; the "unexplored re-
gion," 525; notes, 526.

Newspaper Press, The, 584.
Nomination, The-General Taylor, (J. D. W.,)
1. Objections considered, 1; fitness of his
character-testimony of Hon. John J. Crit
tenden, 2; letter from Hon. D. D. Barnard,
3; Gen. Taylor's position, 5; proceedings of
the Convention, ib. ; reasons for supporting
the nomination, 7.


Oratory, Congressional, 361.

Keats, The Life and Letters of, review, (Charles Oregon Bill, The-Remarks on the South Caro-
A. Bristed,) 603.


Laconics, (J. D. W.,) 200.

Lamb's Letters, review, (G. W. P.,) 381.

lina Doctrine in regard to Territory, (J. D.
W.,) 111. Bearing of the Constitution upon
the question, 111; joint ownership, 112; Mr.
Calhoun's view of the Declaration, 113; the
true idea of liberty, 114; the question not
between States, but individuals, 115; powers

of Congress, 116; slave representation, 118; |
extent of power over the territories, 119;
the ordinance of 1787, and the Missouri
Compromise, 122.


Party Discontents, 331. Candidates before
the Philadelphia Convention, 332; singular
course of the friends of Mr. Clay, 333;
grounds of discontent combated, 334; ex-
pediency defined, 337; eminent qualifications
of the Whig candidate, ib.

Party, Necessity for-The Press-The Loco-
foco Platform, (J. D. W.,)8. The struggle for
power not discreditable, 9; the franchise, its
exercise how influenced, ib. ; the press, cor-
rupting influences over it, 10; its importance
not duly appreciated, ib. ; Locofoco truth and
consistency, 11; External vs. Internal Im-
provements, 12; "Democratic" ingenuity-
Protection, 13; opinions of the "father of
Democracy," ib.

Peace of Years, The, verse, 173.
POETRY.-Hymn of Creation, (in the In-
dus,) (William Wallace,) 24; Twenty Son-
nets, with a Preface and Notes, (G. W.
Peck,) 81; Stanzas, imitated from Sappho,
141; The Peace of Years, 173; Midnight,
323; Summer Afternoon in my Study, (W.
Gilmore Simms,) 346*; The Shore, (J. D.
W.,) 366; The Vengeance of Eros, imitated
from Theocritus, (C. A. Bristed,) 482; Son-
net, 502; Song, ib.; A Day in October,
(J. H. Barrett,) 528; Undine: The Birth of
a Soul, (Henry W. Colton,) 599.
Princess, A Talk about the, review, (Charles
A. Bristed,) 28.

Public Economy, Colton's, review, 142.


REVIEWS.-Sir Thomas Browne, (Joseph Hart-
well Barrett,) 15; A Talk about the Princess,
(C. A. Brsited,) 23; Hudson's Lectures on
Shakspeare, (G. W. P.,) 39; French Revo-
Intion: M. Louis Blanc, (Henry Smales,)
90; Colton's Public Economy, 142; Arnell's
Poems, 174; Edward Vernon, 317; Lamb's
Letters, (G. W. P.,) 381; Vanity Fair,
(Charles A. Bristed,) 421; Louis XIV. and
his Court, (N. S. Dodge,) 484; Lord Her-
vey's Memoirs of the Court of George II.,
(N. S. Dodge,) 561; The Life and Letters
of Keats, (C. A. Bristed,) 603.
Revolutionary History, Two Leaves of, taken
down from Conversations with Governor
Shelby, (Lieut. John J. Hardin,) 577. Battle
of Musgrove's Mill, 578; Battle of King's
Mountain, 580.


Sadi, the Persian Poet, 275.

Schleswig, Wars between the Danes amd Ger-
mans for the Possession of, (Prof. Adolphus
L. Koeppen.) 453. Present state of affairs,
453; geographical description of Jutland,
454; inhabitants, 455; sketch of its history
from the fifth to the thirteenth century, 456;
Holstein incorporated with Denmark in 1214,
457; its possession again lost, ib. ; early dis-
sensions between the crown of Denmark and
the Dukes of Schleswig, 458; first union of
Schleswig and Holstein-the act without
legality, ib.; distractions of Denmark-wars
with the Counts of Holstein, 459; Schleswig
alienated in 1386, ib.; restored in 1424 by
the Emperor of Germany, as umpire, 460;
the war continued, ib. ; escheats to the crown
by the failure of direct heirs, 461; but again
alienated by an invalid act of King Christian
I., 462; he is elected Duke of Schleswig and
Holstein in 1460, ib.; view of their internal
condition, ib.; continued difficulties, 463; the
Ditmarsk commonwealth, 464 ; the revolution
of 1660, 467; Schleswig secured to Den-
mark in 1718 by the guaranty of Sweden,
England and France, ib.; difficulties with
Russia, 468; the general peace of 1815, ib.
Shakspeare, Hudson's Lectures on, review, (G.
W. P.,) 39.

