Imágenes de páginas


The base of the Falls section is at road level, about 0.9 mile south of the Buttermilk Creek section and about 1 mile south of Falls, Pa., on the east side of the Susquehanna River. The section extends up the steepest accessible part of the south end of the cliff.

Susquehanna Group:
Catskill Formation:
Zone C:

23. Sandstone, brownish-gray; grades to greenish gray in
top 4 ft; very fine to fine-grained; beds 4-2 in. thick;
moderately crossbedded; interbeds of grayish-brown
fissile shale. Top of unit is approximately the middle
of unit 19 of Buttermilk Creek section_‒‒‒‒
22. Sandstone, brownish-gray, very fine grained; beds 4 in.
thick; moderately crossbedded; 2 beds of grayish-
brown silty fissile to platy shale about 4 ft thick_----
21. Sandstone, greenish-gray, very fine to fine-grained,
micaceous, ironstained; beds 4-1 in. thick; abundant
crossbedding; forms cliffs; 3 grayish-brown shale lenses
1 ft thick 20-30 ft above base; 3 similar lenses in the
upper half; 3 greenish-gray shale lenses 1 ft thick in
upper half of unit. A "white bed" 3 ft thick 40 ft
above base, is the "white bed" of unit 15 of Buttermilk
Creek section. Comparison of altitude of "white bed"
at both sections indicates apparent dip of 1° N‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒
20. Sandstone, light-brownish-gray, fine-grained; flaggy beds
14-2 in. thick; no crossbedding___

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

19. "Glomerate," greenish-gray, limy, ferruginous; weathers
brown; clay pebbles as much as 11⁄2 in. long; small red
shale lens at top-----


18. Shale, medium-dark-gray; weathers to very light gray;
thin limy "glomerate" lenses; lenticular, grades laterally
to underlying shale___.

17. Shale, grayish-brown, silty-.

[blocks in formation]

16. Shale, greenish-gray, silty, fissile to platy, lenticular;
grades laterally to sandstone; limy nodules as much as
6 in. long-.

15. Sandstone, greenish-gray, very fine grained, well-sorted;
beds 1⁄2 in. thick to massive; slightly crossbedded;

14. Claystone, grayish-brown, silty; beds 14 in. thick‒‒‒‒‒‒
13. Sandstone, brownish-gray, very fine grained; beds as much
as 2 in. thick_‒‒‒‒‒

12. Shale, grayish-brown, silty; lenticular unit 0-4 ft thick_-
11. Sandstone, olive-gray, very fine grained, well-sorted; beds
% in.-1 ft thick; moderately crossbedded; limy and
"worm eaten"; sandy "glomerate" lens 1-6 ft thick at


10. Shale, grayish-brown, silty, micaceous; beds as much as
14 in. thick; locally limy; unit is 4-8 ft thick_----

[blocks in formation]

Susquehanna Group-Continued

Catskill Formation-Continued
Zone C-Continued
9. Sandstone, greenish-gray to light-brownish-gray, very fine
to fine-grained, well-sorted, ironstained, slightly limy;
thin laminae to beds 4 in. thick; crossbedded; dark-
greenish-gray shale lens 1 ft thick 5 ft above base_----
8. Sandstone, very fine grained, siltstone, and claystone,
in alternating beds; greenish gray; poorly exposed;
sandstone beds 2-4 in. thick; crossbedded in lower
part of unit_____

7. Claystone; grayish brown in upper and lower parts,
greenish gray in middle 4 ft; silty; beds as much as
4 in. thick; limy sandstone lens overlain by "glomerate"
lens in upper part----

6. Sandstone, greenish-gray, very fine to fine-grained, mica-
ceous, ironstained; beds 4 in.-2 ft thick; slightly cross-
bedded; 2 "glomerate" lenses, each 1 ft thick-1 at base
and 1 in middle of unit___

5. Sandstone, mostly greenish-gray; brownish gray at base;
very fine grained; massive; slightly crossbedded____
4. Claystone, brownish-gray; beds as much as % in. thick__
3. Sandstone, greenish-gray, very fine to fine-grained, well-
sorted, micaceous; beds 4 in.-2 ft thick; slightly
crossbedded; dark-gray silty claystone lenses as much
as 3 ft thick, 6 and 15 ft above base; bedding in lenses
is disturbed or crumpled; "glomerate" at base and 2
ft below top of unit----

