Imágenes de páginas

Loans on commercial paper, 50-53.

on municipal bonds, 501.
rate of interest on, 80-81.
relation of bank expenses to, 263.
relation of to deposits, 208.
relation of to specie, 177-178.
renewals, 65-66.

requisites for soundness, 66-77.
securities for discussed, 62-66.
to bank officers, 88, 91, 94.
to reserve agents, 40.

under State Bank of Indiana system,

See also Borrowers' statements, Col-
laterals, Securities.

London, as a financial center, 338, 441.

branch banks in, 253.

London Chamber of Commerce, on com-
mercial employment of foreigners, 10.
London Economist, on Great Britain's
coin reserve, 169.

Louisiana, banking system of, 332, 333.

trust companies in, 476.
Lovering, Representative, author of cur-
rency-reform measure, 290, 304.

McAshan, Mr., on branch banking and

asset currency, 265.

McCullough, Hugh, on panic of 1837, 201.
McCurdy, R. H., connection of with
branch banking law, 285.

Maine, failures of trust companies in, 475.
Manufactures, in the world's commerce,

in the U. S., 53-55, 447, 451.
Maryland, failure of trust companies in,

Massachusetts, banking laws of, 313, 525-

banking power of, 282.

banking system of, 299-300, 329.
Medium of exchange, 205, 227-228.
See also Money.

Michigan, banking laws of, 191.

banking system of, 191.

state banks of, 203.

Mill, John Stuart, on financial crises, 175.

Minnesota, banking laws of, 129, 191.

banking system of, 467.

failure of trust company in, 477.

state banks of, 101, 202.

Mississippi, trust companies in, 476.

Missouri, promissory notes in, 126, 128,

129, 130, 131.

trust companies in, 572-573.

Monetary system of U. S., general dis-

cussion of, 381-382.

See also National banks, Public debt,
United States bonds, United States

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

New York City-branch banking in 253.
interest-bearing debt of, 460.
trust ocmpanies in, 553-554-

See also New York Clearing House,
New York Stock Exchange, Stock
market, Wall Street.

New York Clearing House, 227-228, 233-
234, 282-285, 409.

See also Clearing House certificates.
New York Evening Post, on over-specula-
tion, 340.

New York Financier, the, on over-specula-
tion, 339.

New York money market, 442-443.
New York State, banking laws of, 198-
199, 285, 286, 521-523, 524-525, 536-

banking system of, 191, 329, 363, 364,

branch banking in, 285, 286.

financial position of, 337.

national banks in, 457.

public accountants in, 6.

savings banks in, 465.

trust companies in, 457, 472-475, 552.

New York State Bankers' Association, on
borrowers' statements basis for

credit, 44.


New York Stock Exchange, 406, 407, 516,

520, 531-532.

See also Stock market.

New York University, business education
at, II.

North Dakota, trust companies in, 477.
Norway, uncovered circulation of, 170.
See also Bank of Norway.

Official examinations. See Bank examina-
tions, National Bank examiners.
Ohio, banking law of, 165, 199.

banking system of, 191, 202.
trust companies in, 556-557-
Organization in business, defects in, 4.
Oriental banks, 20-21.

Orient, the, as a field for American trade,
19-21, 23.

lack of trust companies in the, 478.

Paine, Hon. Willis S., framer of bill for
banking reform, 304.

Panama canal, the, 373, 392.

Panics, conditions leading to, 163-164, 172-
173, 243, 247, 278-279, 398, 440.
effect on savings banks, 573.
inevitable in future, 216.

in Great Britain, 168-169.

in United States (1837-1893), 201, 217,
234-235, 243-244, 248, 278-279, 344,
361, 370.

panaceas for, 163-175, 196, 216-222,
233-235, 303, 306.

redemption of greenbacks in, 293.

Panics-under branch banking, 277.279.

See also Financial crises.
Parliament, English, enactment by on
promissory notes, 124.

Pendleton, Senator, on payment of bonds
in greenbacks, 194.

