Imágenes de páginas

(The numbers refer to paragraphs, not to pages.)

Printing before 1775, 176.

Republican party formed, 528.

Printing-press, establishment of, 5; cylinder, Resaca, battle of, 618.

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Pulaski, Count, death of, 339.

Pullman boycott, 693.

Punishments in the colonies, 188.

Puritan churches in New England, 180.
Puritans in England, 48; civil war of, 56.
Putnam, Israel, at Bunker Hill, 256; in
command, 267.

QUAKERS in England, 94; in New Eng-

land, 182.

Quebec, settlement of, 126; expedition
against, 136, 139; battle of, 154-157;
expedition against, 269.

Quebec Act, 229.

Queen Anne's War, 138-140.
Queenstown Heights, battle of, 436.
Quincy, Josiah, defends British soldiers,
218; address on the tea tax, 223.

RACES, difficulties between, 107.
Railroads in the United States, 659.
Raleigh, Sir Walter, sends out a colony,
27; life of, 27 n.

Randolph, E. J., a party leader, 403; At-
torney-General, 401, 409.

[blocks in formation]

rapis," 334.
Richmond, burning of, 353; made Confed-
erate capital, 554; army at, 556; fortifi-
cations of, 561; panic at, 585; evacuation
of, 625.

Religious freedom, 183, 461, 724.
Roanoke Inlet, entered by Drake, 28.

Roanoke Island, first colony at, 27; second

colony at, 29; capture of, 596.
Rogers, Randolph, sculptor, 713.
Robinson, John, pastor at Leyden, 50.

Rosecrans, W. S., at Stone River, 573; at
Chickamauga, 609.

Ross, Betsey, and the Stars and Stripes,
311 n.

Ross, Robert, in Maryland, 441.
Royal colonies, 186.

Rush, Richard, candidate for Vice-Presi-
dent, 467.

Russia, emigration from, 718.
Rutland, Burgoyne's army at, 311.
Rutledge, John, in the Continental Con-
gress, 236; in the Federal Convention,

Randolph, Peyton, in the Continental Con- Ryswick, treaty of, 137.
gress, 236, 263.

Read, George, in the Federal Convention,

Readmission of Southern States, 649.

Reaping-machine, invention of, 728.
Reciprocity, 684.

Reconstruction, 645-649.

Reformation, Protestant, 47.

Rehoboth, Mass., massacre at, 115.

Reid, Whitelaw, candidate for Vice-Presi-
dent, 675.

Religion in the United States, 723.
Representatives, House of, 385.

SAGAS, Norse stories, 3, 4.

St. Augustine, settlement at, 21, 124; cap-
ture of, 596.

St. Clair, Arthur, and the Indians, 406.
St. Johns, Que., capture of, 269.

St. Lawrence, fisheries of, 16; exploration

of, 17.

St. Leger, Barry, in the Mohawk Valley,

St. Mary's, Md., settlement at, 77; before
the Revolution, 166.

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(The numbers refer to paragraphs, not to pages.)

St. Simon, Count de, joins Lafayette, 360. | Sherman Silver Bill, 679.
Salem, first church in, 59n; before the Rev-
olution, 166; witchcraft in, 184; armed
resistance at, 242.

Samoset welcomes the English, 113 n.
Sandwich Islands, Republic of Hawaii, 700.
San Francisco, capture of, 492.

San Juan Island, dispute concerning, 657.
Santa Anna, at Buena Vista, 491; at Cerro
Gordo, 494.

Saratoga, surrender at, 310.

Savage's Station, battle of, 588.

Sherman, Roger, in the Continental Con-
gress, 236; in the Federal Convention,

Sherman, W. T., life of, 626 n; at Lookout
Mountain, 611; at Knoxville, 612; in
command, 613; in Georgia, 618, 620;
marches to the sea, 622; in the Caro-
linas, 627.

Shiloh, battle of, 570.

Ship Island, Farragut at, 574.
Shirley, William, at Niagara, 148.