2. Sandstone, greenish-gray to light-olive-gray, fine-grained,
well-sorted, micaceous; beds 1-2 in. thick; abundant
crossbeds; several "glomerate" lenses about 1 ft thick;
dark-gray claystone lens 22 ft thick near top; unbedded
coal-bearing very fine to fine-grained sandstone in irreg-
ular lenses as much as 4 ft thick; coal lenses from
individual plants as much 8 in. wide and 1⁄2 in. thick.
Weathered coal-bearing sandstone is "pock marked" and
rusty yellow; shows abundant channeling---.

1. In descending order:

Claystone, greenish-gray, silty, slightly limy, fissile to
indistinctly bedded; grades laterally to "glomerate” 1
ft thick. Greenish-gray to light-brownish-gray fine-
grained sandstone 2 ft thick in middle of unit; angular
to subangular grains; crossbeds 1 in. thick. Greenish-
gray silty slightly limy fissile to indistinctly bedded
claystone 3 ft thick. Greenish-gray very fine grained
massive lenticular sandstone 1 ft thick at base of unit_

Part of zone C measured_.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]


The Richards 1 well was completed on November 10, 1956, by the Transcontinental Production Co. It is approximately 2,050 feet south of lat 41°25'0" N. and 8,850 feet west of long 75°47'30" W. in the Ransom 72-minute quadrangle, Lackawanna County, Pa. The top of the well is 1,030 feet above mean sea level; its depth is 8,618 feet. It was started about 2,500 feet below the top of the Catskill Formation and about 3,060 feet below the base of the Pottsville Formation.

Cuttings from the well were borrowed from the Pennsylvania Bureau of Topographic and Geologic Survey, Pittsburgh. The well was drilled by cable tool. Samples were clean and were taken mostly at 3-5 foot intervals; they were examined by E. E. Glick of the U.S. Geological Survey. (See pl. 2 for a graphic section of the rocks penetrated by the Richards 1 well; pl. 1 for the location of the well; and fig. 8 for the stratigraphic relations of the penetrated rocks to those described in the stratigraphic sections.)

Susquehanna Group:

Catskill Formation (3,340 ft):

Zone C (lower part):

Sandstone, greenish-gray, very fine to fine-grained,
slightly limy, very clayey; may be ground moraine
in part----




Sandstone, medium-light-gray, fine-grained, slightly
micaceous, very limy; coalified plants-----
Siltstone, medium-light-gray, very finely micaceous__--
Sandstone, light-gray to light-brownish-gray, fine-
grained, slightly micaceous, clayey-----




Shale, medium-gray and light-brownish-gray, very
finely micaceous___


Sandstone, light-gray, very fine to fine-grained, slightly
limy, micaceous; coalified plants; 20 percent inter-
bedded medium-gray finely micaceous siltstone-----
Sandstone, medium-light-gray, very fine to fine-grained,
slightly limy, micaceous, clayey-



Sandstone (as above), and 20 percent medium-gray
micaceous siltstone beds_--


Sandstone, medium-gray, very fine grained, silty, clayey,
finely micaceous___


Shale, medium-light-gray, and 20 percent light-brown-
ish-gray hard finely micaceous shale in a few silty


Siltstone, medium-gray, slightly micaceous, very finely


Sandstone, light-gray, fine-grained, slightly limy, mica-
ceous: angular to subangular quartz grains are well
sorted; grains of dark rock-sandstone breaks across
rather than around these_


Susquehanna Group-Continued

Catskill Formation-Continued

Zone C-Continued

Sandstone (as above, but more limy); some subrounded



medium quartz grains; plant fossils, partly pyritized. Sandstone (as above), and 50 percent medium-gray shale and siltstone___



Shale, medium-gray (trace light-brownish-gray) ; abun-
dant mica, only as tiny grains----


Sandstone, medium-gray, fine-grained, limy, micaceous,

silty; thin medium-gray shale beds.‒‒‒‒


Siltstone, medium-gray, very micaceous, finely sandy__


Sandstone, medium-gray, fine-grained, silty, limy‒‒‒‒‒


Siltstone, medium-gray, finely micaceous_.