Pennsylvania, banking system of, 329, 467.
trust companies in, 473-475.

Perry on Trusts, on delegation of dis-
cretionary trusts, 545.

Pittsburg, as a financial center, 139, 141,
145, 146, 577-578.

Politics, as a cause of defalcations, 88, 91.
in bank examinations, 98-99, 119.
in connection with gold standard act,

in connection with greenbacks, 294-295.
in currency reform problem, 423.

in national banking system, 98-99, 112-
119, 218-219, 238.

Pooling agreements, 226.

Post office Department, receipts of in re-
lation to volume of business, 451.
Powers of attorney from executors and

[blocks in formation]

Reserves as index of approaching crisis,


in reserve cities, 225.

laws in regulation of, 165-166 213.
359-360, 470-471.

bank notes as, 303, 368-369.
character of discussed, 319-322.
fluctuations in, 385-386.
in Canada, 241-242.
necessity of, 454.

place of in our financial system,

under branch-banking system, 239-
247, 248.

under Fowler banking bill, 333-
use of gold for, 435-436.

waste in present system, 220-410.
of trust companies, 460-461, 463, 573-
Ricardo, cited on monetary science, 327.
Ridgely, Hon. William B., on bank fail.
ures and defalcations, 74, 88, 95-96,

on expert bank examinations, 95-96.
on losses of national bank depositors,

on national banking system, 167.
Root, L. Carroll, on New York bank note
guaranty fund system, 199.

on the Imperial Bank of Germany, 331.
Russia, depreciation of national securities
of, 459.

financial condition of, 185.
gold money of, 379.

uncovered circulation of, 170.

See also Imperial Bank of Russia.

St. John, William P., on Quigley bond
forgery, 502-503.

St. Louis, as a central reserve city, 225.
banks and trust companies of, 458.
Savings banks, 79, 165, 167, 460, 465, 572-

Schuyler frauds, 516, 524, 529-530.
Scotland, asset currency in, 290, 330.

bank failures in, 256, 258.
banking laws of, 212-213.
banks of, 330.

general banking system of, 211-222, 258-
259, 266, 309, 334.

See also Bank of Scotland.
Secretary of the Treasury, acceptance by
of municipal bonds, 501.
action by regarding circulation, 361-
362, 371-372, 412-413, 427-428.
control of over emergency currency,
172, 306-307.

on central redemption of bank notes,

on growth of trust companies and
national banks, 457-458.

Securities, 26, 62-66, 501-507.

See also Collaterals, Loans.

Shaw, Secretary, an advocate of asset cur.
rency, 364.

as a public officer, 428.

on federal incorporation of trust com-
panies, 458-459.

on notes of failed banks, 367.

on taxing bank issues, 394.
securities accepted by, 14.
Sherman law, the, 294, 229, 372.
Silver certificates, character of, 228.

Silver, coinage of, 187, 189, 319, 375-376,

Smith, Adam, cited on monetary science,

Société Genéralé, methods of, 486.
Spanish War, the, 361, 370, 373.
Speculation, a necessary evil, 324.

as a cause of defalcations, 87, 89-90,

birth and development of, 430-431.
compared with finance, 35-36.
culmination of, 440.

dangers of, 339-341, 453-454.
in financial banking, 36, 37.
outlook for near future, 443.
Stagnation, periods of, 16, 17.

Standard Dictionary, on panic conditions,

Standard Oil banks, New York City, 36-


State Bank of Indiana, 298, 301, 332, 333,

State banks, failures of, 164.

former confusion among, 300-301.
functions of, 463.

in the early eighties, 465.
management of, 202-203.

recent increase in deposits of, 450.
tax on circulation of, 191, 229, 235.
Stewart, A. T., on advertising, 578-579.
Stewart, Mr., as a financial leader, 468.
on trust company management, 469.
Stickney, Mr., cited on national bank sys-
tem, 279-280.

cited on panic of 1893, 278-279.
Stockholders, relations of to banks, 77-78,
81, 82-87.

relation of to corporations, 531.
responsibility of registrars of stock to,
516, 517.

responsibility of transfer agent to, 510,

rights of, 5.