Savannah, settlement at, 93; capture of, Shoshone Indians, 103.

336; siege of, 338; capture of, 622.

[blocks in formation]

Schenectady, N. Y., massacre at, 136.

Schofield, J. M., at Franklin, 621; at Golds-
boro, 627.

Schools, public, 174, 720.

Schuyler, P. J., at Ticonderoga, 302.
Scotch-Irish immigrants, 165.

Scott, Winfield, life of, 492 » ; at Chippewa,
440; at Vera Cruz, 493; at Puebla, 494;
candidate for President, 506; in com-
mand, 558; retires from the army, 560.
Scrooby, first home of the Pilgrims, 50.
Seamen, American, 430.

"Search and Impressment," 430.

Secession, 535.

Sedition laws, 419.

Seminole Indians in Florida, 446.

Senate of the United States, 385; equal
representation in, 514.
Separatists, in England, 49.
"Serapis," fight with, 334.
Servants in the colonies, 168.

Settlements before the Revolution, 166.
Sevier, John, at King's Mountain, 345.
Seward, W. H., life of, 505 n.
Sewing machines, invention of, 728.
Seymour, Horatio, candidate for President,

Shackamaxon, treaty of, 96 n.

Shannon" and "Chesapeake," 438.
Shelby, Isaac, at King's Mountain, 345.
Shenandoah Valley, Johnston in, 559;
Banks in, 582.

Sheridan, P. H., life of, 619 n; at Stone
River, 573; at Winchester, 617; at Five
Forks, 624.

Silliman, Benjamin, chemist, 710.
Silver question, 679.

Simms, W. G., writings of, 706.
Sioux Indians in the Northwest, 658.
Skelton, John, pastor at Salem, 59.
Slater, J. F., philanthropist, 726.
Slavery agitation, 507-529.
Slavery and the cotton-gin, 510.

Slavery, effect upon the South, 512.
Slavery, North and South, 507.
Slavery question in 1820, 447.
Slave trade, 508.

Slaves, in the colonies, 168; in 1789, 394;
condition of, 511; colonization of, 513.
Slidell, John, capture of, 576.
Sloat, J. D., in California, 492.
Smith, Francis, at Concord, 243.

Smith, John, member of the Virginia Com-
pany, 32; "Generall Historie," 33 ~; sails
for Virginia, 37; early life of, 39 n; trial
of, 40; seeks Northwest passage, 40”;
and Pocahontas, 42.

Somers, Sir George, admiral, 43.
Sons of Liberty, 211.

Soto, Ferdinand de, discoveries of, 14.
South, the, and the election of Lincoln,

534 compared with the North, 538-547:
after the war, 642; industries of, 714-715.
South America, discovery of, 8 n.
Southampton, Eng., Pilgrims at, 52.
South Carolina, colony of, 90; Puritan
churches in, 180; and independence, 273;
secession of, 535.

South Dakota, admission of, 699.
South Mountain, battle of, 591.
South Sea named, 11.
Southern Pacific railroad, 659.
Sower, Christopher, printer, 202 n.

Sherman, John, Secretary of the Treasury, Sparks, Jared, historian, 709.


Specie circular, 478.

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Steuben, Baron von, reorganizes the army, Taylor, Zachary, life of, 500 n; in Mexico,


Stevenson, A. E., elected Vice-President,


Stillwater, battle of, 307.

Stirling, Lord, at New York, 282.

Stockton, R. F., in California, 492.
Stone, C. P., at Ball's Bluff, 562.
Stone River, battle of, 573.

Stony Point, garrisoned, 329; capture of,

Story, W. W., sculptor, 713.

Stowe, Mrs. H. B., novelist, 520.

Strikes, 692.

Stringham, S. H., at Hatteras Inlet, 596.
Stuart, Gilbert, artist, 712.

Stuyvesant, Peter, governor of New Neth-
erland, 73.
Sub-Treasury, 479.
Suffolk, siege of, 595.
Suffrage question, 736.