Sandstone, medium-light-gray, very fine grained, mica

ceous, limy.--.


Shale, medium-gray, very finely micaceous-_


Sandstone, medium-light-gray, fine-grained, limy, silty,
finely micaceous; medium-gray shale bed at base----
Sandstone, medium-light-gray, fine-grained, micaceous,




Sandstone, light-gray to light-brownish-gray, very
fine to medium-grained, micaceous, silty, very limy to
slightly limy; "glomerate"? in part---
Siltstone, medium-light-gray, coarse-grained, slightly
limy, finely micaceous__



Claystone, light-brownish-gray to grayish-brown,' very
slightly limy, finely micaceous; greenish gray in
lower 2 ft___.


Sandstone, medium-light-gray, very fine to fine-grained,
finely micaceous, slightly limy; grain size increases

Sandstone, medium-light-gray, fine- to medium-grained,
micaceous, limy to very limy; abundant dark grains
in the sandstone give it "salt-and-pepper" appear-
ance; coal fragments at 285 ft-‒‒‒
Sandstone, medium-light-gray, very fine grained, finely
micaceous, silty, limy.




Shale, medium-gray, very finely micaceous__


Sandstone, medium-light-gray, fine- to medium-grained,

limy to very limy; white vein-calcite crystals; dark


Siltstone, medium-gray, coarse-grained, hard, finely

micaceous, slightly limy


Sandstone, medium-light-gray, fine- to medium-grained,

micaceous, slightly limy to very limy, silty; abundant
white vein calcite---


Claystone, medium-gray, silty, finely micaceous, slightly


1 Color terms used are those of the "Rock-Color Chart" (Goddard and others, 1948). "red" beds typical of the Catskill Formation are grayish-brown to brownish-gray.


Susquehanna Group-Continued

Catskill Formation-Continued
Zone C-Continued

Sandstone, medium-gray, very fine grained, silty, limy;
white vein-calcite crystals___.




Siltstone, medium-gray, coarse-grained, finely micace-
ous, slightly limy; white vein-calcite crystals-------
Sandstone, medium-light-gray to light-bluish-gray, very
fine to fine-grained, silty, slightly limy‒‒‒‒‒‒
Shale, medium-gray-




Sandstone, medium-light-gray, fine-grained, finely mi-
caceous, silty, limy; grades into overlying shale;
grain size increases downward to fine to medium;
lower part is more limy and has white vein-calcite

Shale, greenish-gray

Shale, grayish-brown, silty, slightly limy...
Sandstone, light-gray to light-bluish-gray, very fine

grained, finely micaceous____



465 472


Shale, grayish-brown, silty-.


Sandstone, medium-light-gray, very fine grained,
finely micaceous, slightly limy; interbedded with
medium-gray coarse-grained siltstone-----
Sandstone, light-gray, fine-grained, finely micaceous,
slightly limy



Sandstone, light-gray, very fine grained; interbedded
with medium-light-gray finely micaceous siltstone__
Shale, grayish-brown to medium-light-gray-.
Sandstone, light-bluish-gray, fine- to medium-grained,
micaceous, slightly limy, silty, locally pyritic; grain
size increases downward; sand-sized fragments
of dark rock_--_.




Siltstone, medium-gray, finely micaceous_.


Sandstone, medium-light-gray, fine-grained, micace-
ous, slightly limy, silty; dark rock grains----
Siltstone, medium-gray, limy---.



Sandstone, light-gray, very fine to fine-grained,

micaceous, silty, slightly limy; grain size increases

[blocks in formation]

Sandstone, light-gray, fine-grained, slightly limy,

slightly micaceous_.


Sandstone, medium-light-gray, fine-grained, micaceous,

slight limy, silty; silty zone at top 2 ft thick
contains pyritized and coalified plant fragments;
medium-gray shale layers-----


Siltstone and shale, medium-gray, finely micaceous;
contains small "nodules" and lenses of light-brown-
ish-gray silty siderite; trace of pyrite_.


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