Imágenes de páginas

Niagara Falls, west door on south side of Echota station of the
New York Central & Hudson River R. R.; top of a small square
in southeast corner of a larger square cut in west end of stone
sill .
Niagara Falls, on sill of first window west of northeast corner of
Niagara Falls Power Co.'s powerhouse, 7 inches west of east side
of window on side of building facing Buffalo Avenue; top of
brass bolt leaded vertically in east end of stone..

La Salle, 1 mile west of, on north side of main river road, at south-
west corner of brick schoolhouse in district 5; top of square
cut on stone water table....





Bench marks near Lewiston 1

Lewiston, northeast corner of foundation of brick store owned by Eugene Murphy, on lot 252, on south side of Center Street, between Fourth and Fifth streets; square cut on water table.. Lewiston, 1.3 miles north of, just west of river road, about 1,600 feet north of residence of F. Hays; head of spike driven in bench cut on root of white oak tree 12 inches in diameter.... Lewiston, near, north abutment of trestle 2, on Gorge route over Fish Creek, about 5,600 feet south of New York Central & Hudson River R. R. station; square cut on top of southeast corner of fifth stone from west wing...


Pullman south to Buffalo, 2

Pullman, on Military Road, 12 meters west of center of electric-car tracks, 180 meters north of large frame house on west side of road, opposite steel ball factory at Pullman station; top of a 20-penny nail driven into southeast root of elm tree 20 inches in diameter, standing farthest north in a line of five trees..... Buffalo, at city limit, on north side of Military Road, on street line 220 meters north of large saloon building; top of a square cut on top of large bowlder...

Buffalo, 73 meters west of Military Road and 145 meters south of
Delaware, Lackawanna & Western R. R. tracks; top of a 20-
penny wire nail driven into west root of an elm tree 13 inches in

Buffalo, northwest corner of intersection of Hertel Avenue and
East Street, in front of St. John Baptist Church; highest point
in a square cut on stone water table....
Buffalo, 600 meters below International Bridge over Erie Canal at
Black Rock, in center of coping stone on towpath side of guard
lock of Erie Canal, opposite hinge of upper gate, 7 meters below
upper end of lock; highest point in a small square cut in
southeast corner of larger square (said to be Board on Deep
Waterways p. b. m. Guard Lock).

1 Information furnished by Board on Deep Waterways.
2 Information furnished by U. S. Lake Survey.









Buffalo, south end of east abutment of bridge 192 over Erie Canal on Bridge Street, or first bridge over Erie Canal below the International Bridge; top of a brass bolt leaded vertically into top of stone on bottom step. . . . .

Buffalo, north end of east abutment of International Bridge over main channel of Niagara River; square cut on a projection of stone in fourth course of masonry below bridge seat, marked in white paint "U. S. B. M., 88" (D. W., International Bridge 2). Buffalo, east abutment of International Bridge over Erie Canal; highest point in a square cut on projecting ledge of third stone from south, and fifth course below bridge seat (D. W.)........ Buffalo, on river side of main building of pumping station of the Buffalo Waterworks; center of brass bolt leaded horizontally into stone window sill of center window, marked "U. S. P. B. M.".

Buffalo, northwest corner of fire-tug station at foot of Genesee Street, on lake front; top of knob cut on corner of stone water table, 21⁄2 feet above the pavement..







Buffalo, on plinth of most northerly Buffalo lighthouse, south of
United States pier and connected with the pier, in line with
Erie Street; top of a high point on east corner and upper
surface of plinth....


Tonawanda to Buffalo.1

Tonawanda, near towpath abutment of Three Mile Bridge, No. 183;
chiseled square on east wing (N. Y. 542)
Tonawanda, near, rear of towpath abutment, second course below
coping of Cherry's bridge, No. 184; chiseled square on west
wing, marked with paint "U.S.B.M. 218" (N. Y. 543)
Tonawanda, near, towpath abutment of Spie's bridge, No. 185;
chiseled square on east wing, painted "U.S.B.M. 216" (N. Y.




Buffalo, near, towpath abutment of Scott's bridge, No. 186; chiseled square on west wing, painted "U.S.B.M." (N. Y. 545). 578.094 Buffalo, near, 0.97 mile east of International Bridge, on south side of west wing of change bridge, No. 187; chiseled square, painted "U.S.B.M. 9" (N. Y. 546)

Buffalo, near, International Bridge; chiseled square on face of towpath abutment, painted "U.S.B.M. 7" (N. Y. 548). . . . . Buffalo, on Ferry Street Bridge, No. 194, towpath abutment; chiseled square on west wing, painted "U.S.B.M. 6" (N. Y. 549)





Buffalo, on Porter Avenue Bridge, No. 196; chiseled square on face of towpath abutment, bottom course, between fourth and fifth arch ribs (N. Y. 550)..


Buffalo, on Hudson Street Bridge, No. 1962; towpath abutment; chiseled square on south wing, first lower step, painted "U.S.B.M. 211" (N. Y. 551)......


Buffalo, on Commercial Street Bridge, No. 204, towpath abutment; chiseled square on north wing, second lower step (N. Y. 552)...


1 Rept. State Engineer and Surveyor for 1901.


Bench marks near Wilson.1

Wilson, about 1.5 miles east of, in south root of poplar tree 21⁄2
feet in diameter standing on fence line on north side of east-
west road, at east end of hedgerow and at southwest corner of
lawn in front of residence of Mr. H. Pease; top of 30-penny nail
driven into root 21⁄2 feet south of trunk of tree..
Wilson, northwest corner of Exley Methodist Episcopal Church;
center of brass bolt leaded horizontally on water table, marked

Ransomville, 4 miles east of, 697 meters west of milepost 158, on
south end of west abutment of a plate-girder railway bridge over
east branch of Twelve-mile Creek, on New York Central & Hud-
son River R. R.; square cut in top of bridge seat and marked

Ransomville, 2,650 meters east of, 340 meters east of milepost 161, at edge of timber, on north end of west wall of open culvert on New York Central & Hudson River R. R.; square cut on stone on top of second step from top....

1 Information furnished by U. S. Lake Survey.








Secondary elevations from records and topographic maps of the United States Geological Survey, including vertical angle bench marks, altitudes of well known summits, water surface elevations of prominent lakes, and other useful elevations are given below. These elevations are approximate only and should not be used for accurate work.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
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