Sullivan, John, at Long Island, 284; joins
Washington, 290; at Newport, 328; and
the Indians, 333.

489; elected President, 499; death of,

Tecumseh forms confederacy, 434.

Telegraph, magnetic, 486 n.

Telephone, invention of, 728.

Temperance, societies, 505; in the United
States, 727; question, 736.

Tennessee, admission of, 402; history and
industries of, 406 n; secession of, 554;
readmission of, 649.

"Tenure of Office Act," 650.
Territorial growth, 729.

Territory in 1825, 454.

Terry, A. H., at Goldsboro, 627.

Texas, Republic of, 483; annexation of,
484; boundary dispute concerning, 488;
history and industries of, 489n; seces-
sion of, 535; readmission of, 649.
Thames, battle of the, 439.
Thirteenth Amendment, 644.
Thomas, G. H., at Stone River, 573; at
Chickamauga, 609; at Orchard Knob,
611; at Nashville, 621.

Sumner, Charles, life of, 526 n; attack Thomas, John, in command, 247.
upon, 526.

Sumner, E. V., at Fair Oaks, 587.

Sumter, Thomas, at Hanging Rock, 343;
in the Carolinas, 358.

Superstition in the colonies, 184.

Thoreau, H. D., the recluse, 708.
Thurman, A. G., candidate for Vice-Presi-
dent, 674.

Tilden, S. J., candidate for President, 669.
Tippecanoe, battle of, 434.

Supreme moment in American history, 155. "Tippecanoe and Tyler too," 480.

Surplus revenue distributed, 474.

Swamp fight, 116.

Swansea, massacre at, 115.

Sweden, emigration from, 718.

Switzerland, emigration from, 457, 718.

Tobacco first carried to England, 29 n.
Tompkins, Daniel D., elected Vice-Presi-
dent, 444; re-elected, 445.

Topeka Constitution, 524.

"To the victor belong the spoils," 467.

(The numbers refer to paragraphs, not to pages.)

Town meetings in New England, 178.
Travel, by land, 455; by water, 456.
Travel in the colonies, 199.

Treaty, of 1763, 158-162; of 1783, 367; of
1814, 443; of 1848, 497.
Trent affair, the, 576.

Trenton, British army at, 289; capture of,


Tripoli, war with, 428.

Trumbull, John, the artist, 712.

Tyler, John, life of, 483 n; elected Vice-
President, 480; becomes President, 481;
and the Texas question, 484.

Union of Colonies, Albany, 144.
Union Pacific Railroad, 659.
United Colonies of New England, 112.
United States, geography of, 163; Bank,
472; bonds, 633; internal revenue, 632;
national advantages of, 734; natural ad-
vantages of, 733.

"United States" and the "Macedonian,"

Utah, made a territory, 502; admission of,
699; history and industries of, 699 n.
Utah Indians, 103.

Utrecht, treaty of, 139.

VALLEY FORGE, American winter quarters
at, 318.

Van Buren, Martin, life of, 477 n; elected
Vice-President, 471; elected President,
476; not re-elected, 480.
Vanderlyn, John, artist, 712.
Van Twiller, Walter, governor of New
Netherland, 73.

Van Wart, Isaac, arrests André, 349 n.
Venezuelan Commission, 701.
Venice, trade with the East, 5.
Vera Cruz, siege of, 493.

Vermont, admission of, 402; history and
industries of, 404 n.

Verplanck's Point, garrisoned, 329.
Verrazano, Giovanni de, explores the Atlan-
tic Coast, 16, 121.

Vespucci, Amerigo, gives name to America,


"Vesuvius on the Mississippi, 456.

Vicksburg, fortified, 575; capture of, 608.
Vincennes, settlement at, 140; capture of,

Vinland, discovery of, 4.

Vergennes' prophecy, 161.

