Imágenes de páginas

tion to collectors.

Beaufort, Sundbury, Brunswick, St. Mary's,
Hardwick, and Tenneffee, three per cent.

Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That from and after the last day of March, in the prefent year, in lieu of the yearly allowances heretofore established by law, there fhall be yearly allowed to the following officers, the fums following, to wit:

To each of the collectors of the districts of Annapolis, Havre-de-Grace, Gloucester, SouthCompenfa quay, Yeocomico, Tappahannock, Newbern, Edenton, Camden, Wilmington, (North-Carolina,) Nanjemoy, Ipfwich, York, Washington, Paffamaquoddy, Saint-Mary's, Vermont, Champlain, and Bermuda-Hundred, the fum of two hundred and fifty dollars.

To each of the collectors of the districts of Oxford, Vienna, Chester, Sagg-Harbour, Nottingham, Hampton, York-town, Dumfries, Foley-landing, Cherryftone, Beaufort, Brunfwick and Hardwick, the sum of two hundred dollars.

To each of the collectors of the diftricts of Perth-Amboy, Kentucky, Portsmouth, Hudfon, Plymouth, Barnftable, Nantucket, Edgar-town, New-Bedford, Dighton, Penobscot, Frenchman's-Bay, Machias, Newport, Middletown, Fairfield, Burlington, Bridge-town, Great-Egg-Harbour, Little-Egg-Harbour, Wilmington, (in Delaware,) Snow-hill, Georgetown, (in South-Carolina,) Sunbury, Tenneffee, Marblehead, New-Haven, and Georgetown, (in Maryland,) the fum of one hundred and fifty dollars.

To each of the collectors of Biddeford, Bath, and Wifcaffet, one hundred dollars.

To the naval-officer of the district of Portf mouth, two hundred dollars.


To each of the naval officers of the districts comp of Newbury-port, Salem, Newport, Provi- fation to dence, Wilmington, (in North-Carolina,) and officers. Savannah, the fum of one hundred and fifty dollars.

To each of the furveyors of Salem, Portfmouth, Newbury-port, Bristol, Warren, EastGreenwich, Saint Mary's, Suffolk, Smithfield, CompenRichmond, Petersburg, Fredericksburg, Wil- tion tr mington, Beaufort, and Swansborough, the fum of two hundred and fifty dollars.

To each of the furveyors of Newport, Providence, Thomas-town, Beverly, New-Haven, Middletown, Hartford, Saybrook, Albany, Hudfon, Lewellenfburg, Portland, NorthKingston, Pawhatuck, Patuxet, New-London, Stonington, Town-creek, Bermuda-Hundred, Weft-Point, Urbanna, Port-Royal, Alexandria, Windfor, Hertford, Plymouth, Skewar ky, Murfreesborough, Bennet's-creek, Winton, Nixonton, New-biggen-creek, Pafquotank river, Indian town, Currituck-inlet, Savannah, and New-Brunfwick, (in New-Jerfey,) the fum of one hundred and fifty dollars.



fation to

Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That from and after the laft day of March, in the prefent year, in lieu of the fum heretofore established Compenby law, there fhall be paid to each infpector, infpectors. for every day he fhall be employed in aid of the customs, a fum not exceeding two dollars; and that instead of the fum heretofore eftablifhed by law, to be paid for the weighing of every one hundred and twelve pounds, in To weigh the diftricts of Pennfylvania and New-York, there fhall be paid one cent; in the districts of Boston and Charlestown, and of Baltimore, one cent and a quarter; and the weighers in the feveral diftricts fhall defray all expenfe of


Foes arif

labourers in weighing, and fhall mark on each cafk, box, bag, or package, the weight thereof, where the fame is not lefs than three hundred pounds, if thereunto required by the owner, at the time of weighing.

Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That from ing on ex- and after the last day of March, in the prefent portation year, all fees arifing on the exportation of any ded among goods, wares or merchandize, on which drawcollectors, backs are allowed, fhall be equally fhared cers and among the collector, naval-officer and furveyfurveyors, or, where there are fuch officers at the port


No veffel


where fuch fees are paid; to be accounted for, quarterly, by the collector or naval-officer, who fhall receive the fame; and where there is no naval-officer, fuch fees fhall be divided equally between the collector and the furveyor, who may have been concerned in attending to fuch exportation. And the furveyors fhall pay their proportion of the expense of ftationery and printing.

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Sec. 5. And be it further enacted, That preto clear out vious to a clearance being granted to any veffel, till fees are outward bound, the legal fees which fhall have accrued on fuch veffel, fhall be paid at the office or offices where fuch fees are refpectively payable; and receipts for the fame shall be produced to the collector, or other officer whofe duty it may be to grant clearances, before fuch clearance is granted,

Sec. 6. And be it further enacted, That a furveyor be appointed for the port of New, Brunswick, in New-Jerfey, to refide at New Brunfwick. And the port of Marblehead shall hereafter be a port at which veffels arriving

from beyond the Cape of Good-Hope, may enter and unlade.

JONATHAN DAYTON, Speaker of the

Houfe of Reprefentatives.

WILLIAM BINGHAM, Prefident of the

Senate, pro tempore.

APPROVED, March third, 1797:


Prefident of the United States.

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An Act for raifing a further Sum of Money, by additional Duties on certain Articles imported; and for other Purposes.

Sec. I.



E it enacted by the Senate and Houfe of Reprefentatives of the United States of America, in Congress affembled, That from and after the thirtieth day of June next, the following duties, in addition to those Additional now in force, and payable on the feveral arti- duty on cles hereinafter-enumerated, fhall be laid, le- certain vied and collected upon thofe articles, refpectively, at their importation into the United States, from any foreign port or place, viz. upon all brown fugar, per pound, one half cent; upon all bohea tea, per pound, two cents; upon all molaffes, per gallon, one cent; and upon all velvets, and velverets, whether printed, ftained, coloured, or otherwise, and

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upon all muflins and muflinets, and other cotton
goods, not printed, ftained or coloured, two and
a half
per centum, ad valorem.

Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That from and after the said thirtieth day of June next, the duties now in force, and payable upon sufugar-can- gar-candy, and cocoa, imported into the Unidy varied. ted States, fhall ceafe; and that, in lieu

Duty on
Cocoa and

Ten per

tion on im

thereof, there fhall thenceforth be levied and collected the following duty, viz. upon all fugar-candy, at its importation into the United States, from any foreign port or place, nine cents per pound; and upon all cocoa upon its importation as aforefaid, two cents per pound.

Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That an addition of ten per centum, fhall be made cent addi- to the feveral rates of duties above specified ports in fo- and impofed, in refpect to all fuch goods, wares and merchandize, as aforefaid, as fhall, after the faid last day of June next, be imported in fhips or veffels, not of the United States.

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fhall be

Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That the duties laid by this act, fhall be levied and colHow duties lected in the fame manner, and under the fame regulations and allowances as to drawbacks, mode of fecurity, and time of payment, refpectively, with the feveral duties now in force on the refpective articles herein-before enumerated.



Sec. 5. And be it further enacted, That on account of the additional duties laid on brown fugar and molaffes, by this act, the following fums, refpectively, fhall, from and after the last day of December next, be added to the drawbacks now allowed and paid by law on fugar refined within the United States, and exported

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