See also Dividends.

Stock market, infiuence of, 35.

Stock, registration and transfer of, 525-
526, 530-532, 534-535-

See also Transfer agents and Regis-
trars of stock.

Sub treasuries, 219, 230, 231, 406, 407.
See also United States Treasury.

Suffolk bank system, 201-202, 256, 270,
299-300, 301, 322, 332, 370.

Sumner, Professor, cited on monetary
science, 327-328.

on duty of banks in panics, 168.
Supervision and publicity, 4-6, 113-121,

Supreme Court of the United States, on
current funds, 129.

on railroad traffic rates, 226.
Surplus, importance of to banks, 84-87.
Sweden, state banks of, 332.

Tappen, Frederick D., tribute to, 282-283.
Tennessee, trust companies in, 476.
Théry, Prof. Edmund, on recent increase
of gold, 329.

Thurman, Senator, on payment of bonds
in greenbacks, 194.

Transfer agents, 507-515, 516, 517, 518,
520-521, 526, 531.

Transportation in the United States, 3.
Treasury system of United States, eco-
nomic waste of, 180-187.

See also United States Treasury.
Trust companies, acting under mortgages
securing bonds, 557-562.

advertising of, 568, 575, 578-579, 580-

as registrars of stock, 515-519, 530-

534, 535.

as transfer agents, 507-515, 516, 517,
518, 521-523, 530-534, 535.
bond departments of, 567.
collection departments of, 568.
deposits of, 572-573-

development of, 465-469, 556-557.
essentials for, of certain instruments,

examinations of, 489-496, 553-556.
failures of, 472-478, 553-554, 557, 573.
financial departments of, 567.
foreign analogues of, 479-488.
foreign branches of, 481.

forms of transacting business of, 492-
493, 497-500.

functions of, 463, 466-467, 483, 491,
557, 563, 566, 571.

growth and importance of, 457-460,
494, 553-554.

interest on deposits in, 79-80.

lack of in foreign countries, 478.
liability as to trust funds, 548-552.
management of, 490.

notice rule of, 573-574-
origin of, 472-473.

proper attitude of toward corporate
enterprises, 563-566.

real estate departments of, 566-570.
relations of to banks, 33-34, 460-464,

469, 470-471, 489-490, 491-492, 494.
reserves requirements for, 165-166, 167.

[blocks in formation]

United States, banking power of, 458, 459.
commerce of, 3, 19, 20-21.

contrasted with England in financial
methods, 480.

failures of trust companies and national
banks in, 477.

financial condition of, 185-187, 446-454-
financial rank of, 238, 469.

financial system of, 382-383, 459, 464-

population of, 360, 361, 449.
recent development of, 179-180.
United States bonds, as basis for circula-
tion, 13, 189, 191, 192, 193-195, 266,
268, 269, 303, 315, 345, 359, 360-363,
370-371, 400, 406, 407, 409, 429, 450.
United States currency, adequate legisla-
tion needed for, 310-311, 336-337, 401-

as credit currency, 382-383.
danger of inflation, 318, 323, 325.
elasticity, 178-179, 302-303, 308-310,
315, 316, 320-321, 325, 371, 383-394,
398-400, 407, 409-410.

conditions necessary for, 334-336.
emergency circulation, 364-366.
issue of uncovered notes by small

banks, 323-324.

need of more fiat money, 337-338.
need of more gold, 337-338.

expansion of discussed, 362.
fluctuations in, 307, 384-387.
importance of reform of, 423-426.
injudicious use of, 75-76.

international gold transfer system, 410-


issue of $5 and $10 gold certificates,

414-415, 422.

lack of system in, 229.

paper currency discussed, 321-323, 377.
present conditions, 339-341, 405-407.
recent tendencies in, 326-327.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
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