Virginia, named, 27; company formed, 32;
colonists, character of, 39; first days of,
40; first summer, 41; abandoned, 44;
burgesses first summoned, 46; Church
of England in, 179; House of Burgesses,
187; takes steps toward independence,
274; British raids in, 329; calls a con-
vention, 378; resolutions of 1798, 420;
negro insurrection in, 515; secession of,
554; Confederate army in, 556; readmis-
sion of, 649.

Wallace, Lew, at Shiloh, 570 n.
Waltham, cotton mills at, 458.

War, of 1812, 433-443; with Mexico, 488-

Ward, Artemas, in command, 247, 266.
Warner, Seth, at Crown Point, 252.
Warren, Joseph, life of, 261 n; speaker of
the Massachusetts House, 234; death of,

Warren, Sir Peter, at Louisburg, 141.
Washington, George, life of, 400 n; early
life of, 142 n; at Fort Du Quesne, 143;
retreat of, 147; in Continental Congress,
236, 263; Commander-in-chief, 264; at
Cambridge, 265; at Dorchester Heights,
268; at New York, 283; retreats from
Brooklyn, 284; at North Castle Heights,
285; crosses the Hudson, 286; in New
Jersey, 287; crosses the Delaware, 289;
captures Trenton, 292; at Princeton,
293-295; at Morristown, 295; defends
Philadelphia, 297; at Brandywine, 298;
at Valley Forge, 319; at Monmouth, 324;
plans to capture Arnold, 352; plans to
crush Cornwallis, 360; at Yorktown, 362;
in the Federal Convention, 380; elected
President, 400; inauguration of, 401 n;
re-elected President, 409; third term,
413; farewell address, 414; Commander-
in-chief, 418; death of, 421; and slavery,
509; State papers of, 703.
Washington, admission of, 699; history and
industries of, 694 n.

Washington, national capital, 402; Capitol
burned, 441; Union army at, 556; pro-
tection of, 582; panic in, 586; army re
viewed at, 639; treaty of, 655.
Washingtonian Temperance Society, 727.
"Wasp" and "Frolic," 437.

(The numbers refer to paragraphs, not to pages.)

Watertown moves to Connecticut, 64.
Wayne, Anthony, at Stony Point, 330; life
of, 330n; and the Indians, 406.

Williams, James, at King's Mountain, 345.
Williams, Roger, at Providence, 66, 181;
and the Narragansetts, 110.

Weaver, J. B., candidate for President, 672, Williamsburg, before the Revolution, 166;

Webster, Daniel, life of, 469 n; and Hayne,
468; candidate for President, 476; death
of, 504.

Webster-Ashburton treaty, 482.
Webster, Noah, author, 710.
West, Benjamin, artist, 712.

West, Sir Thomas, life of, 45 ~; governor
of Virginia, 43; arrives in Virginia, 45.
West, the great, industries of, 717.
West Indies, discovery of, 8; commerce
with, 205.

West Jersey, colony of, 84.

Lafayette at, 360; battle of, 584.
Wilmot proviso, 496.

Wilson, Henry, elected Vice-President, 666.
Wilson, James, in the Federal Convention,

Wilson's Creek, battle of, 564.
Winchester, battle of, 617.
Windsor, settlement of, 64.
Wingfield, Edward Maria, 32; sails for Vir-
ginia, 37; in the Council, 39.

Winthrop, John, life of, 60n; governor of
Massachusetts Bay, 60.

Winthrop, R. C., at Yorktown, 361 n.

industries of, 498 n.

West Point, Southern officers trained at, Wisconsin, admission of, 496; history and
West Virginia, admission of, 635; history Witchcraft in the colonies, 184.

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Witherspoon, John, in the Continental Con
gress, 236.

Wolfe, James, at Quebec, 154–157; death
of, 157; on the river, 157 n.

World, as known in the fifteenth century, I.
World's Columbian Exposition, 696.
Writs of Assistance, 209.

White, H. L., candidate for President, 476. | Wyoming, admission of, 699; history and

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