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Tacket Street-(Independents), crowded, from 1,300 to 1,400 children, Market Lane (Wesleyan,) Turret and a large number of adults, being Green-(Baptist,) Rope Walk,- (Prim- present on the occasion. The children itive Methodist,) and California school, sang with great spirit and effect several in connexion with Nicholas school, and favorite hymns, and the service was situate about a mile and a half distant altogether one of a very pleasing from the town. The attendance of character, and will, we believe, live long in the remembrance of the children present.

the children at the various schools was below the usual average, in some degree perhaps owing to the severity of the weather; but it was observed, that the teachers generally were at their posts. Owing to the limited time allowed for this purpose, the visitation made by Mr. Hartley was necessarily brief and hasty; but he was evidently cordially welcomed by the superintendents and teachers of the various schools, and the visits appeared to afford him much pleasure from the hearty reception he met with.

In the evening, Mr. Hartley paid a visit to the Ragged Schools, and at the close of the visit addressed the children present, in his usual happy and felicitous style.

On the Monday evening, a meeting of the ministers and teachers, for conference, was held in the Council Chamber of the Town Hall, (kindly lent by the Mayor) Mr. E. Grimwade presiding. After singing and prayer, by the Rev. J. Gay, the chairman addressed the In the afternoon the children con- meeting on the importance of the Union, nected with the schools already named, and referred to the success which had with those of the Ragged Schools, and resulted from the canvass held some also of two schools connected with time since in Ipswich, and called upon Tacket Street, conducted in villages Mr. Hartley, who in a very friendly about three miles distant, met at the and pleasant manner, stated the impresnew chapel at Tacket Street, (kindly sions produced on his mind by the brief placed at the disposal of the Committee and hasty visits paid by him to the by the Rev. E. Jones,) when a sermon, schools on the previous day, kindly pointspecially adapted to the juvenile con- ing out the matters in which he regarded gregation, was preached by Mr. Hartley, the Ipswich schools as deficient, and sugfrom Judges iii. 20, “I have a message gested various points for their improvefrom God to thee." In which he ment; alluding also to the pleasure he showed the children who the mes- experienced in witnessing the healthy sengers were that God sent to men, and vigorous state of the Ipswich viz., angels, ministers, teachers: and then told them that he had a message A conference then took place on the from God for them, and it consisted of following subjects:-"What shall we four things. It was to offer them-1st, do with our Senior Scholars? " "How A free pardon; 2nd, A beautiful dress; should we deal with refractory and un3rd, A safe guide; and 4th, A happy ruly scholars?" "Discipline of the home; and in conclusion told them of school generally;" "Modes of teachanother messenger whom God would ing;" "Separate services," &c.; and send to them all, at a time none could on each of these points the opinions of tell that messenger was Death. In Mr. Hartley, and his experience in conthe course of his address, he illustrated nexion with other schools, was solicited. his subject by Bible truths and anec- Mr. Hartley replied to each question put dotes; and at the close, briefly ques- to him, to the evident satisfaction of the tioned the children on the heads of the meeting. In the course of the confeaddress. The chapel was densely rence, the chairman, with the Reys. J.


Cox, E. Jones, and J. Gay, and Messrs. Pitcairn, Thomas Jones, Bull, Prenticé, Seager, Boyce, and Dothie, took part in the discussion. At the close, a hearty and cordial vote of thanks to

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Mr. Hartley, was proposed by Mr. Rees, THE SUNDAY SCHOOL TEACHERS' SONG.

and seconded by Mr. Pitcairn, for his kindness in visiting the town on this occasion, to which Mr. Hartley replied; and with a vote of thanks to the Chairman,

the meeting was closed with the Doxology and prayer, by the Rev. J. Cox. The visit of Mr. Hartley, it is anticipated, will have an important influence on the schools in the town generally, while it will tend to strengthen the hands of the friends of the Ipswich Union, and lead them to adopt further measures for the welfare and prosperity of the various Sunday schools.