Shore, The, verse, (J. D. W.,) 366.
Sonnet, 502.

Stanzas, imitated from Sappho, 141.
Summer Afternoon in my Study, verse, (W.
Gilmore Simms,) 346*.

Swiss Revolution, The, (J. A. McMaster,) 63.
Importance of Swiss affairs to the rest of
Europe, 64; origin of the Swiss confederacy,
ih.; its struggles with Austria, 65; admis-
sion of new cantons, 66; consequent internal
dissensions, ib. ; bad policy in regard to for-
eigners, 68; the French Revolution, 69;
jacobin intrigues in Switzerland, 71; secret
political clubs, 73; efforts at revolution in
1830, ib.; suppression of monasteries, 74;
calling in of the Jesuits by Lucerne, 75;
the Sonderbund, its organization and objects,
76; outbreak of civil war, 77; attack upon
Friburg by the radicals, 79; treachery of its
commandant, ib.; present state of Switzer-
land, 80.


Twenty Sonnets, with a Preface and Notes,
(G. W. Peck,) 81.


Undine, The Birth of a Soul, ballad, (Henry
W. Colton,) 509.


Vanity Fair, review, (Charles A. Bristed,) 421

Vengeance of Eros, verse, imitated from The-
ocritus, (Charles A. Bristed,) 482.
Vinton, Memoir of the Hon. Samuel F., 297.
Procures a collegiate education by teaching,
298; studies law, and settles at Gallipolis,
Ohio, ib.; enters at once upon a successful
practice, 299; unexpectedly nominated for
Congress in 1822, and re-elected for fourteen
years, ib.; procures an important modification
of the Land Laws, ib.; defeats Calhoun's
scheme of Indian migration, 300; debate on
Nullification, 302; his successful defence of
the public lands system, ib. ; withdraws from
Congress in 1837, and reluctantly drawn
back in 1843, 303; his final retirement, 304.


War of Chizza, (Trans. by C. C. Hazewell,)
399, 470.

Wars between the Danes and Germans, for
the Possession of Schleswig, (Prof. Adol-
phus L. Koeppen,) 453.

"Woman's Rights," (Rev. John W. Nevin, D.
D.,) 367. Man the centre and embodiment
of nature, 367; humanity incomplete with-
out a free social union of its members, 368;
Religion the crowning idea of humanity,
369; the Family the fundamental form of
society, ib.; the distinction of sex universal
and organic, 370; this distinction imperisha-
ble, 371; the physical difference of the sexes
-extends to the body as a whole, 372; the
moral difference also complete, 373; the
sexes designated to widely different spheres
of life, ib.; humanity completed in the unity
of the two sexes, 375; the nature of love,
376; marriage a mutual self-surrendry of
individual personality, 378; theory of the
emancipation of woman, 379.

Whigs, The, and their Candidate, (Hon. Daniel
D. Barnard,) 221. Objects to be gained by

Whig ascendency, 221; Whig principles-
opposition to executive usurpation-the veto,
222; distinction between legislative and
executive functions, 223; ambitious views
of Gen. Cass, 225; the advocate of execu-
tive supremacy, 226; proper character for a
Whig candidate, 228; Zachary Taylor-his
character and opinions, 229; grounds for the
action of the Convention, 231; the Alison
letter, 232; the Free Soil Party--its object
secured by the election of General Taylor,


Whigs, Causes of the Success of the, at the
late Presidential Election, (J. D. W.,) 547.
The result of the election, 547; disinter-
ested professions of our candidate, 548;
Congress restored to its original functions
by this election, ib.; a deadly blow given
by it to demagoguism, 549; course of the
Administration in the matter of annexation-
should have mediated before it annexed,
550; what we have gained by the war, 551;
tariff system of the Administration, ib.;
origin of their distrust of the people—Jack-
son's experiment in banking, 552; doctrine
of the division of labor among the nations,
ib.; evil effects of permitting manufactures
in this country, 553; operation of the tariff
of 1846-occasions great fluctuations in the
market, ib.; ruinous effects on manufacturing
districts, 554; why the farmers voted against
the Administration, ib. ; interest of Southern
planters in the establishment of manufac-
tures, ib.; employment of slave labor, 555;
support of the Whig candidate by the com-
mercial clases--improvement of harbors and
rivers, 556; reasons of the Administration
for vetoing the River and Harbor bill, 557;
doctrine of non-interference with the interests
of the country, ib.; working of the credit
system, 558; specie system of the Adminis-
tration, 559.

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