Kindness hath a regal power

In this beauteous world of ours, When dark storms of sorrow lour,

Or in pleasure's brightest hours: Like fair spring, so bright and cheery, O'er the earth its verdure flings, Kindness to the lone and weary, Joy and gladness often brings.

As the genial summer shower

Irrigates the parched earth, Like the dew-drop in the flower, Kindness heightens modest worth: For our errors kindness ever,

Hath an antidote sublime; With harsh words the heart will never Melt until the end of time.

Kindness, beauty hath and splendour,
Like the gorgeous evening glow,
As the sun with glances tender,

Smiles on all the world below; Kindness like some heavenly spirit, Breathes gladness in the darkest hour; Like the luscious dew-drop's visit,

To the little drooping flower.

Let us not forget that kindness
Much of evil will remove,
Let us not with mental blindness,
With an angry word reprove;

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Eccles. xi. 6.

For we "know not which shall prosper,"
That planted here or there,
Or whether both may flourish,
Our anxious hearts to cheer.
Full oft we "go forth weeping," Ps. cxxvi. 6.
For the hardness of the soil,
And the "tares," which, ever springing,
Our earnest efforts foil; 'Matt. xiii. 25. 26.
And oft-times we grow weary

Of the "burden and the heat," Matt. xx. 12. And are fain to leave our labor,

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By the Rev. John Nelson Goulty, of Brighton.

SUNDAY School instruction is a variety in education, which sprang up in this country about the year 1780 and 1781, the seed of which has been scattered in every direction at home, transplanted into other lands, and proved to be adapted to every clime. A plant, so much and so generally admired, presenting so beautiful a sight to the eye, and producing fruit so grateful to the pious taste; affording to the mind such valuable excitement, and filling the heart with such holy satisfaction, ought, indeed, to be cherished, cultivated, and propagated, with the utmost care and skill.

Sunday schools properly consist of two general orders of scholars.

1st. Those who require to be taught to read and reverence the Bible, to observe the Lord's day, and to be disciplined to social order and religious habits, as the basis of personal character.

2nd. Those who, having learnt these first principles, require to be occupied and interested in all that relates to the carrying out, and carrying on, of a work so well begun.

The first of the orders are plants that have sprung up in the wilderness; the other, those that have had some cultivation, and are too often left to wander, exposed to every temptation and danger, at the very period of life which is most interesting and hazardous. Too old, or too big, to be any longer ranked as children, and not having sufficient motive, or sufficient material, for the office of teacher, they are tempted by pride, or permitted, for want of suitable occupation, to steal away into the world, where they soon imbibe its spirit, and fall a prey to its devices. Alas! how many, who once bid fair for the kingdom of God, have, at this door, been let out of the fold, and never returned!

These observations will go far towards assisting us to determine the qualifications of Sunday school teachers. In considering these qualifications, it is proper to notice objects in view. These respect the mind, the soul, and the moral destiny of man.

Every one of our species claims to be considered, and to be treated, as possessing a mind. However true it is, that man is thus elevated above the brutes that perish, it is one of the important effects of education, to make young people feel that they are endowed with mind. Man possesses capabilities of mental exercise, with as much call for suitable cultivation, as his bodily frame calls for discipline and care. There is no part of the frame-work of man which is to be considered as unnecessary; and it is only depravity, that, in any instance, has suggested the suspicion of incapacity, or induced the tyranny, that


would crush or depress the energies of mind in any class of the human species, be the skin white or black.

The first principles of mental exercise must be good, as tending to elevate the man, not above his station, or above his fellow man, but above the low debasement of slavery and ignorance; as tending to give reason a power over mere sense, by tracing the line between right and wrong; thus assisting to subjugate the passions, refine the taste, open sources of mental enjoyment, pre-occupy and fortify the mind against unhallowed influence, correct the judgment, and chasten the feelings.

Let but education have its fair operation, and every class of society will find its level and its own advantages from it. It is admitted, that, to educate one part to the neglect of another, is to endanger the neglected but let every order among us, awake to the operation, and then what would the highest have to apprehend from the lowest? We are at best, far enough from the summits of knowledge. Besides, it is now too late to prevent, or to stop the process of education; the stream deepens and widens as it flows, and it would be a waste of time to lament the commencement of that, the advance of which cannot, and ought not to be hindered. Let us rather give ourselves to the fact, open our eyes to the prospect, and stir up ourselves to the demands which are being made upon us. If "reason frowns on him who wastes that reflection, on a destiny independent of him, which he ought to reserve for actions of which he is the master," then, let us buckle on the armour, and prepare to wield the weapons of our warfare. We have no greater enemy than ignorance. Let us nerve every energy, and apply all our powers to regulate and direct the mighty machine of education. If the lower orders are beginning to rise in mental and moral culture, what will be the natural influence, but to push forward the class just before them? this again will urge the class above, and the great result will be a more elevated scale of society, from the foundation to the top stone of the building. If the poor are the hands and the feet of society, the vigour that is necessary to give life and health and usefulness in the extremities cannot be supplied without the vital principle in the head and heart. The competition is fair; and the power of knowledge will destroy what it cannot improve.

Every man has a soul! It is this consideration which stamps the character of Sunday schools. Compared with the elevation of the soul "what are sun, moon and stars, but trifles? and what is time, but the twinkling of an eye." Every man is a sinner! all under the curse, gone astray, lost, ruined, undone; as such, man is to be sought out, reclaimed, restored, saved. There is only one way to heaven, one Bible, one cross, one Saviour, one Spirit. tality! he is here but for a season, conscious agent which he has been.

Every man is destined for immoryet is never to cease to be the What an immense importance

attaches to his present existence, and to the means which are employed for his moral and his spiritual welfare!

The difficulty any where of fixing the minds of young people on the things of eternity is only increased, in a scene and an atmosphere like that by which we are here surrounded. Every scene is in battle array against us, the moral atmosphere prejudicial. Children and young persons brought up in perpetual excitement require only more excitement, Of our local position we may indeed say,

"Here satan's seat exalted stands

And vice in triumph reigns;

A crown for him who owns me here,
And all my truth maintains."

These considerations prepare us to consider the qualifications of a Sunday school teacher as of no common distinction. There should be 1 Real respectability of character: that is, marked by seriousness, steadfastness, gravity, sincerity, "sound speech which cannot be condemned "any thing trifling, flippant, frivolous, or jocular, is not consistent with the character of a Sunday school teacher.

2 A proper estimate of the importance of the work, and of the privilege of being engaged in it. It will not do to come to this undertaking, as to a mere occupation; or because others do it. The heart must be in it. It is the seed of the kingdom, it is leaven. The character and advancement of the church of Christ are concerned, and the everlasting interests of those who are committed to your care. Το render any measure of benefit is an honor, and affords a peace of mind and a comfort of heart which is a great reward.

3 Personal religion. This qualification rises in importance with the sphere and object before you; and in order to be eminently useful you must seek to be eminently holy, devoted, and spiritual. How can any one instruct others in what he does not himself understand? The subordinate objects, the mere mechanical parts of Sunday school teaching, may be performed (and usefully) by teachers who are not decidedly religious, provided they possess the two qualifications before mentioned. But the great, the ultimate end of Sunday school teaching is essentially connected with the personal religion of the scholar; and cannot be expected to be promoted, urged, or effected, by one who has not himself" tasted that the Lord is gracious." If the ruins of the fall, in your own case, excite no real concern, how can it be expected that you would weep over the desolations and ruin which sin has made in others; "IIe that winneth souls is wise;" he knows the way of salvation, and has felt "the powers of the world to come."

4. An enquiring mind. Thoughtful, solicitous, hungering and thirsting after spiritual food; to know and feel the truth; to be aware that there are heights and depths and breadths and lengths which pass our

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